my personal first aid kit contains a fave!
We all have self- definitions.
While this can be limiting at times, for the sake of today’s navel gazings post, it’s not.
For today we are going to choose to view self-definitions as merely information on how we see/view ourselves.
A chunk of my self-definition is I’m a voracious reader.
A piece of my self-definition is:
I struggle to find new books to read as it seems I’ve devoured ’em all already!
When I first moved back from Guatemala I lost that second piece for a while & nothing made me happier than the day I realized I’d reclaimed it.
My self-definition also includes the words: lover of the memoir.
No matter who you are or what your life experience—if you pen a memoir I’ll read it.
one of my FAVE FAVE FAVES.
In which genres do I not define myself as a reader’s reader?
Two words: self-help and business.
I see people rave about their favorites, I write them down, I plan to read, I never do.
Sorry Kelly O…
It’s for that reason I’ve become kind of obsessed with a blog post by the inimitable Seth.
He suggested–paraphrasing–we identify 3 people who influence our work (friends, family, co-workers, mentors etc).
Next, he instructed, we choose 3 books which challenge our “normal.” Books we’ve read. Books we feel a need for them to read so we can discuss.
Finally, Seth wrote, we gift all 3 individuals the 3 books and ask they do precisely that!
I found his suggestion intriguing. I couldn’t do it.
It wasn’t I’m unable to ask for what I needed —I was stumped as to as which books I’d proffer.
So I did nothing.
I *have* read this one!
I’ve watched as the “book-ask” evolved into a status update on the Book of the Face
Friends, virtual co-workers, family making the ask there:
I was paralyzed with this as well (go me!) because books I read become like my children CANINES.
I love, love, love them all and even considering distilling to a list of 10 made me sad.
And overwhelmed.
And so I ignored the Facebook tags and, instead, resorted to begging you to join me in what I was currently reading (which was typically trashtastic as life can feel slammed by serious):
The thing is, when I do the above sort of ASK it’s not only spray and pray (to borrow a PR term) —I risk nothing.
I’m not identifying my team.
I’m not making myself vulnerable.
I’m not imposing on others and asking they spend their most valuable resource.
I’m ready to ask.
Before I can, however, I need to complete an assignment of sorts.
I have to identify which book (3 feels like too many) I “need” my team to read.
Which leads me, in a circuitous way, to the point of my post.
- Imagine I’m on your team (because, really, we know I am): what BUSINESS or SELF-HELP book would you ask me to read?
Any book by Gary V.
They rock my world.
I just bought JOLT by Tyler.
I haven’t read it yet though.
I’d say everything by Tim Ferriss.
Sadly, I’m on your team of “I don’t read business or self-help books!” I will gladly spy and check out the list…:-) And I already looked up the book by Jason Biggs’ wife because that’s more my style – HA!
I get my wisdom from Mindy Kalling (sp??)
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero.
The closest I can come is Bossypants, because the chapter on life lessons from improv (my synonpsis, not the title) impressed me to take more risks and say “yes” to more challenging opportunities … even ones that have me speaking in three different states next week. 😉
Yeah. I read novels and nonfiction and memoirs. I think though, that if we were on that level, I would say to read “If you lived here, I’d know your name” ( I think that is the correct title). It isn’t about my life, but it is, in many ways, about a life as opposite mine as possible, and thus revealing.
I read this and think how desperately I need a team!!!
You should blog about that
I love the book The 100 Dollar Startup.
I reallllllly didn’t like reading either of these genres either. I love reading, but I don’t get the chance to do it often so I just wanted to read what I wanted to read. But when my life completely fell apart and I was in a deep depression (which lasted almost 2 years), I was so anxious to just find something that would help me dig out of the hole, so i started reading Self-Help books. I actually got into the mode that I would read what I wanted, but I would listen (via Audible) to Self Help. I would definitely recommend: (1) The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. This book has really changed the way I think about things. The concept is that everyone knows what they need to do to succeed….and its usually pretty easy to do. But that itself is the problem, Its so EASY to do it, but also so EASY to NOT do it. So we don’t. We aren’t consistent. Its a great book. (2) The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brenee Brown. I’ve just read this one, but oh my gawd. So many practical things. It was a great read on being mindful and living in a wholehearted way. (3) Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr Townsend. I don’t know if this is something you need, but I desperately needed to learn how to set boundaries. Ok, and one more…and its all about learning to deal with narcisissts — The Object of my Affection is my Reflection – By Rokelle Lerner. It was eye opening. I was dealing with a narcissistic friend and it was just tearing me apart. This book helped me understand. oh, and The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle.
One more quick thing – sorry…but I found the best app that kind of ties into some of the habits that are discussed in the Slight Edge book — its called 5 Minute Journal. It walks you through posting 3 things your are Grateful For today, 3 things that would make your day great, Affirmations. Then in the evening, you post 3 amazing things that happened that day. Its a way to re-wire your brain to think positively. I feel like you are so good about all of this, but I thought it was such an awesome idea to have a habit doing this, so I wanted to share. 🙂
I’m afraid I’m no help. I usually read fiction and books related to fitness/running. The last self help book I read was The Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them, which probably tells you a little about me in my 20s.
I LOVED Bossypants by Tina Fey.
“Das Energi” by Paul Williams! That book changed my life for the better more than any other.
Number two is “Illusions” by Richard Bach.
When I first started reading major works as a teen, “Hiroshima Diary” and “The Agony and the Ecstasy.”
The Gift of Imperfections by Brene Brown!
lovelovelove HER.
I’m with YOU Carla – I grew up watching my mother read endless volumes of self-help books and jumping on every bandwagon available and never addressing any root problem, ever. EVER. I hate (using the word HATE here) HATE self-help books! And business books “feel” the same to me, but I have (usually at the request of a respected boss) read a few.
“Our Iceberg is Melting!” is one. By John Kotter. (It’s short like a children’s book but even so I’m not sure I finished it.
“Who Moved My Cheese?” is another. By Spencer Johnson. (Also short like a children’s book but I kinda loved this one. Recommended by my MOST FAVORITE PERSON IN THE WORLD my VBFITWWW so of COURSE it was terrific. He knows me so well. (This NOT The Hubs.)
I also started but didn’t finish “Now, Discover Your Strength” (the sequel to “First, Break All the Rules.”) It was a gift from a good manager, but this one’s much longer than your average children’s book.
OOOH YES!!! Who moved my cheese? has been on the list for eons…and so long Id forgotten it 🙂
Good morning! I don’t know if this counts as self-help, I just know that I found it enchanting and convicting, it made me think and reflect.
“The Parent’s Tao Te Ching” by William Martin
I really liked the $100 Startup and anything by Brene Brown. She rocks my world.
Life by the Cup looks like an interesting book. I’m like you, I have books piled up and no time to read them. I would read the book Feeling Good is Good for You (great info).
THANK YOU. Ive never heard of Feeling Good…either!
I will read just about anything, but…. I won’t force myself to finish anything. Life’s too short for bad books
I’m reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s new book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, and am finding it so inspiring and empowering.
(((adding to list))) I keep forgetting to plop it on.
The Dark Side Of The Light Chasers by Debbie Ford 🙂
Nothing like delving into your “shadow” to feel über-powerful!
HUH. THANK YOU. Ive never even heard of it!
Haven’t ventured down the biz/self-help aisle in a while. I have been meaning to read the $100 Start-up, and I’ve been feeling the need to re-read Ask and It Is Given by Ester Hicks.
OOOH YES. I have meant to read ANYTHING by Ester Hicks too. Adding…
I want to read the Seuss-isms book! I love him – I even have “Oh the places you’ll go” tattooed on my foot!
Sorry – I am no help. I read sci fi, fantasy (usually because that’s what my husband reads and he’s always like… ohhhh ohhhh you have to read THIS series and then keeps lining up more and more… and they get me! :D) and triathlon type books. I read to escape and wind down before sleep, I’m not typically looking for anything super heavy.
I never for a minute didn’t think you were on my team, ha ah!
I have actually been told innumerable times that I should write a book because there are billions of chapters that no one knows about… From professionally snowboarding… To being Miss Rodeo Princess… To losing my large intestine… To being an Entertainment Host. Ha… Interesting. It would take me a LONG time to write.
Uh oh…not sure if I can be of any help here. I’m with ya in that I don’t read self-help/business books either (wait, does Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus count as self-help?). But one of my personal training clients told me that he really enjoyed The Slight Edge as a self-help/business book. I haven’t read it yet.
Probably not what you’re looking for but I just read ‘Fat Girl Walking’ by Brittany Gibbons and it was one of the best books I’ve ever read.. It was laugh out loud funny, but had an awesome message. Highly recommend it. Super quick read 🙂
I don’t really read those types of books either. It is more psychology, but I loved Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers.
Oh how I LOVE reading! I recently finished The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It really inspired me and I’m getting ready to launch my own version of a happiness project.
On my list to read though is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I’ve heard Margo (ShesNachoMama) mention it often and I think it would help me get a better start to my day! 🙂
Entreleadership, by Dave Ramsey. It’s about how he built his business from a card table in his living room into a multi-million dollar brand. He made the mistakes while building a business, and lays them out so people can learn from his instead of having to make costly errors of their own.
I haven’t been reading much at all, I am scrolling looking at everyone’s suggestions 🙂
I’ll be honest, I came to see the suggestions and save for later on my good reads 🙂 As expected, you’ve got some amazing ones!
Oh goodness, I’m really bad with both those genres. :[ I usually read fiction as an escape!
A client suggested “Hike” and I read it and I loved it…I haven’t seen the movie, nor will I, because when I read a book that resonates with me, I never see the movie, because it will never be the same!
A Kick in the Seat of the Pants: Using Your Explorer, Artist, Judge, and Warrior to Be More Creative by Roger Von Oech
Moby Dick and To Kill a Mockingbird…oh and Lonesome Dove. That’s 3. Will solve all life’s problems!
I don’t know if it completely fits into self help but the genius in all of us is incredible!! Definitely, read it.
I actually do love self-help books 🙂 I also love a good fluff novel every now and agin but still my ultimate favorite book is The Art of Racing in the Rain. Oh and then of course books all about triathlon and running.