To know me at all is to know that I oft lament the fact that I don’t crosstrain.
(seriously. please to note there’s no “often enough” anywhere in that sentence. mamahood hath plunged me into a workout routine RUT & Im choosing, for now, to roll with it.)
I own the fact that it’s just not a priority and, really, very few workout classes/concepts make it seem worth my babysittingpayingforwhile to even attempt (& the gym daycare? dont get me started…).
Until I stumbled upon PUNKROPE.
A class which looks to resemble recess/playground time in elementary school set to far better music than I ever heard at any public school I attended.
Much to my chagrin (really. to clarify: I sought these people out entirely. there was nary a PR peep in the mix) the classes arent taught yet in TX—but they do sell DVDS & jump ropes AND I was able to lure the creator of the concept here for an interview.
(*cue confetti shaped like punk rockers & twisted ropes*)
For those not in the know: what is PUNKROPE and how on earth did you come up with the concept?
After succumbing to chronic knee and back injuries in 2002-2003 I had to take a break from soccer, football, basketball, and distance running, four of my favorite activities. I was about to lose my mind.
I went to the gym seeking alternatives, but most of the classes struck me as too slow, too serious and too repetitive. And the music, which seemed soulless to me, didn’t help.
I figured I couldn’t be the only person that felt this way and sure enough I found plenty of others who avoided group exercise for the same reason.Β Simultaneously, the childhood obesity crisis began getting a lot of press and I felt compelled to help combat it.
So the short answer is that Punk Rope is a combination of several of my passions: conditioning drills borrowed from a wide range of sports; games and group activities reminiscent of recess; rope jumping, which is actually very gentle on the joints and which I had done since I was 16; relay races, which are a great way to force people to sprint; thematic classes, because I love sharing ideas and information about different cultures and have a slight theatrical streak; and high-energy, fast paced rock and roll and other forms of popular music. Throw all that in a blender and you get Punk Rope.
The idea is so freakin creative. Id love to know a little about the company’s founders.
Well that would be me. Im a 48-year-old New York City kid (raised on the Upper East Side) who had a rough go of it for a while as a child. Until my teens I was really small and skinny and had glasses. That’s the trifecta but not in a good way. As an adult I had a tough time finding and sticking with a career path. I was always interested in sports and fitness but didn’t pursue fitness professionally until I was 38, after I had worked as a counselor and in publishing. After several years as a personal trainer and running coach, I created and launched Punk Rope in 2004.
I also work closely (she lives with me) with Shana Brady, our director of training. She makes rope jumping look so, so easy.Β And Merryl Reichbach, who is finishing her MSW, is our wonderful director of outreach.
I was immediately smitten with the notion of PUNKROPE–which makes me wonder how other people have received it seeing as Im not the norm.Β Has it been easy or a challenge to get people interested?
We live in a world where people are often very quick to judge. Those who have never tried or seen Punk Rope in action might mistakenly think that it’s a bunch of skinheads running around beating each other over the head with beer bottles, not that they’re anything wrong with that. But those who try it generally like it and there are quite a few who absolutely love it.
It’s actually not been too difficult to get consumers interested. Our challenge has been getting fitness managers, a typically conservative lot, to give us a chance to show them what we’ve got.
When did PUNKROPE launch? What are your long term goals for the business?Β What’s next?
We launched in October 2004 at New York University. In late 2005 we created a one-day certification workshop for new instructors. Now we have over 30 classes running in 14 states and have trained more than 450 instructors.
We hope to continue expanding across the US and would love to launch an overseas class in 2009. In addition, we hope to continue working with public school educators and afterschool programs. We also see an opportunity to share what we do at virtually any type of organization: private, public, or non-profit. Many workers suffer from high stress and low activity. We’d like to inspire them to pursue a more active and healthy lifestyle.
Other goals include a playful fitness book and possibly a second DVD with a soundtrack by up and coming bands from around the world.
To stay on top of what we do, folks should sign up for our monthly e-letter by visiting
I always ask well *usually* I was a little afraid to ask this of Dr. Sears people I interview this same final question: in the made for TV movie of your life who would play the role of you?
That’s a tough call. It’s probably a toss up between Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett or somebody else named Kate/Cate.
Seriously, though, I’ll bet Steve Buscemi could play the older Tim. He’s only 3 years older than me.Β We’d just have to buff him up a little.
There you have it, Oh Bumbling Band, a group exercise class which includes jump rope, tag, relay races (!) and some good ole fashioned mat work for arm & ab toning.Β (wanna see if classes are offered in your city? Check here and then invite me to visit if the answer is YES.)
The classes are thematic as well (love!) & celebrate everything from super heroes to the Super Bowl.
Since I dont live in a city where classes are offered (yet) I figured the next best thing would be to get *you* all the chance to try it out with PunkRope’s CD/DVD combo.
The BEYOND generous Tim has donated a combo to the Bumbling Band & you can be entered to win for the low low price of a comment below.
Show them some love, People.
Sure, you can comment on whatever you wish, but take a moment watch them in action & explore the website.Β You’ll be glad that you did.
(USA only. Winner announced on Monday.)
I was never very good at jumping rope! LOL! But it was still loads of fun!
Wow, that actually looks pretty cool. I like that it’s taking conditioning training from different sports, and team exercises! You hardly ever (never?) see team stuff at the gym. Sure, you might be in a group, but you’re just doing your own thing, really. Team stuff FTW!
And giving a chance for upcoming bands to promote their music through that platform is just so beyond cool!
I have a jump rope stashed in the back of my closet. I’ve been meaning to jump to it for months but was always kind of, well, bored by the prospect. This sounds potentially fun. It reminds of these adventure playgrounds we have for kids around London. Why don’t they make they stuff for grown ups?
Miz Miz you find the best stuff!!!
I need to see if there are where I live because nothing gets Bea to workout like the potential for punk music!
That sounds like a lot of fun. Bummed to find out they just did a demo in Brandon, where I live, and I knew nothing about it! Oh well……
Ohhhh, for fun!
We went through serious jump rope drama here last year. The boy never learned to jump rope at his K-2 school, and his 3-5 teacher couldn’t wrap her “I have blinders to the rest of the world” brain around the notion that everyone doesn’t do jump rope in gym. A year later and NO jump rope drama…thank the stars and growing up a little for that one.
Very cool idea.
π that looks incredibly fun! I’ve been thinking about getting a jump rope, but this is so far beyond mere jumping. I like the whole idea of the group exercises and partner exercises, but wonder how it could be implemented at home.
PunkRope? That is something I would do in a class!
Is their dvd essentially a class too?
You find the best stuff Miz!
I will check out their site.
Have a great weekend.
Hey FabKate
The dvd gives an at home workout & I am also going to see if I can get Tim to drop by and explain more…
I would totally LOVE a class like that!!! Must look up PunkRope π
Oh PunkRope sounds amazing! Jumping roping is indeed very challenging on its own. I first started jumping a few years ago when I started Muay Thai (we have to jump rope as part of warmup) and it was so hard! Now I’m much better at it and don’t trip so much. π
That you tube video looks WAY COOL.
Need to see if they are where I live yet.
If they aren’t can we request a teacher training?
How does that work?
Oh man. That looks SOOOO fun. Wait, have you ever heard me say exercise is fun? Not in my area, I’m thinking road trip! Now I gotta cue up all the punk on my ipod!
But, seriously dude? None of that rhymed…
Happy early V.D.!!!
Oh Marianne? You right.
No rhymes. No like.
So I type this to YOU
As I sit on the bike.
I’m have me ONE mag.
(Teen Vogue. Won’t work)
But I love to email
Onthebike. Itsmyquirk.
Todays filled with fun.
Toddler stuff. How ’bout you?
I’m wishing you & Russ
Fun, fun, fun! And a lot more fun than Jillian yelling at me. Okay she doesn’t yell at me, but I’m afraid she’s gonna start!
Oh. My. Stars. That sounds like the most awesome fitness class ever! Ever ever! I just checked, and sadly, there aren’t any classes in my town or I would have signed up this morning! Maybe I’ll drive the hour and a half to go to a class one day…
That looks like a punked-up, extra-fun version of the weekly bootcamp I go to. We rarely do jumprope because so many of the people there can’t seem to get the hang of it.
Must check out more video clips later on my son’s computer; mine is so slow that everything is all jerky and I can barely tell what’s happening.
I thumbtyped you a whole rhyming comment, Marianne.
Complete with VDay wishes for you & russ.
And it appear not to have taken.
Damn wordpress GREMLINS.
Please to pretend
It was the rhyme that didnotend.
My thumbs? So not my friend.
Have a happppppy weekend.
That looks so fun! I want to be BFF with every single person in the videos, they look like the kind of friends that show up unexpectedly at your house at 2:00 a.m, but you DON’T MIND.
Unfortunately, the sports bra has not yet been invented that will allow me to jump rope.
I KNOW Marla.
Even Miz of the Tiny TaTas must wear 2 sports bras to jump.
There’s your million dollar idea, woman.
Invent the Jumpra. The Brump?
We are all waiting.
Hi gang. It’s Tim, the creator of Punk Rope. First, I wanted to publicly declare MizFit one of the nicest human beings on the planet. Okay, that felt good. Next I invite you all to do two things: 1) if you’re ever in New York City I’d love for you to come to a class as my guest. You can reach me at 2) if you have questions about ropes, jumping, interval training, or just want to say hi, don’t hesitate to write to me. For your listening pleasure, below is the playlist from this week’s Valentine’s Day class. Have a good one.
You Say You Don’t Love Me The Buzzcocks The Complete Singles Anthology (Disc 1) 2:53
Barbed Wire Love The Goops (SLF) Punk Rock Jukebox, Volume 1 3:28
Flame Thrower Love Dead Boys We Have Come for Your Children 2:04
Love Is All Around (Mary Tyler Moore) Joan Jett Fit To Be Tied: Great Hits By Joan Jett 1:00
Hot Stuff (1979) Vanessa (Donna Summer) OperaciΓ³n Triunfo 2006 (Gala 5 & 6) 2:26
Tainted Love (1981) The Hi-Fives (Soft Cell) and a Whole Lotta You! 1:37
Fell in Love With a Girl The White Stripes White Blood Cells 1:55
He’s the One Supersnazz Diode City 1:29
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (1961) Me First & The Gimme Gimmes (Shirelles) Blow In The Wind 2:06
Love Love Love The Queers Summer Hits No. One 2:30
Lookin’ for Love Me First & The Gimme Gimmes (Johnny Lee) Love Their Country 1:48
Breathless X Beyond and Back: The X Anthology 2:19
Love You More The Buzzcocks The Complete Singles Anthology (Disc 1) 1:49
Where Did Our Love Go The Supremes Diana Ross & The Supremes: Anthology 2:36
Love Hurts Nazareth Winning Combinations: Humble Pie & Nazareth 3:53
I am with Tim.
Miz you ROCK. (and punk. LOL.)
As a future physical educator this really intrigues me. We’re always looking for new and unique ways to make class more fun and interesting. I’m looking forward to learning more about this.
Okay, seriously, am I the ONLY one having horrible flashbacks of grade-school gym class?!
JK. Not really, but sort of. This looks way more fun, and I think the reason is (a) WAYWAYWAY better music, and (b) the attitudes. I love that everyone is having fun with this. I love that I don’t see pressure to conform to the exact pace and steps everyone else is doing (one of the things I hate about classes – I always feel like I’m the only one who can’t keep up) and I love that there’s such a huge variety of activities. I don’t see how you could possibly get bored with this. Also, I see leaders TEACHING, rather than just doing the activities as if they assume you already know how.
I think the problem with gym classes is that kids see them as a test of their fitness instead of a fun way to build fitness, and feel like if they’re not particularly fit they don’t fit in (pun sort of intended, I’m playing on your tagline, Miz). I like that the people in the video aren’t ALL slim and buff and making it look effortless. Oh, and I love that it’s just so different…
I would definitely give this a try, though I’m sure it’ll be eons before it comes here. I’m very interested in it. It seems so much more my style than, say Zumba.
How cool is that! I bet even my boys would enjoy doing that. Fun physical activity and they wouldn’t even care that it was exercise.
And now I shall have “Tainted Love” running through my head all day. Thanks, Tim. Good thing I love that song. π
O.M.gosh. That looks AWESOME! Plus, my kid would LOVE it. She wants to be on a jump team after the Jump Rope for Heart group came to her school!
I LOVE it!!! This looks like a total blast, and something I would love to incorporate. I’ll actually consider buying this one if I don’t win, lol!
What’s funny is I was jump roping in my bedroom last night just cause π
Our school has those little scooter things, and OMG, they are sooo fun! The kids have an absolute blast on them (as do the high schoolers and parents)
You always finds the coolest stuff, MizFit! Thank you!
Punkrope!!! This might be one of the awesomest workouts I’ve ever heard of (and I’ve pretty much heard everything by this point). It sounds like a total riot! Alas, I checked their site and there are no classes nor workshops anywhere near me:( I’ll def. keep it on my radar though!
LOL, Miz…. if it ain’t in TX, it ain’t in West Virginny either! I have great memories of the playground, especially jumping rope… I miss those days. have a great weekend!
Kiki I always forget you’re in WV.
My almoststomping grounds.
How fun would it be to TEACH Punkrope…
I like jumping rope! It’s interesting how such a simple thing can really become a great workout! It’s not about expensive equipment, but rather about just getting it done. Finding a fun way is a great way to go!
I’d try it just so I could say I took a class called PUNKROPE. That’s catchy and makes it sound so hip and edgy!
Heh, This looks awesome….maybe they can teach me to jump a rope without falling flat on my face!
This is the way fitness should be approached. Workouts should be fun and make you smile!
very cool. my students would love this. Just gotta learn it myself! and that would be a comedy.
but jumping rope is so haaarrrrdddd…
Or maybe I’m just not in good enough cardiovascular condition. π
This is an awesome concept! To take the fun part of childhood (jumping room) and the dreaded part of the “Presidential Physical Fitness Award” a.k.a sprinting/relay races and turn it into a FUN way of exercise….awesome. Kudos to the founders of Punkrope. Seriously, I might just have to get this for my 7 year old’s birthday, she would love it (and I would love doing it with her).
Jump rope. Yet another thing I’m not good at. Sigh. I tried it again last decade and it was too hard on my poor old frame.
That aside, it really sounds like fun.
It sounds really really fun (I keep a jump rope in my car in case of road trips. To use at rest stops.).
I had not heard of this before either!
Thanks for making me one of the cool kids (Mizfits?) & keeping me current π
Once again this week, THIS white man can’t jump!!!
This sounds like da bomb! I just wish it were offered in Wisconsin. The CD/DVD would be the next best thing. π
This is very cool. You’ve got such great ideas on your blog. You inspire me to do better!
Interesting – never heard of Punkrope, and I had no idea jumping rope was easy on the joints. I would have thought the opposite. Thanks for spreading the word Mizfit!
Looks like so much fun; I’d never heard of it before either. I’m sure Canada would welcome PunkRope with open arms!
Tag, jump rope, relays… why should kids have all the fun?
I HATE group classes… but I so want a PunkRope class! Even though I hated all that play as a kid.
And to get a week’s playlist from Tim? Happy, happy… and adding some tunes to my player…
Between you and Charlotte I’m getting seriously tempted to check out some sort of fitness class again, after years of staying away. That looks so fun!
I suspect they do not yet have PunkRope in tiny Provincetown MA, but who knows, perhaps they’ve got a DragRope version. Must check and see!
Sounds like fun for coordinated people (this is why I run–I only have to be able to put one foot in front of another).
Count me out of the drawing. I love yoga, but my yoga DVDs live sleepy boring lives in my DVD case. Plus, I have a low ceiling fan in my living room. No room to jump rope in front of the tv.
Oh, that looks like FUN! I bookmarked the website, and I’ll have to check out the classes.
Pack your bags Miz, and come to Los Angeles! According to the website, I have a class here, and for extra added coolness, one of the Derby Dolls teaches it! (Badass punk girls on roller skates!)
Man, I’m going to HAVE to check that class out. π
(No DVD for me, though; no room to jump rope in my teeny-tiny living room.)
This is amazing! And that Valentine’s playlist Tim listed is awesome. No wonder people are having so much fun in the videos! Jumping rope has always intimidated me, and there’s a guy I see all the time in gym who jumps rope lightening fast, and I think to myself, “There is no way I could do that,” but maybe I could! (Or maybe I would end up just falling on my face. LOL)
That sounds super awesome! I haven’t jumped rope in….forever, and I know it would kick my arse. π
Those videos looked really fun (on the site) — Cardio groove. I could see, with some good music that this would be a lot of good exercise.
Jumprope is my favorite cardio next to running. It’s so childlike and great! I actually bought myself and my kids new ropes and trick videos last winter and had been learning new fun stuff with them. Must get back to it! One of my goals has been to start a jumprope for heart program for our kids here in town. You’ve re-kindled that desire! Thanks for the great reminder!
I have ALWAYS wanted to try this. This may have to be a downstairs workout though. I always fear falling through the floor π
i only had a few minutes to check out their website, but it looks pretty cool! also, i found links to something i’ve been looking for – sports bras for the well-endowed (yes, i’m sure you’ve talked about it on here but have you ever tried finding anything on your website, miz? nearly impossible!! :))
Oh.. I absolutely love this because I am free to completely unleash my child-like behavior out in full force. I often have difficulty not oing crazy hops, skip, skiiding moves during my runs.. I tend to start dancing at the end of my runs forgetting that I am on the streets. I do have a problem with jump rope thouhg.. Ilove it.. but I have umm err… incontinence problems. I knwo, I know…do my Kegels.. boring…
I am also going crazy with my typos… ugh..
Where do you find this stuff??
Tim come to TX!
I’ve heard a lot of good things about this workout — definitely something I’d like to try!
sigh, I KNOW Auntie.
Now some day (cue dream sequence) Ill have the time to get my chickenbus organized.
or can I hire someone to do that for me up in herre?
Miz, who actually HASNT addressed that topic & is going to pretend that had she youd have been able to find it.
punkrope rocks!
i pull my jump rope out every few months but i find it hard to motivate myself to do much with it. punkrope would cure that!
happy friday!
That is so funky!! Love new types of workouts – keeps it fresh:) My kids would probably love this too!
looks like fun to me!!!
How fun would a superhero class be if set to punk rock music??
Love this idea!!
I love punk. I love rope. Therefore, I must love punkrope. Sign me up sister!!
I always dread when we get out the ropes at Boot Camp, because I’m not very coordinated. I might be willing to give this a try, though, since it looks like such a great workout!
Part of me was like Wow that looks awesome!
But then the part of me that imagined going to a class started feeling that old gym class anxiety.
That aside – how awesome were those scooters with wheels when we were in school? My teachers almost never got out the truly fun stuff that we liked playing with opting instead for dodge ball which only the masochistic kids likes. OKay…getting off track here.
I LOVE IT! To me it looks like a very, very, very active form of laughter yoga. THIS is what they need to be doing in elementary schools instead of using video games in gym class. It just looks so creative and silly and playful. I’m going to stuff my gym “suggestion box” this weekend. π
I love it! Looks like so much fun. I’m passing the links on to my coach since she is trying to shake things up a little in our bootcamp. Thanks for sharing!
Not offered in my city, but love the concept. Reminds me of the NYers that do the amazing playground exercises on playground equipment, their group name escapes me.
Punkrope, how cool! I’m all about cross training these days. I wrote about it today on my blog — guess cross training is in the air!
Have a great weekend!
PunkRope looks awesome. I love a workout that’s fun.
You always find the coolest stuff, Miz.
Gracious, PunkRope sounds like greatgrandglorious fun, and that’s something we could all use more of!
My girlfriend took a punkrope class and said it was awesome.
Tim’s a great guy to do a giveaway here!
very very cool……………and I hadn’t heard of it before. I am just beginning to get into the fitness loop……….before I was pretty much in the cookie loop π
Excited about the giveaway………..everyone is so generous lately!
This sounds really fun.
I just found out there is a CIRCUS WORKOUT in my town. I yelled that because it sounds so awesome. They even hold it at my church for Pete’s sake, so how did I not know about it?
This looks like a blast! I am sure it ain’t that easy either!
I hated gym class when I was in school.
That looks like so much fun!
That does look cool. And the notion that jumping rope is actually easy on the joints is not what I had thought. Might have to give it a go myself, pity i’m so uncoordinated though!
Sounds cool and fun. I used to love to jump rope when I was a kid. Somehow I expect it’s MUCH more difficult these days.
That is so awesome! I wish they had classes in my city!!
Definitely going to check this out. Was bummed that they don’t have it anywhere here in No. Cal…you’d think, being a fairly hip place, it would be offered SOMEWHERE up here. Oh well….
circus workout?!
fieldtrip to figs!
That is SO COOL! Why haven’t I heard of it before? I would actually love to learn to teach it! Thanks for the info!!!
I have never heard of such a thing but I would totally go and I am sure, LOVE it. What a fantastic concept and I love to see when people have a unique idea and run with it. Now to go find my jump rope…
Thinking about it- since they aren’t in my state- I bet I could get my girls to do some punk rope type stuff with me! They love to chase things around and jump and tumble. Gotta channel my inner 4th grader.
Oh, what a find!
I bought a jump rope recently because I wanted to do something different for my cardio but haven’t used it much ’cause it bores me to death.
Now, PunkRope I would do! What fun, what fun! Bummer no classes where I’m at. π
wow… thanks for posting this. i know about punk rope but it’s nowhere to be found in my area. i didn’t know there was a dvd. granted… a dvd wouldn’t have the same feel as a class, but better than nothing!