First, foremost, and of the UTMOST importance is this. Read it. Heed it. Spread the word.
Sure some of it is kind of silly (as if we’re gonna show up for yoga class with our feet crammed into golf shoes) but if it stops just one person from yanking the lat pulldown bar *behind* her head I shall be a happy woman.
(unsure what a lat pull down even IS? stay tuned.)
And Im beyond curious to learn what you think about this food information website.
It’s definitely far too much info for MizFit as I dont want to know every single thing about every single morsel I pop in my mouth. (One word: orthorexia) but there are a lot of interesting and helpful tidbits to be found if you explore it for a while.
For example: who knew that a Dominos 14 inch cheese pizza has the fat equivalent of a stick of butter (Im skeptical. can that even be right? I’d have guesstimated at least three and a quarter) and would take MizFit eighteen hours of bowling to burn off.
Talk about preventing overeating. Eighteen hours of bowling? 21 hours of pushing a stroller? I’ll have a salad.
Link lastly, this has been a few places lately but mainly of the teen variety so you might not have seen it. As much as I want to mock it—–I really, really like it. Especially the part about the voice in your head saying things to YOU which you’d never say to a friend.
Not surprisingly this isnt just a young person’s issue & was something I encountered daily when I was a personal trainer.
Funny, beautiful, smart, women who walked around with chatter in their heads which mightcould make a sailor blush. All directed at themselves.
The saddest part? Many of these women were mothers and, after meeting their daughters, I could see the beginning of the same negative self talk emerging in their funny, beautiful, smart little heads.
It’s like the exercise and eating right: we’re here for the HEALTH of it all. Because—as our first emailer pointed out—-we are worth it and so are our families.
The negative self talk crap? It’s time to get over it and MOVE ON.
If not for yourself then do it for those who love you.
Enough of the serious and on to the freebie.
Ill spare you the love-fest because it’s been done.
I wont spare you the rant about how GENEROUS she is to create this one of a kind hat just for the MizFits.
You know the drill. It can be yours for the price of one comment.
One shout out to yourself of nice positive self love.
Ill start you off:
I ADORE MY arms. I love how they never fail me when the Toddler Tornado is shrieking UP UP UP and thisclose to clawing my legs off.
now you.
I love the skull cap and most definitely would think of MizFit every time I wore it. As for my positive self thought for the day. I am proud of myself that I have managed to keep my healthy 60 pound weight loss off for over a year now, even when the stresses of life and relationships would previously have driven me to a whole dominos pizza. 🙂
I love love the skull cap too! I liked the webMD article, as I look for as many reasons as possible to avoid certain exercises 😉 I’m sad that the upright row is on the list, that one I like. Oh well, I doubt my 10 lb barbell will do any damage. And now for my self-love: I’m loving my butt lately, heehee. I’ve been doing many squats and lunges and I think it’s looking pretty fine! And it’s not all about looks…I feel a lot stronger on the elliptical and I know it’s all that nice muscle down there.
Sam, that’s amazing and impressive. especially given all the statistics regarding weight loss and regaining.
YOU should love your arms and use em to pat yourself on the back.
Becki, I admire you. I am CHEERING the addition of the upright row—simply because I loathe it so 🙂
and your self love? LOVE IT!
My friends just had their first baby yesterday, it brought me back twenty years to my first child’s birth. And whenever I look at my now smaller, saggier boobs and stretched belly button – I rejoice at the love and goodness those changes brought in my life. The Seventeen article should be cross-stitched and hung in my office – daily reminder of who to listen to, and who to tune out.
Is there an age limit on who can wear the skull cap?
Love that cap!
I agree with becki on the upright rows, it is in every weight exercise I do.
Giving Miz a shout-out on Myspace bulletin, will ask everyone to repost it!
Have a good one!
first—gotta say how PLEASANTLY SURPRISED I am that you heart the skull (pun intended) cap as much as I do.
AMEN Lynn on the cross-stitching. there’s your million dollar maker. I’ll call oprah for you.
Meribeth, ahhh you *and* becki. why do I avoid those at every turn?!
laziness? NEVER! 🙂
(thanks for the shout out)
Re: article – I always wonder and worry a little at all of us using those machines willy nilly. Seriously – someone spends 10 minutes giving people an orientation when they join and then we all get gung ho and start sweating. I used to spend a lot of time at the gym and never got the results I wanted…I suspect I was doing 1/2 of it wrong. And as for holding on to the cardio machines…I am the world’s biggest klutz so I do have to lightly hang on with one hand to my treadmill. No telling where I would end up if I didn’t.
Hence why I hate using weight machines. I knew they always hurt. So there. I’m sticking with yoga for strength training (as well as all the other wonderfulnesses of yoga) until/unless my dear MizFit suggests some additional alternative.
Not so sure about the food website. I could definitely see that being used for the forces of evil me-talk and therefore might avoid re-clicking that link.
Self-Love Moment: I love how my body can catch a falling toddler at a moment’s notice. And the non-sippy milk cup he was holding. I feel a little like SuperMom, domestic superhero. 🙂
I am a high school teacher so I am always looking for “self-empowering” articles for teen girls – thanks!!
onto self-love – I love my current pregnant belly, not pregnant I love my shoulders and collar bones (I knew that German footballish heritage would one day pay off, linebacker or not, they look awesome in a halter top).
Keep up the good work!!
Ah, the importance of positive self-talk. Hello P’s therapist from college! Nice to see you were right, way back then.
Little tip for MizFit readers: every day, write down or say OUT LOUD 10 positive things about yourself. When times have been bad, I have literally said things like “took shower this morning” and “remembered to eat”.
Today? I took excellent care of my wee one even though I was tired.
It’s hard to get the list going at first, and it seems weird to toot one’s own horn, but it really does do a body good.
the negative self talker that needs to remind herself from time to time that she does in fact kick ass!
Michelle, can you see MizFit? tongue clenched betwix front teeth so I dont admonish you for your lack of self love statement? ((*wink*)
I just know your (FQ) self (unFQ) is doing some pretty cool stuff right now.
Heather? you KNOW I adore yours. you know I have weight training thoughts (in fact this monday’s face time which I taped this morning is chock full o’rambles) and the evils of that site triggering negative self talk? GREAT POINT.
Kristen? dang woman. you got some GOOD SELF LOVE TALK there.
And Miss. P. Snarky and so insightful. as ever. You, missy, do indeed kick some major ass.
I’m 54 and keep up with my toddler, and can carry her in my arms like I did my eldest son 34 years ago.
Here’s hoping that you are NOT one of the women with *any* sort of a negative self-talk tape running.
just by virtue of the sentence above your body is amazing.
What an awesome hat! I would wear it around the gym as I do everything correctly and healthily. Except I intend to be sweating too much. But still…
My love for myself for today… (Priscilla’s right – this is a great habit, and I ought to get into it.) Well, first, this soup I made that I’m eating now is pretty damn great… but I’m also really proud of the weight lifting I’ve been doing lately. I’m breaking through a plateau, and am really psyched.
Been thinkin’ ’bout body love all day. Why I have it…….most of the time. Have observed that I have a lot of it in private. I do. All day, here in my studio/house, i love love love my body. I love to don my string, grab my hibiscus tea and head out on the deck for a little late February Texas sunning.
Now trust me when I tell you that this 49 yr old body has no business in a bikini. NONE AT ALL! And I would never never never wear it in public…..But it’s good for me….all by myself.
I made sure to tell my man straight up that I loved my body. Just the way it was. I told him that if he had a problem with it, he needed to move on. 🙂 I was firm but kind!!!
I do yoga. I ride my bike. I walk. And now, thanks to Mizfit, I’m doing weights. Oh….and I always always always do my thang in front of a mirror. I think the mirror has helped me get to know myself. Front and back! No surprises here!
Anyhoo……….I’m off to make fried chicken for my monkey man. 🙂
surplusj, MAN, if I had a million dollars Id buy you ALL hats. I must confess I bought one since I *knew* I wasnt getting the freebie.
I shall debut it on a monday facetime I think.
I love your last sentence. my two favorite P-WORDS: proud and psyched.
mary, since Ive seen your 49 year old bod I beg to differ with the bikini comment 🙂
you are SO HEALTHY and so NORMAL.
you need to have a column in Seventeen Mag.
This is really neat…I love my stomach no matter how much skin has been stretched due to childbirth…that skull would keep my nugget warm…Great info Mizfit…
Thanks Meribeth…for introducing me via Myspace…
Yikes! I’ve been guilty of doing #1 on the non-no exercise list. Will stop now. Thanks for sharing the list.
Positive chatter: I have awesome hair; shiny, long, and ravishing. It’s my trademark 🙂
Welcome Melissa! and I adore your comment. any stretching is a BADGE OF HONOR.
and stephanie? MizFit would kill for that trademark. I oft wonder if mine is my (are my?) split ends.
Okay, when I used to live at the gym I did every excercise on that list. And I loved every one of them.
Calves…I have always had good calves. Used to be great…and will be again someday soon.
Speaking of your arms, I’ll never forget the first time we met you and the Mr. My hubby never was interested in the forum so he didn’t have a clue that there was going to be people there I knew. After you left the table from introducing yourself, he goes “WHO IS THAT”??? I explained and next…………”DID YOU SEE HER ARMS”?????? and everytime after that was, I wonder how much she works out, I wonder what she eats, blah,blah. It was hilarious!
Hey Mizfit,
Cute hat! I admire people who knit.
Anyhow, great post, and have to comment on the Seventeen piece, since I was a fan of the magazine, and how I wish they published that way back when. Nowadays, I hear the discourse coming out of the mouths of my daughter’s 3rd grader friends. Scary.
I struggled with my weight forever and have to say that I conquered the battle in high school by discovering aerobics via Jane Fonda and protein shakes, even though I was born in an island where every milestone in life is celebrated with food and drink.
However, I have to say that I was never prouder of my body, than after giving birth to my 3 kids sans drugs, even though they smallest one weighed 8 lbs 12 oz and the 3rd broke the scale at 11 lbs. I really learned to love my humongous shape and all I could do. Now, I’m dancing for fitness at 40, something I always wanted to revisit from childhood, and I’m happy to say that I’m loving every minute of it, especially the 2 dress sizes I’ve dropped without dieting, just eating better and not beating myself up.
And my girls dance too! Here’s to loving our bodies!
Gibb, calves are a GREAT ONE. we women dont love ours enough.
and dare I make the suggestion that TODAY the start back to the path to greatness?
what would that entail?
Lisa, Im blushing. Thanks so much for the COMPLIMENT. It’s all about the consistency. Now, I cant do your BODY LOVE for you (Im terrible about noticing people’s physiques) BUT you have such an amazing calm about you. An innate mama-ness. (and great friggin’ hair to boot)
Melissa, THANKS SO MUCH for sharing all of that.
Im baffled by how so many women try to play everything off (“who me? I never struggled with ANY body issues. you did?!).
Dance Party With Toddler in MizFit’s domicile in YOUR honor today!
I love my arms. They’re my best feature next to my shining personality and they’re coming along nicely with help with some friends. 🙂 And I love MizFit’s arms even more – they provide a wonderful model of perfection toward which I strive.
And I loved the two websites – both of them! Frank and I just went through the cautionary one and he assured me I’m not doing any of the no-nos, with the possible exception of the military presses. We’ll have to see when we hit the gym next time.
Thanks for the great stuff!!!!