I give you Dave Grotto & his third installment of MizFitโs Food of the Month Club.**
For more DaveMusings on the strawberry lookย here!
**Dave would love your input here, oh Bumbling Band: what foodstuffs would you like to learn more about? Please to chime in below…
(Want some MizFit fer your Tuesday? Yada Yada YAHOO! Im over here!)
haha, always a good laugh, Dave! I seriously did not know any of this great info on strawberries, so thanks for the entertaining education!
I LOVE strawberries! When they are in season, I eat them daily. I even pay a lot to buy them off-season. On the Slimming World plan, they are considered a “super speed food.” Love, love, love them!
I would love some tips on carbohydrates like pasta!
HILARIOUS VIDEO (I had missed the others. Loved those as well. Thanks Dave & Miz!)
Too funny!
Love strawberries, so it’s great to find out even more reasons they’re great for us.
Hey bumbling band! You may want to watch this in “HD”. Don’t want to miss the vivid details of Ken’s worsening alopecia!
Please to note the following when buying strawberries – especially when they are 2 for 1 or a reduced price….
First…turn the container and peer deeply inside to look for molding strawberries, those with too much green near the end or the top, or those that have a flat, dull spot – these berries are not good.
Second…when you find a box of pretty berries, close your eyes and inhale. Do you smell strawberry? If you don’t smell strawberry, chances are you won’t taste strawberry. They continue to redden once picked, but not ripen.
This has been a public service announcement…we now return you to matters of interest.
MMMM…strawberries. Picture me drooling over them just like Homer and donuts…probably shouldn’t be doing that on my keyboard at work! Love the fruit. Thanks for getting us craving GOOD stuff in the am! Had never heard the cognitive decline stuff. I will be looking that up for sure (I teach development).
Dave…if I remember correctly you did the don’t knock potatos video, right? That was really helpful as I had written them off as the “bad” veggie. I would like to hear more about veggies like that or other veggies in general. I usually can get enough fruit in, but struggle with the veggies.
Love this video!! Too cute!!
I knew i liked strawberries before, and now i have even more reasons to like them. ๐
Also, thanks for the buying tips, Marianne.
thanks marianne! I’ll bold that (and your comment dave) later when I’m at the computer!
This is really Chloe Grotto (dave’s daughter) and I think this movie was rockin! Partialy because I was in it but anyway, thank you all for watching. Keep watching our videos please! Great to see so many fans ๐
ok. Ive totally MADE IT. (*waves to Chloe*)Love you. Love the vid. Love the Grotto Family. Ill be in Chicago this summer so watch out!
Chloe! Chloe! Chloe! (Waves lighter – or, if that’s too old of a reference, waves cell phone with backlight lit).
I adore strawberries. We alternate between them and blueberries to prevent getting sick of the flavor.
I watched this video while eating my morning bowl of fresh strawberries…knew I loved them, but did not realize how good for me they are – so thanks for that, and I’ll watch a Barbie video any day!
I saw your tweet the other morning.
Here’s your MizTerFit!
Dave & Family.
I’m a big strawberry fan. Thanks for the video.
How about Raspberry’s and Blackberry’s? Any health info on them?
I’ve missed Ken!!
And his receding hairline.
How about some kiwi love?
Just saw your yahoo post.
LOL at the love yourself nekid, Miz.
Who knew strawberries could be so funny?! This was great – keep em coming!
Thanks Dave and more please.
Is there any benefit at all to my airpopped popcorn?
At 80 calories per 3 cups of air-popped, it’s a wonderful low-cal food just like like strawberries. Plus, a new study found that popcorn helps keep you full so you don’t over eat!
I will be singing strawberry fields all day now.
Who knew they were good for my memory?
Thanks Dave!
We love strawberries over here! They are one of my favorite add ins for green smoothies.
Do they lose any of these awesome powers when cooked? Thinking low sugar jam here and such…
How fun! The cute video and the great info is just what I needed on an otherwise not so great Tuesday….
Thanks for making me smile! ๐
The 100 calorie pack reference is so funny.
How about some info on quinoa?
UhOh Andrea…hope the day improves!
I love strawberries, and love that they are one of the two berries (the other being blueberries) that my Tween likes. We have about 7 plants in the front that have berries on them… just waiting for them to ripen. He’s already asked to have a trillion strawberry plants and a trillion blueberry plants at our next place, the homestead. I told him… uh, I don’t think so. We settled on 100 of each.
Vee at http://www.veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com
I wonder why my comment never shows up immediately after I post it on your website. I’ve actually never seen them show up… hope this one does!
I love strawberries, and love that they are one of the two berries (the other being blueberries) that my Tween likes. We have about 7 plants in the front that have berries on them… just waiting for them to ripen. He’s already asked to have a trillion strawberry plants and a trillion blueberry plants at our next place, the homestead. I told him… uh, I don’t think so. We settled on 100 of each.
Vee at http://www.veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com
Mmm strawberries, thanks for all the info on how good they are for us! I’m going to have that song stuck in my head all day now…
PS As a popcorn addict, I can say with confidence that it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to overeat on popcorn. Even airpopped without any toppings. Trust me ๐
Love strawberries! Especially with a drizzle (and I do mean drizzle, not ladle) of chocolate for dipping. The perfect dessert!
If you are making a green drink, don’t remove the green hats on your stawberries (also known as a ‘calyx’). They are edible and can be a little bitter but doubt if you wil taste them in a green drink. It may be worth your while to do so because the calyx is also loaded with antioxidants and plant nutrients, too!
Some vitamin C diminishes when you cook strawberries. Not much of a difference between fresh and frozen strawberries either.
Cammy: I am so with you on the chocolate thing. Hey, did you know that it was a tradition in Provencial France to make newlyweds a soup out of strawberries to promote fertility? Now that was totally random…
How about Tofu, I haven’t a clue how or what you can make out of it that might taste good.
Beets please.
Have Ken try the beets, Dave.
I’ve read some interesting things about cherries and cherry juice lately. What’s the scoop on them?
Love the strawberry info.
I love the Grotto family actors—thank you for the great laughs and the scoop about strawberries!
hope to see you in Chicago next month!
Too funny!
This is the first video I’ve seen from Dave and am off to watch the ones I missed.
Thanks Miz for introducing me.
I’m looking forward to watching this later!
Hmmm…how about eggplant? It’s my new favorite veggie. I love it roasted.
I should be eating oodles of …. what are they called again ?? LOL … strawberries.
Cute! I love strawberries and we buy 2 or 3 pounds a week (of which I eat about 90% of!!!)
Well I didn’t really need any more motivation to eat strawberries – love them! – but thanks for the entertainment! Now if Dave can get me to love okra, then we’ll know he’s good;)
That video was fabulous. I now will be singing “Strawberry Fields Forever” the rest of the day. ๐
How about something like cooking with jicama (sp)?
Is it that good for me?
Jicama Fields Forever ๐
Great vid.
haha! I love it… I actually just enjoyed a bowl full of fresh strawberries on my way to a conference today! (and dropped a top on my white t-shirt… thank goodness for tide pens!) ๐ GoTrybe!
Sup! I’m Katie Grotto (aka “Barbie”). Thank you guys so much for watching the videos. I appreciate all of the nice comments. Stay tuned for more videos. Peace out.
seriously, Im SO becoming an honorary Grotto. You guys are way more fun that The Ren Man & I are….
Funny and educational!
Funucational LOL.
I loved it and didn’t know that strawberries were brain food.
Thanks to Dave and the Players.
I’d love to learn more about the fig!
YUM, strawberries!!!!!!!!!!! Does a strawberry margarita or daiquiri count as good food!!! JUST KIDDING! Could not help myself! I am not even a drinker!
The big problem with strawberries I have are
1. Supposed to be one of those dirty dozen containing high amounts of pesticide. Organic is not always available and very pricey ๐
2. I have never been able to store good strawberries overnight.. they get moldy even in the refrigerator. The ones that remain fresh are the ones that have no taste.
I grew up on an 88 acre produce farm. Strawberries were one of the things we had to pick and sell acres of every summer in Michigan.
I love em.
Just bought two berry bowls at an art fair and we use em everyday. Rock on with the video. You’re such an inspiration.
I just read your other article. It’s so awesome. I swear you get better as a writer every time I stop over here!
I’m going to go now and love myself neked!
Hysterical video!!! I just had strawberries, blueberries and a few pine nuts over 0% Greek yogurt. It was delish!! But speaking of… I’d love to hear more about pine nuts.
#1. I have a good friend named Genie Gratto. Are you related? She’s living in Oakland now, and is amazed what she will do for a good tomato.
#2. How about kale? or chard? You know those greens you cook?
Suganthi – I swear by Lock’n’Lock containers. Line the container with a paper towel. Take your good strawberries out of whatever they came in, brush off any big/loose dirt, put them gently in the container, and cover with anoer paper towel (if you dod this often, a clean washcloth works great). Close up the box with the wonderful lid that seals and put it in the fridge. I can keep strawberries a week this way, and greens several weeks, depending on the variety.
*reading back* i love strawberries. so much. i also happen to love them covered in chocolate or whipped cream. oops. however, i also love them in smoothies.
still, they’re one of my favorite summer foods.
Let’s talk about figs, baby!
I just had to say that. Figs are pretty awesome, though.