It surprised me that I found this post to be a challenge to write. The more I pondered the more I realized if I were grateful for only a few small things it would be an easy blog entry to whip out. Im grateful for blahblah A. Im thankful for yadayada B. MizFit OUT! I think it's because I work (which doesnt meant that Im always successful!) to operate from a place of gratitude on a daily ... Continue Reading
Gratitude. Spread the Mood. Last Day O’Freebies. (Go ‘head & Brood.)
Subtitle: Next week is Random Act of Kindness week. Please to celebrate all.week.long. In the world of fitness there are, really, only so many topics. There’s a finite amount of shit stuff about which to write (a vast finite—from yoga to ultra-marathons–but finite none the less) so we each strive to simply put our own twist or stamp on well worn topics. Today’s dead horse which we shall ... Continue Reading
Giving Thanks.
I am grateful beyond words. Today I am focusing on others. ... Continue Reading
Thanksgiving Survival Tips & Info. MizFit Style.
subtitle: Ive had so many emails on this subject I decided to select none and, in essence, use them all. As one might surmise my Thanksgiving post wont focus upon how to eat less on this special day. In fact, if you refer back to this post, you'll see that I believe it's entirely up to YOU. Is the Thanksgiving meal one you adore (please to substitute any festive occasion if you're not a ... Continue Reading