Please not to fall over in shock but we’re actually going to continue yesterday’s theme into today.
(I know. Only sort of, however, because G-d forbid I become too organized up in herre.)
Today’s tips are strategies to make the most out of the time you have available to workout.
Whether you have all the minutes in the world at your disposal (ahhh—days of yore) or you have only thirty in which to cardioyogaliftbikeWHATEVS your way to health there are a few ways you can maximize your benefits.
(if by few you mean: here are mine now gimmie yours in the comments—–which I do.)
These are in no specific order as, in my opinion, we all need to rank them for ourselves since we all have different reasons/goals for our exercise.
1. Dont chat. Buckle down and make your exercise time a time of FOCUS. If youre uncomfortable donning a “mess with me and I will bite your head off” face (not that Id know a thing about that expression) try kicking your work out up a notch or five to the point where you *could* carry on a conversation but it’s a challenge.
Wheezing and uberbreathlessness are oft perfect deterrents for random conversation striker-uppers. (MizFit note: This tip isnt for everyone & is precisely what I was referencing above. Your gym time may really be an opportunity to socialize with adults after spending the morning scraping wet goldfish crackers from your shirt (not that Id know a thing about that). If you dont mind socializing just be certain you still complete your intended workout.)
2. Plan ahead. This is an obvious one, but, as with the parking far from the gym entrance and walking, one which many of us fail to do.
Jot down your workout before you hit the gym (complete with a Plan B in case the equipment you wish to use /the class you plan to take is occupied/full.).
3. Change. Change. Change. (also known as MizFit’s Do As I Say & Not As I Do rule number 12312C). Switching around your workout is important regardless but if youre under any sort of time pressure you want to be even more careful not to let your body plateau.
Alternate between longer bouts of cardio and high intensity training. Taken the same 9 am group exercise class for months now? Give weight training a try.
Sure, you can mix things up too much by trying a new workout on a daily basis—–but I think we all can tell when our body is plain ole USED TO and BURNT OUT ON what we’re currently doing.
4.Proper form. No matter what your workout o’choice always be sure youre doing it correctly. While this sounds like a no-brainer think about the last time you were at the gym or walking/running outside. Did you notice anyone and think “Holy crapballs moley! S/he is going to injure himself.” or (and be honest) “Whoa. That’s not how you do that.” & cringe inwardly? (Dont lie. I know you did.)
Whether it’s hiring a trainer for a session or two, asking an instructor for extra help, or renting a video so that you can practice at home good form is a *huge* way to get more from any time you spend exercising.
5. Set yourself up for success. Sleep in your exercise clothes so you wake up ready to go (please to again see not that Id know anything about that), set multiple alarms (whether youre a morning or after work exerciser! There’s nothing like the annoying PING! of a handheld device to get me moving/remind me of something about which Id like to procrastinate), find a workout partner——whatever it takes!
6. Visualization. Im all about this. In all aspects of my life. If I cannot even imagine it occurring I truly believe it’s not destined to happen (please to also see my vivid vision of plopping on Oprah’s couch with my boyfriend (Mehmet Oz) & her best girlfriend (Gayle) and my new baby (my MizFitness book)).
Im a firm believer in this in the most basic of ways: you attract into your life whatever it is you think about.
So git to visualizing those workouts (and, if you believe as I do, those races & competitions).
That’s all I got, People.
Bottom line?
Studies show that exercise accumulated in several short periods during the day is just as good for you as one longer session. (want some science? please to look here. Want more science? you’re at the wrong blog…)
Use the time you have and, since that’s what you’ve got, it’s plenty!
Those are my tips for getting the most bang out of your proverbial workout buck.
Now you. Whatcha got for me? Please to hit us all up in the comments.
Another great post. I am a great believer in the fact that exercising to music can get an extra level of effort out of you, but to your 1st point (“Don’t chat”), wearing an iPod is also a great excuse to ignore all those other chatters who want a part of your attention. They just think you couldn’t hear them (even if you did).
Hooray for MizFit! I am in the middle of the busiest week EVER and needed to see these words before my eyes! Thankyou :0)
I have NO problem getting up early for the gym (even after three hours sleep due to rows with boyfriend – ugh) but I could DEFINITELY do with mixing it up a bit. So instead of just running like a loon when I next hit the gym, I am going to try new exciting things.
Consider yours truly inspired!
TA x
Thanks for this post – I needed to read this. Just signed up for my first 1/2 marathon – eeeeeekkkk! Definitely agree with #3 – I need change and variety or I get BORED BORED BORED. 🙂
I used to love doing that . . . 20 minutes of cardio here and there. It makes it soo much more manageable than puffing away for 60 minutes in one shot.
Used to, Marcy?
I think you meant to type *I LOVE DOING THAT!*
(Just pointing out yer typo)
xo xo,
Great tips!
The only thing I’d add, ’cause I’m a slacker: Don’t get into the “all or nothing” mode where you don’t think you can go to the gym if you don’t have time for a full workout–so instead you skip it entirely. Sometimes hitting a few key things is all you have time or energy for–don’t feel guilty! Do what you can. Consistency is more important than thoroughness.
Good tips! I’ll admit that I often sleep in my workout clothes. How the hell else am I gonna be able to get up and go so early in the morning?!?
I’m a big fan of the visualization tip–it really does help to get me fired up! I can’t do the sleeping in workout clothes thing, though–I just can’t sleep in a sports bra!
Love your list! As usual you are wise beyond MY years;)
Good point.
I was, indeed, thinking sans bra (the slumber not the workout *wink*).
Visualizing an awesome morning session with my trainer and healthy eating habits all day long.
Great tips!
The Bag Lady needs to work on her visualization skills. But she has the part about doing things piecemeal down pat. “Shit, that calf is getting away! Run, dammit, run!!”
well, going on from yesterday (as you did), try to fit in extra exercise doing random things on days you really can’t fit in gym time.
my tip, which has served me well, is IMPROVISATION. be willing to improvise to help meet your goal. examples:
– a hotel i was staying at had a pool, so i was going to swim. got in … saw the lane divider thing was dividing the pool WIDTH-wise instead of LENGTH-wise. this meant that it took about two strokes to do a lap … not cool. however, since i was already in there and wet, i ran laps in the pool instead of swimming them.
– another day i didn’t have time to squeeze in a long workout or go to the gym, so i did a whole bunch of body-weight resistance moves (tricep dips, calf raises, squats, push ups, crunches, etc.) split up by jumping jacks for cardio. no rest in between, just blasting everything.
These tips will apply specifically to the running crowd also. If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s a Chatty Cathy while I’m fartleking.
Er, I’m probably that guy at the gym doing everything all wrong.
Well, not so much now, but…
I’m not sure how generally applicable this is, but I’d be in real trouble if it weren’t for a scheduled class I need to attend. For me, that’s Taekwondo, and I need a minimum number of classes in order to advance. It’s relatively easy for me to excuse myself from exercise, if left to my own devices (Hmm, “too tired,” “I exercised really hard last time,” “too busy”, etc. etc. etc.). It’s more difficult for me to blow off a standing class, particularly when I need attend a certain number of them. Since I’m likely to get myself to class, it’s also when I schedule my runs. I’m out of the house already, which is most of the battle.
Love your tips! I’m one of those people that can get up fairly early with no problem so no need to sleep in my workout clothes. I do gather them together the night before though so I don’t waste 10 minutes trying to find my heart rate monitor chest strap. I wholeheartedly agree with the variety thing too. I am always about trying something new and non-traditional while still keeping the basics. I went rock-climbing once and discovered muscles that I didn’t know I had. I take pole dancing lessons and that works your whole upper body and core as well. I find stuff I enjoy and that helps me stick with it.
Super tips! I think gyms totally need to implement color-coded stickers or something. Red would be “Don’t even look at me let alone talk to me,” yellow could be “I’ll spot you if you spot me but no idle chit-chat” and green could be “I’m here for socializing as much as working out so let’s have conversations between sets, but let’s also not sit on the only weight benches in the room while we do it.”
But I guess iPods might be more subtle, and nicer.
I woke up late this AM and only had time to get half of my Plyometrics in and then a 10 minute Abs routine. I think some people don’t realize that because 10 minutes sounds like a short period of time it can actually be a great workout. Better than walking to the vending machine for M&M’s.
DANG you guys always have great ideas.
T? I love your IMPROVISATION tip. that seems to happen a lot in my domicile.
and Paul? you cant be wrong if you are showing up (cue uplifting MizFits Montage).
Keyalus? We’re established Im all kinds of jealous about the pole dancing lessons. the only pole I currently encounter is at my Toddlers My Gym class but it couldnt hurt to have the know-how just in case!
tfh? this morning I was a red and sorely needed a sticker.
and dont listen to Meribeth. have you seen what she looks like?! Methinks the m&ms are a rarity—she is FIT-n-FINE.
I’m going to have to add “Sell teething 20-month old to the gypsies” to this list of tips to get a work out in.
Because putting my alarm across the room, having my elliptical set up (with my towel and water) and all my clothes out and in the bathroom ready to change in does absolutely nothing when you are up from 2:30 to 4:30 with a screaming tot.
Okay, maybe this is counterintuitive in some ways since you don’t want to use food as a reward, BUT I make sure I have a small yet tasty snack before I workout and after. Without the proper nutrition I crash hard core. Oh, and the tunes must be blaring.
You nailed the other tips though!
There’s no counting how many mornings I’ve woken up late and told myself 15 minutes on the treadmill was better than nothing, and that I could always follow it up with some weights in the evening. I want to be an early riser, and it doesn’t always work out, so I have to talk myself into not skipping out on my workout just because I’m short on time.
Well, I got nothing…you’ve hit all mine already. 🙂 But I will say thanks for the tips! And I totally sleep in my workout clothes…but my morning workout is yoga, so it’s more like I just do the workout in my pjs. 🙂
I often fall into the “I want to workout how I want to workout” trap and if I can’t get that run or bike ride or whatever I am in the ‘mood’ for in, I have to FORCE myself not to sulk and suck it up and just do something, even if it is playing soccer with my toddler or pushing the jogger up the bike trails instead of a leisure walk as planned. These tips are so great- I am all about visualization. It’s pretty powerful.
Thanks for the tips! Visualizing is a great tip! Thanks for all your help in my quest to get fit!
poor slackermama…been there – done that -hated it! sometimes sleep is the most important thing!!!
i am the all or nothin’ girl…..have to remind my self that some time running/lifting is better than none!
great tips everybody!!
on another note……..
just have to say……..
i so need that t-shirt!:)
At the moment, I really want those stickers in my gym…. especially that “willing to spot” sticker as I’m often working out alone but could sure use a little spotting here or there. I’d work just that much harder.
As for most bang for your buck, when at home, practice your balance by standing on one foot while washing dishes, cleaning.
Oh, and to keep the healthy and not too saggy, they now suggest that we DO sleep in supportive sports-type bras.
I don’t think my tips are original but they work.
1.) Pack your gym bag the night before and put it next to the door
2.) Do not go home after work and plan to go to the gym later on. It will not happen (unless you have the dedication of a saint)
3.) Fill your mp3 player with what ever you need to keep you motivated. Make sure to have options as backups just in case Justin Timberlake just isn’t doing it for you that day (I love audible for books on tape)
4.) When all else fails–go for a walk. Just moving around for a few minutes will make you feel better. After I had both of my knee surgeries, I crutched around my neighborhood because it helped clear my head so much after being stuck in bed all day.
5.) Check yourself out in those mirrors!!! I have definitely had moments where I caught a glimpse of myself out of the corner of my eye and I was like “damn, that is one athletic hot looking girl….oh whoops, that is me!!”
And I would say not enjoying the tour is a bit of blasphemy but I guess I can overlook that. 😉
And I would be honored to do a guest chef post!!!!
OOOOH Deb. Who is this “they” and why do they think we should sleep all kinds of wrapped & bound?
Now Im curious (perhaps not so much for my tiny tatas but in general).
Is this just for the vigorousactive sleepers among us?!
Heh. I got really good at the ‘leave me alone’ face when I used to frequent the gym. There was an overzealous just out of high school ‘trainer’ that worked there that reminded me more of a psycho stalker. I got to the point where he would be standing right in front of me and I would just glare a hole through him and not speak. I didn’t want to be bothered while I was working out!
I really like the idea of visualizing my workout. I think that will help me get stuff done! As always – thanks for the great advice.
I’m big into the tunes – gotta have a good playlist to keep me moving.
I also second (third?) avoiding the all or nothing mentality – there are many workouts that would never have happened if I didn’t go do SOMETHING when I couldn’t fit in a full workout.
I really can’t do the morning thing – my gym is going through renovations at the moment so there are no showers and the time to walk back to shower and get ready would drive me insane. After work it is. And I have to have my gym gear with me and go straight from work – that way I’ve dragged my gear around all day, I might as well USE it!
Hi MizFit
Good advice you give here, the right mindset is fundamental and we often tend to forget about it. I like your way with words:)
Great list! I workout at home. One of the benefits as I see it is limited distractions (except for the cat, or fighting kids – hey, that’s all pretty rare though). For me to get an effective workout, I really need to concentrate on it – it’s as much mental as it is physical for me. I do have the music blaring – reliving the ’80s. And I have a printed out plan with me. It usually works…
All very solid points!
To clarify, Lance, there arent ever fighting cats?
now THAT might be a workout MOTIVATOR!
LOVE it! I’m all for the visualization — it really works, doesn’t it! Goes hand-in-hand with the planning.
On that note, I’d say your suggestion about alternate planning is a total key — whether you work out at the gym or at home. Some days I can’t get in a run by myself, so I opt for a long walk pushing my 24 pounder in his stroller. Always have to have alternate plans — with anything in life!
Can’t wait to see you on Oprah 🙂
I was talking to a local weather person and Ironman the other day about how she fits it all in. This woman works in TV, trains for Ironman, has kids and is married. Kind of a lot of stuff, non?
She gets her work schedule each week (it’s always a little different) and then she takes the kid’s schedules and she maps it all out on a calendar. In other words – it’s all in the planning. She carves out certain blocks of time for her workouts and that’s it – no deviation. She also does things like plans a long ride so that it ends up at her son’s game. She’s made it to the IM finish line a couple of times and is about to do it again so it works!
Having the instructor for boot camp was really awesome because she taught me so much about form- I hadn’t been doing squats properly for over a year! But I’m always a little concerned that I don’t change up my workout enough.
Visualization does wonders:)
This is great stuff. I’m not someone who has a lot of problems fitting exercise into my days compared to others but there are things that I don’t like to do that I like to attach to regular daily activities so I’ll do them regularly. For example:
Balance drills while brushing my teeth.
1 pull-up before going to the bathroom (have a pull-up bar in a nearby doorway)
Core exercises while watching TV, which I don’t do much of but even just 15-30 minutes of watching TV I get my workout in!
I’m a fitness consultant at a gym (training and studying to be a personal trainer)… one of the top issues I get from new members is how to fit exercise in. It’s amazing how prevalent the mindset is that if you can’t get an hour in everyday, you might as well not bother.
I ALWAYS tell them 10 minutes of cardio is better than skipping it entirely, and that if you’re feeling like you don’t want to work out today, force yourself to do 5 or 10 minutes and give yourself permission to quit after that. 9 times out of 10, after a few minutes you’re probably “finding the groove” and will finish your workout. (And be a helluva lot happier with yourself than if you put it off for yet another day.)
I agree with Sweets and Sweats…. WALK. I try to walk everywhere. I know its easier when living in a city, but with the price of gas you might check out the milage to some of your errands and walk instead!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the tips!! So simple, yet never thought of them on my own. Precisely the reason we have the lovely MizFit!! Yeah for us! Yeah for You!!! I can’t wait to workout tomorrow because that is usually my “crunch” day, with not a lot of time!!
This is a great post. The tips will be sure to help everyone out. Thanks again!
Always glad for the science 🙂
It is true – focus seems to be the issue for me. When I focus and try hard I do well and don’t fritter away my time…great advice.
Thanks for those tips. I’m one of those people that can sneak a few minutes in here and there so making the best use of my time is essential. I appreciate the help.
I’ve been trying to cram exercise into my work day, so that when I get home, I don’t feel as much pressure to spend HOURS at the gym or out running. (more my speed) I find that little burts of energy come naturally during the day due to my (90%) clean diet, lots of planning (I know my meals and activities at least 24 hours in advance, if I don’t have the whole week mapped out…), and aggressive (multitasking) attitude.
Although I don’t have children (yet) I do give about 10 hours a week to community and charity based organizations (and work 50+ hours/week at a desk job in advertising) therefore time is always at a premium.
A few things I do daily at the office, maybe they’ll work for you:
Stairs (Down) – when going down, instead of just going down (I have 4 flights (8 groupings) to do between my floor and the ground level, I go down two, up one, down two, up one, down two, up one… so it’s like climbing them all over again. Sounds a bit redundant, but it only takes a minute or two and is a great leg workout. (I am farrrrr from a germaphobe and I took my shoes off so I could do them faster) Try side-stepping instead of up and down. 🙂
Stairs (Up) – when going up, go up an extra floor or two and them back down. No one can tease you in a stairwell.
Bathroom – I tell myself to do 25 dips (back to the counter top) to work my arms, and then 25 plie squats facing the mirror after every ‘pee’!
Office – seated calf raises – do as many as I can while clenching abs / bum. (Couple hundred until i get distracted)
Lunch Break – get out before lunch and go for a 15 – 20 minute walk – or to a park if there is one nearby and play on the monkey bars. Dips on the lower bars or step-ups on a bench.
Hope some of this helps!
And, I followed # 5 the other night! I’m jealous of Heather.
Great & specific tips/suggestions.
My plan with MizFit was to try and build a community where we ALL contributed and I quickly wrote myself outta a gig.
Methinks Im well on my way.
Now that I don’t have a car (moved to DC and didn’t need it) I walk a lot more – get off the bus/subway a stop or two early and walk to work or home. Fitting in exercise breaks during the day is a life-saver, since I have a desk job…..every hour or so I get up and do one or two sets of SOMETHING from the list I keep in a file on my computer. I also keep hand weights by the couch at home to grab during the commercials – keeps me out of the kitchen!
Thanks, MizFit – the inspiration is appreciated!
LOVE the visualization tip! I can’t tell you how many workouts that’s got me through!
To clarify, MizFit — no fighting cats, only one annoyingly friendly cat – in fact he’s more like a dog in a cats body.
I actually think having a long-term goal helps me make the most of time. Whether it’s a race or trying to improve time (such as running an 8 minute mile), wanting an end result gets me out the door even when I *feel* like I’m too busy.
You know what I don’t get is how some people spend a lot of time in the GYM…If you focus, don’t chat, and plan a head, you’ll discover that you’ll have plenty of time for a great work out.
GREAT post 🙂 Loved reading these tips. So far I’ve managed to do some. Today I designated time to workout, told a friend I’d call back after my workout, and plopped my earphones in and went out for my run to avoid chatting with any neighbors and let the music help motivate my workout 🙂
If you are into body weight exercises and running, you can workout from home. This can save you time commuting from the gym as well as give you schedule flexibility to workout more than once a day.
Love it. I’m putting those tips on my wall.
The thing that helps me most is scheduling the rest of the week. Over the weekend I keep a running “To Do” list of stuff that needs to happen the following week, and Sunday night I sit down and plan it out AROUND my work and workouts. That way on Tuesday when I start thinking, “OMG, I’m flying to MO in a couple of days and I HAVEN’T PACKED! I have to go home!! Must pack now!! NOW! NOW! ACK!” I can remember that since I did a schedule, my packing is already taken care of. If I haven’t done it yet, it’s on the list for tomorrow. That way I don’t get stressed and overwhelmed with the amount of Things To Do that are waiting for me, and I can go work out without thinking I’m falling behind on something else.
As an example, this week?
Monday: golf lessons kept me out until 8:00, so I didn’t schedule anything.
Tuesday: I’ll lift weights when I get home, so before then I’m going to the library to get books for the plane flight.
Wednesday: I’ll run in the park, which takes a little longer, so when I get home I’ll swiffer the floor (15 mins, tops) and list my clothes for the MO trip (you thought I was kidding about that, didn’t you?) (20 mins or so)
Thursday: Weights at home, so I’ll also do a trial suitcase run and pack my clothes along with presents for my friend’s kids.
Friday: Running in the park, so I’ll come home and clean the bathroom (oo, exciting!) I might try to pack one more time if I didn’t get it all in there Thursday night.
Saturday: Going home to pick up my bridesmaid dress. I’ll stop at the bank and deposit my paycheck and if the kids’ presents didn’t fit in the suitcase, I’ll FedEx them Sat. morning.
Sunday: Finish making the bridesmaid dress, and pay my bills.
By doing that, I don’t freak out today wondering when the hell I’ll have time to pack – OMG! And I don’t freak out about how I HAVE TO GO TO THE BANK AND GET THOSE BILLS PAID BEFORE I LEAVE – OMG! Aaaaaand I even did some housecleaning in there, along WITH the workout. Seriously, that keeps me on track more than anything else, because I put myself and my workouts into my schedule – it’s almost like having PERMISSION to take care of myself, which I shouldn’t need, but often do.
I stopped after the first one…no chatting! You definitely have not exercised with kids.
Oh my… I LOVE your blog!! This ROCKS!!! I am bookmarking this!!!!
– AUdrey
Hmm…preaching to the choir I suspect but how about we go the other way for once.
Don’t overdo it.
Audrey? thanks and WELCOME to the craziness which is the MizFits.
and Andrew? thank you. good point. great reminder. sometimes a little is more than enough.
Wowsers ~ lots off comments. YOu always have great tips.
The only thing I can offer is that I go to bed early and wake up really early to get a workout in.
RYC: I think it’s a nerve thing – it’s worse when Im wearing heals at work. Maybe an excuse to wear flip flops to work!
These are all excellent reminders! #2 is a biggie! Actually, they all are!
I think it was Crabby who mentioned the all or nothing mindset. Yes, I am prone to that. I need to be able to “let go” and not completely slack off if I’m unable to do the workout I planned for that day. I guess the word I need to use is “flexible.” For all the planning I do, sometimes life happens, and I have to change those plans and with them my exercise options.
I keep a workout journal. I jot down what I’m doing, exercise, weights, reps, when resting in between sets. Makes it easy to remember the weights for next time and I can note things like, “ready for more weight” or “shoulder hurt, cut reps on 3rd set”. Helpful info for next time and to review later. Especially if hiring a trainer. They can see what I’ve been doing.
Heh heh.. You and I have way too many thoughts that are alike. I think my post on ‘Energy’.. was subconsciosly about “The Secret” *wink* *wink*.
Great thoughts.
Holy smokes, these are awesome – so glad to have found you!!