We all I remember this photo because it captures the first real make-up application I’d ever had:
The final flat-ironed product turned out like this:
Amazingly it all came together to produce this (please to note the hand. can you tell I LONG to launch into the Elaine Benis Thumb Dance?):
You may or may not have ever seen this:
The Tornado, while she possesses a streak of tomboy, LOVES her some make-up application and dress up time:
Today those two worlds shall collide for her.
And while I’ve told her—-I dont think she has any concept of what’s coming.
Fila & a film crew flew here last night and will descend (along with hair, make-up, & myriad outfit changes) on our house** around 8am.
We’ll be filming Fila Fitness minutes.
Im playing Spokesmom with appearances by the Tornado as spokeskid.
I *think* this consists of doing various & sundry PLAYouts, talking about staying healthy WITH your children, & am hoping any dancing will be of the PARTY variety in our kitchen.
Oh, andΒ the Tornado has repeatedly informed Ren Man & me she plans to teach us to break-dance.Β Apparently on the kinder playground they kick it like it’s 1984.
So there is that.
Β I’ll be back.
With stories Im certain…
**Yes. The surprise of the coming-to-my-unkempt-house thing could have been frazzling had I allowed it to be. I chose to simply shove my head in the
dirty, stained couch pillowssand & not think about it.Β Β Β
I like the pics!!
Have fun!!!
Yesss sounds like a blast π Can’t wait to hear how it goes and see videos!
Can’t wait to hear and see more- Tornado will be blown away π
I have to do 18 today.
You may be finished by the time I am back!!!
LOL at the Elaine reference.
I’d never seen these before.
Have a fun day and yes with stories!!
You look gorgeous!!! So much fun!
How exciting! Have fun with it!
How fun! Hope it is a great day!
have SO much fun! I’m so excited for both of you!
How exciting. Looking forward to stories.
Have fun and points for the no stress about my mess stance. Works for me all the time.
I’m so excited for you Mizzy!
Ahhh! Enjoy!
…and I remember when you were just a crazy lady in your kitchen! Now you’re a crazy lady with a national platform! Kick it, you tattooed Geek!
SO SO SO SO VERY EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I can’t wait to hear & see more & glad they understand all you have to offer – AND Tornado too!!!
Carla, that pic of Tornado with RenMan -hole cow she has grown up in so little time!
again major congrats on such a fun thing!! enjoy the limelight
Great pics Carla, girl you’ve got some great arms.
Have fun today.
Have so much fun!!
have a great time!!!
how fun! good luck!
People, you’re missing the most important part of this post: She uses the word “myriad” properly.
I love you for that!
I am so stinking excited for you!!! have SO MUCH FUN!!
What a great memory for you and Tornado……and it will all be captured on tape for you to show at her wedding π
You deserve this so much. Enjoy! I can’t wait to hear more. And to see the finished product!
Love the pictures! Have lots of fun!
Love the pics! And especially the arms! You look ah-maz-ing!
Can’t wait to see it!!
Sounds like so much fun and the pictures came out beautifully! π
Oh this is gonna be fun!!!
stunning, and i don’t just mean your looks. Can’t wait for the breakdance video, pleeeeease. π
Woo Hoo!!!! Can’t wait to hear/read more!!!! Love the pics too! Have a great time.
The Tornado in pink, hugging Daddy’s neck… priceless!
I’m smiling ear to ear, can’t wait to hear all about it π You guys are just the cutest π
I can’t wait for the stories. Enjoy!
Good luck! Can’t wait to hear about it. My daughter is a tomboy too, but she does love makeup and nail polish!
What fun!
Those photos are GORGEOUS. Can’t wait to see what comes next! Hope it’s fun for you all!
soooo excited for you!!!!
When do we get to see the photos? Can’t wait!
Can’t wait to see the photos!!
Don’t forget to sign the sticky hand paychecks!
Oh, and hubbs saw your photo of “strong arms in supercape” and his reaction was “HOTDAMN! I would not wanna fight that tiny Jewish lady. She’d kill me.” Hubbs is 6’1″ and 330+ lbs, btw. It made me giggle and reaffirmed my evolved “Steal MizFit’s arms” plan. (previously known as the Steal the Pope’s pointy hat plan)
yay! this is extra awesome. Can’t wait to see/hear more about how it went. weeee!!!!
So awesome! Can’t wait to hear about it all and see pics. I can’t even imagine the level fo excitement that was in your house today.
Um, so what happened to the pics of your husband in full make-up? And yes, I did like the hand position in the photo.
DANG!!! Check out those GUNS!!!!!!