(there’s a video above if youre reading via google reader)
One of my fondest mamahood memories is the first afternoon (we’ve now done it a few times) my daughter & I climbed upon the Operation Beautiful bandwagon.
I’d decided to join in after reading about other people’s experiences on Caitlin’s blog & really didnt think much about the fact Id have to haul my tornado of a girl along.
It wasnt a huge deal as she’d already been an unwilling participant in myriad MizFit adventures (from The Ellen Show to playgrounds) & I assumed she’d just whine hang while I spread the Operation Beautiful word.
I’d no plan to explain what we were doing.
Yet, as I gathered my paper & Sharpies, she began to ask a million questions as three year olds are wont to do.
What are you writing Mama? Notes & messages to leave for strangers.
How do you know what to say Mama? What are you saying?Β What are the notes about?
It was in that moment I realized while Operation Beautiful is profound & life changing it was also quite simple to explain as well.
I told my daughter I was writing all the kind words I could think of.
I shared with her how I imagined what I’d like to hear on days when I was struggling or frustrated and I wrote those down on the pieces of paper.
And in that moment, in her inimitable three year old way, she got it.
Sure we ended up leaving more than a few missives which read along these lines:
but I like to think that even those notes elicited smiles from the people who discovered them.
So that’s my challenge to you in exchange for a chance to win a copy of the as of yet unreleased book pictured below:
Share in the comments what YOU would love to hear today.
What note would brighten YOUR day were you to stumble upon it in the bathroom or grocery store?
Share your thoughts in the comments and, should you wanna join me & my girl in this movement, perhaps grab a pen/paper & leave the message for someone else to discover.
USA only.
Winner announced 8.9.10
I would like to hear today simply that I am beautiful, worthy and deserving of love.
I’m having that small hideous nagging voice in my head that’s reminding me why I’ve been single for so long and I need to remind myself that I am awesome, amazing, and wonderful just the way I am.
Hi Jess, I just read through your blog and your progress is amazing. You are DEFINITELY beautiful and deserving of love. Your strength and determination are very inspirational!
Thanks so much Bonniejean π
I appreciate you taking the time to read through my blog and leaving such encouraging words for me. I’ve still got quite a ways to go, and will always be a work in progress, but I’m starting to realize that’s why I’m beautiful. Because I’m always changing (hopefully for the better!)
I love Caitlins Operation Beautiful concept…and I know it must have touched & maybe even changed so many lives out there! What note would brighten my day- something along the lines of people appreciate all that you are…even if they don’t come right out and say it!
As a mom this post moved me greatly.
What I would have wanted to hear when I was young is that Im OK as I am.
Hell, I want to hear that today too π
I’m not in the US right now, so I’m not entering the contest, but I’d really love to hear that “this too shall pass.” Even on the worst days, it comforts me to know that there are better ones ahead, and that nothing lasts forever!
What an amazing idea. MzFit, you are so inspiring!
You are BEAUTIFUL just how you are.
I will join you and your girl, Miz, and leave that note somewhere today.
This morning I swear just seeing a big HEART on a post it would make me smile π
I am more like your daughter I guess.
I can’t wait to be a mom.
This is such a great project! As for me, I would like to hear that I have touched someone’s life in a positive way. Knowing that I have made a difference in someone else’s life keeps me going on those days I just don’t want to do much of anything.
Time to think of what I will leave for a stranger….going to do this when I head out on my afternoon walk.
What an amazing concept!
I’d love to hear that I do a good job, working in the male dominated profession, you only hear the bad things, I’d like to hear some good. Guess I’ll speak up a bit more to tell others.
Thank you for a thought provoking post!
I haven’t seen this book or the movement before.
I would love to have stumbled upon a note you left and would have liked it to say:
I need to hear that today.
And MizFit you are amazing.
I think, as much as I would enjoy doing this with my babygirl, it needs to be an afternoon out with my SON. He and I NEED to do this together.
Things I’d like to hear? “You got this.” “Hey, hotass” and maybe even “your children love you”
I would love to check out this book!
I long to hear today:
You look great no matter your weight.
I will leave that as a note somewhere.
Where did my comment go? LOL
Wow. I thought at first that my cynical nature would preclude me from being touched by this, but nope. I would love to see, “Just starting is enough.”
You are ok by yourself.
That’s what I will write on a post it today and hope someone else needs to hear it too.
I hope to one day be a mom and pattern myself after you Miz.
I honestly don’t know what I’d like to hear. I am ready to happily receive whatever beautiful message comes my way. I’m versatile like that. π
I would love to hear that I am a success and doing great at my current journey to combat compulsive eating.
I am pretending the message at the end of your video is for ME!!!
You are a worthy and worthwhile person just the way you are.
Ok Mizzy this is for YOU π
I am kind of a cynic nonjoiner but I PUFFY HEART you.
Not sure what it will say yet (ideas?) but I will leave a note today!
I love this. I’d like to hear: “You’ll get through this.”
I’ve been carrying a pad of post-its and a pen in my purse for a year or so now just for Operation Beautiful stuff. I’ve never actually seen another one posted besides the ones I’ve planted myself but the one that would mean the most to me right now would be: “You are more than a number on a scale.” I’ve actually done that. On the scale display at Bed Bath & Beyond π
No need to enter me in the contest as I’ve already pre-ordered the book π
“You are perfect, just as you are”
This may be a duplicate – I’m having trouble commenting these day.
“You are perfect, just as you are”
I will have to come back with my post it idea.
I am still thinking about what you said about the concept not being too great or vast for your daughter.
I think I underestimate my twins as well.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that you did this with the Tornado! Me thinks I shall copy and try it with A π Such a powerful message to pass on to our little ones!!
Today I’d love to hear “you are STRONG”
I think it’s fantastic that as you and the Tornado were writing notes to help other people, you ended up learning quite a bit yourselves.
Not in USA, of course, but something I would love to have said to me today is that it’s okay to take a break and to rest, and that my hard work is paying off.
I guess I’m lucky, because that’s the kind of thing that I hear from the boyfriend nearly every day.
My girls and I have done this a couple times- its been a while though and what a good way to break in a new city π
The two that I used to write the most are “You are enough” and “It’s all going to be okay” Today I need one that says “Don’t forget to breathe”
I would love to hear that I’m making a difference in someone’s life – my family, friends, in the blogosphere …
What an AWESOME project!
Winks & Smiles,
What I’d love to do is find your car and wallpaper it with sentiments you’ve taught me, reminded me of and live by.
What I’d like to hear is, “You’ve created a great foundation for your child, it will serve him very well as he moves to a new chapter of his life next year.”
I love your vid!!
Time to change the tagline to Parenting isn’t about fitting in π
Today I long to here that I will be ok!
I will leave that in a note.
just a heads up that there is, due to a mad traffic increase the past few weeks (is she joking? serious? who can say…), a small lag between comment posting and APPEARING.
I’d love to hear: “I didn’t recognize you today; you’ve lost so much weight you look like a totally different person.”
“Your friends still love you, even when things get a little rowdy.”
It amazes me how something as archaic as words written on a Post-It Note with a Sharpie can change how one sees/feels about themselves,
Sometimes simple can be powerful, even life changing.
I am stealing this from you Miz but my note will read:
You are enough.
i would love a note that would let me know that the donut i just ate was deserved and will NOT make me unworthy of affection
Man. I love OB so so so so so much. I would love to see a note that said something witty, like “EPIC. That’s you.” or something awesome that’s not about my appearance. π
You are beautiful just the way you are. I try to tell myself this daily, but sometimes it’s tough. I love OB and would love to win this book!!
“You are so skinny!!!!!”
I would like ot see:
Don’t compare! You are the ONLY Beautiful one in the mirror!
Your biceps rock!
(That’s to you MizFit and it is the note I plan to leave.)
This post hit pretty close to home today, and I have to admit that it stung a bit. While I’ve been on board with Operation Beautiful, I never thought about it turned around. What WOULD I like to hear today?
It’s something I never give a thought to. It’s something I should. You know me a bit… I mean, you seem to know that I’m one of those people who DOES, and doesn’t take compliments well. I tend to brush them off, because I feel that whatever I do is something that I’m really responsible for in some way… that while I acknowledge that others deserve kind words, encouragement, or gratitude, I somehow don’t.
Today I feel close to tears thinking about this… about what I’ve been missing. What do I want to hear today? I want to hear that I’m appreciated. I want to hear that someone has noticed me. I want to hear that someone knows I’m alive, not as a series of needs that are being filled for them, but a person myself, with my own unmet needs and insecurities as well as my accomplishments.
I would love to hear that I’m a great teacher and that my kids are getting a lot out of this class.
I would like to see:
You are amazing.
You are beautiful.
You are a great friend.
What a wonderful story and memory you share with your daughter. I would love to hear that I am ENOUGH. I don’t need to change for anyone else.
You are important and would be missed if you were not here.
I can’t get the vid to play!
Help! LOL
Nobody can tell you that you’re not pretty π
This is what I need to see/hear today:
“You are okay, even if your joints hurt more than they have in a while. You are okay, even if you haven’t kicked Lyme disease on it’s butt yet. You are okay, even though your hormones are trying to make you feel that you’re not.”
I <3 you Carla!
Very cool! Thanks for the giveaway!
You are loved…and beautiful.
You are enough, just the way you are.
“You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her”
Smile! You are beautiful!
The beauty of women is like the beauty of flowers … there are many kinds, and yet each has unique beauty to offer.
I’d like to hear “you can do anything!” People sometimes think I’m flighty because I have all these crazy grand ideas (schemes). But I’d like to think they are all possible!
I’d love a note that said:
“You’re doing you’re best and it shows! Relax and know that you are appreciated”
Can’t find the book in STL yet but definitely want a copy!
?”The beauty of women is like the beauty of flowers.there are many kinds, and yet each has unique beauty to offer.”
I would like to hear “It is okay. It will be okay”.
I want to hear “You are enough”. I often feel overwhelmed trying to be “better” and I really need to hear that I am good enough just the way I am.
I would love to hear that I matter. To anyone. Sometimes I feel as though I just go through the motions of life and no one would miss me much if I was gone.
As you can tell having a really rough day today. Sorry to be a downer
Your note at the end of the video brought tears…thanks, I needed to see that.
I would love to see “You are the reason the world is a better place.”
I would love to hear someone say that I am great and accomplished even without a career.
“You’re gonna write that book and it’s going to be amazing.”
I had to quit my job for health reasons. I made myself my own job and decided to get healthy. Sometimes I need a reminder that Even though it’s not a paying job- I need to be proud of myself for what I have accomplished. π
I would like to hear “Be patient, and you will get there. Regardless, you are worth it in THIS moment.”
Celebrate YOU.
YOU are Strong.
YOU are Beautiful.
YOU are Loved.
Love OB! I left my first few notes the other week. A note that would cheer me up is “You are enough.”
Thank you for making this not about beauty but about teaching our children to carry the torch to the next generation.
I would love to hear today that I am a rockin mom.
I would just want to hear that it is pointless to compare yourself to everyone else because you are you and you are beautiful the way you are!
Great book, great project, great giveaway!!
I would love to hear “You are strong enough” Mentally, physically, all of it.
Um, holy biceps, mama!! Them’s some guns you’ve got there!
I would love to get a note saying.
God knows your heart and loves you just the way you are.
Love this whole thing!!!!
You are strong enough to get through this.
You bring light to this world
I think I would like to hear, “Canadians are awesome even though they don’t qualify for contests.” BUT if I can’t hear that I think “It will all turn out ok, whether you worry about it or not.” would also be a great option.
I love this whole idea.
Be Yourself: You are beautiful.
Today I would love to hear.. YOU ARE APPRECIATED so much going on in my world and sometimes I truly wonder if I am..
your tornado of a gal is going to be the bestest when she becomes a teenager..
This is what I want to see: You are doing an amazing job at being you today. I couldn’t have done it better myself!
I love this post. Your daughter is so gorgeous (as are you). Hope you ladies have a great day!
I would love a note to say “you do not have to be right to be right”.
I think that today I would like to hear…
You CAN and you WILL!!!
Today’s message:
You are just right – have faith to be brave and trust yourself.
i have to say, the best notes for me would be the ones reminding me that i don’t need make-up, a great hairstyle, and fabulous clothes to be beautiful! i love being reminded that i’m beautiful for the amazing creation i am π
just today? You look hot in photos! Haha.
Oh, how I would love to have a copy of Caitlin’s Operation Beautiful book! Today, I would like to hear that everything is going to be okay one way or the other!
I would love to hear “You have the right to happiness” pretty much any day. And that is exactly the kind of note I would leave!
The first note I found said “You are beautiful, Just the way you are!”
I would love to see a note that said “Be proud to be you because you are beautiful.”
BTW I don’t need to be entered into the giveaway because I have mine already!
I would like to hear more often that I am a good mom and that I am making a difference in other peoples lives.
What a cool idea. I love random acts of beautiful kindness…
I would like to hear that I am a good teacher and making a difference for at least one child!
I would love to see anything nice written for me, the smallest compliment can make my day, and if it puts a smile on my face, then operation beautiful is working π
I just realized this is US only. Nevermind about my entry -.-
I tell my daughter how beautiful (and smart, and fun, and wonderful) she is every day. She always says, “No, I’m not.” I’d like to hear her say something else today, like “Yes, I am!”
I really would grin were I to find that teamwork note, Miz.
‘Whats gonna work? Teamwork!’ is a biggie around our house.
I love your video message.
I would love to hear “You are strong, you can do this.”
I would love to find a note in the bathroom saying “Today, your best effort is MORE than enough!”
“You can do anything you put your mind to.”
Thanks for a great video and post!
This is really wonderful. I think today I’d want my note to say that I’ve crossed someone’s mind today.
Love this Carla & that you include your daughter in your learning experiences!
Not sure what I would like to see.. any note with positive affirmations is a good thing… anything that brings a smile is a good thing. Even just a drawn pic of a smile begets a smile!
Always great stuff Miz! Love Operation Beautiful!
I think it’s great to say, your smile speaks a million words, it brightens my day. People sometimes forget that when you smile not only do you feel good but you make others feel good also! Smiling can be contagious =)
The message here that you and your daughter are spreading…it is so, so good!
…you are loved…
I would love to hear that I’m valued and cherished for being ME! Thanks for spreading the good word! π
Well I am maybe the lone male chiming in but this is why I read you MizFit.
You make me a better man.
I am going to leave my wife a note as a surprise in her car.
I know this is cheesy and I have not read everyone’s comments so it could be a dupe but I’d like to hear that I am enough though not in a negative way. Like if someone left me a sign that said “You are enough!” I’m not sure how I’d take that. So maybe I’d go with “You are Loved.”
And while I was thinking these things, I started singing the Mister Roger’s theme song.
What a great post! I am now teary eyed thinking about my own 4yr old daughter and what an impact OB can have on her. I have already pre-ordered my OB book, not only do I want to read it, but I know keeping it on the book shelf for those pre-teen years will be even more important for her. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us!
“You’re good enough and smart enough and doggone it , people like you!” LOL. But actually, that is what I would like to hear today.
I work at a school and I can not WAIT until school starts (although I am sure the kids can!) so that I can walk around campus and leave notes EVERY WHERE!!!! I love the simple brilliance of this idea. Thanks for posting about it!
I would leave the message: You are a role model. I work hard to be a role model for my 3 month old daughter!
You are such a great role model, Mizfit!
Girl I love the note in your video!
I would like to hear that I am just as worthy and deserving of praise and love as I think everyone else is. I don’t understand why I can leave Operation Beautiful notes for other people and encourage my friends to love their bodies, and think that other people who clearly weigh a lot more than I do are gorgeous, but I still think that I’m fat and ugly. I help other people’s self-esteem but I am unable to help myself.
Yes. You CAN handle it when there are three nuclear meltdowns occurring simultaneously around you and the doorbell rings. Everybody yells sometimes.
You are a good mom.
I would love to receive the message: “You are enough, just the way you are.”
Thank you for being proactive in leaving positive messages for others, and thank you for including your daughter in this movement.
You deserve the absolute best. Don’t settle.
And also, I’m crying. :o( I love this initiative and how it has spread and I cannot wait for the Tornado to grow up and realize one day that her mom was extra cool.
Today, I’d like to see/hear this:
You are kicking life in the ass today (in a good way). Keep up the great work – I am proud of you!
Ooh love this topic! What a great idea! I think if it were me getting one of these notes I would like it to say:
You are enough! (Stole that one from you, up there, but it really spoke to me)
I can’t think of a positive way to word this but I would like to also see a note that says: You are NOT worthless!
Thanks for touching on this! What a great thing to do for people to brighten up their day!
I would like to see….
You deserve to be happy and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! You matter, you are strong, and you can do it!
I would love to see “You are a strong and beautiful person. You can do anything you set your mind to.”
I’d love to find a note that says “you’re great just the way you are.” π
Thanks for the lessons MizFit.
What I would definitely like to hear today is that it is okay to make mistakes ALL THE TIME and that maybe someone somewhere might want to be my friend for more than just that I am a pushover and will do anything for anyone…Basically I guess I need to hear that I really do have value to someone besides just God. In my head I know it is probably true, but really, I don’t believe it at all. I would like to hear that I am not just a useless drain on society.
“You are worthy of love, joy ,and happiness and to be surrounded by those who lift you up and not those that put you down…you are beautiful inside and out! Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise!”
I would like to hear, “You make my life easier.”
I would love to see this posted in my work bathroom. This would have been helpful today, “You are too strong to get stressed over a job. Your health and family are more important.”
I ADORE Operation Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your experience with it. And I love your last line, it would truly brighten my day: “You are enough!”
I so love this project and I think about it all the time. I’ve been a little shy about leaving notes around but I have a few places picked out in my mind and I’m just gonna do it already!
I would love to hear that I’ve impacted someone somehow in their life, no matter how big or small an impact it will have been, it will have been worth it.
ps. I’ve changed blogs — I was at Baby Tea Leaves, now I’m at “Average Moms Wear Capes” so stop by, mkay?
Even though you may not be perfect you can still do it!
I would really like to hear
“You are brave. You can overcome your fears.”
What I always need to hear, to know, to have reinforcement on is this:
“You are not good at what you do, you are GREAT at it!”
I’ve never found that one thing that is mine. I’m more a Jack of All Trades (JAT) and, although I enjoy learning new things, I often wish I were great at one thing that I could share. I think I would get so much joy out of sharing something I was either really knowledgeable in or really good at doing.
I usually don’t feel like I have either.
I would love to hear two things today…
1.) “You are beautiful inside and out, every second of every day.”
2.) “Your ex made the biggest mistake of his life by letting you go.”
(bahaha. someone *might* be seeing her ex [and his current gf] today and maybe has a little anxiety over it. ya know….maybe.)
(sorry I have not commented in a while…feel like a goober for just commenting now, on a giveaway….but i am ALWAYS reading, i promise π just consumed by life drama, that’s all. little bump in the road :))
I just need to hear that I am loved. I feel like I have been going a million miles an hour lately. I’m pregnant and exhausted and working and training for a marathon and I just feel worn out and tired. It would mean so much to me for me to see, hear or read that someone loves me.
would just love to read that “Yes, you will overcome your fear. You will find success as an entrepreneur.”
I’m working on it! π
I love reading your reflection on how this impacts your daughter because my main reason for trying to be fit and working on the healthy is for my girls. Operation beautiful is just the ticket to instilling that value. Sweet!
I would simply like to hear: You are beautiful inside and out!
You are loved! You are a great person! You deserve to be happy and free!
Simple little things! :o) Thanks! This is truly a great site!
Loved your video message MizFit.
I would love to hear “things are looking up”
I would like to hear “You are loved”
Honestly any positive re-inforcement is good. I like to hear, “stay strong, the end is near!”
I just read about this book in Woman’s Day and was going to post on it. I absolutely LOVE this idea!
I would want someone to tell me “Don’t worry, you’re a good mom”.
Just simply … You are beautiful. Remember that.
Yes, YOU are!!! http://www.OperationBeautiful.com
You are capable and love unconditionally.
A simple “You can do it” gets me through a lot!
I struggle so much with perfectionism! I would love to hear, “You don’t have to ‘do’ perfect to be perfect!”
I really struggle with perfectionism! I would love to hear,”You don’t have to ‘do’ perfect to be perfect.”
USA and Canada.
My real answer:
You are making the right choices.
I believe in you.
The time is now! You can!!
That’s what I want to hear.
You can do it. I believe in you.
I would love to hear that I am good enough, that I am loved, or that I am appreciated!
I LOVE this. Will have to start carrying post-it notes with me. What a lovely thing to find.
I would be over the moon to see simply – You are super! Working full time, raising a child, keeping in shape, blah blah blah, some days I do NOT feel like SuperMom. Thank you for sharing kindness and beauty!