we are all about health, fitness, living well, life balance and gratitude up in herre.
we are semiserious, often snarky, & try (with a modicum of success) to live each day with the backdrop question of how might I make myself & those around me healthier and happier through my actions?
(cue montage of 2008 posts. we laughed. we cried. it was better than cats.)
sometimes, however (especially on the weekend following new years when we are still semihungover have been slammed with uplifting posts), life screams out for a tangent.
for a random Hey! That post does not fall under Miz’ fitness isnt about fitting in mission statement. for shame! for shame! blogupdate if you will.
This is such an update.
In a little over six months I turn forty.
Being the person I am I’m not only excited about this fact—-Ive been lying for about 6 months and *telling* everyone I’m already the big four-oh.
In celebration of this fact Im gifting myself with a rather large tattoo.
The kind of tat which, had I done it in my 20’s, people would have warned me I’d regret at some point down the proverbial road.
Which is just one of the many reasons I love aging.
The down the road may be growing ever shorter, but the acknowledgment of that fact makes the life I currently live even more ALIVE.
so that’s the teaser and since we all know I cant keep a secret Im sure I shall cave in the comments but Im gonna pretend, for now, that I shant and now I’m curious to know about you.
are you inkfree, loathe the body art and plan to remain that way?
are you an illustrated (wo)man, love the stories your skin tells & wanna share some of them with the masses?
you tattooed, regret it, & saving your pennies for this fellow?
Im curious about the Bumbling Band’s bodyart and, should you be so inclined, please to hit us all up in the comments.
I think a tattoo is a great way to celebrate turning 40.
I’m currently ink free, but I have been planning on getting a small tattoo for the last 6 months or so. I haven’t decided on the final design yet or where to get it. I definitely want to get it done so I will probably make it an April birthday present (hurray for turning 23?).
On a side note from one of the links, someone really tattooed Dr. Tattoff on there arm so they could get it removed for the before and after pics for a website? Seems extreme and painful to me.
Funny you post this since I am turning 50 (yes, 50!) in about two months and am actually looking forward to it. I have been telling people for months that I already am.
On the subject of tattoos – I, coincidentally, got one when I was 40. After years of preaching the foolishness of tats to our kids, we were caught red-handed by our oldest daughter while we were getting it done.
And we broke the cardinal sin of tattoos – mine, on my upper right shoulder, is a lovely rose with my husband’s name beautifully scripted below it; he has my name on his upper arm. Now if THAT doesn’t show marital commitment, I don’t know what does. 🙂
Can’t wait to hear what you’re getting.
I currently don’t have any tattoos… when I was younger I wanted one but couldn’t think of anything good… seems like 40 is a popular age to get one. I might cave and get one then if I can thing of something good and meaningful… my boyfriend and I are both Libras and in Chinese astrology dragons… we were thinking of getting matching ones with something of the sort… but we’ll see…
Oh, dear. My conservatism is showing. I’m much older, and *quavering voice* in my day, tattoos were for sailors and bikers. Never got over that mindset, although I have seen some lovely tattoos in recent years. Add that to the fact that I’m a freakin’ coward about needles….not gonna see any ink on this enormous white butt canvas!
I love that you guys all came by this morning and jumped right in!
merry mary? I got my first small one at 28 and researched FOREVER where to have it done (it was a simple tattoo but I was obsessed with cleanliness of the place. I started by just stopping people I saw out on the street with pieces which were art and not merely ink and asked them where they had their’s done!)
Mrs. JB? I LOVE THAT YOU WERE ‘CAUGHT’ BY YOUR DAUGHTER. and love the tattoo as well (Ren Man and I have matching hamsa hands (a symbol which is thought to ward off the ‘evil eye’ and serve as protection.)
Rosie? Im not sure why but I do love the notion of the matching…and now Im wondering how soon this ’40’ is for you 🙂 you my age?
AHHHH BL. I love the bikers and the sailors 🙂 and the old school pinup tattoos.
OOOOH might we convince the rancher to get one??
MizInkMeUp…very awesome!
I don’t have a tatoo — and I’ve been thinking of getting one (as has my wife…). Maybe it is something about 40? …I’m way close (well, not as close as you…wait…I’m chomping at your heals…).
There will be pictures…someday…yes?
aren’t you afraid you will regret it?
I have thought about getting a tattoo before but never did and am glad now that I didn’t because Ihtink I wouldn’t like the picture any more.
(does that make sense?)
oh and I had no idea you were 40!!
I have many many tats and there are, Ali, a few I don’t love as much now as when I had them done but I do love the memory of getting them so I would not ever have them tatofffed!
what are you getting MizFit?
how big is BIG?
I’ve never wanted one, never considered it for a minute. Some of them are like little works of art and I’m certain you’ll be no exception given the canvas. I can’t wait to see what you get my YOUNG friend 🙂 what I hear you saying is you dont wanna join me??
lance? definitely pics. and Im thinking if I can start SOOOON this may still take a year.
ali? Im not worried Ill regret it. some for PRECISELY what evan said (even if Im not longer ‘into’ the tattoo which I CAN NOT IMAGINE and hasnt happened yet it will be a demarcation of a life event) & also because every tattoo I have Ive thought about for YEARS before I got it inked.
this is my philosophy:
when I get a new tattoo it should feel as though it had always been there….waiting….and has just *finally* come to the surface.
if I dont feel that way about the piece—–then I should NOT do it.
Miz, who realizes we are way off the health & fitness path today and kinda likes the weekend change!
Wow – I thought I was the only one up at 5:30 on a Saturday…
Although I love YOUR tattoos Miz, I have never wanted one or considered getting one. I don’t like pain and can’t imagine trying to pick something “meaningful” to stay with/on me forever…
Congrats on the upcoming big bday!
3 here, first one when I was 17 and travelling sans parents. A second one during my first year from University at the same place. I regret neither of these.
The third one I got on the spur of the moment when I went with a friend to get her first one (at a different parlour). It was a poor choice of tattoo and the artist should have warned me. It was also poorly done. I would love to have it covered over but for now the money and the pain of the location keeps me from doing anything. It also helps that it is hidden in almost all of my clothes.
But I’m definitely not against getting another one and think it’s awesome that you are celebrating this way.
Oh and for the record, I was thrilled to turn 30 and feel the same way about 40 and 50 and …
You get the point.
Leigh Anne
Nope. Nada. Never.
I find nothing attractive in tattoos and cannot, for the life of me understand why someone would want one.
They don’t call them “tramp stamps” for nothing.
Sorry, but I just say no.
seriously. I love that you dont love and would love (errr, welcome? would like? Miz needs a thesaurous) more insight into why!
so many of my friends and famil (hi mom. sorry mom.) entirely agree with you.
I have one tiny leetle tattoo on my left ankle. It looks a bit like this eye: CLICK HERE but of course it’s black on pale skin. Yeah, I stole it from a cheesy Christian rap album. 🙂
I got it while a member of the Baptist Student Union in college. I went with a couple of the guys from the BSU (they got regular crosses but I got my funkified one).
I am no longer Baptist and not so devout now, so I don’t think I’d get the same tat today, but I still think it looks pretty neat. I am the only family member with a tattoo (except for a couple uncles who were in the navy and have eagles on their arms or something) and I caught a lot of flak for it. There were many comments about how I’d regret it when older (don’t yet and I’ve had it over a decade) and even references to some obscure Old Testament Bible verse (right after this one: “Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. “)
I wouldn’t mind getting more tattoos but I married a rather conservative accountant dude. I think I might celebrate reaching my goal weight with another little one, though (how can he complain if I look hot?) thanks for the link Fig! I like it!!
Go Miz… I think it’s a great idea for you as you’ve obviously put a lot of thought into it. As for turning 40 it’s great that you are excited about it. I do think age is just a number and it’s all about how we feel inside.
Personally I’m ink free at this stage (30). In my early years I always thought it a bit daft. So permanent and most of the time people don’t seem to put enough thought into it. The last while though I’ve been thinking I would like to get one. Something meaningful and discreet but I have no idea what. It’s been in my head to get one when I reach my weight loss target. My gift to myself and also a permanent reminder of the work I had to put in. Far away from that target still though so who knows when it might happen!
Ow! I can’t wait to see what you’re getting. I have no tats and no piercings (not even my ears…I kid you not). But I have nothing against either. Just not for me. I always said I would get a tat if there was something that meant enough that I’d want to look at it every day. Since I already have Josh and Frank and my family to look at …I’m not sure what else i’d stick on me 😉
I get so excited when I hear people talk about tattoos. Secretly I would love to be covered….ok..well maybe just 1/4 or 1/2 of a sleeve. But I love tattoos and I think that is an incredible way to celebrate turing 40.
I have 4 tattoos and would love to get more but they are on hold right now. I started when I was 20 (am now 32). 3 of my tattoos I got with my best friend (who is still my best friend) and the last one (in August) I got with my sister (she is 10 years older than me and it was her 1st). I have a teddy bear, flower, celtic sun and a sister’s love celtic knot. I love every single one of them and don’t regret a single second of them.
Sigh…now I want another one!
I can’t wait to hear (or see) what you get!
I’m 42 and I would love a Tat! I think I’m going to make that my goal present to myself. Maybe when I reach the 199 mark. 🙂 Not sure what I would get something small on my shoulder perhaps! 🙂
I’m CERTAIN that, were I married to a different man, I wouldn’t have as may tattoos as I do (that said, I could be married to the ILLUSTRATED MAN himself & would still opt for the hidden tattoos as they are for *me* and I’ve no need to have them show).
Ren Man is ‘bad’ for me in that he encourages 😉
That said, this new one has been in the making for over a decade.
Erica? I LOVE tattoo portraits when they are done well.
When the artist is an *artist* there is miniscule difference between the photo and the inkimage.
I love that Miz about the tattoo always being there and rising up.
I like the rising up concept & surfacing as it ties into my weight loss journey so well.
maybe when I hit my fifty pound loss I will get a tattoo but for now I will let you have all the pain. LOL!
My BFF and I went out for margaritas to sooth the frayed edges of our nerves and then went for tatoos in celebration of turning 40. We both have th BabyPhat logo on our right ankle area…owowowowowowowow! It’s a kitty which is appropriate for me since I have 8 cats at home and belong to the Junior Crazy Cat Lady Society. I would not get another one because the first one hurt like hell. I know some people like the pain-induced adrenalin rush, but I am not one of those people. I guess like TheBagLady I’m a little conservative – what? I know!
Hey, Miz – good for you for not being freaked out by the 40 thing; it ain’t so bad, ya know!
Here’s all I have to say about the tats: think of the oldest person you know- gram, great-gram, random nursing home resident and picture your tat on them. Eeeeww!
If a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, then you go girl!
I also don’t have any, and considering that I change my blog theme at least once a month, that’s probably not a bad thing! I just don’t think that I’d find something that would still please me in 10 years’ time and beyond.
Having said that, I quite like the idea of celebrating reaching goal, but jewelry will also do…
Furthermore, I have so many stretchmarks, I don’t know if I have room for a tattoo!
Can’t wait to see what you get! You’re about three months older than I am…
linda? Who knew about yer tattoo?!
Now I must see…
And yes, if I liked the pain I might have *more* —but I don’t. So it needs to be something worth the OOOWWW to me.
And marisa? that was totally my barometer! The oldagesaggy miz and how would the tattoo look.
Love Ren Man as he said:
You’ll never sag.
We love the man’s optimism and I know I’ll love my dimply saggy SEUSSIAN tattoo even when I’m 90.
Not too surprisingly, I have a big ol’ winged dragon on my right hip; got it when I was 23. I purposely got it positioned in such a way that I can “hide” it in a one-piece bathing suit or reveal it in a bikini or bikini underwear.
I’m really, really glad I didn’t get it on my arm. I’ve become so vain about my arms, I don’t want to ink over a single square inch of their blazing glory.
My only regret is that I had never been told about ink “spreading”. I thought that if I got it in a place where the sun don’t shine, it would maintain a sharp outline. Not so. As a result, it’s on the faded, muddy-looking side. I hear that modern inks don’t have this problem, but I don’t know if it’s true or not. Just make sure it’s not made from the ink of a hallucinogenic plant like that dumb Scully got.
When i turned forty i got my nose pierced 🙂 Still love it and i’m 47. I also have a tatoo that i had done after my closest cousin was murdered. It is on my ankle and is a cross with some roses and says in memory of… Never for a second have i regretted getting it. And lately i have been wanting another one on my shoulder, however will have to wait till i have a little extra money 🙂
I know a lot of people disapprove of having things written on you in languages you don’t speak or read, but the symbol seemed much more elegant than the word. It’s on my back over the T-11 vertebra (about the bra-strap-line), which is where my sister-in-law broke her back on a hike with my brother in 2002. She’s a performance artist; she was a dancer. She’s Russian, not Chinese, but whatever. No regrets ever about the tat.
I’m thinking about getting another, but haven’t found the right timing and conditions yet…
It’s conversations like these that make me feel…ummm…errr OLD!
I came back as I felt my comment sounded harsh. So true! Ouch! Sorry.
I’m about to leave for a long bike ride, during which I will reflect on my answer and return, Mizfit.
I have no ink and no piercings. (Other than vintage, clip-on earrings are VERY hard to find!)
I’ve seen plenty of designs on other people that I thought were beautiful, but I cannot stand how the ink changes over time.
None on me! If I got one, I’ve always liked the abstract upper arm wrap in blue (left arm).
not harsh at ALL, Pat!
and I know (ink fading with time) although mine wont get too much sun (wink) and Im also a bigbig sunscreener so that should help as well.
and the bleeding? supposed to be *bad* on hands and feet—less where Im doing it.
I don’t like tattoos (I am with pat on this) but I love your living life larger (can I put words in your mouth?) because there is less of it left to live.
will the ink still fade a lot since you are getting it now?
unlike if you had it done in your teens?
and did you say Dr. Seuss???????
I am ink free, and I will most likely stay that way. BUT, I love it on other people. I think it is beautiful and I like to hear the stories behind the tatoos.
I won’t say I will never get one, but for now, it just isn’t me.
BTW, I can’t wait to hear more about yours and really hope you will share some pics when it is done.
I hear you on the waiting. I was 30 before i got my first one (I’m sure you saw the pic, but I still have it posted on my blog archives) – and it wasn’t because I wanted to wait! I just couldn’t see puttin something on my body that I may regret – it wasn’t until 28-29 that I found the tattoo that I wanted, and then I waited until I could afford it and decide if I really wanted it. Love it too 🙂 Just have to find my next one – once the memory of the pain wears off a little more! lol. OOH, and I find a place to get it where it doesn’t hurt so much!
If it’s something you really want, then it’s a fabulous way to celebrate your 40th! I hope youf ind something you really like! Just be careful for the lower back – it was 4 hours of terrible pain the whole time! Or I’m a wimp 😉
I’m ink free – and I turned 40 in 2008! 😀
I had sort of wanted a tattoo, but I found out that would take me off the blood donation eligibility list for 1 year. One of my big things is trying to donate 6 times a year, so getting a tattoo would stop me from that.
If I did, it would be a small butterfly to represent my weight loss.
And 40 is great! I am healthier and can do more now at 40 than any earlier age!
I don’t have any… but I did ummm…just maybe once apply to Miami Ink in hopes that Ami would tattoo me. I came up with my own design that would symbolize the birth places of both of my kids – but I’m not an artist and haven’t had it drawn up right. Which I still may do someday. Ami hasn’t called yet. 😉
Yes, I have a tat and it’s kinda a long story. But I’ll shorten it…
I’ve wanted one for years but my hubby would just tell me that I’d look like a slut if I got one. So the day after he died I was in the tattoo parlor, at the slutty age 60. I got a violet with a bumble bee hovering over it on the top of my left breast. So I went to his funeral with fresh ink! Guess I showed him, huh. I got the violet because I love purple and green together and the bumble bee because my name means “queen bee” and I wanted something representative.
I also grew up in the land of tats on sailors and bikers but I got over that mindset when it started becoming so popular with everyong else. Guess I just wanted to stay young at heart.
And young at heart, I shall remain, because now I want another one. And I know what I want (a baby tiger that I saw at the tat parlor) but I can’t decide where to put it. I don’t want it on my shoulder where everyone can see it (a little of the old school seeping through) but I want it where I can see it. Any suggestions?
Me again, after reading the comments. Miz, I love this “pieces which were art and not merely ink.” Those were the words I was struggling to write in my first comment.
So is this Seuss tattoo going on your butt? 😉
My sisters and I just got a tattoo a couple of weeks ago. Its kind of small and on the tops of our feet. I love it though, and I’m pretty sure I will get at least one or two more before my 20’s are over. I don’t think I’ll ever regret them cause they are all things that represent something important to me.
Good luck with yours!!
I don’t care to get one, but I think it’s your body and if that’s what you like then who am I to judge. I think some are really cute, but on someone else. The only ones I don’t think are good, are putting another man or womans name on you. Your childs name, yes, but I’ve seen several younger folks trying to get new tatoos to cover the name of a girl or boy they have stopped seeing covered up. But that’s just my opinion.
whoo hoo! can’t wait to see what you get!
my bro has 5, and i would like to have one but the pilot isn’t a fan 🙁
damn I love you guys all taking time out of your weekend to drop in & chime in.
I’m heading to (waitforit) workout and then shall be back with my tat details.
Meeting with the artist this afternoon as well.
No way, no how. Just those fun, washable tattos… may be. But somethign else.. poking into the skin.. ot for me. But I do do let people my hands like this
It is not permanent.
I have 3 tats & an industrial piercing in my right ear.
1st tat: a kokopelli on my right bicep. About 10 years ago my mother & I vacationed in AZ. She bought me a little silver pin of a kokopelli – I used that for the tat design. Thing is – it is only 2 inches or so – now I wish it were bigger.
2nd: memorial tat for my father – a bracelet. Logo of his unit from WWII over an American flag.
3rd: memorial tat for my mother – bracelet on right wrist. A braid of sweetgrass with a dreamcatcher on the inside of the wrist.
Piercings – multiple ear piercings. almost 2 years ago got an industrial bar in my right ear. That hurt like you wouldn’t believe! – was tempted to take it out but am now used to it.
More tats to come – just haven’t decided on where to put them. Doubtful about more piercings….alright – maybe an eyebrow one.
I got my first tat at 39 or 40.
Not a fan of the TAT. If I would have gotten a shark a year ago, it would look like a goldfish now! But make sure it is nicely done!
I am ink-free for now. I’m glad I didn’t get one when I was younger, because it would have probably been something I wouldn’t like now. My 17-year-old niece already has more than one, and I think she’s going to regret the ones she got someday. NOT that I have anything against tattoos. I just think that maybe you should be certain first, and not do it on a whim, when you are still underage.
I considered getting one for my 30th birthday this year. Actually, I really wanted to, but I ended up having a really crappy birthday, and didn’t have a way to get away to get one without taking a bunch of kids with me. I may never get one now. Or I may wait until there is another big moment for me – 35 maybe?
My husband has one tattoo, on his chest. He got it when he finished writing his first book. He said he was going to get one for each book. Well, this spring he’ll have 4 published books, but he still only has one tattoo. Maybe we’ll go together. But we are NOT getting each other’s names.
I am ink free. I am terrified of getting one and then having an allergy reaction to the ink – my BIL had this happen and it is kind of torturous…
We adopted our son and I have thought it would be very cool to get his family name tattooed – OR I could go all Ang jolie and get the coordinates of his birthplace – something about the kid would be ideal in my mind…
I also sometimes have a fantasy of getting a claddagh wedding band tattooed on.
Ahhh, I’m totally living my fantasies here.
No tattoo here, have thought about getting one, but have not come up wtih anything that I want permanetly inked on me.
i’m inkfree only because i hadn’t designed (or come across) something that i really loved. i like the idea of a snowflake (as everyone’s unique and beautiful), but hadn’t found the perfect design for it 🙂
big reveal of yours??
I don’t have any tattoos yet. However, I am planning on getting one when I reach my goal weight. I already know what it’s going to look like.
– me standing in a warrior post, holding a baby in one had, a sword on the other which will read “Live Strong” on it.
Good Morning, Miz! Can I just say the Baglady described me better than I can describe me? That said, with a definite prejudice against all things pierced and tattooed, about 10 years ago I was taking care of a tiny premature desperately ill baby, and his young mother had a BIG tattoo, and heaven forbid, a cheek piercing! And she was such a gracious, intelligent, loving young woman that it changed my poor attitude forever.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot this. A friend sent me a tattoo decal that looked real, like a needle through a heart, with a banner that said ‘Born to quilt’ and I saved it til one day I applied it to my chest area, where it would show above the v-neck t-shirt I was wearing, and went to my quilting group (full of ladies even more conservative than me.) And didn’t say a thing. Man, was that funny, watching their faces. I knew exactly what they were thinking “She lost all that weight and now she thinks she’s really something. She’s gone off the deep end.” And I have to say, I grew very attached to my tattoo decal. It stayed on for a long time, and I was very sad when I had to wash the remnants off. Hmmm….is there a tattoo decal parlour out there anywhere?
Wlecome to the 40 year old club! I’ll turn 41 though before you join me though!
Nope, never had a tattoo, never wanted one. My husband’s best friend had a brother that died when he was 18. He ended up putting a tattoo on his chest that had a heart that looked like it was broken and with his brother’s name “Donny” over that heart.
What seemed like a good idea at the time – now 48, whenever he goes swimming, people see that tattoo and think that Donny was a former lover that broke his heart!
I’ve wanted to get a tattoo for a few years now (Garver from Miami Ink, call me please!) I have no idea what I want and I might be just a bit scared about the pain.
I do advocate the think before you ink philosophy, especially when I am preaching to my kids about life choices though!
i would love a tattoo..in the past, it was fear of pain that held me back. (really, life gives you enough of it FOR FREE, why would i pay for it??)..
now, its my husband..he has made it clear that for him, they are a major turn off. kind of like if he pierced his face. I have nothing against men who do..its just a major turn off for me.
Knowing a tattoo is a major turn off for your husband, is kind of a good reason not to get one (and gets you off the hook on that whole too chicken of the pain thing)..
I always wanted a Chinese or Sanskrit symbol though..(again until hubby said how do u know that what the artist gives you doesn’t really mean Eat At Joe’s?)
The Polynesian Sea Turtle is something i’ve gotten many times in henna..as well as the symbol for courage
Hrm..at 25 i had a baby. At 30 I got a piercing somewhere we don’t need to discuss..what shall *i* do at 40??
Have I told you lately that I loooove yoouuuuu? (Please to sing)
Man, you guys are awesome.
The tatsharing, the lack of love sharing, the tips, the GARVER & AMI shout outs (a fellow tribemember I might point out) —all of it.
(Me? I’m a kat & hannah fan from la ink)
While Ren Man does cardio here’s the short version of my plan:
Seuss images.
Seuss quotes.
(Lesser known ones which are the ones I more adore. No cat in the hat for me.)
And (waitforit) on the leg.
Starting high up (high. I think it was robin who nailed where I’m starting I’m thumbtyping so it’s had to go back and check) and traveling down for as down as I decide it shall go.
a legsleeve of sorts or, as I like to call it, on legged capri-tight perhaps.
A definitely think before I ink as it’s something I loved as a kid that love has remained.
Well I will confess I have two tats right now and I am getting a third one the 20th of this month. I got my first one last year for my 41’st b-day (I had always wanted one but was not sure of what to get). I love stars so both of mine represent that (one on left wrist, two stars one for me and one for my son and the other one is on the top of my right foot it is so pretty! the new one is going to be my sons name on my left ankle with stars surrounding his name) I am actually wanting at least 2 more (one for when I reach my weight goals) so go out and get what makes you happy you have earned it! Please share photos when you get it done.
Aw, hell, I haven’t even gotten my ears pierced yet! Though if a promised “girls only” trip to vegas happens, the ears shall commemorate it. Barring that, maybe BlogHer Chicago? I think I’m finally ready. (snort).
It’s not that I loathe body art – I love to see it on others – I’m not sure it’s me. If I got something, I know where I’d place it: over a lumpy scar on my left back shoulder. But what would I get? Maybe I could scan all the crafty tats on Flickr and be inspired?
I am ink free, mainly b/c I can take it like a man, but am totally afraid of the pain of the needle. The biggest jump I took was getting a belly piercing when I was 30.
I’m inkless, but I go through the maybe I’ll get a tattoo phase sometimes. Problem is, I have no idea what I would want permanently etched in my skin. Don’t know the local either.
After my best friend’s mom passed away suddenly, she had her signature tattooed in white on her wrist. I love it. Maybe something like that…someday. It would have to have a lot of meaning, and I’d keep it simple.
Can’t wait to see pics of the new tat!
OK. Giggling about dragonmama’s comment that she wouldn’t want a tat to distract from her awesome arms. My current trainer – with multiple piercings, including tongue – admits the same thing. He doesn’t want any tat to hide the fine definition of his muscles. And that definition is truly fine.
I really want to do some surface design work (screens, embroidery and beading) that copies some of the beautiful tats I see. And I am gathering the inspirations.
“The down the road may be growing ever shorter, but the acknowledgment of that fact makes the life I currently live even more ALIVE.”
First things first. That’s a great thought. I loved it.
As far as the whole tattoo thing, my body is currently paint free. I’m constantly changing, and I’m worried that something I thought was cool today won’t be that cool tomorrow. However, I am 37, so perhaps I am a little more sure of myself and who I am? Maybe I could get a tattoo? The only problem though, is that I hate needles. Doesn’t it hurt to get a tattoo?
– Dave
Well Miz, my mom got her first tattoo when she turned 40… then her second at 41, third at 44, and then another at 45. I’m planning on getting one when I hit my 75 lbs. down mark… so hopefully this year! I’m a big fan of tattoos, and can’t wait to see yours!
4 in and ready for more!
i’d be covered if it wasn’t for the $$$ and having babies!!
I love this post!!
I am not a fan of tattoos on me but enjoy hearing about other people’s art and why they chose what they did.
thanks for the saturday post MizFit!!
I have wanted, for a very long time, to get a tattoo. For quite a while, I wanted one on my right ankle, over the scarring left from my car accident and subsequent surgeries to put my leg back together… but while I was waiting for the scar to finish shrinking, I got pregnant, and then there just hasn’t been that kind of cash laying around that we haven’t needed/wanted for something else.
Maybe if I start saving now, I can get one when *i* am 40 😉 (that’s three years from May!)
David (#63)
Comparatively speaking, getting a tattoo doesn’t even come close to the pain of natural childbirth. But, being a guy, I guess that doesn’t mean a whole heck of a lot to you, huh?
How about getting your teeth drilled without anaesthetic; ever done that? I think that’s also worse than getting a tattoo.
Mind you, this is even though I was totally sober when I got it done, as opposed to the more traditional method of getting plastered. I’m sure that cuts the pain considerably more; just make sure you have a sober friend with you to keep an eye on things so you don’t have any nasty surprises when you sober up.
I really like tattoos. I’m 25 and just got my first one last July, but I’m saving up for more. I’m in an art field so I like having body art for the sake of the art, you know? I have a trail of ivy going down the side of my back and it really does encourage me to work those back muscles more! I think I’m going to extend it up my shoulder next.
Very excited to see your new tat!! =D
Just out of curiosity, what do tattoos cost these days? I got mine done in 1981. It’s slightly larger than a twinkie, fully colored, took about five hours, and was done in Southern California by a reputable tattoo artist named Little Rick. Cost $50.00, and that seemed like a lot of money back then!
I’m still a young-un, but I’ve had my two tats for five and six years respectively now, and I still love them. I am a bio-geek so I have a biohazard symbol between my shoulderblades and a black widow on my lower back. There are (now) two tests that I recommend to people when they say they want a tattoo. The first is that the person has thought about and wanted the artwork for a year or more, and the second is that they are willing for their conservative relatives to see said artwork on their wedding day. That’s commitment.
Also, some people get a high from the tattoo process, as long as the tattoo is not so large that your endorphins run out.
Go for it. No regrets.
I am all for you getting a new tattoo. I have two. My boyfriend has a few on his arms, and he’s getting another on his back and finishing the one on his chest soon. I think they are sexy!
Ink Free…But only because I haven’t found anything I like enough to have on my skin forever. Oh, and I’m broke 😉
Mizfit: I have only recently found your blog and am quite enjoying reading it. I just had to jump in on the tattoo issue though. I am *gasp* 50 in 4 months and have 7 tattoos. I got my first one when I was 16. I love tattoos that are well done. Doesn’t matter the design, if they are done by an artist any design can be beautiful. I love all my tattoos and (even at 16) a great deal of thought went into each of them. What I always think about is a) can I look at this until I’m 70??? and b) How will this look on a 70 year old?? (Okay, when I was 16 70 seemed really old. Now, eh, not so much 🙂 ) All of my tats are visible and I get compliments on them all the time. Side note, my husband has none and no desire to get one. But me?? I’m already planning my next one – a portrait of my dog who has brain cancer. I do hope you’ll be posting pics when the deed is done. I love to look at other tattoos and see what everyone else is doing.
Miz that sounds cool! When are you going to start having it done?
I have two currently – 1 when I was 18, one when I turned 30. I will be getting a 3rd in April. And have at least 2-3 more after that (a total of six, I’m thinking now).
I love body art – and I live in a town that really celebrates body art (Portland is the most tattooed city in the US).
However, as much in favor of the ink as I am (I also took my sister to get here 1st tattoo when she was 20), I did tell my little sister ‘no’ on her 2nd. She got one anyone, which was a mistake. If you aren’t getting tattooed to mark something about yourself ON yourself, then you have no business getting inked. If you can’t decide what you want & where you want it, then why go for it? That’s what you’ll regret. My first tat was an “I’m 18 & I can do what I want” tattoo – and although I don’t regret it, at some point, I’ll have it incorporated into a larger piece that is more representative of who I am.
And obviously, I have a LOT of feelings about this subject. 🙂
My next tat? Will be a gazelle.
greetings from the park. where I shall be until I head (with toddler in tow) to my tattoo consultation.
and dragonmamma? it’s not gonna be cheap. it could be Im sure but you get what you pay for and sadly I long for the ART.
precisely the reason Im not allowed to have a similar penchant for jewelry….
I am a reader and not one to comment but want to here.
I am one of those who had the tattoo and regretted it and tried to have it lasered off.
take it from me that the laser works but you never look the same.
pick a tattoo you want forever, MizFit!!
Seuss quotes? Really? That would be awesome.
I don’t have a tattoo but have considered it- just haven’t found quite the right thing for me yet; not sure if I ever will but if I do then I’ll get one.
My sister designed her own when she was in Turkey and she loves it. Not sure how she found a sanitary place while she was there but she views it as a part of her body, and I think that that’s the way you’ve got to look at a tattoo. Love your attitude towards them.
Can’t wait to hear about your meeting with the artist:D
Deb & Lynn (who talked about tattooing over scarring) – that is really really hard to do. I tried to get a tattoo to cover a scar on my arm, and that artist tested the ink on my scar before getting going (which will make me eternally grateful) & the scar tissue wouldn’t hold ink at all – it just ran right off. So – if you do decide to ink over the scars, make sure you go to someone REALLY good & have them test the ink on the scarring first – otherwise you could end up with something bad.
As for cost – my March of 2007 tattoo (a skull & crossbones, minimal color, maybe 3 inches square) cost $125 sans tip. My sister got a 6 inch high cross w/ butterfly wings – very colorful – for $250 (again, sans tip).
it is full service around here, Miz.
I’m learning a lot about tattoos today as I had no idea they were so costly!
can not wait to hear what you decide on for yours.
No tattoos here, and no piercings either. Not even my ears!
When I was little, I was desperate for pierced ears, but because my mom was prone to infections and had to always wear special earrings for sensitive ears, she told me I had to wait until I was 16. By then, I was used to no earrings and didn’t really care anymore. I’d consider getting them pierced for my wedding so I can wear some pretty pearl or diamond studs though… something simple 🙂
Hey Miz 🙂
I am turning 40 this summer too! We’ll have to have a big ol’ party up in Herre!
Non tats on me, mostly because I don’t like needles. But I like jewelry!
I don’t have one yet. I designed my tattoo when I was 16 but have not had it inked yet. I love tat’s and when done well they are works of art. I have been revising my old one recently to reflect changes in my life and will probably celebrate my 30th birthday next year with it. Have been working on another one as well to celebrate finally reaching my fitness goals. Hoping to get this one done by 31!
LOL! I love that you have the doc’s quotes on you. I would probably do winnie the pooh. Silly old bear!
Ink-free here! Never felt the urge. I do, however, almost always have ink, marker, or highlighter smudged somewhere on my arm, leg, and/or face, so that’s *almost* like having a tatoo. Mine just travel. *g*
I’m 32.
He doesn’t have any, he was raised by a very conservative mother… it would be our first…
No tats, but at 60, could use a bunch to distract from the loose skin? Naw… at least not for that reason! I’ve given it serious thought every once in a while though!
no tattoos for this girl. Not that I have anything against them, i just cant decide on something- i have a short attention span.
Kelly Turner
I started with one small one on my ankle at 18…. I’m now the wearer of 7 tattooos and I LOVE THEM ALL. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Each one I have had to mark moments of my life that were special to me. The pain is totally worth it.
The largest one is 4 inch wide and goes from my hip to were the bra crosses stright up my side. Its fabulous.
I’ve been planning my next one for the last three years… might be another three before I get it done, but I think ink is awesome.
I do have a “tramp stamp”. I have a beautiful butterfly on my lower back that I got with a girlfriend. We didn’t tell our husbands and we were on a girl trip to Napa. I had spent MONTHS planning it and finding the right artist. I wanted mine to be about new beginnings and fresh starts and beauty no matter how many scars (mine is large after 2 surgerys) you have. I had malignant melanoma when I was 15 and although I couldn’t have the tattoo over my scar on my back I wanted it in the general visinity. Its perfect and I love it. My plan is to get a pink ribbon on my ankle and a foot print for each breast cancer walk I partiipate in around my ankle and down my foot. I did my 5th walk in September and planning on doing one or maybe two this year. I would really like to do a 26.2 somewhere since my whole year being 30 had been about achieving that goal. After doing a marathon I feel like I can do anything I put my heart and mind to.
I’m excited about your Tat and I can’t wait to hear more about it.
No tattoos here, but it’s because needles freak me out. If I ever do Ironman, though, I might make a special case.
And congrats on your upcoming birthday! I’ll be 42 in a few days and I just love getting older (so far).
I got my first body art (and so far only) at 42, only because I couldn’t afford it at 40. I’ve got a small navajo turtle design on my left ankle. After I reach my weight loss goal and am done with any surgeries for excess skin, I plan on doing a little more inking. I may have the turtle removed (since it’s turing into a lizard, or perhaps a snake) and have a design I made with a pair of mating nudibranchs put somewhere…
I’m totally ready for tat #2… and it’ll be my “all done” reward.
I have no tattoos. I think they *can* be cool, but I just have no desire for one. My husband got a tattoo around his ankle to commemorate a summer backpacking in Europe, which I think is awesome!
I just turned 40 in October. I promise, it’s not all downhill 😉
I do have 4 tattoos. I got 3 when I was 18, and then the guy who did them told me people who get more than 3 end up like the lady at the circus, covered in them. So that scared me off getting any more until my 30s 😉
In my 30s, I did get a big one. My sister killed herself and I was at a low in life, so it was a very symbolic one.
I think I’m done now. We’ll see. 😉
I love this post! Great distraction from the norm mizfit! I have a ‘tramp stamp’ with a Pisces sign that I love. Although I do have a funny story. My grampa never had a tatoo but as he got older he felt he wanted to stay in touch with the younger crowd and stay caught up with the grandkids who were getting tats and peircings, so he printed this lawnmower guy one out and took it in for his 75th birthday! http://www.sillyhumor.com/pics/lawnmower_man.html
He loved the comments people would give him! Older folks thought he was crazy but the younger ones thought it was awesome and he loved that!
I was seriously thinking about getting a tatt last night. I’m not a huge fan of ginormous ones, but I could do a little one.
Because you are alway about fitness unless you aren’t.
what a fun post!
I have a small low back tattoo (no, I wont use the words tramp stamp LOL) and I love it but I think I’m done for now.
I did it with my BFF many many years ago and she got the same.
I love all the new insights I have into you guys!
people Id not thought would have ink DO and some Id have thought would—DONT!
me? Im off to Fudruckers (I know I know) and then the tattoo shop.
I’m inkfree due in large part to my plan to avoid needles whenever possible. This was a fun question to ask and I’ve enjoyed seeing what tats others have/plan to get.
Wow – a whole leg of Dr. Suess! Only one leg? Or both? I am very excited to see this! Will you have it finished by your 40th? Or will you begin then?
My very firstest boyfriend ever (whom I dated for 2 years) had several Dr. Seuss tats – one with my name in it. And yeah, he’s and “ex” now. Oops!
Anyhow – I am tat free and shall remain so. It’s a religious thing.
I have one/two tats — it is two separate ones that were combined into one image. I started with the small part, knowing it could stand alone if I wimped out of the larger portion. Had them done when I was in my early twenties and have no regrets.
I am now staring at 40 (in just 5 weeks!) and couldn’t be happier about it. I feel great and know I’m in the best shape of my life, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
I am hoping to somplete my 3rd marathon this year and will likely mark this accomplishment with a “26.2” on my right hip — if I can decide how I want it to look — high enough to stay covered, low enough to show when I want to.
Well, I’m going to be the big 5-0 on Feb. 6, and if I do the Marathon, I’m going to get a tat. Other than that, I’m ink free.
Re: Charlotte’s comment #100.
I totally forgot about that. Isn’t it against Jewish law to get tattoos?
i’ve debated on getting a tattoo for a while, but have had two BIG questions – what and where. some jobs don’t allow visible ones (we have a woman at work who has several and as a result, has to wear long-sleeved shirts) and i reeeeally don’t know what i’d want to get.
so IF i get one, it will be a long, loooong time.
as for my actual opinion on tattoos … it depends. full sleeves/body tattoos can be GORGEOUS and AMAZING as they are actually art. brandon’s old personal trainer had two sleeves going and they were awesomely amazing and i adored them.
however, the random aforementioned “tramp stamp” on women and, often times, the male bicep ring (of celtic whatnot or barbed wire or whathaveyou) is almost a turn-off as there appears to be no thought in it and was more of a, “oh, tattoos are cool, i think i’ll get this one because it’s popular” or some crap. OBVIOUSLY, that’s not always the case, but those types are so prevalent that i often internally roll my eyes as soon as i see them.
to sum up, if it’s intensely personal or a work of art, i tend to be more of a fan.
Hey Miz.
I’m pretty inked, and just for you, I’ll place a picture of my last one on my blog for you to peruse if and when you want!
I have had my tattoos all done at events that have been life changing. I love them all. The last one is of a magpie in poppies. I once did a somewhat hippy-ish thing where I tried to dream of a totem animal. I relaxed myself completely and just let whatever wanted to cross my mind do so. Eventually I got this picture of TWO animals. One was a magpie. The other was a hare. I’m sure some specialist can tell me what that means exactly, but I’ve been fond of both animals since. The hare tattoo will follow.
Tattoos, even though modern tattooing doesn’t “scratch the skin”, still constitutes a breaking of halakhah. I still had mine doen though.
technically YES, Dragonmamma.
I’m a cultural Jew (although a regular synagogue attender) who consumes shellfish & bacon and drives on the sabbath.
I’m choosing to believe that my G-d is a seuss fan.
(Can’t wait for the pic aishchai, oh fellow tribemember)
How fun! I love tattoos – on other people! I thought about getting one a few times, and I’d write my idea down and stick in a drawer and look at it a year later. I was always glad I hadn’t gotten whatever it was I was thinking about getting, and after a few years, I got tired of doing the drawer thing. So no tattoos for me.
Plus, as others have mentioned, there’s the upkeep, so that the ink stays sharp, and if I got one on my torso and then got pregnant . . . Um, my friend did that. Got a big sun around her belly button and then got pregnant. Post-pregnancy? That tattoo was NOT PRETTY. (I think she eventually had it removed.) And the cheapskate in me can’t bring myself to pay money to have something put on, only to have it removed later (if necessary). I think that might actually give me a heart attack, LOL.
Plus . . . *whispers* you know there are NEEDLES involved, right?
I don’t do needles. Even my ears only have one piercing, and I don’t have any piercings anywhere else, either! LOL, my “outside” is WAY more conservative than my “inside!”
Well, late to the party (as always) I got a tattoo just this past year:
Me getting it: http://shapingmyway.blogspot.com/2008/02/inked.html
It finished: http://shapingmyway.blogspot.com/2008/03/finished-tattoo.html
Do what YOU want to do. Have I had a few moments when I went “oh dear, what did I do!” Yeah, but it is usually because I am thinking about OTHER people and their reaction. Mine? I’m fine with it, happy with it, and I did it while turning 33 in the process. Who CARES if we’re inked now, earlier, or later? It’s a very personal choice, and one worth being happy about whether you go for it or not.
Hmmm… probably should have added it took me so long because I designed my own (artist hazard), and needed it to mean something very special to me. (sorry for the double comment.)
So? Was there any inking today or just the consult??
I have many tattoos and have not regretted one as they map out the story of my life and who I am.
Great philosophy on the shorter the road may be ahead of you the more LIVING you should do on the way.
I an ink free only because I have yet to want one thing long enough to do it =) I would hate to be stuck with something ya know! But if I ever decide on something for long enough I’ll get it done!
Hi Miz,
I’m intrigued by your matchy-matchy hamsas. Pure irony!
So the real question is: will it be in rhyme?
I have another friend that hit the four-oh and ran off and did the same thing! Can’t wait to hear what you’re getting!
I can’t wait to finish my tat ;-).
Loves x
Does it count if you have your eyeliner tatooed on? LOL! That’s all I’ve got when it comes to permanent ink on my bod. But I think that is such a great attitude to have toward turning 40! It’s a time to celebrate and rejoice – and OH BABY – Have FUN!
You’ll have to thrill us all with a picture once it’s done!
I’m choosing to believe that my G-d is a seuss fan.
Hell yeah! If not, then he’s not worth believing in. (Excuse my irreverence, folks; my G-d has a BIG sense of humor.)
The only difference between a tattooed and non-tattooed person is the non-tattooed person doesn’t care that you don’t have a tattoo.
Happy new year dear.
I would like a tattoo, but 1 – I haven’t found the right design (I would like a land turtle, cute but not cutesy), 2 – I am nearly phobic of needles (and the tattoo salons don’t let you go in drunk, LOL).
I can’t wait to see what your plans are!!!!
I tried and tried for years to find something SO AWESOME that I would want to permenently ink it into my skin but I could never conceive anything that spoke to me that strongly. I really wanted to get one, but now, meh. I’m okay with it. I often see very beautiful tattoos that I admire though….
Seuss is a Good Thing to tattoo on you.
Tattoos! I’ve wanted one for a few years now, but I never can decide on a place or image. My fiance and I are talking about getting ones together–maybe on our honeymoon! We’re both going to be teachers, though, so we have to be careful where (and what, I guess) we get.
I am late to the party, but have enjoyed reading the thoughts here!
I don’t have one, have no problem with them and wouldn’t mind getting one if I could ever make up my mind. It seems like that is the crux a lot of people face.
My younger sister has a couple. I love her first one. The second one I just don’t get and actually think is quite heinous. But I love that she has it for the reasons she does. Can’t wait to see what you get!
I’m tattooed and kind of regret it.
When I was 18 I got the “Golden Fish” tattoo-ed on my lower back
The golden fish symbolises the auspiciousness of all living beings in a state of fearlessness, without danger of drowning in the ocean of sufferings, and migrating from place to place freely and spontaneously, just as fish swim freely without fear through water.
The image is here: http://www.tibet.com/buddhism/fish.jpeg
I don’t hate it I just wish I would of customized it with dolphins instead of fish. I honestly never see it and rarely think about it. Maybe it would do me good to remember the symbolism it represents more often. It’s definitely a lifestyle to strive for!
Hi Miz!
Happy New Year! No tattoos here.
Too scared of needles…never had the desire, either. Like many of the other commenters….I am too finicky to put something permanent on my body. But mainly, it’s the fear of the needle. However, I am all about the BIG celebration..so you enjoy it all!!! Look forward to details. 😉
I’m ink-free and will likely stay that way.
That said, I think a Suess’ed up leg on you will look amazing!
well, the images are dropped off and now I wait to discuss more & see an initial sketch.
THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for chiming in!
Ill keep you posted as things move forward!
how on earth am I so late to the party on a weekend?!
I love this topic and love that you shifted away from fitness for the weekend. will you keep it up?
I have a koi fish on my back and I dont see it often (as with comment #121) since it is on my back Iderive comfort from just knowing it is there.
love your site Miz!!!
Now I want another one.
I almost have full sleeves (don’t have a link to showe you—can we post pictures here some day of everyone’s ink?) and want more.
love the post Miz and like learning more about YOU!
I don’t have a tatoo, but I always wanted to get something really small on my wrist, foot, or back of my neck. Maybe you will inspire me. I will blame it on your when my mom yells at me. 😀
Just got my first TAT at age 55, yup, loving it!! You only live once….
ooooh you can NOT leave us hanging Miz.Lily on the Road!
what was the tattoo?
What a great tangent MizFit.
This TAT discussion ignited a lot of passion.
I’m a biker chick sans TAT for now. It’s more fun for me to be the opposite of that stereotype.
I’d considered one for my 50th b-day next month, but my art has not surfaced yet as you described it. When it does, then I’ have it colored in.
I just discovered your site a few months ago and find you to be so REAL.
I am 44 years young and have one tattoo which I had done at 18 (back in the darkages).
I am like a fine wine now and aging well and plan to get another when I hit fifty.
thank you for inspiring me to stay on track.
Good stuff, Miz! Are you planning on getting it done all at once, or one at a time? (No sneetches? If I had a Seuss image, it would probably be a star-belly and a non-star-belly sneetch holding hands!)
it’s gonna take a lot of sessions, D’mamma (cant wait to find out how many) as I envision it like one leg of capri tights 🙂
all the way around.
love the sneeches BUT Im already a star (of david around my navel) belly.
so I may do ole Sylvester McMonkey & his machine instead.
Well…I’m back, as promised! 🙂 We clocked 18 miles yesterday and it was mighty windy.
As coincidence would have it, I passed a 20 something woman yesterday with a black tattooed collar and three hoops pierced into her lower lip. Shudder.
I guess my definition of beauty is conservative. At 57, I grew up at a time when even pierced ears were rare. I had one classmate who got her ears pierced for her 16th birthday and I didn’t do mine until I was married and in my 20’s.
When I worked in advertising, never would a model be selected with a bald or shaved head, facial hair or even braces, let alone multiple piercings or visible tattoos.
About 10 years ago, we traveled to Santa Fe and I saw some very different things…men with teeth filed to a point and discs in their earlobes, to mention a couple. What were they thinking?
Hollywood has given permission for visible tattoos and since people follow Hollywood trends, we see them with more frequency.
To have a “private” tattoo is one thing, but sleeves and legs and neck collars IMHO is attention getting and I wouldn’t want to draw attention to myself in that way.
I am also not a fan of belly shirts nor the low slung pants that reveal one’s crack or low back tattoo. Sorry… I don’t know how else to say it…it looks tacky… and I wonder what made this person want people to look at their butt cracks.
I see young girls at the gym with their pants down low. How can you work out hard without worrying about them falling off? As a mother, I wouldn’t want my daughter to be dressing in such a provocative fashion, as I have seen older men position themselves behind these girls to watch. It makes my skin crawl.
Where I live, most of the people showing skin should be covering up, because often, it is not a pretty sight. As a woman in good shape now, I have asked my DIL to let me know if it is time that I need to cover up. At our New Year’s Dinner Dance, I saw a bunch of women who need to hear that advice.
Also, many piercings are just plain dangerous, especially in the tongue. It is a perfect way to make you look stupid in my eyes, inviting broken teeth and infection. Harsh, I know.
It looks like I am pretty judgmental in my opinion, but most of us don’t live in Hollywood. At times you’ll need to apply for a job. Do you think that the interviewer will share your progressive attitude and want you representing their company with a hoop in your lip?
I’ll close by saying that we just invested in our first piece of art. We prefer art hanging on the living room wall! 🙂
Love tattoos. I have one, plan on more, and encourage anyone willing to actually think about the content of the tattoo to go for it. Incredibly empowering, and it can have such a great MEANING.
I don’t see you getting a tattoo that doesn’t just burst with significance, Miz, and I hope you feel comfortable enough to share pics with us! <3
Hey! The light bulb just went off in my brain!
I would imagine Dr. Seuss’ words and images being protected by copyright.
Can one be sued for copyright infringement for reproducing such things without arranging for usage rights?
My mother always joked about someone getting a rose tatoo in their twenties so it can grow into a rose bush in their 40’s. You on the other hand are more fit than a 20 year old… so I am sure you have nothing to worry about!
The SoG
good point, Pat & one Ren Man and I have discussed often (he’s an atty & at one time specialized in tradmarks/copyright).
The answer? Unsure.
The tattoo artist *is* making money from recreating the image so there is *something* there by way of infringing? PERHAPS?
Some day I’ll share with you the story of my bombarding Suess’ onetime literary agency with thumbtyped rhymes which all culminated with the agent calling me for an amazing extended phonechat.
All that to say I’ll probably out myself to him/the agent when the tattoo is finished & flawless.
…and as one who has worked with photographers who see their copyrights to their images shrinking by the second, I say that most likely, in the front of each book, there is some kind of statement saying that reproduction w/o permission is prohibited. The images and rhymes, in all likelihood, are owned by his estate.
Yes, I do believe you would all be liable! You would be paying for stolen images, no?
Yikes! That is one heck of a Pandora’s box! I’d keep a very low profile after the fact and would hesitate to out myself…but then again…it would not be me, ever! 🙂
Can’t wait to see them Miz! I have two tats myself…maybe more to come 😉
As for the copyright question? have no idea…but I can’t even count the number of people I know that have tats of
“copy written ‘toons.” And I’m sure there are millions more out there.
Show it, and show it proud girlfriend!
Nope, not an inker. BUT so happy that you are embracing 40. I hope/plan to feel that way, too!
If I can work my way up from half marathon to marathon over the next two years, I will be running one of those “destination” races for my 40th birthday. Heck, even if I’m still at 1/2 distances, I’ll run the half portion of one of those races.
When I finish that, there will be no stopping me from having whatever I want tattooed wherever I want it. (Though it would probably not be anywhere exposed in business attire.) The distance, the runner girl symbol, something. Maybe I’ll become a Star-bellied Sneetch.
Thank you for not doing Cat in the Hat.
I like the Cat but it is so played OUT.
can not wait to see the finished work.
I turn 40 in 4 years and by then I will be in shape enough to get a reward tattoo.
Ahhhh… You’re still younger than me! I’ll be 50 in June. I’m rather excited about it, though. I feel like birthdays are a privilege, and there’s so much to be happy for!
I say Go For It! I don’t have any but I’ve thought about doing it for a while. Just something small.
No ink here, though I admire those with the confidence to go for it.
My tastes change with each decade, so the thought of a permanent committment to anything, no matter how tasteful, scares the pants off me.
Love your approach to 40! It really is an awesome time of life.
No ink for me…piercing, but no ink. Piercing at the time seemed quicker, less painful and less expensive…but that was about 10 years ago! I’m certainly not against them…and when don’t with an artistic flair are quite beautiful. Celebrate well!
I like this post because I like learning more about you.
I have read you for a long time now and never noticed any tattoos in your videos.
I will have to look closer.
when is your big day?
Are you a Gemini Miz? Hmm… 🙂
I have two. A butterfly on my upper thigh – something to do with feeling free when I finished college. I also have my husband’s name on my lower stomach.
I’ve contemplated getting a third. I want something fitness related but I’m not sure what or where.
I’m turning 40 at the same time you are!!!!! Are you a Leo, as well?
I think tats are GREAT. My husband has one. I’ve thought about getting one, but I’m such a wimpy-wuss! Every time I think about the buzzing of the needle I cringe. (Maybe if I got really drunk first?)
You’d think that after giving birth TWICE I’d be less of a weeping willow, but apparently not.
Cancer here. 7-18!
I don’t have any tatoos. Not something I’d thought much about doing. Probably because of the needles and the permanence; like others, I can’t think of something that I’d want.
My step-dad has three (that I know of!) from his Navy days. He’s in his 70s now. I don’t know how the leg ones are holding up (he gets cold easily and doesn’t wear shorts anymore) and I wish I’d taken a look at the one on his hand…or was it wrist? I think that over time they became less well-defined, but not stretched out or anything.
But I am excited about you getting yours, Miz! I think the timeless whimsy of Seusse is a terrific choice.
We wear our lives on our bodies as they age. A couple of posts ago I wrote about why I’m finding it more interesting to photograph older faces than younger one:
Intimate Portraits
Maybe you should fly me over in 6 months and treat yourself to a photo session 🙂
I do not have any tattoos though if I were to get one it would be on my bottom lip and say “open other end.”
Seriously, I like them for other people but for me, no.
I have read articles on tattoo ink going in the lymph system and I don’t want my system messed up any worse than it already may be.
To do a quickie search, google the words tattoo
and lymph and see a sampling of those types of articles.
Turning 40 is great. Will you be getting the classic tramp stamp tat?
I haven’t said happy new year to you yet!! Same on me 🙁 So…
I love body art but not a big fan of the piercings.
I’ve wanted to get a tat for years but I always chicken out. Maybe someday …
40 was tough for me. I still can’t believe “I’m in my 40s.” The years go by quicker and quicker.
kim? Don’t tempt me!
POD? How was the weekend? (and I think I already kinda have a trampstamp? although with what it is methinks it would not be referred to as such…)
“are you inkfree, loathe the body art and plan to remain that way?”
Darn tootin’! What if I want to start a life of crime? I don’t need another identifiable marking- aside from this handsome face- to tip off the cops. 😉
In all seriousness. I was at Wal-mart the other day. My cashier was in her 60s, and I couldn’t help but notice that she had a rose tattooed on her breast (she was wearing an excessively low cut shirt for a woman in her 60s). At least I think it was a rose, as the image had significantly (I presume) distorted thanks to the natural effects of aging. Sorry, I’ll keep my art on the wall. 😛
Man, I can’t believe how many comments you get. Amazing. I am inkfree and will remain that way!!
longtime listener
first time caller
I am a tattoo lover married to a tattoo hater.
For my wife it’s ok that I had ink coming into the marriage but she does not want me to get more.
let me just say it is difficult to stop once you start.
LOVE the post!!! You seriously crack me up (and I can’t wait to find out what your tattoo will be!). My 1st tattoo was at the tender age of 18. I was in a rebellious phase & my mother FORBID me to ever get a tattoo. Next thing you know I’m at the tattoo shop getting a small Celtic symbol on my ankle. At a less-rebellious age of 33, I had three butterflies done on my center of my back to symbolize myself & my two children. Now I’m itching to get another. My hubby is ink-free and thinks I’m completely nuts. I call it expressing myself – ha ha. You will totally be 40 and fabulous 🙂
Hey thar, I have stopped by before and read here and there and you have done the same on my blog but this will be my first comment on yours if I am not mistaken, first THANK YOU for all of your comments and support! secondly Go for it! I have a couple tattoos and I do not regret any of them, one takes up almost my entire calf and believe me I have a big calf lol. Its a tribal design that gets added to whenever a life lesson is learned, I forget what culture did it (I got the first part when I was 20) but I remember the story, its sort of a rights of passage so it was a cool idea. I will be getting more (as soon as I am done losing the rest of my weight) and I am not far off of our age (mid 30’s).
As Ever
I’ve suddenly remembered a song I heard a while back on a comedy radio program. It’s sung like a sweet love song, accompanied by acoustic guitar.
The lyrics are about a man falling in love with a girl who has a tattoo of a dove with the word “love” underneath. He marries the girl, many years pass, she’s gotten quite a bit larger…now the dove’s a pteradactyl, and the word beneath is “looooo-ooooo-ve.
I’ve looked for it in vain on the internet; if anybody knows who did it or where I could find it, I’d be much obliged.
you KNOW I am on a mission to find that song now…and write my own.
It was once a SNEEEEEECH.
now it looks like a BEEEEEEEACHED something or other.
And Horton….a big ole stretchmarkandsag is SPORTIN’
Ah, tattoos! I got one after my 18th birthday – the same “rebelious” streak that caused me to dye my red hair maroon . . . and same streak that totally freaked out my mother. She DID eventually get over both (the hair only after I let it grow out), though it became a family joke that “I”, of all people, would get a tat. When I first contemplated the idea of getting one, a friend reported that he knew of someone who suggested that you carry a picture of it in your wallet for a year. If you still like it after a year in your wallet, you should be good to get it. I followed that advice for about 10 months with the drawing of the Earth that I got inked on my lower back.
And then I met my husband three years later (who turns out to be the guy with the wallet advice – small world!). . . cue dialogue with my mother:
“Does he know you have a tattoo?” she asked in that oh-so-mother voice.
“Yup.” I casually replied.
“And, is is okay with it?” she asked hoping that the answer would be no.
“Well, he SHOULD be. He has 2 of his own!” I casually retorted. Really, I have no regrets for getting it and he has no regrets about his.
So, that’s the story. She hasn’t said a word since then and I wouldn’t be too surprised if she gets one someday herself. 🙂
I toyed with the idea of getting one for my 30th birthday but couldn’t find a design I liked in time to carry it around for a year. I do suspect that one day my husband will get the argyle socks he’s been talking about for as long as I’ve known him . . . probably when I decide to go ahead with the tree of life I like (I have another 8 months to think about it!).
Hey thanks for reminding me I am snarky, 🙂 Okay I am a young 47 allmost 48 year old. The great thing about growing older is you don’t give a flip about what anyone says or thinks, so you are free to become everything you want to become. I promise ya I turned 45 it was like the universe gave me the seal of approval to live my dreams.
I admit I am not a tattoo person, Heck I have a hard time wearing the same old wedding ring but hey each person has to follow his or her own drummer.
I’m ink free, but I love tattoos. I wanted to get one years ago but never committed to one in their books. I wanted to design my own, and then it never happened. I think I’ve given up on the idea for myself, but that’s really cool that you’re celebrating your 40th birthday with one!! 🙂
Ink free and turning 30 in a couple of weeks. Hopefully I would not do anything I’ll regret for my birthday. At this point, I am not sure if there is any design that I can live with for the rest of my life. And I do not see need to tattoo my name (whether my chinese name or english name) on any part of my body.
Hurray! I have two (got my first when I was 16, my second when I was 23), and I LOVE them. The first is a Celtic knot between my shoulder blades, just because I think it is pretty.
My second was to celebrate graduating from Grad School (little did I know it was going to take me another year and a half to do it, what with unplanned for co-ops, and getting a job and thus dropping down to part-time studies!) I did my undergrad in English, have always loved to read, and then I went to school to be a librarian, so the tat says “Ex Libris” (which means “Of Books”) in pretty scipt, and over it in an exponent position is my Cutter number (a library code for my last name!). And where is the tat? Where library books get tagged – the base of the spine!
I’ve already got a solid idea of what my third tat will be. I LOVE my art – as counterintuitive as it may be, I find it a way to personalize my body – I didn’t pick the skin I was born in, so this is the way to make my body MINE.
Congrats on making the decision – my best advice is to find an artist you trust, and a design you can’t imagine living without. And yes it will hurt, but it is totally worth it!
I LOVE my tattoos. I thought long and hard about both of them.
I have the Japanese sign for Water, which I got after 3 people close to me drowned in the span of 3 years. It reminds me that life can be hard and you have to keep swimming. When males try to pick me up at the bar by asking about it I just tell them I’m a water sign. It’s on my left shoulder blade.
I also have a tattoo that I drew on the back of my right calf. It’s hard to describe, but I came up with it on a 17hr flight from England. I had spent 3 weeks there with my relatives and was unbelievably happy to have grown up in Canada and to have the natural playground around me. Both are black art, so they should fade evenly.
I’m so late to the party…slowly getting back in the swing of things, but HAD to comment on this.
I have a tat, just one, though another is coming eventually. But I am deeply enamored of the one I have. I got it a few (wow, quite a few!) years ago, just before I turned 30. It’s a yin/yang symbol, and it symbolizes (of course!) balance. At that point in my life, I was starting to really wake up to the need for balance, really opening my mind and my heart and changing the way I looked at myself and the world around me. It was really the beginning of a journey that has changed me so much and made me, and my world, much stronger and more beautiful and joyful. For me, the tattoo is always going to be so meaningful, because it’s a lasting reminder of the ways in which I’ve changed and grown and deepened. Sure, I could hang a yin-yang on the wall…but this is more personal.
I don’t think I would get a tattoo strictly for decoration. My moods and tastes change so much that I’d get tired of it, I suspect. I do love henna art, though, and some day I fully intend to learn to do that myself.
The second tattoo I plan will be very small (probably) and it will be Kanji characters for “joy” and “faith” – those are my daughters’ middle names. It will probably be just at the nape of my neck, where my hair will cover it unless I wear it up. The other option will be on my lower back on the left side, to balance (get it?) out the yin/yang on the right side. That one will happen either when I turn 40, or when I finally decide I’m at goal weight, whatever that is – whichever comes first. 🙂
Perhaps the fact that I am freckled from head to toe makes me crave for “blank slate” skin….not quite sure but I know for my own aesthetic there would be just waaaaaayyyy too much going on if I combined pigment and ink….so I shall continue to live (at least ink-wise) vicariously through you, my friend. I must say yours are spectacular.
I was the last of my friends to get a tat.. Honestly they didn’t appeal to me when I was younger and at age 27 I got one and that’s the only one I have.. it’s on the back of my right shoulder.. very simple.. rose with my name..
The addiction didn’t come with me though.. I’m good.. 🙂
I’m not morally against it, I just don’t have any. You gonna share pics?
No ink for me…mainly because I don’t like pain. Or the very thought of pain.
Dying to hear what you’re getting, though.
Oh, and welcome to 40. It’s not half bad.
definitely pictures although before this post I was thinking FINAL PRODUCT and now I may do ALONG THE WAY.
I have another meeting with the artist tomorrow so Ill have more of a sense how long the seuss (comment 124) shall take.
I still think a year.
love all your thoughts and ink stories and NOTLOVINGTHEINK sentiments!
Darn it! I’m always late Miz!!!!
I can’t wait to see what your tat will be
I’m getting another this year!!
I am sooo thrilled that I’m not the only one! I feel like the kid who’s so excited about being 4, she starts telling everyone days after her 3rd birthday! I’m going to be 4-0 this year as well and really looking forward to it, but enjoying the heck out of 39 too. I got my first tat a few years ago – it’s something that I’ve wanted despite the whole disapproving mom thing (mine, too, is hidden 90% of the time) but it took me several years before I found a design that really, really liked. I just wonder when the next design that speaks to me comes along.
Hmm, just got to catch up. Love the idea of Seuss.
Do you think it is legitimate for police officers to be sleeved, or leg-sleeved maybe? Leg would probably be better, but what about the cops that wear shorts….
How did I turn that into all about me? Must have been the jealousy…
is it too early in our relationship to proclaim my love for you? haha! i just LOVE how you embrace life and aging!!! I so wish I could do this! You have at least inspired me to try!
I am inked. I have two tattoos, one on my right lower calf that I wished at one time was in a more inconspicuous place but I have embraced it nonetheless being that I was a month into being 18 when I got it. It’s a Native American mandela, and it’s mostly for good luck. The other one is a design that my cousin drew for us, and actually, my two cousins, my sister and I all have the same one but in different colors. It’s a diamond shape with a compass rose inside, and the colors are what element we each are: I’m fire (red). We’re all really close, even though we live so far. I love them and I love that we have these together. Mine is on my back.
Anyway, big fan of the tat. Hoping to have another. I would personally love a nice one around a perfectly sculpted bicep but my husband won’t allow me, says it’s too ‘trailer’. i love them. oh well. will probably have something that will end up on my hip somewhere, and i completely agree about the art being something that should feel like it belongs there. that is exactly how i feel.
btw have i told you my little one’s nursery is all in seuss? love the seuss. big fan of the seuss.
I got a small tattoo last year. I approve of them, as long as it’s not a dolphin or a rose. 🙂
I just wanted to add my 2 cents. I have no tattoos, and never really wanted one. I could never figure out anything that I would want on my body forever. Maybe I’m just jaded from seeing too many stupid tattoos.
But I love those that have meaning, or are very artistic, or comedic. The whole Dr. Seuss idea seems perfect to me. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
Oh, and at #166, I was LOL about the argyle socks- I would definitely pay to see that!
I’m so late to the party it’s way over, but wanted to throw in my 2 cents anyway. I love the idea of getting inked to celebrate real milestones in life. I am currently ink free, although I do have 8 peircings, believe it or not.
I considered getting a tattoo in memory of my father, but he was so against body ink that it would have been a selfish thing to do. Lately, though, I’ve been considering celebrating the conferral of my PhD by getting a tattoo. Maybe a nice diagram of the virus I study, or maybe a strand of DNA (big part of my thesis work). I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to it, but it’s always in the back of my mind. The already-inked-husband would probably get one right along with me!
I’m way, way late on this, but wanted to add my comment anyway. I’m 22 and have one tattoo, technically in the “tramp stamp” location. However, it’s about the size of my spread hand, so I don’t think of it that way. It’s the Japanese kanji for fire. I also plan to get the rest of the four elements, in time, up my spine. I think the next will be earth.
My husband and I are also planning on getting wedding band tattoos this year, probably in the next month or two. It will be his first ink. He has an allergy to certain metals that means he can’t wear a traditional band, and I’ve started developing one as well, strangely enough. But we also want to make a visible commitment, and affirm that we never want anyone else. We’ve been married 2 and 1/2 years, and have an almost 2 year old as well, and both just really, really like the idea of a wedding band tattoo.
I love ink, and still love my one tattoo, that I’ve had for three years. I can’t wait to see how your’s turns out!
got my 1st when i was 17, 2nd when i was 18, 3rd when i was 19, 4th when i was 20, and 5th when i was 21. the only ones i kinda sorta regret are the first 2, but the first one i still like because it reminds of that fun time in my life. the 2nd one i got because i took a friend to get one for her 18th birthday and she begged me to get one with her so i picked something spur of the moment. if i were to get any removed, it would be that one. i think a tattoo is a great way to celebrate your 40th!
any updates yet Miz???