Oh people. To know me is to know I blog with an editorial calendar. I write blog posts. I put away said posts. I edit edit edit posts (yep. those long rambles you read are INDEED the shorter versions. terrifying--I realize.). I publish posts. Im simply no longer the off-the-cuff-blogger I was when writing as a mama-blogger perpetually on the verge. And, for the most part, this ... Continue Reading
Personal first aid kits (Bay Area redo).
To know me is to have heard me yammer how I regretted some summer decisions. The Tornado did camp. The Tornado had playdates. The Tornado staycationed. Mama made a mistake and planned nothing for August. Yep. The key word there is *planned* as I deliberately scheduled nothing. I saw she longed to reconnect with new-friends at the-school-which-still-feels-new & simply PLAY. This ... Continue Reading
Be your own self-care SUPERHERO.
This was *so* not the plan for today, but I really need me a tiny break to snag back my superhero status & SPREAD the superhero smiles around OAKtown. Cape and ALL Im off to cavort & cause trouble. And LAUGH. Because for ME laughter is the ultimate in self-care. Guess what? Ive decided to change things up today. Spontaneously. Join me? ... Continue Reading
Personal First Aid Kit (AKA the return of the cowboy hat).
Once upon a time I yammered about the importance of first aid kits. I was kindasorta a new mom and as a result BLANKETED the domicile (and car) with tiny kits crammed with 'saving' devices. Bandages. Medicine. Tweezers. Ointments. Ice pack thingies. Heat packs. Surgical tape. You name the medical crap & I had it jammed into a huge Ziplock and at the ready. And then the Tornado left ... Continue Reading
How do you lick your forearms?
Once upon a time we had a bullmastiff named Hercules (may he rest in peace/spill out some doggie chow for our fallen homie). Hercules was an anxious dog. He was so frazzle-ridden we nicknamed him Flinchy because of his tendency to (waitforit) flinch at the slightest noise or merest of changes in his surroundings. Flinchy Hercules possessed a habit which quickly caught our ... Continue Reading
PhoneBloggin. Like FITbloggin only…
Phone'ier. Id no plans to post at all today. It was to be Living Not Blogging About Life in the truest sense...until it wasn't. You see today I really needed to step back, allow myself to MizFit-myself, & practice what I preach. The lovely child pictured above (hmmm or is it below? I think it's above...and I'll learn this phone thing at some point) kept me & the Ren Man awake much of last ... Continue Reading
National Women’s Checkup Day.
yes, for a small fee the Tornado will decorate yours as well. Today, May 10, is National Women’s Check-up Day. It’s the day to set aside all of our fears (“what if there’s something wrong? I’d rather not know!” “what if my doctor looks at me and thinks: Good G-d has she *gained* weight since last visit?”) and love ourselves enough to take care of the only body we have. It’s the day set ... Continue Reading
How do you lick your forearms?
Once upon a time we had a bullmastiff named Hercules (may he rest in peace/spill out some doggie chow for our fallen homie). Hercules was an anxious dog. So frazzle-ridden in fact, we nicknamed him Flinchy because of his tendency to (waitforit) flinch at the slightest noise or merest of changes in his surroundings. Flinchy Hercules, however, possessed a habit which quickly caught our ... Continue Reading
Clarisonic Update (video/giveaway post).
Yes, People. I'm living proof that we mock what we dont understand (sometimes. I am known to oft mock what I wholly understand & find moronic anyway----but that's a different post). Im living proof that when we step back and soften our attachment to our self-definition we mightcould learn a thing or FIVE about ourselves. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWw44y19SU0 The more Ive used ... Continue Reading