First off, my life is very boring remarkably sedate.
*I* love it, sure, but the mere telling of my day may be enough to put you early morning blog readers *back* to sleep.
That’s precisely the reason Ive ignored you Ive taken so long to respond to yer queries of:
what’s a typical day like for you? I think I’d love to work from home!
And yet, in these waning days of my ATX routine, I really am loving it more than ever. Im treasuring the *routine* of it all.
As a result I decided—in dual role of answering your questions & documenting for me the ‘way I used to do stuffs” for after I launch my new Bay Area life—to PHOTO BOMBARD YOU.
My day. Sans-meals (there’s a reason Im not a foodie blogger). Semi-disjointed. Pretty much how it all goes down. DAILY.

First thing. First appointment. Pre-coffee.



30 minutes and GO!!!

Play restaurant before bus.

Play princess before bus.


Crown the new King.

Race outside.

Play outside.



Sometimes this…

Usually this…



Move a little.

Caffeinate a little.**

Pack a lot.

Happy bus stop wait

Watch budding friendships…

Snack time!

Love up the…

…child time.

meal prep time.

get *child* ready for bed time.

wake Husband up for marriage time.

more snack!

more pack!

more work!

a misfit sleeps here.
- Did I put you to sleep?
- Are our days alike? Do you workfrolicplayworkandLOVEUPTHOSEYOULOVE, crash, and then git up to do it all again?
- Are you, like I am, the LAST person anyone would ever ask to be a foodie blogger?
DiZcLaImEr: joyful consumption of diet coke was an integral part of my day until it was ripped from my hands when I went unprocessed twenty six days ago. Not that Im counting.
I love this Mizzy!!
Little fun, little work. Even though I work outside of the home a few days a week, it’s not much different than yours. I just see more faces and have more headaches. π
I got tired just reading this Miz.
I’ll keep my office job for now LOL
Me too!!
I am SO late to the game – You’re MOVING? Away from Texas? WTH!!
I didn’t know we were in the same Diet Coke Anonymous program! Congratulations on your 26 days – as one who loved the bubbly goodness of this particular brand of carbonated caffeine, I applaud your efforts.
and efforts they be.
HERCULEAN at times π
You didn’t put me to sleep cause my workdays look a lot like this and there’s nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
I loved this.
Sounds exhausting! At least there will be less packing once you’re settled. I love all the Girl time! I think probably no bus stop time in the Bay Area but maybe you’ll be close enough to walk her to school. Turkish get-up pics are still one of my favorite posts. You’re a stud d’Γͺtre to the highest power!
looks like a great life! mine is a bit more structured since i’m a teacher (well, i know you are too, but i am in the 8-4 sense hehe) and i don’t have kiddies yet! π π
Yes your life may look a bit hectic, but it looks perfect for you & your family. You have such a beautiful daugther.
Thanks so much.
You make me smile so much! Love this day- love how you love, work, move, love more, work more, move more… and lament your loss of diet coke π
Your kids are adorable.
Falling asleep while putting their children to bed must be a universal father thing. Happens pretty much every night in our house π
can i just say that i LOVE all the PLAY that’s in this day?!
Whoa. I will keep my office job LOL
I find the amount of activity you accomplish in the early a.m. so impressive! You’ve done more in a day before the tornado leaves than most do all day. Great, busy, fulfilling day!
Story of my life!
Well, minus the husband and kid π
Sub my cat for the kid and it’s pretty close!
Looks like a great day to me! Well, except for meditating if pretzel pose….I’d likely never get my legs unfurled. π
I love that word…
Work, Play, Rest…that is all!
Fun! Thanks for sharing. π
No foodie blogger here either, although I was invited to participate in a recipe contest recently. I think I’m going to skip foodie blogging and go straight to a show on Food Network and my own line of cookbooks. π
which is why I adore you, Cammy.
we both like to skip the middling steps π
It truly is extremely rare these days to uncover web sites that supply information someone is searching for. I’m glad to see that your weblog share valued information that can aid to numerous scaners. thank and keep writing!
π I work from home half time and teach at the gym. I’d say no two days are alike. HOWEVER, all involve time with Kay and Josh, movement, good food, and hopefully time outside
LOL on the diet coke disclaimer! I have to hold my coffee hostage until I finish my workout.
Beautiful days slip past one another, like pearl beads off a string.
Mine are routine, too, and include many of the same things as yours.
Yep, pretty much looks like my day! It may not be super exciting, but I love it too! Love those pink shoes (the pic with you cooking dinner)! You are too cute for words lady!
I LOOOVE THEM TOO. so so so comfy.
Oh Shoes! is the brand.
Always fun to see the day in the life of a fellow blogger!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No foodie stuff here – I am as boring as you are & maybe even more so! π
I love the you time, the play time, the marriage toe & work & all else intermixed – sounds PERFECT to me although I know it is not perfect! π
LOVE those shoes in the kitchen! π
Looks like a pretty awesome day to me π
I don’t know . . . I find it incredibly interesting! Maybe because we all are a little different, so it’s fun to see what others do. π
Wow, you two sure are smiling wide for that “wake Husband up for marriage time”… my guess is you are doing more there than just playing canasta.
No snoring or sleeping here. Loved seeing how your day goes. I’d be a horrible foodie blogger – same meals every day. And none of them are terribly photogenic. Lol! My days are all about going, doing, and being as much as possible – then snoozing long enough to recharge so I can do it all again the next day. It can be exhausting at times but I truly love my life!
This was illuminating for me…thank you. I love the visual representation of your life!
It took me 45 years to start embracing routine and then another five to get even more structured. Which, I am finding, allows for more spontaneity. Gotta love the paradox.
So…I love your shoes during your meal prep π
Hmmm I think if I did my day in pictures, people would be bored to death (and maybe not that many pictures… I may have to try this and see!)
Oh and the heels in the kitchen? LOL I’d probably fall into something sharp!
and yes. you KNOW the heels whilst I cook is a CHILD REQUEST π
she fancy like that…
Looks like a weekend play date to me. No, we are NOT in any way alike.
haha I feel ya! the random “work work work” thrown in amongst the chaos at all hours of the day! too funny.
LOL! Very cute!!
Loved seeing your day in pics! Looks like a great balance of family, work, play. I feel like that balance is something I’m still trying to get right!
I’m sure you will be very happy when packing is no longer part of your day!!!
You left out the 3 a.m. blog commenting…
Not that much different than mine. Substitute dogs for people. Sleep a little later. Stay up a little later.
Can’t imagine your day will change that much after you move (except for the packing part).
Your day looks much more fun than mine, work included π
Looks like a great day to me π
I like how you move throughout the day – not just exercising once and done…I should incorporate that into my Sit and Knit days – get up and do random dips and planks every hour or so.
This is such a cute post!!!
You know, your day is EXACTLY how I pictured it in my head! (Based on your Tweets, emails and Facebook updates). Nothing surprising here (and that’s a good thing; being transparent and all!).
Loved your ‘general meal representation’ photos. Photographing food is hard!
That’s all you eat in a day? It seems like so little. Like you, the foodie blogger bit just is not a match. Waiting at the proverbial bus stop for my daughter to come home is a match. Just that it’s actually an airport, happens three times per year instead of daily, and does still involve big hugs.
How fun to get a peek inside your domain! Thanks for sharing.
I definitely work more since we moved to florida and I work from home…and especially now that I am working just for me. i always feel like I need to be checking or doing something… and yet in between it all is plenty of time for reading, workouts, resting, etc. it’s nice π
Haha! That’s great. “Wake the husband up for marriage time.” Looks like he was asleep before your daughter.
Being your own boss is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Congrats on your success!
Love this. I’m exhausted seeing all the things you do before the bus stop. What time do you get up in the morning?! Better qustion, what time do you go to bed at night?
Early π I’m sound asleep by 10.
Looks like a stellar day to me. I love being a fly on someone’s “wall of life”. Continued happy packing, and I just have to add, LOVE the pink shoes!!! Hugs
LOVE all the outfits before bus time! And were those pink heels you were wearing for dinner prep time? Classic and looks like packing is going well. Very organized. I’m impressed! xoxo
Looks like your E has many happy places in addition to Toys R Us! I love the one of you two racing. So awesome. And, can I have some of your flexibility? I have none – I’d only need a little π
i love your life. Its very PLAYFUL and MINDFUL! I bet that’s where Tornado gets her healthy glow!
I miss being a kid. Your little one gets more done before the bus then I do all day!
Did I just read through my day? Wait. No buses for me yet. I have to drive the wee ones everywhere for their school. I used to think “no bus for my kids” and now I look forward to the days of the bus. Ha!
I think that is a pretty sweet life! I remember when I was recovering from a surgery for 2 months and was just staying at home. I loved my schedule, meditating every morning, drinking coconut water. I had a routine and I loved it. Now that I work, I feel like I have less of a stable routine, strangely enough. I hope your packing goes well and your life is sweet!
My days use to look a lot like that when my kids were in school! Now that we have an empty nest things look somewhat different.
I like how you start out your day with meditation. I want to incorporate that into my life.
I am a foodie blogger. Love to cook, make food look pretty and then enjoy each bite. Cooking is like therapy for me!
Holy crud your day seems beautifully amazing, yet packed!
Mine currently is teach all day, night class, dinner, exercise, spend hours trying to get blog up and running, read some, sleep too little, repeat.
I love your meal representations. I love how much activity there is in the morning. Our days are similar – beauty of working from home?
You get SO much done early. I’m trying to work out what time you get up?! I tend to go to bed late (midnight or so) and struggle at 7am!
Also, do you feel much better for having given up diet coke?
Love that your day is filled with play time and movement time between all the work! Your daughter looks so happy and fun!
Love it! I’ve often wistfully thought about how awesome it would be to work from home. And then, I notice my procrastinative (my new word) nature and realize an office is probably good for me. You rock! π
Looks like a good day with a lot of smiles and love.
Cool pictorial essay. Love the first appointmentβ¦
That is one busy but wonderful day!
we adore you even more π
you are one busy lady!!
we would love to come over and play restaurant π
Oh man, love this post. I’m tired just reading it(or looking at all the pictures actually). Go go go. π Wish I could come help you pack.
This reminds me I need more frolic and play time in my life! π