How do you remind yourself of goals achieved? How do you keep your past successes in mind as a way to propel you on to new achievements? Im a firm believer that the best predictor of future behavior (or success) is past behavior. As a result I make a conscious effort to not brush off or down play achievements (as so many of us do) as soon as they're over. Some call it prideful (Ill ... Continue Reading
Viewer Mail.
Let's preface todays fascinating installment with the dizclaimer that the following is not a paid advertisement for the fantastitude which is MizFit's motivating powers. Seriously. Please to also know that I did myriad rotator cuff warmer-uppers so Im in no danger of tearing mine as I (appear to) vigorously pat myself on the back. Why am I really sharing these emails with you? Because often ... Continue Reading