Yesterday was cold and rainy in the ATX.
Im not complaining. Given our lack of rain the past year it was a welcome change and the perfect day to not exit the domicile and get lot of work finished.
Mid-day the doorbell rang (and rang and rang) and it was the UPS man.
I figured he needed me to sign for a package, but when I opened the door he said sheepishly:
No signature for this one. Im just curious what’s inside. All day it has been saying (insert words from video snippet below) and it made me laugh. What is it?!
Given the close relationship he and I have (one to which all other bloggers can relate Im sure) I invited him into the kitchen and ripped into the box.
Inside was a product promotion and this:
A random button (with an on & off switch thank goodness) which each time you press bestows upon you some Sweet Talking Ken-like words.**
I tried to convince the UPS man to keep it (he admitted it had made him smile throughout his day) but he refused.
The Tornado, however, was happy to appropriate it as her own.
She ambled around Austin all afternoon button-pressing and announcing to friends & strangers alike:
Hold on. I have a compliment for you!
It made me smile.
It made her giggle.
It caused more than a few weather-grumpy folks to reluctantly let out a laugh.
She’s already up and at it (if by ‘it’ you mean running around pressing the WOW button which I do) and we’re heading out for breakfast.
Look for us Austin.
We’re coming.
We’re bearing four second compliments.
And we’re looking for you!
**I never did figure out how this linked in with the product promo. anyone else receive this ‘treat?’
I wish I had this!!
Have a great day.
I. Need. This. Or, maybe like 125 of them for friends, clients, class participants… Very cool.
I. Want.
Christmas present for me? 😉
I’m going to be pressing this post all day 😉
Is it a secret what the product was?
Can we change it to WOW you run amazing?
I wish you would come to the Tampa area of FL and walk around with the Tornado and press this button at all of these people with their “Christmas Spirit” hanging out. The holidays here bring out the worst in people.
If you find a place where I can buy one of these, please let me know. I would love to buy an entire case full and randomly place them in people’s mailboxes! It’s a RAOK toy! ?
oooh I’m totally going to look! I used to walk around Chapel Hill with a bag of YOU ARE LOVED pins and hand em out like it was Halloween 😉
That would be awesome. I am going to try to find a way to make cheap and simple “You are Beautiful” buttons to pass out.
We got it, too. And the kid LOVES the wow button! 🙂
Yes..I got the button and it gave me ideas too! Reminded me of Operation Beautiful! It is placed in my purse and YES! I will be hitting the button often! Me and little princess have a girl scout function collecting warm coats and food for the community today…the button will be right with us!
and it fits into the promo perfectly….using the product will make us Look Amazing thinking!
What a great button! I’m going a-Googling for one. Know quite a few women who could use one of these in their Xmas stocking…
Thanks for sharing!
Let me know if you find them to purchase!!!
HA – this made me smile. Love it!
I want to press this all day too.
I got one!!!
I LOVE LOVE what Tornado wanted to do & did do with it & made the day of so many people. Me, just listening to it made me smile so I can orly imagine getting it in real life! I am sure more people got smiles today from Tornado!
Hmmm, wonder if I can turn that into a ring tone? 🙂
Have a PRETTY day!
Adorable, love it!
I’d love to buy a bag of these 🙂
I love that! It made me smile. 😉
This is great! We definitely need more compliments in the world. If a little gadget can make it easier, more power to it. Someone should make an app for that… someone probably already has…