subtitle: Ive had so many emails on this subject I decided to select none and, in essence, use them all.
As one might surmise my Thanksgiving post wont focus upon how to eat less on this special day.
In fact, if you refer back to this post, you’ll see that I believe it’s entirely up to YOU.
Is the Thanksgiving meal one you adore (please to substitute any festive occasion if you’re not a US resident. In my opinion it applies across the board)?
Dig the hell in! is what this MizFit would tell you. Please to enjoy every single, tasty, buttery morsel as Friday will be here before you know it & there’s time enough to climb back on the clean eating wagon.
Not a fan of the Thanksgiving foods? Stuffing & mashed taters don’t get your drool going like my Bullmastiff when he hears the dogfoodbagcrinkling? Perhaps you choose to view the meal as ‘business’ more than a vacation.
It’s all up to you.
(Me? I fall somewhere in between. There are few things I enjoy more than sweetSUGARY cranberries slathered on my turkey & few things I like less than stuffing anywhere on my plate.)
Here at MizFit we’re more about the random tips & thoughts for Turkey Day.
Things which sparked AH HA! moments for me and which, I hope, may start your brains moving as well.
First? By the numbers.
Did you know that 46 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving Day? (chime in here, oh veggie Bumbling Banders. What do you eat? Faux turkey or do you skip it all together?)
Did you know that one is the number of Tofurkys MizFit has had bestowed upon her by Peta? She won this fabulous prize by entering a poetry competition (yes. via her thumbs) & submitting a rhyme about a poor misunderstood turkey named Tessie.
Did you know that, on average, we consume an extra 619 calories per day between Thanksgiving and New Years? (MizFit note: holy crap good GOSH!)
Im sure you’ve heard the average Thanksgiving meal contains between 3000-7000 calories. Did you know, however, that Overeaters Anonymous has stated that this meal, even with its high caloric content, does not fall under the definition of binge?
In their words, Thanksgiving dinner falls under the umbrella of careful eating & that a binge is food consumption which is completely out of control and mindless. (agree? disagree? please to hit us up in the commentversation)
Did you know, if you want more numbers, you can text meals to diet1 & they’ll text you back the calorie count? (this isnt rhetorical, People. did you know? have you done it? Im so gonna try it tomorrow.)
And, non-numberously, have you seen this new site?! I love that it’s a mind blowing onestopshop for food/recipe information—or did you already know?
Past the numbers to what I think many of us struggle with on these highINTENSITYfamily holidays: the stress of the get togethers.
The frazzling familial collision of who we want to be/are now versus who we used to be/they still view us as being.
Bottom line: as with all things in life the best preparation is to set ourselves up for success (here’s where you skip to the comments should you come from a family whose Thanksgiving is jampacked with sweetness, joy, love and support. seriously.).
*practice a few go-to phrases BEFORE you enter the Thanksgiving experience. Just like with accepting compliments, you may want to plan out a few key responses, memorize them ahead of time & just *calmly* repeat them when necessary.
thoughts such as: Thank you for your opinion. I shall definitely keep that in mind. OR Enough about me. You havent filled me in on what you’ve been up to! OR Can you hold that thought? OR That’s an interesting perspective! OR I think my Toddler is about to wet herself. all serve to distract well meaning (& not so well meaning) friends & family when they’re inquiring about topics you’d rather not discuss.
*plan to be the best listener in attendance. While MizFit isnt known for advocating passivity sometimes it is the path of least resistance. If you anticipate fights erupting (on anything from politics to food preferences) plan ahead of time to be a nod & smiler (& internal eyeroller). I know from experience it’s virtually impossible to drag the nod & smiler into the fray.
*be the event planner. assign yourself the position of bring the FUN back into the dysfunctional!
arrive at Thanksgiving dinner bearing a white sheet & some sharpies. announce that this year the family is going to write on the tablecloth all the things for which they’re thankful. fun and a time killer! and really, who can start a fight when s/he’s focusing on gratitude?
plan a post-meal scavenger hunt and drag a few family members along with you before dinner to sent the whole thing up! No time for chatting there’s a hunt to be planned!
Lead the family on an after dinner walk. Instead of random chitchat, however, take turns sharing what you’re most thankful for from the past year.
Not only will you, perhaps, avoid being sucked into family tensions you’ll also provide some levity, exercise and a chance for your family to learn more about each other as you stroll.
Now, oh patient skimming members of the Bumbling Band, please to remember that absolutely none of this long-winded post would ever have emerged from my own life experience.
and you? you got any Not From Your Life Experience tips you wanna share? Thoughts on Tofurkys? Insight into how you plan to avoid the extra 619 calories-a-day food intake?
please to hit us up in the comments.
Seriously??! An extra 619 calories a day for over a month? I’m glad I read this post, because even though Thanksgiving isn’t one of our national holidays, I work for an American company so we’ll be having a special (read: highly calorific) meal on Thursday. AND I used to babysit for a Californian woman who settled here in Ireland and she has invited myself and my Mum over for dinner on Thursday night! Double Thanksgiving Dinner?!! EEK!! Of course I won’t skip lunch, I’ll taste a few bits n pieces, and that way I’ll be able to enjoy the home cooked meal with marginally less guilt/bloating! :o)
Thanksgiving will be on a normal work day here so either way, if my ma did get convinced we should have a little feast, then it would have to get postponed. You also can’t get the male turkey here for some reason, only the female, and she’s a little greasy. I am still in hope for some yams and my ma’s pies.
Great Stats! And who knew 619 calories! that’s crazy. I plan on enjoying the month, but upping my workout routine to make up. Not to mention fighting crowds, running through the malls like a mad-woman and fighting for every last deal (NO, ITS MY IPOD!)
Great suggestions for planned phrases. They actually do work, and if you take a note from my husband, and get an internal dialogue going, “hmm, I think my ferrari will look better in blue.” you may escape with a level-head and your conversational counterpart is none-the-wiser.
Have a safe and happy holiday everybody!
I find it hard to believe it’s only 619 calories! I’m dealing with Christmas this year by allowing “off” days when I’m seeing family or friends, but Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, the 29th and 30th of December will all be clean eating and filled with exercise. It’s SO tempting just to give in for the entire festive period, but I’m determined not to this year. Guilt-free scoffing on the off days justified by angelic behaviour on the on days.
TA x
I love this rupal:
take a note from my husband, and get an internal dialogue going, “hmm, I think my ferrari will look better in blue.” you may escape with a level-head and your conversational counterpart is none-the-wiser.
so much more fun than chanting in ones head: THIS ISNT ABOUT ME. THIS ISNT ABOUT ME 🙂
Hmm well for me, I plan to not mindlessly eat. I’m going to try everything I want to try and do my best to keep the portions normal! I don’t want to be super strict but I don’t want to go hog wild either. Trying to make it more about the people and the day, not so much about the food. Uh, did I mention that I’ll be at my in-laws? YIKES!
i cant stand stuffing 🙂 but i love cranberry sauce – yes the canned FAKE stuff 🙂
love the idea about the after dinner walk!
Whatever is it you choose to *make* you ‘it.’
For me, after a lifetime of picky eating (I know. I know. The things I don’t love have zero to do with health. Green peppers, onions ;)) my vow is always to not eat stuff I really don’t want….UNLESS I’M AT MY INLAWS.
I’d eat the tablecloth there if it would spare feelings.
And Lindsay? If you do the walk I’d love an update. I’m doing the tablecloth/sharpie thing this year for the first time w/my family.
I haven’t tried that website and to be honest, I’ve never heard of it before until you mentioned it. Thanks for information. I don’t know if I’ll try it or not. Perhaps.
I look forward to discovering what new and interesting ways people make their vegetables. I get the impression from some they’ll do anything they can to disguise them while others work at ways to enhance them. Have you found that same thing? Just curious.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I hope you enjoy your family at Thanksgiving and every day. 🙂
(since many of you aren’t twittering….)
Just check my YAHOO MizFit email account and got all your messages from yesterday about the site being down (thank you. I’m typically gone from the computer from 6a-6p).
Not sure what that was about (loved the attitude that more than a few of you took w/regards to it being such an onslaught of readers @ once I crashed. I shall slap that on my visionboard) but I’m looking into it.
And looking at yer blogger blogs.
Rolling on my laptop this morning.
You remember my ‘top? It freeeezes at blogger sites.
Love & protein,
Your Fearless Luddite Leader
619 extra calories? OMG. That is good to know at least so I can maybe stop it from happening. Maybe. Oh dear!
maybe reboot your computer?
where is your winning poem?? do we get to read that one?
happy turkey day!!
my plan is to not worry this year.
even if I eat 7 thousand calories!
it is one day, right???
enjoy thanksgiving bumbling band!!!
delurking MizFit because I am laughing so hard at the very idea of my family walking and not fighting forget the thanking!
Family food feeding frenzy. It’s all about the food at “The Don’t-Wrinkle”Family holiday gatherings. I’m plotting against them by taking 3, yes, 3 “healthy” desserts. (Oh, I’m an enabler, but all will be low-fat, low-sugar and they won’t even know the difference)
Gratitude? What is that about? Not in my family. It’s elbows and gaping maws for 20 minutes. Then the older brother disappears – wait – he disappears before dinner too. Jacka**- – I mean…no, I mean jackass.
My plan is to walk in the a.m. Go dine. Go home. Put up Xmas decorations outdoors and then go walk again. It’ll be fine.
: ^ )
Make it a great day.
I’m with ya on the cranberry! mmm mmm. Nothing like homemade cranberry sauce! As for the eats tomorrow, I think I am going to focus on having a meal no larger than what I normally eat. I plan to have small samples of all dishes (including dessert).
Also- loved the note about your doggie 😉 Frank does the same thing when he hears me making Josh’s lunches in the morning (droooool). haha.
Miz! What kind of an example are you setting for the Toddler if you don’t eat stuffing!!!??? Sheesh!
Hope all your American readers get through their Thanksgiving without stitches (of either kind…) Who knew that family functions could be so fraught with danger. That is definitely not a problem around the Bag Lady’s family. Ours of the ‘sweetness and light’ variety……
Love your suggestions. I started my step-daughter on the written-upon table cloth her first Thanksgiving as a married woman. Hoping they will keep that going for many years to come.
I am definitely digging the hell in. I refuse to stress about diet on Thanksgiving. As far as family goes, Thanksgiving is spent only with family that I truly love and enjoy their company, so fortunately, there is no stress. Christmas is a whole other story.
I see your twitter about a computer person…That’s why I married one. 😉 (ok, not really. he wasn’t a computer guy when I married him, but it’s nice having one around.)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I am so printing out theose phrases Miz.
I’ll keep them in my pocket all tomorrow just in case.
Just me, hubby, and the two teens for the day, which means I have total control, bwa-ha-ha!
Which means that, as usual, the big meal takes place at NOON, after which I drag everyone out for a bike ride, followed by games, followed by light dinner of turkey sandwiches and dessert.
No mental stress. Our families are about 700 miles away, and that’s where they stay.
peeking in. Bag Lady? Id so eat stuffing if youd make it for me SANS ONIONS.
Im just saying’
There are calories and then there are calories. Piling on a feast like Thanksgiving makes one chubby and sleepy. I plan on doing pushups this year by pushing myself up from the table earlier. Way before any pies, cakes and candies hit the table. This is where absolutely useless calories come from and can really mess with your blood sugar.
The walk after and maybe the workout early in the day will help the calorie load.
As for the smiling and nodding, when visiting the notminebuthersfamily I channel Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and click my heels 3 times. Glenda don’t fail me now.
Love, love, love the scavanger hunt idea for my 5 yo niece. I think I’ll have to try this!
I’m just here to eat.
I’m just here to eat.
I’m just here to eat.
The food is good. I’m grateful.
The food is good I’m grateful.
The food is good. I’m grateful.
It’ll be over soon etc.
Just some of the words I’ve concentrated on when I’ve dined with the in-laws.
Fortunately I’m not welcome there it is rarely an issue.
Best of luck to everyone for your Thanksgiving.
you’re not welcome at the inlaws?
howd you get that plum gig? (wink)
Heyo lady, you get SO many kudos for giving how-to-deal-with-relatives tips in addition to healthy eating tips!
Mental fitness counts, too!
Even if not all of us can use your oh-so-casually-crossed-out toddler excuse.
Also, totally not related, mastiff love! I didn’t know you had a mastiff! I miss my big marshmallow. Always good to hear from another absurdly-large-dog lover!
Poetry for a tofurkey? Share share share the winning entry!
Never had tofurkey. I need to try it at some point.
I’m picky about Thanksgiving. I don’t eat the stuffing or anything like that. I just eat the turkey, mashed potatoes, and homemade buns. And then a big slice each of apple and pumpkin pie. It helps that I’m a picky eater, I guess, that I don’t end up eating tons of EVERYTHING.
I still think most of these holiday meals count as a binge. Maybe there should be varying degrees of what constitutes a binge. Because that’s way more food than is necessary! I think we need to work on our definitions of these kinds of things.
Love the numbers information. And gotta love family get-togethers for how dysfunctional they are:)
I’ve got a great idea for weight losers. Have a family member say, “well, I hope you can keep it off” in the most doubtful tone possible after they ask how much weight you’ve lost. That will pretty much guarantee at least semi-clean eating.
Not a lot of sweetness and support going on here, so I’m working on those key responses. Great idea.
Great ideas Miz! Always good…thank you!
I think I, personally, associate “binge” with “panic”.
I know that’s not an entirely accurate definition, but to me, the morbidly obese person eating seven plates of food at the buffet is not binging if that’s how they normally eat.
It’s not healthy, mind you, but in my mind, it’s not binging.
Planning a big meal for the holidays – also not binging to me.
However, when I have a frustrating day at work and I whip out the tub of Ben and Jerry’s because goshdarnit I feel like I deserve it and I feel awful and maybe I’ll add a handful of chocolate covered pretzyls – that’s binging. Doesn’t matter that it’s not a ton of food, wouldn’t matter how healthy the food is. If I do it out of panic, it’s binging.
In my opinion, anyway. I wonder how most people view the word “binging” ?
peeking in. and giggle entirely that I really did thumb type the poem and never cc’d myself.
so it’s gone.
although now Im enticed to gooogle and see if I can locate it.
love this thought:
anyone else?
Im out.
off to chase the parents around and try and entice them to chase the toddler around FOR ME 🙂
Ha! I beat you! Neener, neener. *raspberry*
Note to Overeaters Anonymous: In my family, being out of control and binging at the dinner table IS part of the Thanksgiving experience in my family. One plate of food? I don’t think so.
not my experience so Id never thought of it that way.
our dysFUNction lendeth itself to other arenas….
(and Im duly frustrated with MizFit and why it keeps going down….if you have ideas or suggestions feel free to email me at thanks.)
“arrive at Thanksgiving dinner bearing a white sheet & some sharpies.”
For some reason I read this at first as “WEARING a white sheet”. My mind was boggling.
LOVE the food/recipe site, and the “nod and smile” advice!!
And I could cheerfully dispense with the turkey as long as I have stuffing.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for these tips! I’m heading to my MIL’s today and my hubby’s huge family has been having some tense moments/fights in the past few months so I may have to employ the sharpies and sheet trick. That sounds like a good activity and one that will remind everyone why they are really there.
My plan is to help entertain the kids this year instead of stuffing my face with appetizers. That way, when dinner is served I can enjoy it without thinking I already ate two meals!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I haven’t eaten meat since I was 15 (I am 33 now) and every single year my dad will ask if I am SURE I don’t want just a little turkey…but he means well so I just laugh it off and remind him that I don’t eat meat ANY DAY of the year.
Even without eating the turkey, I have plenty of yummy side choices even without going for Tofurky – but it is hard to be low carb on Thanksgiving.
My favorite way to cut down on calories is to have steamed green beans instead of the casserole kind and to boil new potatoes instead of doing mashed.
Happy Thanksgiving Miz!
here I thought you were trying to keep me out of your site.
everytime I come by lately you are down.
I think you are getting too many hits at once?
could that be the trouble?
happy thanksgiving, miz!!
I won’t eat turkey or tofurkey. I’ll stick to the sides.
I agree with Lori!
melissa you are SO FUNNY and now I wanna don a sheet for the festivities (and have people sign me? :)).
thanksgiving toga style?
It’s a long, sordid saga, MizFit. And best left to the Mysteries. The short version is I was myself.
I quite like the arrangement.
leah? and that’s why we love you up in herre.
you are unapologetically yourself.
Miz? the site is slow today.
I panicked and thought you had quit on us 🙂
happy turkey day!!
Poor Tessie. Sounds hilarious.
I remember making up a joke once about a squirrel who got drunk on a fermented grapes that my Grandpa threw out the window. “Hello, my names Squirrly, and I’m a Grape-o-holic.“ My Grandpa laughed so hard he cried, and he never threw another grape out the window. (Not bad for a 12 year old.)
Thanks for another random Thanksgiving fact. 46 million hu? I’ll have to tell my hubby. I love the looks he gives me when I give him yet another random fact.
“and extra 619 calories per day“…I can relate. Now I just need to keep that to only Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’ll truly enjoy whatever I eat, but only when it’s one of my favorites.
Since, I seem to be a ninnymuggins and can’t find you on the other blog you have (yes, I am blog challenged lol), I have now added this one to my blogroll. I love reading your comments and now, I’m going to enjoy reading your posts (woman, you are hilarious!).
I think I like the idea of bringing a white table cloth and sharpies over. Of course, in my weird family, not only would words of gratitude get put down but all sorts of silly and I’ll bet “inappropriate and not for the chillin’s eyes” comments would get put down too.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Lindsay! Re: “the canned FAKE stuff” version of cranberry sauce . . . when I was a kid we always called it “Canberry”! Heh. I LOVE that stuff too :).
MizFit…I thought we were friends? No stuffing? I don’t even know who you are anymore.
Happy Thanksgiving – Miz and Bumbling Band
I had a tofurkey one year at a Vegan Thanksgiving! It tasted like a slice of the tire on my fabulous car! Couldn’t use enough gravy to save the experience. I’ve pardoned turkeys for years. I realized that the side dishes were more than enough for me, and really my favorite part of the meal anyway.
On a serious vein, I really think the easy solution to the calorie count is to just learn to make it all with healthy levels of ingredients. Before you know it, you won’t miss the old greasy, salty tastes you were used to.
619 calories isn’t even one margarita. I can’t believe you’re repeating bogus statistics! hahahaha
Just kidding.
Happy Tday and family visit.
I will be paying attention.
Ah. We have no family to deal with.. just the two of us. And I ain’t making a big fuss for that. So we’re out to supper and watching James Bond.
I’ll be thankful for Daniel Craig’s remarkable physique! Especially he shows up on screen shirtless!
I love turkey (especially left over turkey), hate dressing and mashed potatoes, love the pumpkin pie.
Missing the old family gatherings with the in-law family (not missing the MIL, though): 50+ folks with 3 tables of food (plus one of desserts). Oh, the pies! I really miss the pies!!
I’m determined to NOT eat an extra 619 calories between now and New Years!!
My WW leader, Jack, made a great point the other day: so much of what’s called “thanksgiving food” is actually just “tuesday food” in larger quantity. “Tuesday food” is nothing special, so why go nuts?
tuesday food? canberries?
I learn much from the Bumbling Band.
I’m not worried about Thanksgiving. I’ll take the day to eat the things I only get once a year and move on.
I DO have an opinion on binging. Holiday meals are absolutely NOT a binge. I have suffered from disordered eating off and on since I was a teenager (anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating, yup I’ve been there). When I have been in “binge” mode, it is absolutely NOT about the food. A binge is also not digging in after a stressful day. That is just overeating.
A binge has nothing to do with the food, it’s about control.
Heh. Canberries. So appropriate.
3000 – 7000 calories? That makes me a little nauseous.
I’m curious to know whether any of the band will be exercising tomorrow. My gym is open 7-12, and we have a couple classes on the schedule for the truly hardcore. They were very well-attended last year. Myself, I’m planning a 10 mile run for tomorrow (after the stuffing has settled). Anyone else? Is it not normal to want to exercise on Thanksgiving?
619 calories a day! Oh man am I in trouble. Good thing I just got some new workout videos to spice up my life. Thanks for the tips everyone. You all have been very helpful.
I’m pretty fortunate in my family – there does not tend to be much drama. Not saying that everything always goes perfectly, but for the most part they are not hard to take.
As for the meal…I am not generally a “meat and potatoes” fan. Could happily live my life without ever having roast beef, roast pork, etc. But a Turkey Dinner I love. It’s not something I have every day, so when I have it, I just go ahead and enjoy it.
I’ve been sick the last few days. With zero taste buds, I barely been eating. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. I am giving myself full permission to dig in!
this band member?
(Unless you count running from conflict (rimshot?))
Anyone else?
Great post! Tomorrow, I’m going for a run which is normal of my Thursday mornings, then I’m cooking up a storm and eating until I’m full…not stuffed stuffed, but nicely full. Then I’m playing football in the backyard. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving! Your blog will be on my Thankful For list! Make it a good one!
My T-Day plans involve a Turkey Trot in the AM and then dinner at my cousin’s in the evening. I am lucky that the only family member that I live near is the only family member I can stand to hang out with for any length of time. I never go back to my parent’s & extended family’s for the holidays. (the holidays happen to fall in what this ex-South Dakotan likes to call “the very very cold time”.)
Jamie (#56)
I’ll be up at the crack of dawn to put in a 20 minute HIIT workout in my living room with a jumprope and a pair of 10-pound dumbbells. That’ll wake me up enough to dance around the kitchen while fixing the turkey feast. I’m a firm believer that meals taste better when the cook is happy and dancing.
I’m running with the wife and then sitting and eating all the rest of the day!!
happy thanksgiving to the Bumbling Band!
love that i’m not the only one who HATES stuffing 🙂 i’m trying to view tomorrow as just any other day, we’ll see how it works. definately will be enjoying the pie! but i love the leftover sammies more than the actual meal.
have a great thanksgiving miz! oh, and i’ve seen stores that actually sell the arils (out of the pom). costs more, but for those careened by a tornado, could be worth it 😉
dragonmamma? Im dancing with you and love your notion of the food tasting better when the cook is happy and dancing.
we’re going old school disco up in herre.
I’m enjoying every bite, but making sure to get some exercise in every day over this 3-day family feast! 🙂
I don’t think eating a huge holiday meal is bingeing. Bingeing is more about panic and control, as Tami and Tammy (how funny) both said. But I agree with Tami that it doesn’t have to do with the amount of food consumed, and disagree with Tammy that digging in after a stressful day isn’t bingeing. If you’re doing it to hide from your emotions, and you can’t NOT do it, then yeah, it’s a binge. Doesn’t matter if it’s 1 bowl of ice cream or 30. (I’ll raise my hand as someone else who has run the gamut of EDs, as well.)
As for the family . . . my mom’s family is dysfunctional in mostly entertaining ways, so that’s not so bad. My dad’s family? I don’t go associate with them anymore. (Yes, really.) They are VERY Catholic, and I (and my immediate family) are not at ALL Catholic, and I finally got tired of relatives telling me, sometimes subtly, sometimes point-blank, that I was going to hell. (Yes, really, AGAIN. LOL.)
Sample diaglogue from the last holiday:
Aunt *: Don’t you feel sorry for people who have heard the word of the Church and have chosen to ignore it? I feel so sorry for all those people who are going to hell.
Me: You know I’m not Catholic, right?
Aunt *: Yeah, I know. *looking at me pointedly*
After that?! I was OUTTA there. *sigh* (Though I did come out with some FANTASTIC family stories, so there’s a silver lining there, LOL.)
And I must clarify: I don’t think all Catholics are jerks. I think MY FAMILY, who happen to be Catholic, are jerks. So no offense intended to any Catholic folks out there. 🙂
oh marste. you so need this JewishMizFit there for the holiday season.
what else would make it entirely complete?
My plan for food is to keep in mind that the first bite is the best. So I will take small samples of anything I want, and then eat slowly so I can focus on the conversation. It’s hard to talk when you’ve got food in your mouth! BTW, I would classify my family as sweet and supportive but I haven’t had Thanksgiving with them in four years now. The last two years were at my in-laws, who are the dysFUNctional types – I always leave with great (embarassing at the time) stories! This year we are staying at home and hosting for our friends, and I’m so happy and looking forward to tomorrow!
619 calories a day sounds like a lot, but I think over the whole holiday season that’s about a five pound weight gain (if exercise remains constant). Nothing to panic over.
I agree with overeaters anonymous – a binge is out-of-control and frantic, an altered state of mind. I been there. Thanksgiving ain’t a binge.
Finally, I love Thanksgiving exercise. It used to be a tradition with my great friend Rachael to go for a run Thx evening, then once we moved away, I continued to go for runs in the morning. It makes me feel aware of my body and puts my mind in a peaceful, calm, happy state.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday…that’s why I had so much to say today:)
I am totally using t he listening approach.
I’d like to say I had already thought about that but I hadn’t.
my plan shall be to keep my mouth filled with good eats and smile and nod A LOT.
happy turkey day to the Bumbling Band!
oh and those not in the USA *sorry* you have to work tomorow 🙁
thanks for all the great info and wonderful ideas. I think I’ll just go in with the attitude of ” it is up to me.” That should fit the bill on how I handle every situation.
have a wonderful Thanksgiving
I allow myself to enjoy the holiday food. I’m sure I gain a couple of pounds over the holidays (maybe more?) but I don’t really care. I keep exercising, and once holidays are over and I go back to my old eating habits, it goes off by itself.
However, I don’t go crazy with the food. While normally I stop eating when satiated, on the holidays I stop eating when full – not when STUFFED. Stuffed feels bad and is not worth the pleasure in eating.
I am not usually an emotional eater. But being around certain family usually turns me into one *sigh*
I was vegetarian for many years… I always skipped the turkey and made a stuffed squash – “carvable” for presentation purposes, but not pretending to be anything other than what it was.
619Kcal/day!?!?! Talk about a warning cry! I love thanksgiving food but am determined to limit myself to realistic portions. Thanks for all the great info.
I let loose on holidays especially Thanksgivings and Christmas. All in all, if you eat healthy all year, two days of eating everything in sight does not matter much.
The important part is to enjoy the company of ours instead of acting like a food nazi at the table.
Tim Rosanelli
A lot of calories to eat… You (in US) start first, but we (in Mexico) don’t start with this social overeating until Christmas, because here we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving,
Here, we start with ‘posadas’ (a kind of semi-religious party where you simulates how Jesus’ parents went from home to home asking shelter), Christmas of course, New Year’s Eve, King’s Day (another religious party, in memory of how the Kings from the east took presents to Jesus) and in that day you eat bread and chocolate and other things and finally, in February 2th we have ‘tamales’ (it’s a kind of corn batter with stuff inside it and prepared in the oven) to celebrate yet another religious day.
So I do agree that in winter we eat and eat almost nonstop. I don’t know why we can’t simply celebrate we are together and that’s all. Maybe people can’t gather and be fun without food (excessive amounts of food)? *Sigh* Or maybe food is necessary in some people minds to distract you from any possible fights or conflict? And we wonder why sometimes we treat food like we do, 🙂
I wish I had read this before grocery shopping. I really wanted those3 pillsbury french bread something or other rolls. I settled for making a pumpkin banana something or other.
Happy Turkey Day all!
I am soooo loving the “bring the FUN back into the dysfunctional!” That is a great goal for me this season!
brandon and i will be attempting to run a 4-mile race that morning before the weather goes to hell like it’s supposed to.
and stuffing? yuck. i HATE my mom’s stuffing. brandon’s making his this year, though, so i kinda have to be nicegirlfriend and try it.
i’m making him try my oven-roasted sweet potatoes, though, so it’s a fair trade. mwahahahahaha.
I don’t have a chance during the holiday season. I love to eat and my family loves to cook. I take a break from the calorie counting and “watching-what-I-eat” and I go completely crazy.
Hey girl, just checking in very last minutes of the day. Thankfully, I’ve yet to cook a turkey on my own. All family members live far away so no turkey dinner here tomorrow.
Good tips which I will save for Christmas time
I am going to post a turkey tag game tonight if you need other forms of distraction between turkey and pie.
Here is the link for the fast Oiselle girls!
you all make me laugh, think and want a guest post (kary. Ive written about 3 kings day but all draped in fiction…would love your food insights!).
and emily? #75?
Girlfriend, you so arent alone (perhaps THAT should be your tomorrow mantra)…
I know I won’t do the extra 619 calories PER DAY, but I’ll probably hit that on Thanksgiving and Christmas. In fact, it’s kind of a plan. 🙂 Not really, but if that’s what the menu presents, I’m not going to worry about it. That’s why I have a gym membership, and fortunately for me, it’s open 24/7, so I can indulge and then erase.
I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to you and the rest of the Bumbling Band!! I hope you all have a great holiday, 619 calories more of it or not!!
All the Best,
Andrew R
Happy Thanksgiving to all the BB. I plan to burn a lot of calories slaving in the kitchen tomorrow. My only plan for moderation is to not feel I have to try everything but just to take my favorite items. Also, I will eat what I like best first. (I’m working on this since I usually save the best for last but then end up overeating, if that makes sense.) But if I eat my favorite things first, I won’t feel obligated to eat through a bunch of other stuff to get to them.
Tofurkey? I don’t even want to contemplate that.
No big get-together for me. All the fam is in Texas but I’ll just be here with the hubby and kids. I miss my family, but at least this is lower stress.
I haven’t done a tofurkey, but when I was a vegan I did make a turkey out of mushrooms.
Really. (It wasn’t bad, actually.)
I am a different person now. I eat what I want, but small amounts. I don’t sneak food in the kitchen all day to deal with my anxiety. I focus on family and friends and kids and being thankful.
I’m not worried about it. Looking forward to it.
(But the part about eating 600+ extra calories a day through the holidays? I’d be striking out something stronger than “holy crap.” That will require awareness.)
ok, I am totally going to use the toddler wetting himself line! Classic!
and since me and the toddler were stricken with the stomach flu all day (good fun over here!), I think we can afford those extra calories tomorrow. (provided they stay down)
Tofurky? Yikes!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
It’s 4a.m. and I have already cooked most of the meal. Woohoo!! What’s on the menu? Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, hot rolls, green beans, corn, cranberry (in a can), noodles with yummy sauce, turkey gravy, orange fruit salad, brownies, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, and chocolate chips cookies. And I’m only serving 8. Is this a binge? I don’t think so. Think tablespoons. 😉
You know what I did while the turkey cooked, the taters boiled, and the brownies baked (ooh and the children slept)? I lifted weights and watched Jackie Chan (movie)! And I’m so happy that I was able to get the bird and most everything else done early. Guess why! I’m going to go enjoy the sunrise on my bike. It’s a soul refresher! After I get back all I have to do is pop it in the oven to reheat, take a nice soothing bath, read a book. Then pull out the last minute stops (table setting) and answer the door. Makes it look like I have been working really hard. Heehee! But first I’m enjoying this here brownie, mmm.
I like the sharpie and sheet idea. I, too, thought you said you were wearing a sheet. And I was like huh?! Hah! I had to reread that. Wearing just a white sheet now that would be…
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Miz and bumbling band!!!
Who can start a fight when focusing on gratitude? My family figured out a way today!! Crazy, yes.
Happy Thanksgiving Miz!!
I’m coming from my blog, and there I was a little confused, but now I see you want a post about 3 kings day… Of course, I would be very glad to do it, in fact, I am honored by your invitation 🙂
Just tell me what you want me to focus on related with 3 kings day and I will write what I know…
Hey, Miz!
Thank you for linking to our new website,! It’s a great place to search for side dish or dessert recipes, not to mention ideas for using that leftover turkey!
Here’s what it is/does:
It scrapes several of the most popular websites (for hundreds of thousands of recipes), returning search results which can be displayed in a side-by-side comparison of up to 5 recipes.
You can search for recipes by name, by desired ingredients, or by ingredients you want to avoid. You can even search on multiple ingredients. For example, if you wnat to make a cake but you only have 1 egg, you can search on “cake” and “1 egg.” Your search will return only recipes matching that criteria.
Once registered, your searches and selected recipes will be saved for you. Food allery information can be recorded and you can rate and comment on the recipes. You can even enter your own recipes and share them with your friends. Hmmmm….maybe I should enter those from the Mizfit Guest Chefs!
As a member of the bumbling band myself, I understand how important nutrition information is to all of us. Many of the recipes we’re accumulating don’t include that information, so it isn’t currently displayed right now. However, we are in the process of grabbing what is available and coming up with a way to calculate the others. If you register on the site, we will send you an email when that feature has been added. Don’t worry, we won’t spam you. We’re VERY anti-spam!
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback for us, please email me, Teresa, at You can also leave website suggestions or ask questions at by clicking on the “Forums” tab.
Happy searching!
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