bearing in mind that Im a big believer in the notion six pack abs are created in the KITCHEN–please to enjoy.
Have you entirely left behind the CRUNCHES fer the PLANK?
Do you do as I do did & skip the ab-work entirely realizing that the KEY to nice *looking* abs is all in the food plan?**
Please to hit me up below—and Ill join you there as well.
**LOOKING. For overall health (& fo’ SHIZZLE for a strong low-back) doing core/ab work is key. Thank you.
I would love some abs I can see. Maybe a 2010 goal?
Not doubting, just asking, but why is the breathing important?
Was that pun intended? Doing the crunches in the kitchen and saying that abs are created in the kitchen? π
I am curious whether you tend to do more traditional crunches or core plank work.
Thanks for pointing out that there is more to wanting a strong midsection (whether you utilize core work or old school π crunches) than looks.
As you mentioned a strong core can tremendously help low back pain.
I know it did for me.
Have you thought about recording a workout dvd?
I am a huge fan of Prior Fat Girl and enjoyed your tips in her ecook book.
Shout out for Jen.
Hope that’s ok.
Nice! I couldn’t agree more with your notion that abs are defined in the kitchen but I also think they’re defined in your cardio workouts!
Please don’t look at my abs right now. You’ll think Halloween returned for a Fright Fest.
4 kids. Abs look like a thing of destruction. But still I am in pursuit of (not) perfection. Just a little more improvement in the midsection.
Planks are a cinch.
I am curious about the food part.
I do crunches and planks but my abs look….flabby.
(NO kids yet)
More cardio? I do 40 minutes every day!!
I appreciate this video a lot MizFit. Although I know about the whole cardio connection, working my abs is important because of:
seven births!!!
That will do it. I wonder – are planks or crunches more effective in building the muscles to help with back problems. (Also due to the seven births!!!)
Have a great one.
I agree, abs are made in the kitchen! NUTRITION! I don’t do ton of direct ab work, I do a lot of compound lifts to take care of my abs. I do some crunches from time to time, but you’re right, not a gazillion. If done properly a handful is all you need.
Great video, Miz!
Thanks for the tips and the reminder that I need to clean up my eating if I want good looking abs for my vay cay.
I second the need for MizFit dvds.
I perfer to do my crunches on my stability ball…but that is just me. It finds its way into my kitchen often though LOL
Great video! Totally agree with the bit about the diet (yes, not “dieting”) and the abs bit. Aside from what I think is realistic cardio (40-50 mi 2-3 times per week) I lift heavy weights too (2-3 times per week). For me, I also added a nutritional supplement (shakeology) which helps the overall calorie count.
Some people do have stronger cores than others. I think the whole core-strengthening bit is important, and as you said, it helps those who sufer back pain. But core strength is not just built with crunches….
Loved this. I always skip my abs. But I think if I do as you suggested.. 5 or 6 a day, it might be tolerable. The key is consistency of course. I liked being reminded not to bring the shulders all the way down.
I did like to hear form people who truly went from no core strength to a stronger core. I never did do any strengthening for years and years and it may be hard for you to relate to this… but for those of us who have those rolls of ab fat, how doe sit feel. I never feel my crunches. I have worked hard on feeling the ab and always only feel my fat moving. Then I came to the conclusion that I have really weak ab muscles. It has been a bit hard to get motivated to do the abs when I don’t feel like I have any ab strength at all. I am goign to commit to doing it consistently and I am betting it will imprive π
The only thing I crunch involves a little company known as Frito Lay. Ways out. I have lower back pain and when it flares up I do some core strengthening exercises my PT gave me. Should probably be more consistent, but hey, I’m learning.
First? Is your kitchen floor always that freaking clean?
I too would love to know: how often you do core work and if you have always done it.
I think I saw that you tweeted a while ago that you did not do any abs before your last show?
Is that right???
I carry almost all my body fat in my tummy, so I’ve learned to be okay with the fact that I’ll never have ripped abs. BUT I still work them out like crazy because a strong core is so important! I’m a runner/cyclist and a strong mid-section is so important for injury prevention. I’ve actually found pilates exercises are the best (woo 100s!) but I love me some planks too. Guess I’m a glutton for punishment that way π
peeking in from my kitchen where we are more about the barbie play this morning than the ab work.
That’s coming next.
I love all the early morning musings and will be back with a few yammers of my own.
I am finally starting to workout and new to your blog.
What do you mean by made in the kitchen?
I like doing crunches, but I am ALL ABOUT the planks too. Especially the ones where you raise the opposite arm and leg and hold it that way (feel the burn!). And the side planks are great as well.
Thanks for this tutorial, you’ve made really good points! We can all do crunches until the cows come home, but if we’re not eating clean and doing cardio, our stomachs aren’t going to look vastly different (they’ll still be good and strong, though ;)).
dashing past computer but PRECISELY SAGAN!!
still totally 100% worth doing the planks and the crunches even if youve not yet commenced the great Cardio Kickoff of 2009 or cleaned up your eating plan.
The core needs to be strong and TRULY whether one rocks a sixpack or not is beyond secondary.
Uh, okay, if you insist.
I’ll start doing some crunches.
Thanks for the tutorial!
This is such a helpful video. I’m always forgetting the importance of breathing properly. Thanks for the reminder.
I am a plank fan myself. I started with crunches 18 months ago or so, but once I found planks, the crunches were out the door. I still need to try Sagan’s leg/arm lifting planks though.
You are right though, six pack abs begin in the kitchen. My abs are rock solid right now – I can feel them and the curvature of the muscles, but they are still hidden by a layer of fat.
I do a variety of ab. exercises. Crunches, v-ups, hanging leg lifts, etc. I never tried to bring out my ab. muscles, just kept working out and eating good, and one day, there they were π
They STILL have the kids do sit-up competitions for that darn “presidential patch.” The kids are instructed to have the hands behind the neck and then to go as fast as they can. They are pulling on their heads and lifting tushies off the ground. Even with all this knowledge today, they still do it. Grrr.
(I did really great as a kid…except I injured myself while doing it. Physical therapist taught me a better way…your way…early on. I had to get a PERMISSION SLIP from mom telling the school I will no longer be doing it their way).
I feel as though I have plateaued with planks.
Could that be?
At first I saw lots of changes and I don’t now. I may add these in for variety.
I agree that nutrition plays a big role. I’m weird, though. Abs work is the highlight of my workout. I love the plank and doing reverse crunches. If only I were so enthusiastic about cardio. Ugh.
I’m a fan of the crunches. Planks are harder for me because there’s no movement to distract me from how long I’ve been there (the alternating arm/leg combo notwithstanding). π
Pilates is my favorite for really building the muscles and alleviating back pain, though. It develops both the upper and lower ab muscles along with the back muscles. All the sit-ups and crunches in the world didn’t alleviate my back pain (which I’d had for several years), but the Pilates knocked it out in about a month.
Hmm…I’ve always thought it was a random genetic toss, simply because s ince I’ve lost weight as long as I keep up with bellydance and regular workouts I have very cut abs…and honestly, I really don’t do much to get them. I feel bad when people ask me what I do, because I don’t really “do” anything other than bellydance. I’m more concerned about strengthening my back and shoulders honestly.
Heh…Now if only I could do the same for my butt…:)
Great point about the “looks” aspect being much more about body fat than the underlying muscles. I get so tired of the fitness magazines that know better promising that if you do their particular exercises you can spot reduce and suddenly have a 6 pack. Just doesn’t work that way!
I entirely agree. Pilates, planks, BOSU, Firm Wave π on and on and on….
In my experience one CAN plateau with any exercise and *shaking things up* every 4-6 weeks is so important.
I do need to stick with a routine long enough to see if it works…so I tend to the 6wks end of the spectrum.
Im JEALOUS. Seriously.
By made in the kitchen I merely mean that VISUALLY (the ripped 6pack abs look) unless you are genetically gifted the abs are created by what you place in your mouth π
your eating habits.
You are so stinkin cute.
I’m sentimental almost about crunches…they were one of my first exercises as part of my workouts. So, I still do them. I like bicycle crunches b/c they do a good job on the thighs, too.
But, oh, the back. Not comfy.
Planks are my lovers on the side, so to speak. Easier on the back, and they’re flexible in the sense that you can do more complicated moves as endurance builds. Like walking planks and push outs. OMG. Those are murderous.
I have a question: how is your kitchen floor so clean? Do you eat out every meal? Kid not allowed in there? No dogs?
If I showed you a video of my kitchen floor right now, you’d run out of the room screaming…
I do not do crunches any more. Not since I read that Dr. McGill (the head honcho in back health and exercise) warned that crunches do more damage to the spine than aid in strengthening abs.
I do planks, hanging leg lifts, vups. I engage my core while lifting heavy, cable work. but I do not do crunches anymore.
hence the DIZclaimer at the top of my home page!
I crunch.
I find when done with the form I demonstrated they work NOT to hurt my back but to form muscular protection.
That said, I also do planks–but the hanging leg lifts and v-ups cause me PAIN in low back.
we’re all so different.
proceed at yer own careful pace
5 a day…I think I can handle that! My lower back sure does need something…makes me feel like I have 1 foot in the grave some days and I’m only 36!
Thanks for the video Miz!
You’ve inspired me to wash my kitchen floors today as well!!
I learned nothing from this video except the fact that you live a far more cleanly life than I do (is that a word? cleanly?).
I must now watch again and focus on you and not your kitchen π
I’m a plank girl! Visible abs are not in my future (without surgery), so for me it’s about what makes me *feel* stronger. Planks are IT!
I watched the video again and then found this!
You are planking π
After seeing your abs the other day, I will do, eat or smoke (kidding on the last one!) whatever you tell me will get me to look like you! These days as I’m still rocking the diastasis I’m focusing mainly on the Tupler abs and trying not to be concerned that every time I suck in I pee a little:)
I tell myself my running counts as ab work. I’m not at all consistent with doing crunches/planks, but I feel bad if I don’t get my cardio in.
Thank you for the demo – esp. the breathing technique!
Agreed about the importance of diet in showcasing whatever abs you have. If I flex out in the right light I can see the shadows of my ab muscles but they are still too padded to be seen in normal conditions.
Also agree that functional training of all sorts: Pilates, Pilates Reformer, Yoga, TRX suspension training, kettlebells — are all better than plain old crunches. But we do crunches in one of my fitness classes, and I do the above and the crunches still feel like they are working me. So there’s nothing wrong with the basics.
I tend to rely on my BOSU for core work but still do crunches at night while I watch TV π
Thanks for the video – I need to work on my abs more than anything else.
Great points as always! I have definitely seen an improvement in my abs since I have cleaned up my eating…
At this point in my life, I like to work my core mainly to prevent low back pain (which I had quite a bit of when I didn’t work my core as much). Great point to always watch your form. So true for all exercises…
I do crunches. I do plank. I have no 6 pack abs. I don’t think age and gravity are on my side in this. I keep at it though. One of these days I might be surprised that all remaining flab has fled. One day … I dream. π
We were on the same page today! Crunches!!! I do so many different ones with & without weights, stability ball & not, BOSU & not, planks of all varieties, obliques, ones that target the lower tummy more… sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many! I commented to a question from SB Steve about this & how I have an arsenal of ones I choose from…. I like to mix it up BUT I always keep the planks in there.
Hi Miz!
I remember you talking about your 6 mini meals which I put into practice…but my middle is still in need of “whittling” and that is what I am doing!
I AM doing planks and love it but some days I feel it more in my I think I am seriously needing to watch my form.
I don’t care if I have “packs” just not “smoosh”!
working on it!
You look so awesome doing those! Now I’m getting all motivated. 5 a day, hm?
My big problem is I spend hardly any time in the kitchen doing stuff, so I don’t get to do kitchen exercises. And I’m not sure there’s room for me to lie down on the floor…
You make some good points!
love those shoes π
Okay, you got me down on the floor! I haven’t done these in ages… Learned proper form and breathing in Pilates, so I really have no excuse.
I love your floors!
crunches or sit-ups. ? . I dunno. I know I should do them, do I, no. But – you make it look so easy, so I will push myself to add them. 5 a day can’t hurt, can it?!
BUT…I noticed you didn’t do a full sit UP. You just did a crunch. Those are better? My trainer always has me do a crunch too, and mixes it up like you recommended but just wondering what happened to the sit-up!
I just recently started taking dance classes again — Jazz Dance at the local community college. Let me tell you, it’s kicked my ass into better shape so quickly it’s crazy! And my abs (including the sides and back muscles) are getting very strong– and not a single crunch in sight. In fact, not much real focus on exercising the abs, we just end up using the core a lot to do the warmup and dance moves. I also recently changed up my diet due to health issues and that’s made a big difference as well….
I’m not big on doing exercise for exercise sake– I can do it for a while, but I get bored, so doing something I really like that “happens” to work out my body is what works for me!!
Thanks for the demo and the reminder! I need to do these more regularly!