This week? a new triceps exercise (coupled with the realization that Renaissance Man’s renaissanceness might not extend into cameraman’ing).
When you do this exercise remember to:
* inhale when you lower the weights toward your ears, DO NOT REST at bottom/by ears, immediately exhale and straighten your arms.
* as always, keep your core/abs tight (*waves to a MizFit with whom she hath emailed about this precise thing*).
* start with a weight where you can do two sets of 12-15 reps (with the last repetitions of your final set feeling difficult). focus on *form* over weight as you work to learn the exercise.
This week’s winner? Charlotte.
You know the drill—email me at and I’ll put you in contact with yer generous benefactor!
good exercise to do at home…maybe thats how I get your arms. oh and the mixture of accents would be quite amusing.
Mizfit – please come to my house and kick my butt back into lifting gear. I’ve been majorly slacking on the lifting, but at least keeping the cardio going.
Thanks for the facetime, I’m making a pledge to myself to get those weight sessions done this week!
These tips/exercise was helpful… i hate working my triceps so this post will motivate me to do so tonight 😉
Aaah…the secrets to those rockin’ arms! Maybe now I can wave buh-bye to my waving upper arms.
MizFit, my husband and I are making our first experimental batch of homemade beef jerky (yum). I’ll let you know if it’s a success! The kitchen’s smelling pretty savory.
Mercedes? I can’t wait!
What time should I be there?
I shall bring a bottle of my finest sparkling water.
Love the new video! I think RM did a great job:) And hey, I’ll try anything to get my arms to look like yours!
Sorry everyone but I have to do this…. I WIN I WIN I WIN!!! (I never win anything so this is kind of a coup for me;))
Thanks MizFit!
*Waving furiously back atcha!*
Woohoo, a new exercise to try! The Bag Lady is very cautiously attempting to start again. She still has a painful muscle, but this time will not over-do. (Well, unless she has to lure the cows somewhere again…sigh)
Love these exercises! This is the most “problem area” of most of my clients, so this is a for sure exercise in our routines!
I love you, MizFit! I’ve got jiggly upper arms (and a few other jiggly things, too) BUT I also have soup cans. Let the transformation begin!!
Ok, please remove the secret camera from my house. You somehow know exactly when I’m looking for another exercise to do! I think to myself, hmmm, need to work triceps more, and then VOILA! A video magically appears on Monday facetime.
Thank you is what I’m trying (poorly) to say here.
great exercise. and you can combine these with a lot of different lower body moves, too, which saves a lot of time. Im all about saving time so i have more time to do nothing. That makes sense, right?
and I am feeling much better, thank you.
I’ve never tried that exercise before! It looks excellent. I really like those ones where you have to engage your abs and core whilst working your arms (and lifting legs into the air to work it a bit harder? Happy!).
Sweet. I am totally going to try those. I have always wanted to, but didn’t know the “rules” or exactly how. I’ve seen people doing them at the gym, but have of those jerk offs don’t do things properly.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Awwww, I don’t want to exercise today.
Dont make MizFit’s feet meet yer arse.
(sayeth the woman who has run not one marathon and really has no place prodding you to get out there and exercise)
Ohh… my triceps are SO my problem area. I’ll definitely be giving this a try!
Watching the video again, the Bag Lady (who has a few co-ordination problems!) had visions of dropping soup cans on face…. Wonder which would hurt more, soup cans, or 5 lbs weights?
PRECISELY, BL, why we started here and not with any leg shenanigans thrown in.
MizFit is NOTHING if not wholly uncoordinated so she likes to assume others are the same way 🙂
It’s great to have handy exercises to do at home! And soup cans, what a great idea! Have tried similar exercises using the cat, and the soup cans sound much more cooperative.
my volume is not working, so I unfortunately cannot enjoy your commentary today. I love me some skullcrushers though! I will do them today (instead of dips as I mentioned on my blog) and enjoy the challenge.
I also have to add that an 18 lb baby works great in this exercise too. Just don’t drop him! (the 36lb toddler boy was not so good. Thankfully we had pillows behind us!!!)
Shall we all get together and attempt my 145 pound wigglydrooly bullmastiff as a group?
LOL! I was going to try the dog too, but he smells like there is no tomorrow and would most definitely get dropped. (and I definitely do not want that stink on my face!) 🙂
I just wish my house was as clean as yours,lol!
Love me some triceps! Thanks for the vid!
MizFit, I found you…I’m so excited! What an awesome blog…
I love the video and I’m a huge fan of skullcrushers for the triceps. I love dips, too, but I injured my left wrist while demonstrating a cartwheel for my daughter and now I find dips exceptionally painful. Any way to still do dips without putting pressure on my wrist?
Mizfit, did you get arms like that using SOUP CANS? I have been working on my triceps for two months at the gym using various weight equipment, with like 40 lbs weights at a time. I can’t tell a bit of difference in my triceps. The skin still just ‘hangs’ there. Ugh. Soup cans?! Mmmm.
Dara, not seeing you in person (and might I add that is TOTALLY a way Id injure myself :)) I would say SKIP the dips for a bit in favor of other tricep exercises!
if you need ideas let me know.
carol? yes and no.
thats the exact exercise I do—-only after 14 years lifting Im finally past the creamy tomato to the chunky style (read: a bit heavier weights)!
and for me it is ALL ABOUT the triad: clean eating, weights and cardio.
without any one piece the tris would flap in the wind.
I LOVE this exercise. I typically do it while laying on the balance ball, I started with 2 pound weights and have worked my way up to 5 pound weights, I’ve seen a real improvement too! Anyone unsure of trying this one needs just DO IT!!
Thanks MizFit
When exercising with animals/exploiting them for my amusement, my favorite is deadlifting my pit bull boxer mix, then bringing her up to chest level. She always has a look of wonderment that’s priceless. “look ma, I’m flying!”
I do like this exercise. I like dips too – hard for me to do a lot of reps, though!
I’ve been putting more focus on my triceps lately and have noticed more definition. Love it! 🙂
So after working on beefing up my tri-s, I can go make a yummy mushroom soup for lunch. Oh how I love multi-tasking! I love your videos. Those arms inspire me like you would not believe.
I love this exercise!!!!