This week is a mishmash of sorts.
your questions.
my questions.
the whole shebang.
First, you.
MizFit, do you have a workout partner? if not why not?
I dont. And I have to admit that I have more than a fleeting jealousy of this blogger and her FUN workout friends. Much more than fleeting.
Back in the day (if by the day you mean pre-Toddler—-which I do) Ren Man and I lifted together.
We started early on when we were dating and lifted together on a regular basis for 12+ years.
I imagine were you to ask him he’d say Im a great partner (happy to be the motivator as far as getting to the gym and **happy** to be the cheertasker as far as encouraging him to lift more weight/reps) and a terrible partner (Im not good with the encouragement. If he said: come on!! three more!! and I knew I was finished at two more Id roll my eyes and throw set down the weights. ).
Right now I lift solo. Our lifting together doesnt work (he’s at the gym when the daycare isnt open) and our weekends tend to be more filled with active *play* than anything else.
I guess I could see finding a different partner (maybe? Charlotte? wanna move to Texas?) but Id definitely be the unreliable partner (due to the Toddler Tornado’s schedule) and that’s not who I am.
That’s why right now I more rely on my accountability partners. People who dont workout with me but hold me accountable to my goals regardless (hello, skirt chaser 5k).
In my opinion it’s important to set up expectations with these partners so that, should it be a more formal ‘agreement’, both parties feel taken care of/looked out for but not nagged.
What do I mean by that? I decided with my partners how often I wanna be nagged (check in with me once a week and ask if Ive worked on XYZ, please) and in what fashion (email, phone, in person, text).
I learned the hard way that, when we didnt clarify the specifics up front (no matter how uber formal it sounds) one of us ended up feeling either naggedprodded or ignored.
Which all leads me to the MizFit Motivational Matches. Pairing of Bumbling Band members to act as cheertaskers for each other.
To make each other laugh, stay on track, ponder & help formulate personal/fitness mission statements, to make each other laugh, propel each other forward, HANG WITH EACH OTHER when just maintaining is feeling Sisyphusian, and to listen when life simply seems to sucketh.
In a healthy manner.
Longer post to come with regards to that final sentence, but please email me if you’d be interesting in participating. If enough people are interested Ill do a post and match!
HELP ME, MIZ. What do you eat when you have your period and crave sweets. Lots of sweets. I cant do treat days through my whole cycle. HELP!
Ahhh, that’s me (and many of us) to the proverbial T. I used to think it was all in my head but, the older I get, the more I realize it isnt. My body truly craves sugar during that time of the month.
My go-tos?
I’ll make ‘haystack cookies’ with fiber1 cereal, *some* chocolate chips, and unsalted peanuts. There’s no recipe here, People, as it’s usually done in a semi-panic eating as I go (I caint lie to you). EDITED TO SAY PLEASE TO SEE COMMENT#17.
I also LOVE (brace your collective selves) making air popped popcorn, spritzing it with water, & tossing it with chocolate protein powder.
It tastes FAR better than it sounds and works, for me, as a way not to eat the oreo cookies which are typically in the cupboard chanting MizFit! MizFit! MizFit!
I also eat a lot of this. Perhaps not the most clean food ever but the most sweettoothsatiating food ever for me.
Now what does science tell us (because I know you come here for the scientific stuff)?
We should seek out the omega 3 fatty acid rich foods when the cravings strike.
Our seratonin levels drop prior to getting our period and that’s, technically, what triggers our cravings for sweets.
The best snacks then, emailer, would cold water fatty fish (salmon, sardines), flax seeds, walnuts, chia—things of that nature.
**crickets chirping**
Yeah, me either. When the yen for ben (& jerrys) comes I dont think a slab of salmon would suffice. I mightcould be in for sprinkling chia on my ice cream (marianne? you in?) but that’s as far as this MizFit would be willing to go.
A question for you.
Mark Sisson of Mark’s Daily Apple has generously offered to do a guest post for us.
I am really excited about this as Mark’s gifts (distilling the scientific stuff down to a palatable and *fun* level) are most certainly not mine.
In order to know what youd like to hear or learn more about he’s asked me to ask *you* to let him know (below. in the comments.).
Whatcha curious about MizFits? Cortisol & its *true* impact on weight loss is one which sprung to my MizFit mind.
What have you been wondering and found MizFit remiss in tackling? Please to ponder & hit us up in the comments. About that. About the MizFit Match-ups. And yes (im gonna say it) about yer period snacking.
And you know what they say – the couple who lifts together stays together!
And don’t worry, I also have gymbuddyenvy of Charlotte who has her posse with her at every turn!
No specific questions for Mark but i’m sure everyone else will have!
Always good here Miz! I like the almond cereal as well! Have a great day!
Woo match-ups! I’m sorely tempted, but part of me hates the fact that I may not be allowed to get away with working out for the WRONG reasons anymore. It’s my comfort blanket.
I have a question for Mark! I love protein but we’re in a financial crisis here, and most protein sources I normally eat (Quorn, chicken) are EXPENSIVE. Any tips for protein on a budget?
TA x
Good to know Im not along in my envy, WundaLucy, it’s an ugly thing π
and TA? I also 100% hear you on the comfort blanket and, while a MMM (miz motivational match. M-Cubed? :)) might work to help you pull the covers back a TINYTINY bit—-you could also say:
all simply (sweet PMS craving satiating) food for thought…
Well I don’t know how one attains membership of the Bumbling Band, but I think I could do with a Cheertasker! I seem to have left my self-confidence somewhere and am struggling to find a shred of it!! :o)
Can’t wait to see what Mark’s guest post, but I don’t have a specific question for him at the moment… Leave it with me! :o)
shivers? email me ( if youre in.
My husband LOVES and LOATHES that Ive coined the word CHEERTASKER as Im so that for him (and prod him to be that for me ;))
did you hear that?!
it’s your self-confidence ALL UP IN HERE and knocking at the door.
My partner and I are doing the pushup challenge together which has turned out to be great fun (“fun”). For years I’ve kept my exercise life separate from my relationship, but doing this together has actually seemed to bring us closer together. Lucy might be right about couples who lift together. We also go to the pool together but pretty much do our own thing. I refuse to be part of one of those nauseating couples who fondle eachother in the public pool.
No questions for mark but I love the suggestion about protein on a budget. I know vegetarianism isn’t mark’s thing, but I’d still love to hear about his favourite non-meat protein sources. Whatever he writes about, I’m sure it will rock.
For me, all you guys and gals out their in blog-land are my Accountability Partners. All I need!
Seems Protein is a good popular topic – I’m up for that too. How do I know if I’m getting enough (I suspect maybe I’m not).
MizFit Matches sounds like such a good and cute idea!
As for period snacking, I don’t get that too much. My weird snacking cravings tend to just come at random. Like basically all of last week. After eating 3 pieces of (somewhat healthy) bday cake in one day, I also had several chocolates before forcing myself out of the house an going for an hour long walk. Thats really my only “treatment” for the problem- getting away from the snacks! And it works pretty well:)
This might not be many of us but I wrote a magazine article for this month’s EXPERIENCE LIFE MAG (CLICK HERE to read) which does give some information about food intake (including protein AND an interview with Mark of Mark’s Daily Apple).
read online and save some magazine money π
and AJH? I agree with the online partners. I wondered, when people emailed me asking about matches, if some (waves hand. totally gets this if Im right) wanted a more private forum.
I used to spend time and have a journal at another online forum – and it became my accountability partner – along with the other people who visited my journal – and weren’t afraid to call me out when I was slipping.
In real life, I workout alone. With three kids (and a wife) – our schedule becomes the kids schedule. And it jumps all over the place. I have mornings (no one us up here this early) – or late at night (everyone is exhausted). It’s good though – I workout alone — it reminds me of a song by George Thorogood…
Even your splurges sound healthy- you’re awesome Mizfit! My craving- dried pineapple! Luckily, I have found a low sugar version at a local health food store. Its a binned item, so I try only to buy a few rings (that way I’m restricted on the amount I can consume). As for workout partners, I have a bundle of them! And they are another reason that I love group fitness classes! I don’t have to schedule times with them to workout, they’re there when I get there and help keep me motivated throughout a workout!
I don’t like workout partners when it comes to weights. I like to put my ipod on and be able to do my thing! When it comes to cardio and classes I do like to have a “date” to meet someone at the gym and maybe do a class together. It helps get me there.
I totally agree with you about being very specific about your expectations and want you want from the people that check in with you or want you to check in with them. What a great idea. I have a friend and I’m floundering right now wondering if I’m supposed to be asking specific things about what she’s doing. So, great suggestion!
had to clarify, erica, that the emailer asked *specifically* about healthy craving satiators (is that a word? My brain says no but my thumbs, as they fly, beg to differ!).
My vices? An entirely different lengthy answer.
Period snacking? I am ALL about the salt. It’s baaaad. Sweets are not my thing. I oughta buy stock in Frito Lay. How about some Chia chips? I like the flax tortilla chips…
I guess I’m a loner when it comes to my fitness, it’s so personal. But I come here for motivation, inspiration, and “you’re not alone” (ination?). Does it for me, so thanks!
Mark’s site is now bookmarked as a fave. Gonna try those bars as he seems to have written that first paragraph for me. Am also interested in cortisol (what, me stress?), and how to get Omega when fish, I firmly believe, belong in the water and not on my plate.
Lance has struck me with an earworm…
Lookin GOOD today, Miz!
I don’t have a workout partner either. I have tried with DH, but the man….. GRrrrrrrRR! I’m one of those people who can be solo, on her own, and be fine. But I understand that most people aren’t that way. I’ve never really had a friend I could go to the gym with. I think I’d really like that!
I’m a sans worker outer, too. It’s nice to have a buddy occasionally, but working out is kind of my alone time, ya know? And I find the blog world is great for accountability. It’s kinda hard not to stay motivated.
The haystacks are great! HG recipe I believe…yes…CLICK HERE!. Although I’m a HUGE fan of the Yum Yum Brownie Muffins. π
thanks Marianne for noticing how I look this morning!
I’ve video’ed a TWIRL juist for you (in my ratty workout gear no less) & it’s on its way…
And FBG? *thank you* for the linking & pointing out I’d accidentally stolen the recipe π
(I need to more closely peruse the cook book)
I’d no clue & will pretty-up your link when I run past the ‘puter/acknowledge in my post as well.
We wouldn’t want an *angry* HUNGRY girl now, would we?
(Oooh and speaking of which did anyone see that Lisa/HG is having a contest to win her COMING TO YOUR HOUSE?! Interesting!)
Great suggestions on the period snacking.
I tend to favor dark chocolate with a bit of peanut butter and honey on top. Tons o’ calories but a bit less evil than a packaged peanut butter cup, and with a few antioxidants thrown in it’s not totally empty calories.
Will remember to add a fish oil capsule chaser–thanks for the tip!
First off I just want to say thank you for popping by my blog and leaving me such lovely comments. You always make my day.
I love your blog. I havent been over to your blog for ages and it is great! So much to catch up on.
I would also like to ask if you are able to work your magic with you MizFit Motivational Matches. I am very caring and a great listener, sometimes very funny, always very silly and i know i will make a great motivational friend….pleeeeease.
if by *fish oil capsure chaser* you mean I chase you down whilst proffering a capsule—–which you do, right Crab??
And Lynne? Welcome back.
Email me at if you’re in.
(Gotten a flurry of emails. Just know I’m *not* responding….gonna wait a few days and see if there’s interest first.)
Just to be sure that no one leaves a comment and thinks I’ll ‘assume’ they wanna be included in the matchups.
When they don’t π
I don’t have a workout buddy either. Like someone else above said, that’s my ME time. I dont want others invading my “presentness” when I”m working hard to achieve good form and reps. That’s how my brain works. (I’m a green, ya know.)
I got nuthin’ as far as questions for Mark.
I got nuthin’ as far as PMS relief – anything goes over here. This month anyway. I crave something different each time. Sometimes salt, sometimes spicy, sometimes chocolate. ~~shrug~~
All the morning people at the Y are my Accountability Partners. Besides the bootcamp which we do together, we’re always staging little mini-challenges to each other in the weight-room, whether it be back-and-forth sets of pull-ups or barbell roll-outs or whatever. But I don’t have an actual workout partner.
I’ve been at maintenance weight for a few years now, so I don’t sweat the sugar cravings. It’s no big deal if I eat a few Snickers bars or whatever when Aunty Flo is visiting, as long as I eat them AFTER I eat the healthy stuff, rather than REPLACING them. Don’t ever let junk food crowd out your protein and veggies, or you’re just setting yourself up for more cravings caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Im not spicy (please to insert joke here) but have so many friends who swear by popcorn and chili powder (!?) during PMS cravings.
cant vouch for that.
CAN VOUCH for the fact I now wanna buy this (CLICK HERE) but shall first investigate how much of the proceeds go to BREAST CANCER research.
Ill letcha know what I find out.
as always dragonmamma good advice. the POSTsweet on the PREsweet (and posthaste up in herre).
“*some* chocolate chips” You may need to quantify that further – to me, “some” would be oh…half a bag! No, not really but still…I could turn “some” quickly into “too much” π
The period snacking varies. Sometimes it sweet stuff so I indulge. Sometimes it’s salty so I indulge. And sometimes it’s pickled herring and yes, I indulge. The way I see it, if my body craves it, then I must surely need it.
Hey, if you chase us with fish capsules – does that count as exercise? Please do tell about these. Does one burp up fish breath all day? This could possibly be worse than CHIA…
I will seriously mock you for buying a popcorn popper. Just give the whole price to research and use your microwave or stovetop. It’s just something else to store… (my 2 cents, feel free to donate them, too).
Donnalouise? dare I say that ONCE A MONTH too much mightcould be ok? if it truly is one time a month and, as dragonmamma, pointed out post-tunasnackage (wink)?
food for thought. as Im not as great with portion size during PMS and usually it all evens out. usually.
Leah? why do I not think you jest with the pickled herring. ever had gefilte fish? it’s a delicacy this Jew has so far avoided.
and you are RIGHT Marianne. as always. Ima Moron here. Your fearless leader. Id meant to link a HOT AIR POPPER for the cure (and am now away from computer).
and with that do YOU do the paperbag in microwave thing?
I cant seem to master it.
and the fish capsules? IMO make the chia look like Godiva.
the burps post-consumption? G-dawful.
no matter how many little ‘tricks’ Ive tried.
there’s my .02 back at yours.
Awww, my workout buddies ARE the best! And I would love to workout with you. But I ain’t moving to Texas. Not even for you, girl;)
Great great great question about the period prob. I love your haystack idea and thanks to Jen for the recipe! Another fave of mine is peanut butter protein cookies. There’s no flour in them. They are low-carb. But NOT low-fat. Compromise?
And yay for Mark! I love his stuff. I think we should definitely ask him about menstruating;) Actually, I would really like to hear about gender differences in working out/eating from him. I really think female hormones make us train & eat differently than the men and mags don’t give us enough credit for that!
I hate when my period comes because I eat everything. And it’s as if my stomach is a bottomless pit. I’m even surprised at how much I can eat!!!
Cardio bad!
Fat good!
Cave men did it right! We’re here aren’t we π
I don’t have a workout partner, per se, but I run with a group (at least until mid Oct) and there is someone at the gym who comments when I don’t show up on my regular days. I guess that’s accountability.
Sometimes I get to do things with Husband, but it’s the exception rather than the rule. π
Ahh, I remember the days of PMS cravings. Menopause puts an end to that, you know. You just crave ALL things, ALL the freakin’ time! And have hot flashes as an added benefit. (ALL the freakin’ time!) ~~sigh~~
charlotte? I.want.the.recipe.
I, like Dr.J, am a fan of the fat. Especially that in peanut butter!
Lisa? I have a trashmind. Please to reread your last sentence π
And BL? Now, am I correct in assuming we can’t harness the flashes to pop our corn?
I’m not that many years behind you….
And I duly emailed Lisa/Hungry Girl to let her knoweth about my recipeinfringement.
Here’s hoping for a soiree with her before she sends me to recipe-prison!
I used to work out with my hubby…same thing love/hate relationship.
hahaha- thanks for the follow up.
So I just realized I need to post *the recipe* for the PB protein cookies! It’s SUPER easy:
1 C Peanut Butter
1 C Splenda (or plain sugar)
1 Egg
Mix together, Bake for 8 minutes at 350! If you want to make them more “protein”, add a scoop or two of protein powder (if it’s flavored then you can lessen the sugar). These cookies are super dense and chewy and no one will ever believe they are flour-free!
Just stopped by to say that I’d love to try gefilte fish.
Oh, the cravings… Add them to an already hormone-addled brain and it’s a big hot mess. I usually just go for the chocolate, really good quality dark chocolate. I just discovered Newman’s Own Sweet Dark chocolate, which does have a higher sugar content (for better or for worse) and seems to be “just right” for my splurging. The gourmet brands of chocolate with chilies are pretty darn tasty, too.
I’m up for an accountability partner. I have cheertaskers for my weekend runs, but I need accountability for weekday runs and for cross-training, which seems to get dropped first when life gets hectic. I’ll shoot you an e-mail, Miz.
No PMS. Not now. Not today.
I’m making those cookies anydamnway.
The ingredient number? So my speed.
MizFit & Charlotte sisterbakers indeed.
Leah? You nuts. The fish? Ickypoo.
Though this year for seder? I may invite you!
To see you gag down the yucky greylump.
I’d fly you right in & I’m no donald trump.
Mmm…I love buffets. π
I don’t have a workout partner exactly…I do WiiFit with DH most nights; I walk with my neighborfriend…but I’m really a very happy solo exerciser. I do think encouragement is great but it’s easy for me to feel nagged, and I don’t like to nag others, so I agree it’s a great idea to have your needs set out at the beginning of the partnership.
I am actually very excited about the “seek out Omega-3s” comment, because it explains something to me. I’ve been taking fish oil for a while now, but last month I ran out and never “had” (read: made) time to get to the only store that carries the enteric-coated brand. So I went without for a few weeks…and my PMS and cravings were worse last month than they’ve been in a long time. I couldn’t understand why they were so bad, but maybe this is why? (I do tend toward serotonin imbalance, and I’m wondering if the Omega-3s have been helping me stay balanced and I didn’t know it, and that’s why I was so unable to handle stress during that period? I didn’t know they had anything to do with serotonin…I smell a research project!)
Also, I’m excited because I found Coromega at the above-mentioned store. I’m going to start slipping it into the kids’ food; they’ll be healthier and won’t even know why. Also, maybe it’ll help ED’s PMS symptoms… π
I don’t have a workout partner but when my sister visits we go for at least one run together. She has several workout partners and when she regales me with stories about how each one pushes her to work in different ways it makes me want a partner. And I see so many people in my city running solo. Surely there must be someone out there at my level looking for a partner?! But how to find them.
As for PMS cravings, I usually just let myself have some of what I’m craving. I’ve tried having something healthy instead and usually end up eating double the calories than if I’d just had what I wanted in the first place.
As for the accountability partners, I can use all I can get althought Angie’s Biggest Loser Blog Edition is doing a great job of that at the moment.
Re: accountability partners…
I don’t have anyone that holds me accountable and I often wish I did. There are weeks when I do not stick to my goals and I wish I had someone out there pushing me.
irene? I like your use of the broad term goals w/out any other qualifiers.
As for me it is easy to motivate people with goals that are NOT necessarily mine (ie opening a small business) and I know it’s the same for them with me.
We all GET the concept of working toward a dream-with-time-line (all a goal is, in my opinion) so we can all easily encourage each other.
I don’t have a workout partner, but that’s mainly because I work out in the early AM in the sitting room off the Master Bedroom. It’d be a little…uh…awkward with my husband sleeping right there. And they might not enjoy a two-year-old demanding milk and Dora halfway through it.
I heart haystacks….and love making them!
Accountability partner? I already have a really amazing one. In fact, she’s so good I often feel as if I slight HER as she’s such an expert (wink and a wave).
For me it’s much more about a LIFE ACCOUNTABILITY which plays directly into my health and well-being. It truly is mind-body-spirit connection which keeps me “just so.”
lol, slackermama’s comment is cracking me up!
I used to have workout partners, when I belonged to a gym. it was great and definitely kept me motivated and on track.
now I am on my own and i really miss that partnership.
oh I love the idea of someone to hold me accountable to some of my other goals. I’ve been majorly procrastinating finishing my business plan. Could I make a request for someone who doesn’t mind holding me accountable for other goals, since my health and fitness is pretty accountable right now?
yep, slackermama. We lead parallel lives. Although here most mornings it’s an angry demand for Hi-5.
I love & loathe the ‘five.
And could it be?
An accountability partner from my real life up in herre?! (Waves back at Kelley & thanks her for keeping me in line.)
Curious, WO Mommy. Do you long for the physical I’M WITH YOU motivation?
Someone present and prodding?
I don’t have a workout out buddy really. I think I generally work better on my own. I do have people that I work out with occasionally but it’s not a regular, defined thing. I guess for me sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. It is good having people that share my goals though even if they are as general as ‘getting fit’ or ‘losing weight’. I think blogging helps with that too.
Now the PMS thing is just wrecking my head! The last 4 or 5 my body seems to be extra totally nuts in that regard. Crazy spots (way worse than I ever got as a teenager!), crazy hunger and crazy bloating too… no wonder I’m crazy myself π
Very curious about foods/supplements that might help this – dunno if Mark could help on this one?
I am so into the accountability thing.
My period craving is pretty much chocolate. I’ve adjusted to this by eating a half-serving of decadent dark chocolate every day, so that when I get a chocolate craving, it’s somehow easier to satiate because I don’t feel that I’ve been depriving myself.
But when I do, I’ll make a huge cup of hot chocolate (using a low calorie mix and chocolate protein powder). I can usually sip it for 15 minutes to a half an hour or longer, by which time the craving’s gone.
MizFit Motivational Matches- I’m IN!
For a while, I dreamed that if I consistently got my omega-3s, calcium, and magnesium, I would never get cramps, bloating, or PMS cravings again…hahahahaha. So honestly I think I’d like to hear from a man about how to banish PMS about as much as I’d like to hear from Gwyneth Paltrow how to stay lean.
I like eating reallydarkchocolate bars to satisfy my cravings, the kind that have 30% of iron RDA per serving because I can assure myself that’s what my body is really craving.
Leigh Anne? I’m about the match&release *but* I can’t imagine someone NOT wanting to encourage you on your path if you don’t mind fitness/health encouraging them in return!
And TFH? Love the Apple and couldn’t agree more.
(Uh, by Apple I do, indeed, mean Mark and most certainly not Gwynnie’s offspring.)
I wish I had someone to whip my ass when I work out!
I miss my workout partners. I switched jobs and moved a few years ago and lost my daily running buddies and my lunchtime workout partners….
It made SUCH a huge difference when I had that support.
Match-ups sounds fun. In fact, I’m now super-eager to get my partner. My husband is a great motivator and supporter, but it’s not the same as having a friend to be accountable to.
I will admit that I cannot survive the evil period day two without a bag of peanut m&m’s, but it’s now one of those little (not king-size) vending machine bags, not a 2 pounder. So I’m counting it healthy, as it only comes once a month (hey–there’s peanuts in there–I once read that if you’re going to have candy, peanut m&ms are the best options). I do okay for the rest of the cycle with a “bonus” (i.e. no strength training that day) protein shake.
I am a little curious about whether I need bonus protein after runs. Protein shake protein, I mean. I’m about to start training for a half-marathon, and I know that increasing my distance generally means sore legs (and yes, it’s one of those super-safe training programs).
Miz, you know I’m all about emulating your eating habits, but how can you not LOVE the gefilte?! I mean, sure, don’t look at the container it comes in. All floaty in the nasty goo. But it sure does taste good. π
Was surprised the other day to find out my kettle corn (the three-ingredient almost-organic kind) was not kosher. π
PMS cravings? Since the super-running, haven’t really gotten the M or the PMS. Although I don’t imagine I’d crave sweet stuff, ’cause the thought of sweets doesn’t even get me going anymore. They just sound kinda…ew. Mental connection with the almostautomatic sugar rush I know I’ll get. I crave meat and fat sometimes, like cream cheese. Weird.
I loved that question of work out partner. I was curious just the same. LMAO off at back in the day means pre toddler..HAHAHA I did’nt know you were doing austin Skirt chaser whohoo!
I am generally a solo exerciser myself. I just do not like to feel like I have to talk to someone when I am working out. And for some reason I always end up with talkers for partners.
The only social exercise I do right now is walking in the evenings with my husband every other day for about 45 minutes. It is more of a stroll after dinner really. But it helps us reconnect and talk about the things that are going on.
My question for Mark: how do you handle keeping up with the seemingly-ever-changing advice in the nutrition world? I have recently heard that coconut oil is good, we should only drink distilled water, and getting sun in the middle of the day actually decreases skin cancer risk. I’d always heard the opposite about the first and last in that list, and the middle one just seems unreasonably difficult. It’s so confusing trying to keep up, how do you kow who and what to listen to?
I like to workout alone, too. I’m surprised how many people have said that! An accountability partner would be great if someone were local and could meet in person – I think over email or phone it would be way too tempting to say, “oh yeah, I did everything on my goal list AND squeezed in an extra 10 mile run!” when things hadn’t actually gone well. At the same time, I have issues with people checking up on me. I hate the feeling that I’m being told what to do and I wonder if I wouldn’t react like a toddler – throw my coffee on the floor, stamp my feet, and scream ‘you’re not my mom!’
Period snacking is the worst. If I’m craving something sweet, I always try to eat something on the healthier side before resorting to the bad stuff. Example: I will try an apple with some whip cream first before indulging in some chocolate. Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn’t. π
I give in to sweet cravings and try to keep portions in control. You only live once. I usually take strong cravings as a sign that I am not giving my body enough carbs.
For Mark, I have a foot injury and I’m curious about the impact of nutrition on injury, ie what foods heal, does improper fueling lead to injury, etc.
AMANDA? YOU CRAZY. no morsel of the gefilte shall ever pass my lips.
asithi? I love those reconnecting times & cant wait for my daughter to stay up just a bit later (or the husband to work shorter hours!) so we can get back to that as well.
ann? TRUE STORY: (the short version) I once yelled at Ren Man during a workout: YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!
we still laugh about it.
yeah thanks eileen. no pms here and yet that apple and WHIPPED CREME still sounds alluring.
runjess? man is the human body interesting! for me when I crave sweets it’s an indicator Ive eaten TOO MANY carbs at my last minimeal!
I’m definitely in for holding people accountable for whatever goals they request!
I do not have a sweet tooth, but when I get started, I can’t stop. And I got started yesterday. I think that the only thing that really satisfies my chocolate craving when I’m PMS-ing is running. I went for a run instead of home to more chocolate & wine, and my craving was gone. Whether or not I remember that for next time is anyone’s guess.
I have a few (different) people that I regularly meet up with for workouts, but overall, I’m accountable to all the people on my website that I tell my amazing plans to π
I’ll think more on questions I’d be like to have answered (since I’m assuming “why can’t I just lose that last 10 pounds?” isn’t a very answerable question).
Don’t know if it will work for others, but I do know that it works for me: try taking the fish oil pill at night, before bed. Sure, you might still be having “burps from the sea” but at least you won’t be awake to notice. π I made the mistake recently of taking one in the morning, and…ewww!
I workout out alone in the evening, usually hitting a treadmill in the downstairs workout room I affectionately call my basement. My wife does her pilates exercise in the living room and lets me know it if she hears that I turned the treadmill off before an hour since her routine runs a full hour.
I of course donβt have period cravings, but I do see my nineteen year old daughter during her time of the month have a bowl of cereal that is so loaded with sugar, that there is a slurry on the bottom that looks similar to a silt runoff from the Mississippi river.
aahhh…pms! There was a good episode spotlighting it on the Doctors recently explaining the whys…….and how it can last from the day after ovulation to the start of your period! They did mention that exercise could help with a lot of the symptoms so that’s good to know!
I was going to ask Mark about how much protein too…….seems to be a controversy right now. I am also interested in if dairy really does seem to play a role in weight loss. I am trying to add more………..I used to cut it out when doing low carb.
Love your matching us up idea Miz π
Amy? maybe if you ask that mark will come over and give you a personal LAST TEN EL BEES tutorial….then you’d have to come back and spill the proverbial beans.
Pubsgal? Im so not being My Toddler oppositional when I say that my burbs woke me! That said, Im a notoriously light sleeper.
Tom? SILT RUNOFF?! comedy gold.
And Annette? exercise? *sigh* and here we were all hoping for something better. like the tip of one Oreo Cakester a day.
or perhaps that’s just me.
I emailed you. Here’s hoping you get it. I’d love to see a guest post from Mark. I learned a lot about the primative eating plan from Charlotte’s experiment.
Last night I made… wait for it… cauliflower that tastes like popcorn.
425 degree oven. one head of cauliflower in pieces roughly the size of golf balls. Mix pieces with 1/4 cup EVOO and 1 tbsp salt. Roast for 1hr. Rotating pieces every 15mins. The single greatest craving catch all EVER. Sweet, salty, and full of vegetable nutrients!
Oh, that cauliflower sounds GOOD. (If my younger self could hear me know, her jaw would drop, LOL.) I might have to make some.
The matchups . . . I’m on the fence. I like working out solo, but it might be nice to have someone to check in with via email or something. Then again, if I feel nagged, I stomp my feet and holler about it, and stop working out just to spite the other person. (Yeah. I’m mature like that.) I’ll have to think about it.
I’d be interested in the cortisol question for Mark. Also, the sleep thing: I’ve read that not getting enough sleep can cause weight gain, though whether there’s a cortisol connection there I’m not sure. I’d be interested to hear his take.
workout buddies can be dangerous. brandon’s mine and if he’s not around it’s hard to work out. bad, i know.
that being said, i lurve my workout buddy <3333 and don’t know how i managed without him (or my ipod, for that matter) for so long before.
Im with you, Marste, on how horrified my younger self would be (my younger self also was NOT a fan of the blender’ed faux mashed potatoes created with cauliflower—-but that’s a different rant.).
and you also made me laugh envisioning a bazillion Bumbling Band members emailing their matchups SIMULTANEOUSLY saying:
and T? we’ve already established I love YOUR love. You and Brandon are beyond cute.
My workout partner is my ipod shuffle.
My girlfriend likes working out with together.
I usually give her a routine to do and do it with her, but it ends up becoming her work out not mine. I’ll go at it alone on other days.
She does like to yell at me sometimes when I
push her π
Although recently this older lady in the gym said to her
“Do you pay him for training you? Cause if you don’t, you can’t yell at him. I on the other hand pay my trainer I’m allowed to yell at him” She must have been almost 70. I thought she was real cute!
AHHHH.. It feels good to be back. You changed your site while I was “out sick”! I have lots of catching up to do. Gonna start off by running tonight!
Learning more about cortisol in a SIMPLIFIED manner sounds great to me!!
And I bet you’re an awesome workout partner! I like how you brought up that we can have accountability partners even if we don’t have workout partners. That’s what blogging is for!!
Nancy, welcome
homeback!So glad you’re finally on the mend.
Hmmm….I tend to crave salt more than sweet, so I usually end up getting myself into a predicament like the Oelestra doom I suffered last month.
I will try the haystacks. They sound like tastiness.
I don’t necessarily get the sweet tooth but I get ravenous as if I haven’t eaten anything in a month. A year ago, I would have never noticed but now that I am more conscious about what is going in my mouth I definitely know when that time is approaching.
Emailing you for the kick in the arse partner π
Heaven help me but I lose all control the week before my period…and then usually spend the next three weeks trying to repair the damage, and then the cycle starts again. sigh. Warm and stodgy, please, and plenty of it.
I love the idea of finding a Miz Fit disciple with whom to hold hands when the going gets tough…the close knit nature of the blogging community really does feel like a home away from home. Alas at the moment I’m just trying to get some reasonable eating habits down before looking at fitness…I could/should possibly try and master both, but when I try running before I can walk I usually end up falling over rather swiftly.
Ah, and have I mentioned how much I’m resenting my working hours for making me so late to the commenting party?!
I like the idea of an accountability partner. I hate having a workout partner because I never generally run and hate running with other people. But I am definitely going to have a talk with my bf tonight about being my accountability partner. I have noticed lately that when I talk to him about working out or if he mentions it to me I am much more likely to get off my butt and do something.
I went to the gym with my husband today and I had an absolutely fantastic time. I think he’s the perfect workout buddy – as long as he’s not making me laugh too hard to do my workout π
*my boyfriend wont work out with me
b/c he’s lazy and b/c his job is physical and b/c i’d make a stinky spotter for weights
*the only question I have for Mark is “why am I not skinny yet?”
*i would like to sign up for a MizFit Match, although I have a nice cheerleading team now, I would love to have one person to tell me off
Total tastiness, Meg. And Im an advocate of tossing in all kinds of extra ingredients. Even the random spoonful o’flax.
cara? Im all about the layering of healthy habit on healthy habit. one thing at a time. though that’s me. Im not known for my multitasking.
megkathleen—interesting that your boyfriend motivates you and, for so many, it works the opposite way. especially where you say if he mentions it to you…we’re all SO DIFFERENT.
FGF? you make me laugh. and wanna write a post about how to be a kick ass spotter in 5 easy steps.
my boyfriend used to be JACKED (ive seen pics)
now he’s a still buff in his forearms (he’s a mechanie on diesel trucks) but he’s getting little moobies (man boobies) where there used to be pectoral muscles
and i say “lets go to the gym!” so he can watch me strut my stufffff on the treadmill but he won’t come with.
Two squares of really dark chocolate. Yum.
Well, don’t know if this is TMI for the interwebs, but I only have my period 4 times a year (thank you, miracle drug Seasonique) so that limits that problem. Of course, I don’t need a period to get crazy cravings. Thanks for the reminder of the haystacks–love those things and haven’t made them in ages. It’s also the only thing I know to do with that extra box of Fiber One sitting in my basement pantry (the basement pantry is just extra food stacked on top of boxes in the basement). I can’t stand to actually eat Fiber One straight.
I have a quick question for you, MizFit. I have braces (for another year, at least) so I’ve been eating milled flax seed. Is that as good as the regular natural kind or not? I usually like to mix it into some fage. I find that some of the recommended healthy foods are rather difficult with a metalmouth.
No workout partner for me, unless I count all of YOU. π
I kind of like keeping my options open. I’ll swear I’m going to go for a long walk, but then decide to go to the gym and do the elliptical. Or I’ll opt for a bike ride, around the neighborhood or at one of the local parks. It’s easier not having to coordinate with someone else.
Oh and thanks for the PB cookie recipe!
Thanks for the sweet snacking tips. I’m off to eat popcorn w/ some WW chocolate protein powder. I would never have thought to combine these two things!
Hi MizFit. My hempseed, flaxseed and green powder are getting a complex. They wave at me every time I open the refrigerator, but I turn the other cheek. I just can’t go there right now. Who’da thought?
I have raging sweet tooth. All month. Because I have trouble swallowing pills–of any size, not just the big honker ones–I started looking into liquids and chewables. Nothing more nasty than liquid vitamins (hello, what am I 80?) and fish oil… shudder! But I’ve discovered the gummy supplements! I double up on my daughters’ multi (that’s 4) and I have a gummy calcium and two gummy Omega 3 (all found at Target) and at night (when the cravings are worse) I pop in this handful of “candy” and voila! Caveat: This week I took my “vitamins” and still finished off my mother’s homemade apple pie. Still it’s helped me discover restraint on some nights.
Looking forward to whatever Mark has to say!
lately my pmsdiet has consisted of frozen bananas with coolwhip, rainbow sprinkles & chocolate syrup…popcorn sprinkled w/spray butter tossed in parmesean cheese, and heaping bowls of Puffins cereal with honey & milk.
I HEART our accountability partnership xoxo
Am I the only person who wishes she had a workout buddy and doesn’t?? there are women who work out at the gym mostly the same time I do.. but we are all at different ability levels, so buddies doesn’t work.
And I think I could be SO BRAVE with a buddy/spotter/encourager to get me to push those last 3 reps. That’s why I often work with a trainer. Not as economical; but supportive.
While an accountability partner isn’t a gym buddy, maybe I can use it in a similar way?
I rarely got major PMS cravings, and thankfully I’m all past that.
But I would like to hear about cortisol (and stress hormones) and their effect on our health. Plus how to fight this. As too many of my friends are fighting major stressful times and could really use this info.