It was recently Random Acts of Kindness week at the Child’s elementary school.
These little gestures are things we’ve done together since she was tiny.
The thing is we’ve never referred to them as as such.

These are the terms we’ve typically used.
As a result, when the child was informed it was R.A.O.K. week, she was perplexed.
Until I began to explain what it meant & she immediately knew what she wanted to do.
And immediately shoved me out of the way/the process.
I’ve never been so happy to be shoved in my life.
This is her Random Act of Kindness week story as only the child of a blogger could tell (links/photos added to explain references are mine. She’s not *yet* that savvy of a guest blogger).
It was just Random Act of Kindness week at my school.
I think it’s because there are problems with bullies (Carla note: I don’t think this is exactly why, but it’s not my tale to tell.).
At first I could not think of anything I could do that was a kindness.
I think my mom misses her friend, Melvin.
And then I remembered something my mama and I did when we lived in Oakland.
It was really fun.
We did it before school.
I got papers and markers.
I made signs for my classroom.
I made a lot of them.Â
My mama cut the bottoms so people could rip off what they needed.
I thought a lot of people would need hope (Carla note: her hope remark really surprised me.)
It was a lot of work.
I took them to school and I showed my teacher, Mrs. J****** (Carla note. My name-edit. Mama be privacy-cRaZy).
She thought they were awesome.
I put them up around school.
As soon as I taped them people wanted to see them.
A**** asked if she could take something. I told her yes. She said she needed help.
At the end of the day my mama picked me up.Â
I took her to look for my signs. They were all ripped.
That made me really happy.
The next morning I was too excited to sleep.
My friends M****, A***** and me planned to make 10 signs.
I came downstairs before 530 and got Charming and made mine.
I was excited for school.
I brought my mama inside when I taped them up.
We brought our blue tape from home.
I surprised my mama and I didn’t bring all my signs to school.
I kept one at home for us.
This is so lovely.
I teach 2nd grade and want to use this in my team!
I’d take LOVE!!
This is beautiful! I’d take peace.
i love this post!
If it was a planned event it wasn’t so random then…?
I find it so interesting you are a teacher for special needs children (which my daughter aspires to be!) and yet you criticize on a post written by a nine year old.
*WHOOSH* (that’s the sound of Cheryl missing the whole point of this post)
Not criticizing…just making an observation.
And YAY for schools and teachers once again! The conversation should be “WHY” are schools having to do this? Kindness can’t be taught-it’s modeled and lived (like you are doing).
It IS a very interesting job…you should TRY IT! I love it!
I adore she was so excited to do RAOK she couldn’t sleep.
Great job, Tornado!
i’m totally doing this with my students!!
Carla, there are no words……..she is one of a kind. That is so beautiful, one of the best posts I have ever read about the true love and spirit of a beautiful little girl. What a fantastic idea from both of you. I LOVE this in every way. Thank you so much for sharing, you are the good in this world!
So much to love here! Including coming downstairs before 5:30 and working with Charming!
I love this!! Your daughter is truly a reflection of you!!!
And, if I came across one of those incredible signs today I would definitely be taking HOPE!!!
awwww I love this!
This is perfection. You are a special, special kid and yo sure do have one awesome mama!
This: “I kept one at home for us.” LITERALLY brought tears to my eyes. So. sweet.
This girl is going to be one badass world-changing woman!
How much do you love the age of 9? My own 9 year old constantly surprises me with her sweetness and smarts. I’m fairly certain I wasn’t as evolved at my own age of 9 as these two are!!
She’s a great girl Carla and the “I kept one at home for us”??? Tore me up!! Onion ninjas, indeed. 🙂
Oh Carla, I am in tears. This is the most precious post. You are the best Mom EVER. All day long I see families just go about their business staying so busy that they life just passes them by. The fact that you and your daughter take the time to make the world around you a better place is … well, there are no words… it just makes me cry. Love you so very much.
<3 and more <3 – this is such a lovely thing for you to do! And how nice that your friends were inspired to help out too. Kindness does BEGET more kindness. Yes, pass it on!
I am inspired to do something extra-kind for others today, myself. Thanks for setting such a good example, and writing such a wonderful blog post for me to come find on this dreary Friday morning!
You are doing an amazing job raising a loving, empathetic, and strong person.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, cheryl – no words for all that – unfortunate….
I just adore her. And I love that she used that idea. Someday we are going to all meet up!
I love her. I love how she thought through this and made this her own.
ROAK – get new teacher for Cheryl’s students. For Tornado…way to go to give out that peace, love, and kindness. What a great way to spread it around.
Damn I love this.
Seriously, can I borrow her for a day?!?
I love that she surprised you. This is just beautiful. 🙂