This is an all video week filled with topics selected by you.
A few weeks ago Kelly Olexa & I put the call out on Twitter for questions & have picked five to simultaneously answer/address this week.
Not only is Kelly my kindred almost40spirit, she’s fit, fabulous, educated & motivating.
And she’s not me.
The fun aspect of this, in my opinion, will be the chance for ALL of us to see how Kelly answers the exact same question in an entirely different fashion.
Please to enjoy & please to comment/chime in with your thoughts below.
Today’s question: Is it ok to workout on back to back days? Or do I need a day of rest in between?
MizFit’s Muzings:
Kelly’s Thoughts:
Thank you for the great post and for validating my current approach – I do a mix of swimming, walking and cycling, and try to vary it throughout the week. I could easily swim every day but I’ve learned through several bouts of tendinitis that it just doesn’t work for me.
Question for you guys: in terms of rest, what “counts” as resistance training? I mean, how hard do I need to be working out? My physio just gave me a daily workout that includes wall sits and some core strength and balancing work. Now, the wall sits are hard, and I’m shaking after about 1m40s. I know he’s a pro and all, but to me you guys are just as knowledgeable, if not more so, and I’d really like your view. Is it safe to, for example, do wall sits every day, twice a day?
One last thing – when I was strength training hard core, I also had this weird mental phobio about rest days. So I made a little poster for myself that said something to the effect of “REST DAYS ARE WHEN THE MAGIC HAPPENS.” And listed a few things like “Rest days are when I recover… Rest days are when I GROW… don’t be afraid to take a rest day… ENJOY REST DAYS. They are happy!” Blah blah blah. Just something to remind myself to rest and enjoy it. It’s all about being healthy and fit, right? And rest is half of the equation.
Oh Miz thank you !!
and I’m mad at you.
This has been such a cool week so far as you had addressed so many of my questions and killed so many of my excuses.
xo xo,
OK is it enough then if I can only work out on Saturday and Sundays?
cant wait to hear what others thing. MY opinion is that it isnt UNSAFE (I dont imagine you will hurt yourself) but that you want to give your muscles time to repair and recover.
I wouldnt do it twice a day but you DEFINITELY could—I WOULD recommend at least a day in between so the leg muscles can repair and recover in preparation to be taxed again.
anyone else? kelly? chime in!
My answer would be “it depends”.
If you’re an unconditioned newbie, working out every day is probably overly ambitious and will just burn you out.
If you’re in better condition and you’ve already got an established routine in place, absolutely you can do back-to-back days.
Let’s face it, there are athletes out there, gymnasts for example, who are working out every day for several hours, and they’re not wasting away. How about bootcamp in the military? Those grunts get worked hard on a daily basis, and they’re in fantastic shape by the time they finish.
I think what gets misinterpreted is that the “no back to back exercise” advice refers primarily to resistance, bodybuilding type of workouts. It should not be used as an excuse to sit on your keester on non-workout days. “Oh, sorry, I’m taking the elevator instead of the stairs today because I did legs yesterday.” WRONG!
Although I am with Terrie in both loving it and hating the loss of my excuses 🙂
Today was a big one for me as I typically slack when my only options are monday.tuesday workouts because I thought it wasnt good to do that.
I also think it depends on how sore one is and when. I’m usually sore for 2 days after lifting or not at all. So my workouts tend to look something like:
Sunday: HIIT and upper body
Monday: steady-state cardio and yoga
Tuesday: HIIT and lower body
Wednesday: steady-state cardio and yoga
Thursday: HIIT and upper body
Friday: Steady-state cardio and yoga
Saturday: Rest
However, there’s also a depending how I feel component. So if I’m so tired that I’m moving at the speed of a snail, I’ll maybe take a nap instead of working out.
Wow! I am only # 8. Woohooo!!!
I hope it is okay because I work out 4-5 days per week, Sunday through Thursday, with no workouts on Friday or Saturday.
I had no idea 😉
I have grown to love the rest days. I definitely feel I get stronger and can hit it a bit harder after a rest. In fact I’m really looking forward to my rest day tomorrow after getting inspired by yesterdays Vlogs and switching up my cardio today…… I’m exhausted in a great way, didn’t realise how much I was working out on auto pilot.
Thanks ladiez, great topics, fantastic content 🙂
Great videos, Miz and Kelly!
Thanks for reminding us how important it is to rest and renew the muscles.
I love your posts & I love the comments they spark.
Big thank yous to Tricia and Naomi.
It’s good to know how I can exercise on back to back days if that’s what I need to do.
Ever since you suggested I visualize my muscles resting and repairing on the rest days I have stopped beating myself up over taking a day off & now see it as a gift to my body.
Thank you Fitness Guidance Counselor 😉
Have a good day all!
I think I push myself just to the brink (sometimes over) – and I’ve also learned the hard way of doing too much with one muscle. Just work out a different set of muscles the next day and all is great!
This time change is killing me.
Anyone else finding exercise really hard this week??
Yeah, I think you want to work up to it – if you’re very new to working out, you might need to at least take it easy on intervening days…
When I’m working out religiously (not right now, unfortunately) I generally do circuit training and typically work out three days, take a rest day, then work out two, then another rest day. One of the workouts is straight cardio. On the consecutive workout days, I’m alternating muscle groups between days. That’s the routine I got from the Jillian’s website and it’s worked beautifully for me. I know a lot of people only take one rest day a week but that doesn’t seem to be enough for me if I’m working out really hard.
If I’m doing easier workouts, though, one rest day is usually enough.
My two cents, which is about what it’s worth. 🙂
I can only workout on monday tuesday and wednesday.
I have found that by doing what you suggest (weights on monday and wednesday split up almost as you suggest in your video) and yoga on tuesday I have really seen some changes in my body.
Now for the food 🙂
Oh and Leah?
You need to make it not a choice this week.
(hee hee. How was that Miz? Kelly?)
Heh, it’s interesting that you both had basically the same answer ^_^
My question is this: Most of the workout videos I do involve jumping jacks or running in place to get the heart rate up. I run on a treadmill at the gym for cardio. All of this involves my calves. Could I be overworking my calves? And if so, what cardio can I do to avoid using them or conversely, what strength training exercise can I use to strengthen them?
Yes, it is okay to workout on back to back days. I just do something diff between weight training days such as ride my bike on the indoor trainer.
interesting question.
Id say NO on the overworking as life (walking, running to catch the bus :), standing on toes to reach a shelf etc) works the hell out of our calf muslces.
for the same reason I dont life them.
less a fear of overtraining or growing too big and more a TIME THING.
as in my opinion a BIG OLE WASTE OF 🙂
(even when I competed in bodybuilding)
anyone else?
(and Laura? #17 made me laugh)
I really like the video concept. Is it easier than finding something to write constantly? I know you must still find a topic but I can always come up with a list of topics should you run out. My list may not have anything to do with exercise, however.
I am going to take today to ice my knee because it was talking to me all night last night, and still this a.m. I’m on the bed, icepack (instead of a banjo) on my knee, looking over at the lonely elliptical. I promise not to cover it in clothing to make it feel less lonely.
Normally I do not fear over-training. I fear lack of motivation and feel if I skip a day, I will put a kink in my motivation. Today it will be ice. Maybe at lunch, elliptical.
Just dropping in to say Good morning! (Can’t view the videos- and couldn’t see them yesterday- but tomorrow I’ll be on the “good” computer again so I’ll be able to check them out).
MizFit may remember last Spring when I complained that I thought my hips were hurting, and her shock when she learned I’d been doing lunges & squats *every day* for 2-3 weeks. Definitely a lesson learned there! (thank you!)
Now that I’m doing the P90x workout, I’m working out 6 days a week but because it focuses on different muscle sets each day, it’s been good for me. I do find that I need that 7th day off, though.
Good videos, ladies!
I can’t see the videos at work either so I have to guess 🙂
but I am a weekend warrior lately (work and taking care of a sick parent) and it’s great to know that what I am doing will work!
It is not my long term plan.
I think it depends, too. I limit my back to back runs to no more than 3 in a row, usually only 2. But, I will follow running days w/cross training. And I always have at least one, usually 2 days off a week.
This is a very timely post for me. I just started working with a personal trainer and I’m choosing to take a day off after my weight training days. I think my body appreciated the day off yesterday and today I’m going back to the gym for my cardio workout.
For me, I just like resting so much that I try to do it as often as possible 😀
I added a third day to my workouts (after consulting MizFit – thanks again!) – I was concerned b/c of my work schedule, I had to do three days in a row. But I don’t strength train the same muscles on the second day as I do on the first and third. Cardio, however, is a lot slower for me on the third day, but I think that’s b/c I’m still not quite in shape. But I’m trying!
Be careful FLG I don’t think you’re allowed to say that around here 😉
Lately I’ve been working out pretty much every day, with the specific goal of tiring myself out so I can sleep better at night. But that said, I notice a huge improvement in my workouts when I take a day off – I can last way longer on the Gauntlet, for example. I actually just interviewed an expert about this from ACE – about overtraining specifically – and his answer shocked me. He basically said that for weight maintenance, anything more than three days of cardio per week and two days of strength training is overkill. If there weren’t such a phenomenal stress reliever for me, I would cut down immediately. But I’m in endorphin junkie!
Ha ha FLG.
And no.
You caint say that up in herre & I’m coming for you…so watch out 😉
So smart Stacey. I had no clue when I started lifting (no trainer) and lifted so frequently I grew ever smaller muscles for lack of rest & grow time.
ShelleyB? GO YOU. ‘Nuff said (ok more said via email)
And NSD? Huh. I believe most things ACE (would have said all before your comment as I was certified by them as well) but I do disagree there.
Amount is an issue (an hour+ of cardio a day? Good gosh stop at 3x!) but I think 5-6 days a week of 30 min is fine!
Yada yada yada see dizclaimer 😉
Missed you Gurl. Thanks for peeking in!
Totally bummer for me, my work blocks any and all youtube video’s…aaarrrggg
Ok, so on the subject of back 2 back workouts… as I was tweeting about… is it perfectly fine to do things like cardio and abs back 2 back, while still changing up the routine and rotating upper and lower body with weight training etc?
This is unrelated to the post, but I emailed Miz and she recommended I post here to get some other feedback.
I started running seriously a couple weeks ago, as I’m training for a half-marathon. I’ve been putting in more mileage than I ever have in the past several years, and I thought this would really help me drop those last stubborn 10 pounds I can’t seem to shake. Well, I’m not losing. In fact, I’ve gained a pound or two.
I lift weights 2-3 times a week doing a circuit. I also do yoga 2-3 times a week, and I take a Step Class on Saturday mornings.I feel like I’m doing everything right – exercise wise.
I can only attribute my “gain” to three things:
1) my love for wine on the weekends
2) maybe I’m consuming more food then I think?
3) maybe I’m eating too many carbs, not enough fruit veg?
It has to be a diet thing. I think??
Do you have any advice? Suggestions?
It could be any of those 3 things, but remember that it’s inches, not lbs most of the time. You’re going to gain a couple lbs here and there in muscle mass regardless.
Good luck 😉
I did give anon. my feedback by email so ANYONE ELSES would be a great addition.
And meg?
I don’t do abs every day. Two reasons IMO aesthetics of the abdominal wall (6pack) is much more cardio to burn fat and food (eat to be lean) so that doesn’t necessitate daily ab work.
I do abs to build a strong ab.wall to prevent BACK PAIN.
For that I don’t need to do daily and, for me, daily almost feels like overtraining.
As though my back feels worse/less supported.
THANK YOU. I was wondering about that. Because after a few days of abs my back starts to bother me. Thinking I’ll start rotating the abs along with my upper and lower.
Thanks again 😉
Hey Kids…I’ll try to remember who I wanted to respond to- as far as the more ‘aerobic’ type activities, jumping around, jumping jacks etc.~ that’s not to be considered “training” in the sense that your muscles need a rest, to repair and grow. And abs do not need to be trained daily- 3x a week is plenty, but will it HURT your abs to do situps every day? No. It just isn’t going to get you a six pack. A Six Pack Set of Abs is made in the kitchen, period. You don’t get that lean just by working out. The biggest lesson I have learned the past year or so is the importance of REST and AVOIDING OVERTRAINING. More is not always better, and yet our impatient minds THINK that it is. REST up and just put all your focus and energy into when you DO workout!!
Miss Kelly,
Thank you as well, love.
You always put some kellypep in my step.
You both rock.
Holy information MizFit.
I’ve stopped by a few times and this is my first comment.
I found you on twitter BTW.
The videos have been great this week. Very cool to get both points of view. I just visited Kelly’s site — she’s a hoot and a half (and a fellow Chi-Towner).
I’m in the almost 40 club too. Lotsa beautiful babies born in 1969!!!!!!!
Anon: just a quick response, from someone who’s gained weight during marathon training (uhh, so the opposite of an expert?). I don’t think long distance training is the best thing for weight loss in general– do you do any speedwork? Interval/hill training seems to be key. Also, trying to focus on more protein and healthy fats than in the traditional carb-heavy runner’s diet seems to work for me (don’t avoid carbs, but I found fat actually helps me go the distance and makes everything seem to metabolize better). Also: do you get enough sleep/rest? Distance training can be stressful without it. Good luck with your half!
Mizfit: I often do a Baptiste-style yoga session the day after I lift and wonder if I should– this includes lots of planks and some arm balances and warrior-type lunges. But since it’s my body weight it almost seems okay. Would it be more productive to my muscle growth to switch to a less-intensity, more stretchy yoga class, or do you think this is okay for my muscles?
Wow, it’s fascinating to read the comments in response to this post. I’m glad I’m not the only one out there who doesn’t quite get what “training” actually means in terms of building muscle vs. aerobic type stuff. Sounds like we need a lesson (in normal, mortal person speak) on physiology and what actually happens to our bodies when we workout, be it lifting weights or running. Any volunteers? 😉
Good thought Monica.
I can do an entire post on that BUT since ‘splaining science is not my gift shall also look for guest posters!
Feel free to self-nominate, People!
How about exercising twice in one day? I’ve built up to it but I find I love my morning runs and afternoon lifts or yoga or whatnot. I definitely do splits and give resistance-trained body parts 48 hours rest at least. I just go by my body – if I worked really hard and I’m still sore I’ll rest those muscles another day. If my energy’s relatively low I’ll do a lighter workout. Otherwise, bring it on!
Great questions this week, great answers this week, too. But I am regularly thinking Kelly, you need to cut your answer time in about half. I either hear her answers and she’s still going for another 2-3 minutes or I’m waiting for 2 minutes to hear her answer.
I am post-menopausal. I have a limited attention span.
to anon. Sounds like you are working very hard. Are you getting enough rest time? Because without the rest/healing you won’t lose weight or get more dense. I’d look for 2 full rest days a week in your schedule. but that’s me.
For me, I do a split workout. If I’m maintaining my weight it’s 2 days on, rest, 2 days on 2 days rest. Now that I’m trying to lose a 10# gain, it’s 5 days on and 2 days rest.
Except this week I feel tired. So I’m working what I can when I can and letting my body tell me it’s time to quit.
Monica… I shall take a stab at that “what’s happening” thing in simple terms over the weekend, and post it Monday… ‘K?
How about exercising twice in one day?
totally a personal thing and, from the sounds of it, a time thing.
in that to me it doesnt ring as ‘exercising twice a day’ if you do cardio in am and then lift in pm.
it WOULD ring as ‘not a great idea’ if you did an hour of cardio in am and another hour at night.
or lifted twice a day or did classes twice a day (or back to back but thats a whole ‘nother MizFit rant).
for me it’s a natural split and one so many of my clients had to do due to life/time constraints (spit their cardo & or yogatype activity)
it is all about listening to the body (so good you do that)
I know this has been a long week of videos (hard to find time for all the viewing. I know) BUT tomorrow is wrapping up with WHAT DO I DO/DOES KELLY DO FOR EXERCISE? HOW LONG EVERY DAY?
I address some of this tomorrow, Nolafwug!
To Anon, #33: I’ve posted this link here a few times; everyone else is going to groan and say “Ohhh, not again!”:
Important stuff. If you’re running the marathon because you like it or simply to prove that you can do it, those are valid reasons. But don’t do it to lose weight.
This has been a good idea…I’ve enjoyed watching and learning from both of you. I like that you are both in your kitchens too.
Anon: I’ll second what tfh said about training for an endurance run vs. the sprints. I trained for a half-marathon, too, ran it, loved it…put on 5 pounds of non-muscle. It was great fun and I’m doing it again but this time, I’m adding in more sprints within my runs, more good fats and keeping the weight training. When you train for a long haul, you are training your slow twitch muscles which is great, but your fast twitch muscles are the ones that you want to build for fat-loss. Simply put, you want your circuit training day to be higher weights and fewer reps so that you are challenging those muscles and you want to run some sprints to fire up those fast twitch muscles. It will also make you faster for your Half. This is from reading and experience…I’m no expert, but Hope it helps. Everyone thinks that longer runs are the ticket to losing weight, but really it has to do with muscle growth and the kitchen. Long runs make you HUNGRY. More muscle burns fat. 🙂
Awesome – thanks!
Another question. Once you get an amount of upper body muscle you are satisfied with/six pack abs/buns of steel etc. how much do you scale back your training to maintain it and not continue to grow? Or is that not really a concern? But maybe that’s coming tomorrow. Thanks again.
This might be my ah ha! moment.
I have been lifting fully body 3 times a week on monday tuesday and wednesday and I”m not seeing any realy changes.
Could the back to back days be why??
Heading off to a meeting but the short version?
Im not the one to ask 🙂 there MAY BE some womem out there who need to work not to gain muscle (Im a cynic but there are professional women athletes who DO fall into this category for sure) but Im trying to gain as much as I can.
and will until I lift weights no’ mo’ 🙂
there is a certain point, IMO, a person just cant grow beyond predetermined genetics no matter the FAB program or PERFECT amount of rest and AMAZINGLY clean diet but Im gonna see if I can push my genetics 🙂
did I even answer your ??
shorter version: you can decide NOT NOT NOT to lift heavy weights and keep your reps between 12-15 and you wont grow too big.
Heather? YES. As I mentioned above when I started lifting I was entirely clueless and loved the process of the lifts.
I did full body 4 or 5 times a week (I know 🙂 I was a little overly filled with the proverbial zeal) and grew initially and then grew SMALLER.
Id suggest doing full body mon/wed OR perhaps doing a 6 wk thing of upper body mon, lower tues, upper wednesday.
yada yada yada read DIZCLAIMER 🙂
I like this question and the way I handle it (or should I say handled it) when I was lifting weights was to do pushing movements on one day and pulling the next and then on the third back to pushing but not exactly the same movements and it seemed to work great with lifting weights, this is how I will do it again when I start lifting more seriously again closer to my goal weight.
Cardio on the other hand, I ride my stationary bike EVERY day regardless of whether I walked that day or not, usually my cardio will be a ride on the bike and a walk or lately I have been tossing yoga in after a bike ride which serves a dual purpose of lengthening my workout and a cool down of sorts (I say of sorts because I find yoga a challenge right now) just imagine the 6’5” 350 pound guy holding yoga poses and you will soon see why its a challenge!
The short answer for me is yes back to back is ok as long as the movements are not within the same muscle groups. we need time to heal 🙂
As Ever
I would like to get to a point where I’m faithfully working out M-F and have the weekend away from the gym. Now how to come up with the routine….:) I like your idea of running one day, yoga the next, etc, but would you have a day where all you did was yoga or would you do that in addition to a weight or cardio session?
Really enjoying the video’s! 🙂
I have the same question as Natalia in a sense:
Do you ever just REST?
no yoga.
My workout for today was listening to both videos at once. The couch has acquired a permanent ass print.
Miz….This has nothing to do with your post.
I just want to tell you I appreciate you so much. I don’t get to your blog often, but I feel that I’ve gotten to know you at least a little through the wonderful comments you leave on my and others’ posts. You always seem to know just what to say – when to deliver a kick in the behind and when to give a hug.
I always look forward to getting a comment from you – or reading what you have to say to others because it is always full of encouragement.
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on so many – you are a huge part of any success the rest of us ever have!
Bless You.
Carrie? Natalia? Thoughts when I’m at computer.
Thank you. I NEEDED that today!
I was curious about the same thing Carrie asked.
Do you and kelly ever take entire days off with zero exercise?
Is it possible to be superfit and do that?
It doesn’t seem like it.
Personally I do complete rest on Sundays and I am always so sparkly at everything come Monday.
Last week me & the fam were at the park playing soccer and I had a little too much fun running races and doing cartwheels and trying to do handstands. I had to rest Monday instead because I was toast!
I’ll also do a day or two each week of active recovery as needed. No weights, no plyo. Just yoga and/or cardio.
I alternate. I do strength & @ 20 mins of aerobics. The next day I do pilates or yoga. I rest a day and do it again. Then I take two days off.
I just decreased my workout times. This was to accommodate a change in my life. Increasing how long and how much had not really done anything for me. How annoying!
It’s always something. Isn’t it? LOL
for sure.
I do take many days off from exercising. PERIOD. no stationary bike no weights no yoga.
Mainly because I have found that living with a 3 year old who needs no nap & seems to have boundless energy keeps me on the brink of overtraining anyway 🙂
My days off, sometimes, can feel more exhausting than the days on.
This week has felt really long and, as much as I love you two, your energy is tiring me out more 🙂
Perhaps that’s my body telling me tomorrow is a rest day.
I’m curious about yoga. When getting serious, you’re encouraged to do it every day, but with some forms like Iyengar it can really work your muscles. Is it just a case of doing the harder poses one day and then more gentle ones on other days? Or does yoga work on enough different body elements that you can happily do the tougher poses day in day out?
great post. varying routines is key. love, love, love your arms and the tank. great message.
what are your thoughts if any on Nectar protein powder. I just ordered it. I currently use Designer Whey but wanted a change?
I have been enjoying the videos I’m catching up on from the week. It’s been really cool to hear two view points on things. Both of you are great, Miz a total inspiration and Kelly I look forward to reading your blog and getting to know you better. Just added you to my reader and you’re in the Chicago area so that’s cool.