MizFit rambles because she loves.
Weight training.
The whole shebang.
And speaking of love—this week’s freebie winner (& all around lifeWINNER given that amazing 60 pound weight loss) is SAM.
You know the drill. Email me your mailing address and your hat shall be on its way. Shiver me timbers!
I’m so excited about the hat. Yay! I can’t believe I won.
It’s on its way.
you may wear it whilst weight training (*wink*) now that I see you are from a colder clime (colder than where MizFit resides anyway)
Look! I’m finally at your site! Once I have internet at home again, I know I’ll be here all the time.
You’re awesome and I really, really love this site!
Have an awesome day…
Good day Mizfit.
As always LOVE LOVE LOVE the Monday Face time.
Cannot stay long on my way to eat my oatmeal and FLAX!!
Weights might take me longer to get into than flax.
You just do not know how I look forward to each morning knowing there is something new here. Thanks for doing this.
Amy? welcome. never been to amy’s site? get thee over there & pronto. she is farfarFAR more funny than the mizfit.
Jules? If I had a million dollars….Id send it all to you! Thanks for the Monday Pick Me Up.
Beyond appreciated.
now to just get my more-lunging-required-but-its-coming-via-facetime ass on oprah’s couch!
I feel like we need a Mizfits mantra? vow?
I will eat my flaxseed.
I will weight train.
I will do all things in moderation.
Very interesting Monday Facetime! Didn’t realize that weight training helps keep the arthritis at bay. Just one more reason I should be doing it.
Off to say my 10 things…in the mirror! Love the mirror idea.
Have a super day!
Just a bumbling band o’ mizfits?
At the core we’re all the same?
Chill Out. Relax. Eat bags o’FLAX?
Looking for to a small(ish) cache of do-able at home weight exercises. With small children and great debt, it may be awhile before I join a gym again but I can afford to spend a little cash on some hand weights if I know what to do with them. That said…can you do leg weight work too? I guess they make ankle weights and those band thingies. Looking forward to see what you have to share.
And you should do some of it in front of the mural so we can be transported back there – I was way healthy for that 2 months (well minus the large amounts of beer consumed and very little sleep) with all of the walking and fresh foods.
ok, thou must go cafepress us shirts with “bumbling band o mizfits” on it.
Hi Carla.
So glad I finally found my way to you after the chickenbus shut down. So here’s my q: How can I improve my posture? Any suggestions will be helpful.
Many thanks,
Michelle, more workout specifics are coming (both video and suggestions for reading) are you are definitely not alone.
Priscilla? You KNOW the cafe press store link is on its way (MizFit caint help herself.) and this?
been up for a while 🙂
amy, fantastic question. look for the answer in a future post and WELCOME!
What a wonderful discussion on weight training and the need to train at any age.