Are you usually plain ole tired?
typically good tired?
BEYOND TIRED from the craziness we call Thanksgiving?
please to hit us all up in the comments.
by Carla
Are you usually plain ole tired?
typically good tired?
BEYOND TIRED from the craziness we call Thanksgiving?
please to hit us all up in the comments.
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[…] has a post up today about Good Tired versus plain old Tired Tired. I might have mentioned it once or twice – I am constantly tired these days. I forgot that […]
[…] then had a flashback to MizFit’s post, looked at them and said “Oh but guys, I am good tired! I am happy that I am tired because we […]
[…] 3. Mizfit asks whether you are “Good Tired” or “Tired Tired”. […]
[…] Online posted a great video on different forms of being tired, you should check it out if you’re not too tired (ouch! that was […]
[…] this post more than a few of you emailed asking if I’d consider doing a follow […]
[…] might be kind of late for the helpseeking food-wise, but not for set up etc.). Dont end up feeling tiredtired over the holidays as a result of feeling resentful and unappreciated. Remember, even the […]
I’m afraid that my workplace seem to have blocked my access to your facetime videos… 🙁 But I will have to comment on the tiredness issue, cos just as I was falling asleep last night I felt that lovely heavy feeling, like my body was asleep already and my mind was not far from it. I rarely have that feeling on a Sunday night because I’ve usually been too lazy over the weekend to warrant any genuine tiredness. I’m usually buzzing, stay awake too late, and then start a whole new weary week on Monday morning. But over the weekend I went walking with my 4 yr old niece. On Saturday, wrapped up in our winter woollies, we walked for 2 whole hours! Well she walked as much as her little legs would allow and I would carry her for regular stints, it was like a form of Interval Training! 🙂 So last night, I was good tired! 🙂
I sort of have started to feel like feeling tired is almost a reward at the end of the day. Helps me feel like I’ve been productive and the reward is good sleep! I commute 1.5 hrs to and from work (mostly walking/running through train stations), so usually the tired is a ‘good tired’.
When I feel tired as a result of laziness or lack of proper nutrition I FORCE myself to get up and do something physical like a small jump rope interval to wake up/energize. OTHERWISE– if its from a lack of proper sleep, I take a 10 min power nap which is guilt free (bc otherwise i would have been staring into space for those 10 min). My work is conducive to allow me to be active during and in between clients which is great. I’m curious to see how the office worker deals with this!
On Friday morning, I was in our basement gym doing a strength workout. About halfway through, my youngest son (9) showed up, and he grabbed some light dumbbells and started “copying” me. So,, yes – I agree that kids (and spouses/sig. others) to start to copy what we do. In all aspects of our lives…. As we do to them, as well. Anyway, that was a good thing he was copying on Friday! I do tend to get tired by the end of the day. I think that usually, it is a good tired. But I also know that some days, it is a bad tired. A tired from too much tv, or from over-eating, or from not being active. Next time I feel that starting to happen – I’ll try to catch it and reverse it (we’ll see how easy that is…). Thanks for the reminder that not all “tired” is the same…
Oy. Definitely not “good tired” over here. Most of my tiredness comes from lack of sleep. Gah! Like a kid that thinks she’s missing out on a par-tay I still have yet to get a reign in on my bedtime habits.
Great remarks, bad timing for me as being away from home for work will ensure a generous helping of tired-tired this week. Work tired can be good tired though if you feel you have accomplished something worthwhile that day.
I did extra time at the gym in the days before leaving to try ward off the twitchiness that come from staying away from the gym more than a couple of days. And that meant that most of my weekend I was tired. But oh-so-good tired!
My newly three year old chose not to sleep last night—-that said, the middle of the night sillies which she contracted really made me realize what a gift our not sleeping was and that being sleepy today really is a small price to pay.
SUCH A GREAT example of good tired, Rupal.
precisely what I mean…
I’m a teacher, so I get up early, am on my feet talking most of the day, and have to run (ok, walk fast, but in heels) to the main office quite a bit. When I get home, I’m EXHAUSTED, but it’s so worth it.
I agree with this whole post! Josh and I have started to eat much more alike since we got married! I think we have taken the good parts of each others diets and put them in our own.
I enjoy this concept of “good tired” I need to focus on this! I am mostly good tired after a long day!
I am always tired on Monday morning because I never get to sleep at an early enough time on Sunday – especially after these days off. However, I will not complain because I have no children and when that happens I am certain to take my tired to a whole new level!
I love good tired after I take a shower right before bed. MMMMM.
Im so glad you guys GET what I was saying. and the more I ponder this as Im tiredly playing with the toddler I have realized FOR ME the key to tiredtired is often RESENTMENT.
doing something NOT with a joyous heart which depletes me.
that’s something I am working not to do as often….to only focus on givingdoingWORKING with a thankful heart.
I tired.
Some days it’s good tired, lots of days it’s exhausted from lack of sleep/too much work. And I think a lot of it is from packing all this extra weight around. *Note to self – lose some freakin’ weight!
I think I’m more mentally tired than anything – so I can’t really pinpoint my tiredness. Unless you count Friday when I raced our 10 year old in the pool. Him? A swim team member for years. Me? Don’t even like to get my face wet, but just competitive enough not to want to lose to a kid. Even after cardio and weights. That was a good tired.
Emulation? Oh hell, if that were the case then this house would be spotless (resentment? a wee bit.), and the vegetables would disappear off the dinner table.
It’s DECEMBER for cryin’ out loud!!!
Hmm I would have to say not a good tired lately. Too much TV, too much computer, not enough moving around. Things I need to work on. 🙂 Mystery solved as to why my son doesn’t eat veggies…..does he see me eat them? Not very often.
Oh BL Id so love it if you began to say that like the Tornado does.
please to SIGH LOUDLY first (do I do that? I guess so!) and again after.
marianne? this for me is usually not good tired unless it’s after a day filled with writing:
(and the house thing? Id NEVER BE ABLE TO RELATE THERE :))
natalia? same here:
except replace the computer with sittingonarsebickeringabitwithfamily.
Everyone is bold this morning! oooooooooooooh
I get “brain tired” from doing my teaching gig. Working out tends to energize me, thus my morning walk with k-9 units (even this morning in the snow and brisk wind). I know I’m truly tired when I pass out on the couch like my folks did in front of the TV.
Does tired of bickering w/10 year old know it all fall in somewhere? Probably bad tired….
When I’m tired….I take a little nap. (10 minutes makes me feel great)
When I’m “tiredtired” I CAN’T nap.
Thanks to you MIZ, I just figured ot why. It’s that “resentment” you mentioned. I’m tiredtired when I’m just not happy with the choices I’m making.
I really like the feeling of being tired it makes me feel as if I have accomplished something.
I’m badtired right now: haven’t worked out, ate tons of sugar, and am dealing with a situation that I don’t want to be in (emotionally).
But I’m going back to my eating right and working out and being good tired.
I needed this today as I am so so very tired—-but now that I’ve stopped to think about it I am GOODTIRED.
all from the joy of the weekend.
thank you, Miz as I really think I might have b*tched all day about being tired.
Oh my gosh, I utter the phrase “I’m tired” all the time, even when I’m not. I think it’s a habit. Weird now that I think about it. If I keep saying it, I’ll probably just get tired. Guess I need to work on that!
My job is pretty physical (massage therapy), and after 3 or 4 sessions, especially if I work really deep, I am worn out. I love cooking, and so as soon I get home at night, I usually start on dinner. My husband doesn’t expect it, but I love cooking for us and we rarely go out. So, if I get home kind of late and then cook, it’s usually after 7 PM before I can sit down. Thankfully, I get a good bit of sleep – 8 to 10 hours. If I don’t, then I am REALLY tired from a good day of work or a tough workout, but it’s definitely a good tired. I love my job and getting in a good workout!
good point, heather. self-fulfilled prophesy huh?
I found it on my own today! Exciting 😛
The past two months I’ve been tired. Exhausted from waking up at 5am for boot camp and then working all day… but even though it was for “good” reasons, it was getting kind of ridiculous just how constantly tired I was. So I wouldn’t actually say that by the end of it it was good tired.
I think a big part of the good tired is that it doesn’t happen on a continuous basis. Because if you’re tired all the time, even for good reasons, you’re going to stop being as useful in whatever it is that’s making you so tired! You’ll be too tired to accomplish it effectively.
I definitely overuse the word tired. I tend to think of “tired” as being more of a restless type thing… I used it a lot when I was depressed, too. So the idea of being tired usually is connotative with not-so-good things, for me.
We usually say in our house “I’m exhausted.” and, it’s not an exaggeration 🙁 Both of us are doing things we don’t want to do. But, that’s school, right? We’re both working on the good tired through doing things other than school and vegging in front of the tv, but it’s difficult! It’s like marriage – you have to work at doing things you like (ugh) or it’ll never happen. My fear is that after school it’ll be an other excuse – oh, but it’s my job!
My Grandmother always said — born tired and never got rested — never got it until the past few years…
For me being tired is less physical and more what Carla said about being resentful or mentally/emotionally drained….. that is the harder to replenish that….
I always say to my girl — mama old and tired. Some day she is going to tell someone and they will think me nuts!
OOOOH, SISTER IM POINTING YOU OUT 🙂 This is SISTERMIZ. Show her some love, People…
I need to think about this as for me I don’t think there is a difference?
interesting thought.
when I am tired i am TIRED and I’m not sure it matters if it’s good or bad—-it just is.
thanks miz for making my brain hurt from thinking so early on a monday!
I get goodtired when we’ve been hiking or I’ve spent a day writing. Tiredtired brings on a nap or causes me to go to bed early.
We both specify what kind of tired we are as a matter of course.
ooh, thanksgiving brought on a good tired, as i tried to be as helpful for the rents as i could while i was home… usually, just plain ol’ tired, but i’m trying to refocus so I can be good tired, more often!
don’t you have my email miz? 😉
I’m so tired that I feel like Sisyphus asked me to hold his rock for him.
Ha Ha!! I was just commenting to someone yesterday how Thanksgiving wore me out 🙂
It’s always a good wore out, well mostly, well sometimes, I think once…:-)
Must admit that I don’t use the word “tired” a lot. I pretty much just associate it with needing to go to bed for the evening…
Well, this is a tricky one for me. I have an autoimmune disease that causes muscular weakness and fatigue, so I’m constantly gauging what kind of tired I am – so even when I’m ‘goodtired’, I have to be careful that it doesn’t lead into ‘helpineedmymedicine tired’ or the ‘oopsiveoverdoneit tired’. Everyone should be tired from time to time, but I think a lot of the ‘tiredtired’ we feel is emotional and mental exhaustion rather than physical and sometimes it is hard to distinguish.
I’m always goodtired when I’m done with my morning workout; by the time I drink a cup of coffee and catch up on computer time, I’m fully recharged and ready to tackle the day.
Then I’m goodtired again about 8pm, which is good because that’s bedtime.
I sometimes get mentaltired in the afternoon when I need to do a job I hate like clean the rat cage or the bathroom, but I miraculously recuperate once the job is done.
Since my 3 year old has decided to change his get up time from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. I have been experiencing that “good tired” lately. I’ve been forced to give up my bedtimes of midnight and 1 a.m. and head to bed around 10 or 10:30 so that I can function properly. At first, I was resentful but now, I realize it was a blessing in disguise because I haven’t felt this rested and energized in years.
donnalouise? I’m so gonna be you.
Starting this month.
No more reflexive ‘I’m tireds’
Saying it without thinking.
Starting NOW!
(Ok that last one just slipped out ;))
Knock on wood but insomnia is not something I’ve ever struggled with. I typically sleep like I’m comatose. But I do totally understand what you mean about the good tired that comes from being really active and productive and the bad tired that accumulates from being lazy and eating the wrong things. Very pertinent post:)
Tired, drained most of the time! Lack of sleep kind of tired, not, good tired.
Yes, to Charlotte too. When I am physically tired, I get cranky, and eat the wrong things.
I definitely prefer the good tired 😉 I get exhausted in a bad way when I don’t eat right, don’t exercise, and drink too much caffeine and don’t sleep enough. Good tired from being busy and active and alive — bring it on! (And I have learned to appreciate those middle of night sillies — most of the time ;-))
I’m just back from Mexico and feeling so recharged, it’s unreal. Woke up at 6:30 on my own this a.m. (OK, my husband showering, shaving off his vaycay whiskers and boiling water for oatmeal facilitated the process). Still, trying to milk this feeling for all it’s worth.
Hope you are so well, and had a fabulous time with the family. BTW I think you have a GREAT job! (inside joke 😉
peeking back in.
Tom? You KNOW I love me a Sisyphus reference. ALWAYS.
And for me the tiredtired of eating CRAP and not working out is almost the *easy* kind.
The easily solved.
The committing too much to stuff which depletes me/doesn’t ‘nourish my soul’ is the more difficult tiredtired to overcome.
For the first time in ages I have been BAD tired. You know how being constantly stressed and worries sometimes exhausts you even more than physical activity? And then I end up working out more and eating less to feel better about the difficult situation CAUSING the stress, and then not sleeping properly because I’m so worried. It’s a mean little spiral.
But this weekend I was tired because I partied all weekend for my best friend’s birthday. I had forgotten how amazing good tired is!!
TA x
I’ve generally been ‘good tired’… from the gym, from volunteer work, and so on. I really LIKE that feeling. For so many years I’ve just been plain ole’ tired.
Today, however, after averaging about three hours sleep for the last two nights, I’m just plain BEAT… far past the whole tired thing.
One thing I’ve noticed since I started working so hard on fitness and weight loss, is that I don’t have that general feeling of being tired and worn out as I used to when I was practically doing nothing. I’ve gone from a feeling of general and ongoing tiredness to feeling charged and energetic… and making “tired” now a kind of warm and gratifying tired.
I am really lucky to be GOOD tired most of the time. Makes sleeping almost as delicious as cupcakes!
I’m going to strive for a good tired today. Rather than tired tired that I get when stuff just sucks energy from me — boredom, tv, etc.
Hmm. Maybe it’s the difference between a ‘planned’ tired and unplanned. Or being able to correlate or explain your feeling’s of being tired as opposed to the ‘I don’t know why I’m tired feeling”.
Great thoughts.
BTW… missed ya dear.
I’m tired thinking about all I have to do in the next three weeks 🙂 No, but really, I think I’m a combination of good and “tired” tired. Ugh… too much thinking on a Monday morning Miz!!
I’m tired just thinking about being tired now. Thanks!!
Rarely ever say I’m tired now…I wonder if I did 85 pounds ago???
I’m beyond tired from Thanksgiving. I consider going back to work my rest time… Isn’t that insane?
I am usually a *bad* tired because I don’t get enough sleep. Although my life is infinitely more fulfilling these days, not getting zzzzz’s will derail my *good* tired efforts.
I can identify with the “mentally tired” comment above. Physically, I do not have abundant energy either, despite the fact that I really don’t do that much compared to many people.
I attribute these issues partially to my weight and (maybe more than partially) to my ongoing issues with clinical depression. And maybe I’m just a bit lazy, too.
Depression can increase mental and physical lethargy… and sometimes so can some of the meds that treat it. It is what it is.
I’m trying to eat better and muster up the motivation for regular exercise now! Exercise can make a big difference in mood disorders; the irony is you need to gather up the motivation to get started, which is often the hardest part ;).
When I was training for the marathon, I was good tired. These days, I’m inside a lot more, and illustrating in front of the computer. Seems to be more tired tired:P
I gotta exercise more…
Rose? Is that really you? or is it Ren Man using his covername?
he said the exact same thing this morning (which may or may not have to do with the fact his inlaws are still here…(
I am just always weary. I feel like whenever I actually stop doing whatever I am doing and relax, I feel worn out. 🙁
You would think with my chronic insomnia I’d be tired all the time. Wrong. I rarely think or feel tired. (maybe if I did, I’d sleep better?)
However, when I do, it’s been at the end of an active day -gym and other physical work – and I can label it a good tired. I’ve known bad-tired, but for me that’s called depression.
And I rarely say I’m tired, bushed or beat. Sometimes stressed to the max. I think this regular exercise thing is the reason, cause it sure ain’t like I’m getting 8 hours of quality zzzss.
need to find that more thankfulheart approach here to help with my cranky tootiredness!
so much is our mind-set.
need to reprogram mine!:)
I am actually more typically good tired this year (for a change). Think part of it is scaling down my usual crazy holiday making – keeping it low key with the family and the evil kitties.
Let’s see if I can keep this going!!!
I forgot there was a good tired vs a tired tired. I am so sad that Tessa is moving out of the newborn stage but will be oh so happy when I can return to sleeping through the night. I don’t have the energy to do things I want to do despite the fact that my brain knows i would gain energy if I did some exercise – I just can’t convince my butt of that. My resolution for the month of December is to get on my treadmill for just 20 minutes every day. 20 minutes isn’t much but it is certainly more than the 0 minutes currently.
Like Shivers, I’m suffering from workplace video blockage, but I think I have the context.
Today, I’m more tiredtired (stoopid steroids), but I plan to get a goodtired going later today when I exercise. I love that feeling.
Hope you have a great Monday and a smooth re-entry into the normal universe.
(Oh, and hi to sistermiz!)
I make it a point to get my eight hours a night. Sometimes it isn’t possible, but I definitely try. So, for the most part, what makes me tired is being drained emotionally, not physically. Unfortunately, the emotional tired can make you physically tired, so the result ends up feeling similar.
I do find that if I strive to accomplish more, work out, and eat better, it takes the focus away from what is emotionally draining me, which helps.
I usually say, “I’m tired” lately due to mental exhaustion. Doing and thinking way too much, my body just poops out. The good tired is enjoying a cup of coffee at the end of the day, reading and after a good workout. My body is relaxed. I can totally tell the difference. My goal for December is to get more of the Good Tired. Thanks.
I am GOOD TIRED miz! I actually am always happy at the end of the day knowing I did certain things and so on…I LOVE being busy!
When Friday night comes, though, I am PLAIN tired! Just need to hit the hay and catch up on sleep!
It just occurred to me that when I say I’m tired, it’s more of a mental state, but if I’m referring to what y’all are calling goodtired, I say I’m played out.
Hmmm….something to do with the way I view the world? Or am I being too analytical?
INTERESTING Bag lady & entirely what I feel as well now that I ponder it.
when Im wiped out at the end of a day from being up early and working and playing babymama and then working it IS a good tired.
Im thoroughly exhausted from doing what I love.
more often when I lament IM TIRED were I to finish the sentence it is mental stuff (dare I say shit?) which is depleting me.
Michelle? this is so so very true and you are entirely setting yourself up for success:
much to your chagrin I have your email and shall be checking in on you with regards to this 🙂
Great post! In fact, most folks are certainly suffering from ‘bad tired’ which results from chronic stress (surprise, surprise) which results from the over production of cortisol from constant ‘fight or flight’ syndrome. The end result is tired adrenal glands and a tired YOU. The solution? More action on MizFit exercise advice, good diet, proper rest and laughing your ‘tuchus’ off. Not neccesarily all in that order!
I’m in food coma tired right now. I need a good week of eating clean and working out to detox. 🙂
well I don’t have kids, so I have no excuse to really be tired…I think when I get home on Fridays after a long week, whether I think I am tired or not my body lets me know! My tiredness if ever tends to be from going out on the limb for everyone and forgeting to feed my soul. I have learned over the years that it’s all about BALANCE, and when I don’t feed myself I can not feed others! Great thoughts Miz!
This is a wonderful post, and I wish I had time to read all the comments because I KNOW I’m missing some amazing insights by not reading them…
I define “good tired” as real, true, physical tiredness. I’ve been working hard, accomplishing things, and I’m legitimately weary and in need of rest and refreshment. Then there’s just emotional fatigue, which (for me) comes from stress, overthinking, worrying, being in situations that bring out the negative. Physical tiredness I LOVE – it feels wonderful, and there’s no better way to feel at the end of the day, as far as I’m concerned. Emotional tiredness…ugh.
I find myself saying “I’m so tired” sooo often, and over the past few years, I’ve learned that most of the time, I’m not legitimately, physically tired. I’m depressed, or I’m desperate to avoid further stress so my mind and body respond with fatigue, because hey, if I’m tired, I have a legitimate excuse to get away from it all by sleeping, right? But sleeping never helps that kind of tired…
So I’ve really learned to differentiate between the two. And when I’m depressed-tired, I try to avoid responding with sleep or decreased activity. I try to work through the problem if I can, and if it’s something I can’t work through, I use things like yoga, meditation, or exercise to rejuvenate. It seems counterintuitive to go do an hour-long session on the treadmill when you’re tired, but I’m always amazed at how much better I feel, especially if I’ve used upbeat music to keep me going. 🙂
And I hadn’t realized it till you said this, but now that I think of it, my DH does tend to say he’s tired a lot, even when I can tell he’s obviously just frustrated or bored…and he never used to do that. Hmm.
I realize now that I say, “I’m tired” when I usually mean, “I’m bored/frustrated/unhappy”. I love the “good tired” feeling after a day of accomplishments when your body is telling you it needs rest.
I would have to say that I’m tiredtired. I’m not enjoying the current unpleasant phase of graduate school, I haven’t worked out in two weeks due to sickness, and I’m reeling from four days of sugary treats. At least I can do something about the last two! This was timely food for thought for me…I shall try to figure out how I can approach work differently so that it doesn’t drain me so much.
I’m exhausted today. I’m bogged down with holiday and school (exam) stress. My workouts are suffering and I am trying my best to rid my body of candy for the next 7-days. We’ll see how it goes.
This is one thing I normally don’t have a problem with (being tired) – and I don’t know why? Luck? Deep sleep? I do think I am good sleeper…I love my sleep. 🙂 But I do love that end of the day “good tired.” And I especially love “workout tired!”
another interesting thing about being tired is the miraculous way that I can manage to become “un-tired” for something I really want to do. So, I’m learning to consider my tiredness…am I tired? really? or lacking motivation?
peeking in from my day. Im actually not tired (go figure) but plan on being goodtired by days’ end if it kills me.
So many thoughts.
bobbi? girlfriend, you can SO BE TIRED SANS KIDS. ’nuff said.
holly? im jealous. Im a lifelong not great sleeper.
tisha? yep. that first sentence? Im realizing that’s me. usually stress related.
dave grotto? yes, that was a shoutout to you and the laughter you shall be bringing the Bumbling Band.
and life calls.
Im out.
Since having my kids, I’ve been “bad tired.”
I do take care of myself. I eat well, get plenty of sleep, but I’m tired.
I always thought it was part of being a parent. 🙂
I’m brain-dead tired today from allergy medicine.
Just two weeks ago my husband and I started our first diet together which was a big step for him and a great help to me. Since we got married (almost 2 years this month!) we both gained weight and we decided we were ready to get it together, together. So far, so good. And you are right, we do influence one another.
Work stress sometimes/often makes me tired which is bad tired. But I am working on that. Otherwise, I am lucky to be pretty well rested most of the time.
Maybe what we all need to do is focus on changing the factors that make us the bad tired. I have more tiredtired than good tired. The good tired usually makes me feel energized, even though that is an oxymoron. For instance, the reason I’m always tiredtired is that I am unhappy with my job and waste a lot of energy freting about how much I don’t like it. So, what I need to try and take control of the trigger.
I enjoy the “good tired” of having worked out and been productively busy all day — that’s when it’s easy to just fade off to sleep. It’s the “bad tired” of worry, stress and general crankiness that has me staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep — often a function of taking on responsibilities that shouldn’t necessarily be mine in the first place.
I love this concept of “good tired” vs. “bad tired.” I find the holidays very, very tiring and often wonder if they are worth the effort. Once they’re over, I usually think that the hard work paid off in a good way.
I am so in the bad-tired right now it’s not even funny. I need a lifeline!
most days I am good-tired! I know I am tired at the end of the day because I put in 100 percent to my family and myself 😉
Working out in the morning helps me down the path of good tired.
I am so happy Thanksgiving is over and the good tired pattern can begin again 😉 Flax muffins make me feel so much better than pumpkin pie 🙂
Oh, I can totally relate to this today! As the mom of a 2 yr old who is only now beginning to sleep well, I have mostly been the bad tired the last couple of years. The bad tired, well, it destroys your metabolism and erodes any sort of motivation you might have. And then the waistline bulges! So, now that my darling little spit-fire of a 2 yr old is sleeping a smidge better, I’m working to switch the bad tired to the good tired.
Thanks for the motivation!
I think I must’ve been depleted and not realized because I spent a LOT of time sleeping over this holiday weekend. I started feeling better Sunday and even though work is stressful today, it hasn’t been bothering me like it did last week.
I didn’t realize I could become so immune to being tired, but I guess I can.
i think it was the thanksgiving break or something … but “i tired” today. the tired where i don’t get anything done because my brain is partially off. however, i believe that some post-thanksgiving exercise and a good night’s sleep will fix this.
peeking back in and so glad that you all GOT this…what I was saying with the video.
It made total sense in my head, but…
(& WO Mommy? My email is super slow. I can see I have one from you but it won’t let me open it. Yet.)
OMG! Are those your arms!? WOW!
I was good tired. Tired from lots of family time and good food (plus a hike). Now I’m well rested =)
Parents are totally billboards for our kids. THis week, it amazed me how my nephews eat vs how my kids eat. Mine ask for carrots and ranch, the nephews ask for powdered donuts.
I am TIRED tired lately. I took a good look in the mirror…bags, circles and zits. Yuck. I have not been working out. Eating hap hazardly. That makes such a big difference for me. Today…it’s all a-changing. Did an hour class this morning and check into my first WW meeting tonight!
Yep, I know what you mean about “good tired” vs. “bad tired.” I resolved several months back to not utter the “I’m tired” phrase and to move around if I started feeling “bad tired” during the day. Sometimes, “I feel tired” pops out, or at the end of the week, “I’m wiped!” Nowadays, it’s mostly “good tired.” Although I wish “good tired” would postpone itself a couple of hours so I could watch a movie after the kids go to bed! 😉
Funny what kids pick up on and what they don’t. If Thing 1 and Thing 2 picked up on everything, they’d be eating salad all the time. (No, not complaining; they eat broccoli and carrots and cucumbers. Just not mixed together.) They *are* fascinated by my hand weights when I do my strength training (and they do lots of SpongeBob-inspired grunting when they lift them up…I do NOT grunt), but I didn’t have any takers last Friday when I asked, “Hey! Who wants to go running with Mommy?” Although Thing 2 has a bossy streak and likes to play Mommy’s Personal Trainer sometimes.
Do you know where the nearest vet is? Those puppies are sick!
Happy Monday!
p.s. I am giving away my brother’s book on my site today if any of your readers would be interested!
Well, today I am crazy tired. I just took a little nap in fact (in spite of squealing children running around me). I probably say I’m tired all the time, too, and I feel like it. I even went to the doc to ask if I was tired in an illness-related way. Of course, I took my two little boys with me so she seemed to think they had something to do with it. Hmm. She also thought I should get more sleep. Hmm. I still haven’t achieved the earlier bedtime she advised so I guess I’m going to just have to be tired.
As for my kids, I’ll pay attention to what I’m saying to them about my fatigue. I do avoid telling them they make me tired (though they do), at least. I have a feeling that even without the rugrats I would find plenty of ways to be exhausted.
“I good tired”, that’s adorable! You should have let your daughter make a cameo appearance so we could hear her say it. I good tired too 🙂
I appreciate the encouragement to reach out to others and give some or our energy to others. I’ve noticed now that I’m working out regularly that I’m “Good Tired” throughout the day but at the same time I’m energetic and positive and want to help out any one I can.
I’m also a firm believer that you can’t give what you don’t have, and not as firm on the “lose your self to find yourself“…unless I’m losing my ego. Anywho, by taking time for myself I’ve been able to give more to my kids, and to many others around me, including my hubby. Which all gives me the good tired.
Surprisingly, today I’m very energetic. Perhaps it’s because I’m looking forward to helping my grandma set up for the holidays later tonight.
this is so true for me as well, Fitness Surfer.
I joke that if MAMA AINT HAPPY AINT NOBODY HAPPY but I do take that me time every, single day—or Ive nothing to give anyone else.
you’re right that goodtired can be plain ole tired if I havent taken care of my needs first/at all.
let’s see… sometimes I just feel tired because I can. as in I have nothing better to do than sleep. like the kind of tired that kicks in on long road trips with the family. for the most part I’m usually “good tired” because I’ve worked so hard throughout the day. and since I don’t have kids (and won’t for quite a while) all I can say is that I have noticed a tendency for them to copy those around them.
i am definitely beyond tired due to thanksgiving and this crappy weather :/
hopefully it turns into “good” tired soon 🙂
I think it’s a little ironic that this was your topic of post today. I was thinking this afternoon, at approximately 2pm about how tired I was. And when I reflect back on that time, I think it was for 2 reasons, getting up at 420am to workout before spending 6 plus hours at work with children, and the other was that it was my down time of the day… after constantly being busy with the kids. That is when it usually starts to hit me. A part of me thinks that some of the times I find myself tired stems from a deficit in proper nutrition, especially on those days that I workout in the morning. I look forward to montiring this a bit more and make changes where necessary to feel “rested” and content!
Tired has been a normal state for me as long as I can remember. I once heard someone describe it as being a person who has low-energy, which I thought was an apt description. I have learned over the years (mostly) to pay attention and make sure I get enough down time so that I don’t wear myself out.
That being said, I absolutely can understand the difference that you are talking about. There’s the tired that comes from doing unfulfilling things that drain the life out of us, and the tired that comes from doing things that make us feel good. And one of the things I have learned is that if I’m working out regularly, I feel better. I actually just finished my workout for the day, and yes, I am feeling it, but I also feel that I’ve accomplished something and I know that I will go to bed and sleep well. It’s a good feeling.
I am good tired, mostly. I still am a little bad tired in the morning due to sleep apnea, but my cpap is helping.
It’s good to be a little good tired.
5 year-old hasn’t been sleeping well. Hubby, Dog and I are exhausted. 7 year-old sleeping like a log.
Lucky kid.
I’m mostly bad tired at the end of the Week. I get so much on my mind that I can’t rest well. Mental tired & physical tired merge & I wake up more tired than when I went to bed. I am learning better ways to get things of my mind so that I can rest well. Working for that good tired!
I am tired tired! Two hrs of sleep last night was not enough, especially considering I am at least an eight hrs of sleep kinda gal. My brain would not shut off (big presentation this morning) and the Husband, Cat and Boy Wonder all conspired against me to keep me awake until about 4 am. On that note perhaps I should take myself off to bed.
Someday I will find some old computer speakers for my work computer. Until then, it’s Monday facetime at 10 p.m. when I’ve very good tired indeed after working, making dinner, cleaning up, and lifting.
But I’m always a little overwhelmed tired. Like when I feel that my to do list is just too long, and someone asks me “how are you,” I always want to reply “I’m tired,” even if I am not physically tired.
I’m always so tiredtired from 8 hours of staring at a computer that I don’t have the energy / don’t feel like doing anything that would make me good tired 🙁
what a great topic! now thinking about it, i kinda love being good-tired. it makes me feel good to hit the hay and be out in 5 minutes. i always wake up more refreshed, and know that when i crave the pillow at night, i had a very productive day. i like being busy during the week…makes the weekends so much nicer! and shoot, if you are just plain old tiredtired, its a great time to catch up.
of course, goodtired is much easier for us young, single gals…no kids/husbands/etc that require so much more effort. keep it up mothers of the world. i shall forever envy your everlasting energies.
I’ve been good tired this week, even though I really want to be plain ole tired.
I’ll try to live up to that this week.
We learn so much from our kids, don’t we?
Check out my blog for your nomination for the Marie Antoinette Award. Your assistance and information you provide is invaluable. Plus you make me laugh. 🙂
I am so tired lately but I write it off as mental. I to not say it too much because it makes me feel lazy. I have a lazy complex you notice?!
I need to just pull myself up from my boot straps.
I’m tired tired… like I want to sit on my couch and watch movies. What is it about this time of year? My fitness/healthy attitude goes to hibernate!
Yes! I completely have a GOOD tired and a CRAP tired. Its funny because my good tired (from a productive day and going to the gym) comes at the end of the day and hits me like a train around eleven pm!
My CRAP tired comes when I am not eating well, skipping the gym and not drinking enough water. It sneaks up on me and I feel tired and yuck all day. It is a tired that seems to be my body crying out for help and care. Before I started changing things with food an my lifestyle this was especially common!
I feel like this is a great goal. I would love to work on feeling the GOOD tired at the end of the day and not the CRAP tired that comes from not taking care of myself.
I’m always tired these days. Working two jobs….trying to juggle two houses….taking a grad course….being kept awake half the night with the dreaded nightsweats….. That’s my excuse for not exercising. Pretty lame, isn’t it?