Let’s start this week with a tip.
MizFit is discovering how snarky she truly is as I mosied (moseyed?) on over to this article pretty much for the sole purpose o’mocking it.
I mean seriously—-what would you have thought would make better mockage than a piece on (FQ) Belly Flattening Foods (unFQ).
Alas, I was wrong. The foods are all things which —-while MizFit does scratch her head at the phrase belly flattening—-are great for you and should be in all of our daily food consumptions regardless.
If they end up flattening the belly along the way, then it’s just the flax sprinkling on the proverbial cake.
Definitely worth taking the time to check out.
Convinced you’re too busy? Here’s a taste: almonds, avocado, and sunflower seeds (who knew?).
Next is a trend Im not too sure about.
By means of full disclosure MizFit loves the texting.
Which is actually surprising given the fact that I neither hath the command of the lingo (OMG! I know.) nor do I have any clue how to text on a PHONE.
Sidekick? Full qwerty keyboard? Im good to go. (the true sign of being old, I realize)
That said, even with my love of the immediacy of texting admitted—-I think this one is too much.
What do you do? Essentially you text the food you’re about to consume (or is this supposed to be during the menu perusal phase? in the ladies room during a date? who can say.) to the number given and they text you BACK the calorie count, fat, carb and protein.
Obsess about food much?
You can also go to the website and see, at any given moment, what *other* people are texting in & asking about (in the men’s room. during their date.).
On weight watchers ? Text them the food and they’ll text you back with the points.
(the points thing might be helpful. any weight watchers people out there?)
What do you think, Mizfits?
Too much? Being an informed consumer?
For some reason the entire thing seems sort of like something you’d try and hide as you were doing it.
Something Julia Louis Dreyfus* would attempt to execute on a first date and, inevitably, hilarity would ensue.
*please to make this my public proclamation both of my love for her and the fact that if anything ever happens to me Renaissance Man is encouraged to hunt her down and nuptualize her.
Personally I think the text to find out how many calries are in your restaurant meal is a little much. From someone who has had a bit of obsession with calorie counting most of my life – that seems a bit obssessive and keeps people from really enjoying their lives. Besides, the information giver will never be able to accurately gauge how big your portion is, so how accurate will the count really be. And do you really want to know how many calories are in a peice of molten chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream. 🙂
amen, sister.
your comment appears to have been cut off though.
the part about how Julia L.D.’s humor pales in comparison to the MizFits?
I cant find it!!
here’s to a food obsession FREE tuesday.
As much as I love texting and being texted, this one is crazy. Less obvious, though, than pulling out the WW points counter at the restaurant. (Not cool!)
BTW, I made the muffin in a mug this morning. I chose the least-loved mug in the house, a never used souvenir U.S. Supreme Court mug, so that I could throw it away if the baked-on muffin ended up ruining it. Wow, I thought, as I watched it bake and sparks flew out of the top, this muffin is CERTAINLY energizing! (Then realized it was the metal ring around the top of the USSCt mug making those sparks.) The muffin tasted pretty good with a little creamy Peter Pan on top. Got the concept of food as fuel, but it did seem like a teeny little portion. Do you ever eat two?
first Allison? kudos on the Muffin Flambe idea!!
(*mizfit scratches head at the seemingly incorrect spelling of flambe*)
I like the muffin as a side dish.
a sweet treat to my scrambled egg beaters and veggies sausage.
(stay tuned for more on my odd food choices on thursday)
If I knew the calories and fat content of every food I was about to eat – I would undeniably be thrilled to death. But I would also never eat. I, too, was once that obsessed. I’m happier now.
My first thought: I gotta learn how to text so I can totally sign up for this! (I’m like you – texting deficient.)
My second thought: Time to call my therapist. (Step AWAY from the food journal!!)
My third thought: Why did they not have this when I was actively anorexic?? I would have been their best customer. Which leads to an interesting marketing paradigm.
My last thought: I had EXACTLY the same reaction to the “flat belly diet.” A friend asked me to research it for her and I was all prepared to rip it apart and ended up saying “yeah, eat that stuff. it’s awesome.” Although I do think it is a rip-off they make you pay for the “program” All that info is already out there!
Thanks for the hilarity!! (Feng Sui McDs?!? Where do you position the dead animal carcasses in relation to the door? And WHAT does that mean??)
Don’t particularly care about flattening my belly (it sounds painful), but I am quite fond of Olive Oil, Flaxseed (but the crushed stuff, not the oil),
Natural Peanut Butter, Chocolate (well, to be a totally honest mizfit, I generally eat milk chocolate. dark just isn’t worth it to me, so that one probably doesn’t count), and Avocados.
And in Guatemala I lived on macadamia nuts, chocolate from the cute guy at Deliciosa, and avocados.
There was a time (or times, but who’s counting?) when I would have used that texting thing nonstop. Now I am proud to say that I wasn’t even tempted. Okay. I was a teensy bit tempted to save the number in my phone for emergencies, but it was a passing thing.
Anyone else want to play “bye-bye ED, no room for you in here anymore!” with me?
karen, how did I know we’d share a JLD love. the fact you were once that obsessed? SO GLAD you have moved past that.
charlotte, precisely on the marketing campaign. although the emaciated models part wouldnt require too much searching.
and heather? there is FOR SURE no more room any more. you’re making room for another thing—-but it surely isnt that 🙂
wait – so does this mean that the mounds of raw cookie dough I consumed yesterday, effectively reducing the number of actual cooked cookie by 1/3, was *not* belly-flattening? Crap. I hope the goat cheese-and-leek dip and shrimpr olls were.
Off to much some high-fiber cereal!
I agree about Julia Louis Dreyfus. The woman can make me double over in laugher with a slight twist of her face. She has truly mastered the art of non-verbal communication.
favorited this one, man
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