Lately I’ve been working from home, which has some nice perks including being able to hang out in gym clothes all day. When I have a few spare moments, I’ll run down to the gym in my building or lift a few light weights in my room. I usually end up doing about three or four session of 15-20 minutes each – heck of a lot better than when I wouldn’t have any time to work out at all!
However, I’m wondering if this style of broken up workouts is actually going to do any good?
I know that I won’t get the same cardio benefits as one long session, because I have to spend a few minutes of each one warming up and cooling down. However, if I’m just striving for increased strength and definition of my muscles, is there any harm to doing many shorter segments instead of one long session?
Would love to hear your insight!
I was quite excited to receive this email because it allowed me to recycle a video I’d just filmed a guest post for FatFighterTV on this topic & was glad to know people were still curious.
You are, in fact, on the right track.
With regards to weight training, Id suggest you finish a muscle group during each short workout session (for example: lift biceps in entirety, work for a bit, move on to lifting shoulders in their entirety).
With regards to cardiovascular exercise, studies indicate that shorter duration higher intensity sessions have a similar if not GREATER effect on cardiovascular fitness improvements. Feel free to do shorter sessions for your cardio exercise— just work hard and make them count!
OK, so I have an embarrassing if not weird question. No one talks about it. (at least haven’t found anyone that has).So I’ve started running and am enjoying it, but not the incontinance that is happening. Do you know of any exercises, besides kegels, that can help?
I figured that if you could mention erectile dysfunction with a straight face, you might be able to tackle this. It’s probably not a problem for some but it sure is for me.
OK, Bumbling Band, I know our emailer isnt alone but I have no good suggestions for her. Can you help?
Any insights beyond Kegels & limiting fluids (which, IMO, isnt a great suggestion but one which is often made to women in this position.)?
Too many women I know are skipping certain types of workouts (jumprope is one which comes to mind immediately) for this very reason.
Hi, and thanks for your blog. I just found it. Tell me more about yourself as it seems you have little to no information as to who you are,age bracket, who might benefit from your blog, what credentilas you may have, etc. I like your posts, but who are you? Ned more info to feel comfortable in trusting you and info at your site, as well as telling friends and loved ones to go and visit your site.
I don’t mean to sound harsh, that is an unfortunate thing in emails. Just curious about you and the blog etc.
OK, now I think this email wasnt exactly asking about my bio (there was a snippet at the end I trimmed off where he inquired as to my location etc.) but it started me mulling the fact it might be time for another introduction.
A WHO IS THIS MIZFIT for new readers we’ve picked up along the proverbial way.
Sure, there is a bio up there —but that’s just the bare bones and I know it needs to be redone. Any offers to take that item from my ever growing to-do list?
So here’s a little more.
People often ask:
Are you a trainer? I was a personal trainer/owned a training studio (sold it when I moved states).
What are my credentilas? (ok, Im a child. I like that word though. say it with me: credentilas. see? it rolls nicely off the tongue.) Was a trainer, owned a studio, bachelors degree in english (fire away, people!) masters degree in educational counseling, Ph.D. in Real Housewives of Orange County with a minor in Real Housewives of NYC.
What’s my age bracket? Im not sure, Oh Bumbling Band, if the emailer meant you or me!
I’m 39 & 3/4. You’ll know when Im 40 by the nationwide fireworks event.
Who might benefit from my blog? That depends on what your definition of is BENEFIT is. My gut tells me it might not be you, oh emailer, but I mightcould be mistaken.
Do you work out all the time? How many hours a day? Im not about long workouts. Ever. I just try to move every day and be consistent. As explained here.
This whole shebang hath grown a lot longer than I initially intended so I shall simply wrap it up here.
Got some ideas for our home exerciser who breaks up her workout routine?
Info on kegel exercises you wanna share?
MORE questions about me & my credentilas?
Please to hit us all up in the comments.
I have no questions or advice! Just dropping in for a wave and a high five! I love my daily dose of Mizfit!
Not everyone is aware of this, but there are physical therapists out there who focus solely on womens health. They are specially trained in issues related to incontinence and are a great resource to hit up. You may just need one session to get the basics down (home program etc) and away you go!
Alternatively, try Pilates to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
For the first person, I would just say keep doing what she’s doing. Short workouts can be fantastic, especially if they are intense. As for the second person, I’d really consider giving up the running and replacing them with short sprints. Not only will the workout be better, but there is less chance of this particular issue arising.
– Dave
No idea how to help your two readers.
My bachelor’s is in English too.
I was just happy to somehow get an A in college English and then avoided all other English classes possible to get my degree in Design. I’m sure if i had a killer editor, who knew me well enough to fill in the blanks of figure out what word i really meant to use i could pull off a book of some sort. Anywho =)
No experience with those topics. I have 5 sisters and the klegs are what they swear by. That and pilates to firm the core and keep things from giggling while running =) Yes, you heard me =)
Hey, when i was 30lbs heavier running wasn’t easy and the stronger my core gets the smother the jog. Good luck, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.
“When there’s a will, there’s a way”
I’m a female runner, but I haven’t experienced the incontinence issue. However, I do often need a loo break while running, so I try to choose routes that either circle back around to my home often or have convenient places for me to do my business unobserved.
Hey Miz! I don’t have any answers either. But I loved your response to the dude that wanted to know more about you. Hope that you have a great day! 🙂
I love your English majorness, and your biceps explain all I need to know about your fitness credentilas. You had me at “Hello…welcome to my kitchen…”
Not sure what to say to emailer #1. I did kegels all the time and still had a little “issue” whenever I sneezed 🙂 Much giggling would ensue and more “issues.” I agree with David. Maybe a completely different workout is the solution.
Good morning, BTW! I’m excited to hit da’burgh today! Fox Chapel, here I come 🙂
Great video.
I knew the information intellectually and needed to reminder from my Miz.
Have a good day all!!
My girlfriend watched the video you linked at the end with me and loved your shirt.
I had no idea that it wasn’t the best idea to lift a bodypart throughout the day.
I, too, work from home and will often do a set of triceps, wait hours while I work, then do another set.
I shouldn’t do this??
Hey Miz!
I’m gonna keep on moving today!!
Continue to be a child…
I love that tank top too!
great questions…
i had no idea you had your own studio – that is cool, then again im not surprised b/c in my eyes you are wonderwoman 😉
I stumbled in here and stayed. You innumerable charms and variety of topic-choicedom keeps me coming back.
Theatre Major here – BA
Masters in Education, English/Theatre certifications.
I like the way you play with language – let the child roll.
I am so addicted to The Real Housewives.
I loved the comment you left me about the Shrek shake. Too cute. 🙂
Thank you emailer for asking about the kegels etc.
I suffer from the same thing and can find no answer except drinking less which doesn’t work for me.
At least I know I’m not alone in this!
We have to have credentilas to have a blog? Oh man am I…bleeeeped!
I can personally vouch for *P*ilates. 40+ and 2 kids…
As for who might benefit from this blog? Hmmm that’s a tough one. I know! Anyone who doesn’t live in a bubble, appreciates different points of view and experiences, and has an iota of a sense of humor. Oh, and you should also have misspent your youth memorizing bad commercials.
Wait, I feel like I should check your privacy policy to see who owns my scintillating commentary.
You are Mizfit and we luv ya … who needs any more credentilas than that anyway!
I have the incontinence problem which I mentioned in your “punkrope” segment. But while running, this only happens when I do fast sprints. Initially it was a bit disconcerting to me, but I actually know I have done well when that happens.. I have given it my all.
Jump rope or any kind of plyometrics.. it will happen immediately. Even jumping jacks.. but I am an elevated HR fiend and enjoy such activities. Things that help me:
1. Brace my core and tighten my abs as much as I can before the jumping jack.
2. Wear a pad. 🙂
3. For me, it definitely is a problem due to weak core ( didn’t exercise for 15 years after 2 children) and possibly a botched up episiotomy. I have to work on getting a ball. I try various ab exercises and pilates and have it on my list to work with a Swiss ball. I am not consistent with the exercises as it is very discouraging when you cannot feel the abs.
Just VERY anecdotally… I have had incredible trouble getting back to a consistent workout routine. So for the last few weeks, I’ve been doing band exercises IN MY KITCHEN whenever I think of it. I would call this about the ultimate in interrupted workouts… and I can actually notice considerable difference. So if this, the most half-assed workout in the universe, does something… well, it’ seems to me that the writer of the broken-up workout question is probably FINE.
This is your answer. I never had full-blown incontinence, but I did used to have the urgent need to urinate every time I exercised.
My more pressing problem, however, was a 2nd degree prolapsed uterus, which is every bit as yucky as it sounds. My inner muscles were so weak that I was literally turning inside-out, and frequent bleeding was a problem. I was headed toward scheduling an appointment for a hysterectomy with my doctor when I heard about this kegelmaster/dildo thingy. It sounded suspiciously like a sex-toy, but I figured what the heck, it was worth a shot, and a hundred bucks was lots cheaper than a hysterectomy.
This thing cured me WITHIN A WEEK. It was truly a miracle. I could feel that my internal organs were actually sitting higher in my body than they used to!
The frequent-urination cure was a happy side-effect. I found that I could go for much longer periods of time without needing to find a bathroom.
I should mention that this was several years ago when I had lost most of my weight and I was walking regularly. The walking actually made the problem a bit worse; it felt like my insides were falling out by the time I got back home. (Which, literally, they were.)
Glad you brought up the issue. This is something that I feel all women should know about, but it’s not exactly easy to work it into every day conversation.
I’ll bold you’re comment when I’m at the computer.
& Nina? YesyesYES.
You are 100% right.
Even the most broken up split up RANDOM o’workouts is far better than nothing.
Thank you.
Love ya, MixFit!! 🙂
I like to do stairs and sprint type stuff for cardio when I’m limited on time OR need a change of pace.
Its mentally easier to convince myself to do shorter, more vigorous work, than to go run for a whole hour! 🙂
Miz, When explaining yourself and your credentials, you left out that you inspire a few hundred daily visitors and a thousand or so occasional ones. That you also have the web equivalent of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. As word gets out what is happening here, more and more children of the world (we’re all children right?) flock to this place. I’m using the kids metaphor since I don’t think we would be cast out like the rats.
hmm, i love belonging to a gym that’s at the 1st floor of my work bldg so I can pop down there during a long incubation… or when i want to avoid something 🙂
no ideas about the second issue. i tend to stop drinking a few hours before runs just b/c i cramp up REALLY easy
I love the emailer breaking up her workouts – when I worked two jobs, those were the ONLY kind of workouts I could do. Mine were more like five minutes of squats, lunges, wall push-ups, etc at a time, several times a day – and it had an enormous effect. I did lose weight, but more importantly, I lost a couple of pants sizes.
I always applaud anyone making exercise fit into a hectic day. It’s so worth the effort! Whereas long cardio workouts? Have never actually worked for me. Surprising, but true.
As for the incontinence – I’d recommend the Core Program, a book by Peggy Brill (a physical therapist), which is specifically designed to improve core strength, posture, and overall physical health for WOMEN. It has several exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor. Improved urinary continence is definitely one of the benefits – it made a huge difference for me, and I was having problems, after I gave birth to my second child. I can’t remember the specific exercises, but I’ll look through the book and email you, Miz, if you want to pass them on to the emailer.
And I have another question about the last one – who COULDN’T benefit from reading this blog? 🙂
I am going to take your video content to heart. I fall into the all or nothing category when it comes to “exercise” as strictly defined, but you are expanding my understanding of what exercise is/can be.
And your credentilas? That made me laugh.
Final Emailer – all you need to know is that MizFit is the bomb. Nuff said.
It’s 5:33am out here in Calif. I wake up early to get in some elliptical prior to work. When I got the machine, I could do about 30 seconds before passing out on the floor. I thought that buying it was a huge mistake. Then I started doing a minute, two minutes and sometimes 3 minute at a time. I am up to 25-30 minutes but most days I don’t have time to do it all together. I love the programs/options like strength interval, Pike’s Peak etc. They really get me going. I have found a *cure* for my knee issues and I am happy.
If I could run distance and had incontinence, I’d go right to a doctor and ask why if I wanted a straight up answer. But more likely than that, I’d find something else to do that did not cause me to pee.
So glad to see your smiling face at the crack of dawn.
RH was torment.
Credentilas seem like something Cheney would have too.
Did you catch dragonmammas suggestion? It looks way funky, but it looks like it would be worth while for those sort of issues.
A lot of us, young and old, have his issue on some things. I can jogg with no problems, but can’t get on a trampoline without special care.
I think you appeal to a wide audience…there are adolescents all the way to older adults. You just should probably have an interst in getting more fit, but somtimes it’s just personal growth! Like V, I think that most people oculd benifit from this!
I puffy and sparkly pink puffy heart MizFit…and besides those lovely word, i have two more: BenWa Balls. Google them. They rock!
I was at my mother’s group yesterday and the speaker was a therapist from a Rehab. Gym and new a lot about women’s health issues. She specifically spoke about incontinence in women.
The exercises she suggested were:
plie’s (like in ballet)
laying down and with knees up and feet on floor press knees outward toward floor and then the opposite (could put ball between knees) and squeeze together.
She said this strengthens the muscles around the bladder.
So excited to have an answer here. Hope it helps!
Actually, I think we all know it’s better to do spurts of high intensity work-outs as opposed to long rambling one’s….I’m not saying don’t go for nice walks, but I know the HIIT factor really gives us a nice fat burning result (assuming that’s your goal). Oh to have a low percentage in body fat…someday *sigh* someday!
Hi Miz…I’m finally back and will be blogging later with a recap.
lisa? d’mamma? mara?
Good G-D you all are a wealth of information.
Thank you.
And, fyi, I’m still working the Oprah angle with regards to a bigassnod to the blogworld.
My ideal? A show about the power of the blogs where we are the audience members.
It really does take a healthy living village….
Off to play babymama.
I’ve heard that this is quite common after women have babies and, since I’m trying to get pregnant, I’m filing this all away.
(Uh, the kegel stuff not the workout tips. Well that too I guess.)
For limited time, you can even try to hold a plank, or a wall sit, or your arms extended out from your shoulders (so you make a T). It’ll take less than 5 minutes.
You can also get DVDs that have several shorter workouts (15-20 minutes).
For incontinence, try a pad (sorry, I’m not much help there).
I admit it. I pee a little when I run. And sometimes step aerobics. Three babes can do that to you. I’m a little too lazy to keep up with the kegels. I just make sure I always empty the bladder, which, because I’m convinced it’s the size of a walnut, is quite often.
No questions here.
Just wanted to admit that I, too, have been earning a degree in the Housewives of (any) County/City/Whatever show is on.
I also have a bachelor’s in English.
I’ve been meaning to question your credentilas, too. Most specifically, I need to know when was the last time you had a piece of cake? Splurging is important to me, as you know. 🙂
LOL… I wish my PhD was in Sex and the City or Golden Girls. I think I would get a dissertation award for either one of those shows 🙂
Cammy? Cake? A while!
Not my thing and yeast gives me a rash.
I’m candy. Hershy kisses. M&Ms.
ANSWER? This past weekend.
Anyone else?
It’s check Miz’ Credentilas & Ask Personal Questions Day!
Thanks Cammy.
I think your first writer really has an ideal situation! Esp. as far as the research is concerned, doing short bursts of intense exercise may be better than doing one long sustained sweat fest. Plus I bet it helps him/her concentrate on their work better.
As for incontinence while running, one of my gym buddies wears a serenity pad to help catch leaks. Other than kegels I don’t think there are too many exercises you can do to help strengthen your pelvic floor. There are some medications you can try and there is also a surgery you can get to tighten up the “sling” supporting the bladder (my mother had this done and has rave reviews about it).
And for the last writer? I think you were awfully generous.
This may sound strange, but my best friend swears by it. She has had a slight incontinence issue while running since she had her children. Someone told her to wear a tampon while running. I guess it puts some pressure on the right area and stops the leak. I know it sounds weird, but she says it works. 🙂
(and yes, I mean a tampon, not a pad.)
Credentilas. Love it. Hmm, your emailer might wish to check out some Tantric exercises. Today’s Kegels have been around for centuries.
Do you always have a small pink boot and skull on your counter in the background? I just noticed that.
As for the pee-pee issue… if it really is a problem and the exercises don’t work, there is an outpatient procedure to deal with this. My coworker had it done recently and was very glad she did. I don’t know the details, but I know women deal with this a lot after kids and it is fixable.
Speaking of TMI–
I totally started doing preventative kegels as soon as I began reading the blog comments.
And– I still say experience and curiosity are the best credentilas. (Credentilae?) I’m a grad-school dropout, BUT I’m still dedicated to those two!
Robin? That actually makes a lot of sense.
Thanks for sharing.
And Melany? Yep. Always 😉
Oh, dear – I didn’t realize we needed credentilas to have a blog.
Guess that means I have to quit.
Just when I was getting a few readers, too.
I tried to think of something creative or funny to ask. I’ve got nothing. Blame it on the cold I’m just getting over (in record time–THANK YOU RUNNING!). I never knew that being more fit would make my body better at fighting off viruses.
Still trying to think of something creative or cute to say. I need to just get to work.
And I wonder how many members of the Bumbling Band just spent the morning doing Kegel exercises at our desks–It just cracks me up to think of women (men can’t do them, right?) across the country “secretly” exercising after reading this post/comments. Hee hee.
Awesome post and video Mizfit. I have trouble with breaking up my workout as I think I have to do it all at once. But lately, I find I just don’t have the time and doing small workouts throughout the day works better with my schedule and sanity. This was encouraging. 🙂
i know this is a big issue for women who have recently given birth and for older women.
kegels saved my running!
after the birth of each of my kids i had this trouble when i tried to get back to running. my midwives suggested kegels and that was the answer kegels for me.
that being said…it might be good o have a visit with your doctor just to make sure there are no other issues.
i also remember the midwives telling me that EVERY woman should do kegels early in life because MOST women end up with this problem to some degree later in life.
I have heard that strengthening your core helps with the issue. So might I suggest planks?
I had never read your bio or thought too much about credentials. You are real and inspiring, I don’t really care about the rest 🙂
shorter, more INTENSE workouts are super effective…that’s exactly how I lost from size 14 to 4.
For the incontinence issue…I began with this problem and as I strengthened my core, ran sprints, and lost weight, it went away. Now, I run long distance and jump rope with no problem. Just don’t stop is my advice! This reader may also be able to see more problems during certain phases of her cycle…if so, progesterone cream (over the counter) can help.
The question about the weight training broken up into segments SO makes me miss our old home gym set-up. It was so much easier to motivate to do a few exercises at a time throughout the day than to get my reluctant ass to the gym where I know I have to do everything all at once. I think it’s an awesome idea.
And that emailer demanding your credentials cracks me up. Um, is that person offering perhaps to PAY you for your professional advice? That is the normal situation wherein demanding credentials is expected. Stopping at someone’s published-for-free blog? Different story, IMHO.
Oddly enough, blogging as Crabby McSlacker, I’ve never gotten a similar request…
Senyora MeezFeet, your credentilas are muy buenas en mi opinion. Eso es. 😛
O kegel kegel kegel
I really swear by thee
So when I laugh or run or sneeze
I am not spurting pee.
I am impressed that someone who works from home takes the time to exercise, broken up or not. In this situation, I would have every intention of doing this….but not sure if I would follow through! Good for you, home exerciser!
LOL Marianne! 🙂 #58
Every so often (like right now) I’m reminded that I ought to be doing kegels on a regular basis. They’re a good little exercise. Even if I do forget about them frequently.
For exercising at home, I’ll just randomly pick up weights or start doing squats. Then I’ll stop and do something else and then start up again a little while later. Without realizing it you can get in a whole lotta exercises by doing it in those short bursts. Keeps me from getting bored, too.
Ooh I like the word “credentilas”, that’s a good one 🙂 Enjoyed hearing more about your background!
CREDENTILAS?? We don’t need no stinkin’ CREDENTIALS.
Thanks again for the video, Miz! And your credentilas are the bomb!
Love love the video Miz as I definitely use the excuse of not having thirty minutes to skip en entire workout.
The comments here always make me smile.
(You owned a training studio??)
Ummmm…..Helllooooo….I’m guessing the final emailer is new to the internet. In a cyber world full of hurtful, hateful and downright icky material, it’s nice to have an alternative of helpful and positive fitness/life related textersation delivered with just the right amount of snark.
Go, Mizfit. Go!!!!
we love ya!
I want to work from home! I would totally be up for doing 20 minutes here, 20 minutes there . . . but instead I shall hie myself to the gym in the morning (random old English word as a Miz tribute!). (Though there is something curiously satisfying about saying that I! DID! AN! HOUR! too. ;D)
I have no advice, but I’m scouring the comments in the hopes that someone will talk about “the trots” while running, and how to fix that particularly awful problem.
BA in English as well.
It my first time here, Ms. so, uhhh “hi” from another English BA holder-person.
The “credentials” guy made me chortle a bit. In the online world, credentials are a dime a dozen. Readership like yours is hard-won and does not happen by accident. Somehow I don’t think that would be a good enough answer for him though…
I didn’t read all of your comments, but I saw one person who already mentioned part of my suggestion for your “leaky” emailer. There are pelvic floor therapists who can teach you amazing things about stopping those leaks.
FACT: most women do not do kegels properly (if they do them at all)
FACT: most women doing kegels do not exercise nearly all of the pelvic floor muscles they should
FACT: I read everything I could possibly find on the subject, but nothing came close to what I learned during my first visit to the physical therapist with the biofeedback devices “on board”.
FACT: Sometimes, incontinence is caused by physical defect, or injury and cannot be completely cured through therapy or weight loss. Sometimes surgery is the only hope.
I would recommend to your reader that she bite the bullet and have a frank discussion with her gyno. They hear it every day, it is not something to be embarrassed about, and there is help.
I would like to see a write up of what a mizfit level workout is! Just so I can feel wimpy and have some motivation to reach the superwoman level of fitness ^_^
Whew, I’m glad no one ever asks me about my credentilas, because I have none. I do also have a bachelor’s in English, though. (English Nerds Unite!–Hmm, ENU, maybe I should start a new club for us.)
I can usually jog without pee issues, but the jumping jacks are more problematic. Currently doing the kegels more than usual because of being preggers. Every pregnancy I tell myself I’ll keep them up afterward…but I kind of suck at consistency.
Jess? I Have friends who SWEAR by various & sundry random foodthings for the trots which makes me think its a person thing.
The latest Ive heard? ricerice and lottsa RICE before the race.
And meg? you’d be disappointed I think. Im hardcoreFOCUSED so I dont have to spend too much time—but IMPRESSIVE? methinks not 🙂
for now.
until the tornado is in preschool.
My humble opinion – the best time and way to work out is when you can fit it in. I’ve heard both ways with cardio (that it’s good to do one long session, AND that its good to take a 20 minute break between sessions). I find I gravitate towards the long ones because I just like to get it done and check something off my to-do list.
No other advice besides thanks for the infos or credentilas as you say…I just found ya recently so it’s good much fun to know more about the mizfit. 🙂
“Credentilas!” *snort*
Actually, “credentilas” is a very pretty word, isn’t it? I mean just to look at on the page…
Yep, what Tom Rooney said in comment #26. Add “Most Valuable Cheertasker” to the credentilas list!
Marianne, I’m glad none of my officemates stopped over to see what I was laughing about in comment #58! (They’re all guys in my corner of the world….) I’m going to have the Kegel song stuck in my head all day, now, which isn’t a bad thing, I’m a real slacker in that area.
Miz I will just say thank you.
Thank you.
It wasn’t my email but I had the same incontinence question.
Is the e-mailer with incontinence issues getting in a good core workout at all? A good total body workout in this area such as pilates would be my suggestion.
No advice, just a note to say YOU’RE AWESOME! It was fun to have you re-introduce yourself. (Funny, but I thought that perusing a blog, reading a few entries, following it for a while was sufficient for getting to know a fellow blogger. Was emailer working for another talk-show host who is also going to feature you on their show? Do tell. Like you always do — honestly and with a positive spin.
I don’t have time to read all the comments (wowsa!), but I have a friend (seriously, it wasn’t me!) who had a similar issue after childbirth.
She went to The Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute in Philadelphia and saw a doc there. They did an exam and told her when she was done having children they could perform surgery to help with her issue. (vaginal birth would just redamage the area) She did PT and tried other modalities and nothing fixed it. Apparently it is that way with a % of cases.
If the Institute isn’t closeby maybe your reader could shoot them an email for a provider in their local area that they recommend.
Apparently it’s a pretty common problem, once one friend brought it up a few others said they experienced the same thing.
When I first started walking a lot, I had problems with the bathroom…just always made sure I walked near businesses with bathrooms. My favorite stop was the custard place to get my daily dose of food porn. After my body got use to the added water consumption, I never had a problem again.
FYI, it may be this is TMI.
Don’t know if you allow lots o’ links but incontinence is apparently a hot topic.
For those who need visual help
Those who are the old Firm fans will recognize the set.
Note that the Smart Balls are optional. I giggled when she said get a floor covering. Maybe after you do it a couple of times you won’t need to put down plastic to do this workout.
More information on the Smart Balls she refers to
Google search Smart Balls and you get lots of info.
And then info on obesity and incontinence.
We have the same Birthday!!!! 🙂
Even after reading everyone else’s comments, I’m still giggling at the credentilas.
They sound so much more exotic than regular old credentials.
Great post, Miz. I know a lot of people with the continence issues, and I’m betting a lot of people here are glad you brought it up.
As a fairly new reader (with a B.A. and M.A. in English–woot woot), I was glad to know the info you shared. Plus, your blog makes me happy, as do your commenters (Marianne–#58–poetic perfection).
Nothing to add after the 84 previous comments – just wanted to say HI and I’m back. Good info on the incont. issue. Im going to share with my bestie who just had a baby and can’t seem to run anymore without a full on blowout.
I’ve been known to pee a little…
It happens…
advice here (and girlie story alert to follow for guys not wanting to hear about post-partum woes!)
ok i didn’t read the rest of the comments (sorry) but i will admit for the world to see that i too have experienced this and so annoyingly that i headed to my gyn to ask that very question. the options presented to me were: a) kegels and an estrogen cream. b) a new very easy non-invasive surgery called the “sling” because this problem presented itself post-partumly and c) medication.
I couldn’t do surgery because my doctors recommend a c-section for any future children and since I hadn’t done that yet, I didn’t want to do that yet, so anyone who has already had a c-section might be a perfect candidate. (i guess it’s like getting fake boobs then having kids, it may or may not ruin the procedure). He said medication might cause some depression issues and since I’d already been-there-done-that after the kid, I passed on that one too. So, I opted for choice A plus a little miracle in the grocery store called “Tena Serenity”. I still run. Life is fine. (I do see a sling in my future after I’m done having kids.) Good luck to you!
No experience with the incontinence… but to the folks ragging on the emailer asking about Miz’s credentilas… there are lots of popular blogs out there spouting misinformation…. just because Miz is popular doesn’t mean she has the smarts…. However, while we are all incredibly lucky that Miz DOES have the smarts and is willing to share with us daily…. I applaud the emailer trying to find out the source of Miz’s smarts. It’s all too easy to believe things because they’re “in print” on the internet… but it takes a little “critical thinking” and research to choose which is the intelligent and reliable information source.
And just in case in didn’t come across: I LOVE YA, MIZ! I hope emailer comes back and learns tons from you and the Band like we all have.
Way late to the conversation here but just wanted to also encourage the emailer suffering with incontinence while running. After having my 3 babies in 4 years (nuts? maybe 😉 ), “leaking” was the key indicator of a soon to be raging bladder infection.
Aside from fact i had to Google “incontinence” *shudders*….I’m learning lots from you Miz, and your BB! Love it!
It’s all too easy to believe things because they’re “in print” on the internet… but it takes a little “critical thinking” and research to choose which is the intelligent and reliable information source.
I entirely agree and wanna add that even when anyone has the smarts (from bloggers to nutritionists to psychologists) it never means the info will be a fit for you!
always question everything before you assimilate it into your life!
Ok loved your credentilas, however as a trainer who loves your blog, I am curious who you are/were certified through?
I realize there’s a helluva lot more to being an excellent trainer than certs, but the question was raised and its a goodie.
Common problem with moms who are new to running. Best thing is kegels, and don’t drink a lot before your run. Wear a pad; best ones are the organic kind. And it gets better with time and fitness levels. It’s very common for long distance runners who are moms to wear pads. Just don’t let it stop you!
I actually like your bio! But it’s always good to learn more about you. I didn’t realize you owned a training studio. That’s really cool.
Hey MizFit! It’s been awhile and your blog is looking great!! LOVE your credentials and I’m looking forward to being back in the game and visiting regularly!! All my best!
I sometimes have to make pit stops in races or hard workouts. For me it seems to be more about the lactic acid buildup jacking with my system. If I run sub 6:30/M then I will probably need to take action. If I stay above 7:00 – 7:15/M then I’m all good.
Do you have the problem on intense workouts as well as easy or only intense ones?
You gotta watch the Real Housewives of Atlanta! Whew!
And for the leaky runner, I would wear panty liners and do the pelvic floor exercises or there is always the J hook surgery.
credentilas sound delicious… i bet there’s cheese and spice involved. mmmm 🙂
very intresting
any fresh tips
any fresh tips
Cardio workout is always great if you want to cut down those fats,”,
I have used so many distinctive systems and before I commit to anything else I simply want to understand if this will give me the benefits that I want. I have truly managed to firm up my midsection now I want the definition.
the best stuff that you can do to reduce body fast is of course a cardio workout “”