Guess what? We’re starting something new up in herre (if by starting you mean we testing it out to see what ya’ll think—-which I do.): MizFit Commenter of the Month.
Rest assured that, while I may be all about the consistency with regards to my health & wellness routine, Im not getting organized on your ass & this shall most likely appear sporadically.
Kicking off our new tradition is a woman we all love to laugh with and learn from.
Her blogs and her blog comments are consistently insightful & chock full o’snarkasm.
I give you (drumroll!) Kelly: Every Gyms Nightmare.
1. What made you start EGN? I can clearly recall the day I stumbled upon your site thinking SHE IS COOL, HARDCORE, KNOWS HER STUFF, FUNNY & NO BULLSH**. LOVE IT. I was hooked from my first read.
I started EGN so I could help people like me. I was severly bulimic for many years and through a lot of support and counselling i came through, not only healthy and happy, but with a love of fitness. I learned to love myself and my body and become an ACE certified personal trainer. I knew that I had a unique perspective, as I had been on both sides of the body image and health spectrum in my short life, and remembered what it felt like to feel helpless and alone. I read a lot of blogs and found that a lot of people were asking questions about their disordered eating on food blogs, where no one could really help them. i wanted to offer a place not only where people could learn about health and fitness, but i also wanted to show that you CAN recover, you CAN get healthy and, most importantly, you deserve it.
B. Now you’re doing two blogs?! I admire you. I can barely do MizFit, squeeze in a workout & get myself showered and dressed.
I have always loved to write, but not in the traditional conjunction-junction, beginning, middle and in conclusion kind of way. I write how I talk, with a little less swearing, and blogging seems to facilitate that perfectly. I found the blogging gig on and decided to apply. I just love it. It has helped launch my career as well- aside from personal training, and my 2 blogs, I have monthly columns in two local area newspapers. Maybe one day I’ll write for a mag or something, but in the meantime I really just like the conversational, supportive community that blogging allows.
75. You’re so busy. All work and no play makes kelly a dull gurl—-and you’re nowhere near dull. What do you do for fun? Your ideal saturday night would be doing ______ with ________?
My idea of fun is not having anything to do, which doesn’t happen very often. My ideal Saturday night would be having a BBQ with my closest friends. We call ourselves “the fam” because we have all been close for years, which is weirdly intimidating to other people. Its like they know they can’t penetrate the inner circle (because they can’t.) I don’t know what I would do without them. I don’t think your family is blood, its the people that you share your greatest moments with, the ones that are there for you in your lowest, and are there for all the fun, stupid stuff in between. Friday night, however, is devoted to watching Metalocalypse and Heroes on DVD with my boyfriend while we drink Coronas with perfectly sliced wedges of lime shoved in their necks.
4i. I’m a booknerd & movie buff. What was the last book you read? Favorite book? Last movie you saw? Favorite movie?
I just finished reading Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs (which was great by the way, if you love disfunctional, gay, prepubescent musings.) My favorite books of all time are A Wrinkle In Time, The Westing Game, Felix and Alexander, everything by Chuck Palahniuk, and everything by Jack Kerouak.
The last movie I saw was She’s the Man, which is seriously the funniest movie I have ever seen. I’m perpetually 14 years old. My favorite movies are A Clockwork Orange (well, the book as well) Now and Then, The Boondock Saints, The Virgin Suicides, and Fight Club.
10. OK Kelly. Lay it on the Bumbling Band. Please to climb up on the soapbox and give us your Fitness Filosophy:
Most of the fitness information out there is regurgitated crap that the author has read somewhere else. No one cares about that. All the fitness information that you find in girlie fitness mags and on TV is so particular. “Don’t eat this,” “Do this exercise but not this one,” “Cut carbs,” “Don’t cut carbs.” “lift this 5 pound weight 3 times a day and you will lose 8 pounds and fit into your bikini” Life shouldn’t be this hard. If you spend every day subtracting how much your hair weighs from your total weight when you step on the scale- you aren’t living life. Who are you staying healthy or losing weight for? No one is going to see you because you are curled up sobbing on your bathroom floor. This is life- your workout and your diet shouldn’t be the biggest stressor in your life. I guess I just want people to take a big deep breath and relax. Your end goal should not be to lose weight, it should be to be happy. Losing weight or gaining muscle may get you there, but whats the point if you aren’t happy?
Thanks, Kelly, for making the time for the MizFits and for reminding us that, if we’re out there skinny & sullen or buff & brooding, there’s really & truly no point.
Im off to enjoy my day.
To workout a *little* and laugh a lot.
I never even thought about subtracting what my hair weighs from my total weight…. hmmmmmmmm
Thanks for the great interview, miz & kelly π
so true! If you aren’t happy now, losing weight will probably not change that. Fix the insides and the rest will come! Going to check out her blog π
Thanks, I love (my own personal trainer) Kelly so it was fun to learn a bit more about her. I just love her attitude.
Have a great Saturday!
If I subtract how much my hair weighs, I think I just lost 3 lbs! Magic!
Truly, though, I love both of Kelly’s blogs. She is full of wit and humor and approaches health and fitness from a great standpoint.
WAIT (she types halfway to goal. workout? done. familytime? coming. laughter? yea we always about that up in herre. DURING WORKOUT and beyond)—-is kelly your REAL LIFE TRAINER, Hangry?
Im jealous!
Two more great blogs to read … where will I find the time?
Love that Fitness Philosophy, and whole-heartedly agree. A certain number can’t bring you happiness, yet so many of us (yes, I’m including myself) have let the scale rule our moods. A while back I was at a much smaller number, and still wasn’t happy, so this time around, it’s all about the fitness, and making my body look and feel better (not just about shrinking-although that is a nice side effect).
The hair comment was pretty funny. Made me wonder, since my hair is to my waist. Ha ha.
Thanks for the interview Kelly and Miz!
This idea: “This is life- your workout and your diet shouldnβt be the biggest stressor in your life.” made me smile and breathe a little sigh of relief. I know this makes sense, but it just gave me a little more permission to eat how it feels right to eat, doing so in a healthy way, and to stop fretting because I can’t seem to manage “six small meals a day” which makes me feel like a failure.
Thank you!
W.O.R.D. U.P. Mizzy baby. Kelly kicks BOOTY and her style totally relaxes ALL of her readers. Reading her blog is like a mini-mental yoga sesh for me π Makes my day all the more awesome and positive, bc her approach to blogging and life = just doin what you do / letting yourself do what YOU really want. If you want to do Cardio, DO IT. But don’t then think negatively as in: I’m going to hate it, what if I get tired, what if I only want to do this amount or that… It’s CRAZY, you know? Just let YOU be YOU and everything will be FABU π
Miz, you’re bomb-dig. Enough said. π
What a great new feature and what a great blogger to start it with.
Loved the interview and it’s a great introduction to her awesome blogs.
Thanks for the intro to a new blog! Great fun as always! (PS-I just got my Dirty Red gear in the mail. Loving it!) weight π wish my hair was thinner for once!
I love this new feature btw!!
zipping on back to say/respond YES. YOU ARE ALL ENTERED TO BE COMMENTER OF THE MONTH (yeah I mean you (wink) who have emailed me regarding how I chose kelly).
I’ll just pick a post, do the random number generator thang & you can say YAY or NAY.
so sure it helps if you comment frequently —- but not that much.
so git outside and PLAY.
I love Kelley and her “Fitness Filosophy.” She provides great information and advice while keeping things light, focused on what’s most important in life and HIL-arious.
This feature is definitely fun for a Saturday.
Gee, now you’ve got me thinking about other variables when weighing-in. Have I shaved my legs and pits recently? Is my face exfoliated? Do I have a layer of plaque on my teeth? This stuff can all add up!
Just kiddin’, ya know! Of course the point is to NOT be so anal as to take such things into account. (However, I do still wonder why I always weigh about a half pound less after I take a shower, when I should weigh more because I’m all wet. I must be rinsing off an awful lot of dirt!)
What a lovely idea. I may need to steal it for my own blog.
” if weβre out there skinny & sullen or buff & brooding, thereβs really & truly no point.” AMEN.
what a great post π i love kelly’s honesty and attitude– very different (in a GOOD way) from a lot of trainers out there.
have a great saturday!
I know. I love kelly & her blogs.
And I love/am drawn to the fact that we all have stories.
It’s the same reason I enjoy reading blogs so much.
I learn *something* from every post as we all view the world through such different eyes & through the lens of our unique life experiences.
I dont know the etiquite for this so i’ll comment anyway.
Thanks for all your kind words, folks.
and thanks to mizfit for the interview.
and I dont think I train Hangry in real life, but if I do, we are open on Labor Day. You better be there.
Kelly you’re an inspiration. To come back from bulimia you should be so proud of everything that you have accomplished.
mizfit thanks for visiting my blog and glad that hadassa arms gave you a giggle.
Zipping through to add my admiration for both Kelly and her blogs. Interesting interview!
I think this is a great feature. I always love to learn about new folks.
Kelly – you’ve hit it on the head – the end goal is to be happy. If we exercise like crazy and have a super restrictive diet – but it consumes us and makes us miserable – what kind of life is that? The key is to find something we like to do, eat in moderation, and have a GREAT life!
I love this post, because I love Kelly’s blog :o)
interesting, love kelly’s blog too π
What a great new feature! I’m always so curious about the other commenters:)
I so did count it as weight loss when I cut off 18 inches of hair….
Today’s workout consisted of making chocolate chip cookies, blueberry tarts, and pierogi (all from scratch). Don’t have 18 more inches of hair to cut off. But, can I count this as a random act of kindness because a friend’s daughter was upset and needed spare-mom time?
Gonna go check out to see if Kelly has a cure for my brand of crazy…
: )
thanks for the interview with kelly! this is a cute idea–to profile bloggers!
That’s a great philosophy. I’m trying to get over it all, but yeah, I’ve thought about the hair before — whether it’s post-shower damn vs. pre-shower dry. I think we absorb some water in the shower, too, because I really don’t have much hair, yet I tend to some out heavier.
If you spend every day subtracting how much your hair weighs from your total weight when you step on the scale- you arenβt living life.
Huh? Why did nobody tell me this already?
But seriously, love the EGN. Am guilty of lurking more than commenting mostly, but I am always there absorbing the whole thing, every day. I find it so reassuring to have somebody blogging so honestly and brilliantly about fitness, having so much sound knowledge having also come back from an eating disorder. Inspiring. Wise.
And (whisper it) so young…
BTW am only squeezing that in there purely because my boyfriend spent the entire of last night reminding me how close I am to 30, which I’m sure I’ll be reminded any moment now is also Not Old
Thankyou Kelly!
TA x
I appear to have italicised my entire comment. Is there a prize for HTML Moron of the Month? MIZFITFLOP?
TA x
A trip to italy.
can you be ready tomorrow?
Miz., who thinks 30 is fetus-like.
Awesome new thing Miz…Oh yeah, I did check out her blog. Great choice. I like the fact that her idea of fun is with nothing to do. We all live a busy lives and sometimes it’s more fun just too veg out. Although being in the GYM and feeling your muscle burn might be a close second.
Great post. Thanks for sharing Kelly.
Very interesting interview! And another very clever idea for posting.
Great interview! I like the idea of this.
I LOVE KELLY!!! Thanks for this interview – she never dissappoints, that girl! My fave was her “fitness philosophy”. I need to get that tatooed backwards on my forehead so I can read it every time I look in the mirror.
Glad you guys love the idea of it as I did….in that we all know MY Fitness Filosophy by this point (and Ive kinda sorta gotten an idea of yours by reading each and every comment every day)——but the peeps behind the commentversation?
You all have some INTERESTING INSIGHTFUL things going on as well.
in fitness/health & beyond!
what better an article to read than from my 2 favorite blogher’er’s. π
Great interview… love the advice Kelly.
I myself can’t take account for my hair… ’cause I ain’t got any on my head!!!
off to read and add her to my reader!!! π thanks for always introducing me to other great fitness folks!
I have noticed many disquieting similarities between EGN and Mizfit…the shared preference of strength training and reluctant but resigned attitude towards cardio…the “relax, enjoy it, don’t obsess” advice backed up by superstrong bodies…the brains hidden behind casual, unpretentious blogging…
Are you sure you’re not related? At least in the same sense as “the Fam”?
we’re sisters in iron?
sisters from another mister?
The same person who has absolutely no life and blogs 24/7/52?
Who can rightfully say.
Great fitness philosophy, and one I live myself!
If you’re not making happy and just working out, stressing on every calorie and workout all the time, what fun is that?
All work and no fun makes me miserable! And some other people too, from what I see….
And who am I staying fit for? Me, me, ME! The rest will follow! π
….and years ago when I took on a trainer for a bit, he made me do those same on the ball push ups…. in a more sadistic style on certain days (no floor push ups, just one hand on the ball at all times, and sometimes holding a 10 lb weight on my back). Killer!
Love this interview — nice to get to know you, Kelly. I couldn’t agree more about cultivating a relaxed attitude about weight and the scale and working out and eating. I’ve been on both sides, too.
Now that I’m raising a daughter, I’m more conscious than ever about setting a non-obsessive example. But it’s well worth teaching her that yes, good health is important and she should make the effort to eat well and exercise her body. If she does that, she can forget about what the scale — and everybody else — says.
It’s all about perspective — and Kelly’s got a great one.