Oh people.
Im winding my way away from reviews/giveaways & lolloping lovingly toward more plain ole MizFit musings.
Writing what’s in my heart without thought to did I promote XYZ well enough? will they be happy with my post?.
All that disclaimer to say:
I wanted me a fitness trampampoline. A lot. I sought this sucker out. I was very curious if it would be something the Tornado & I would enjoy during the raging heat of the Texas summers or if it would gather dust in the corner.
Please to enjoy our reactions to the JumpSport Fitness Trampoline model 350f.
What did we love about it?
- Easy assembly. Im the woman who will beg to pay extra so she can buy the floor model of a recumbent bike. I long not to have to assemble a thing. It’s part lacking in the assemblage gene & part fearing Ill assemble incorrectly & end up injured as a result. The trampoline went together easily & I had no moments of panic over whether Id done it properly (or extra pieces!).
- It was sturdy. This thing is not cheap (it retails for 360.00), but I’ve purchased many ‘not cheap’ fitness items which turn out to be very flimsy. The specifications state it can be used by individuals up to 250 pounds and it feels like it, too. I’d also semi-anticipated the Tornado might break it after her first jumping session (she be overzealous that way) and she didnt even make a dent.
- It’s a great workout. I named this blog MizFit only because MiredInAFitnessRutofEnormousProportions.com felt too long. Suffice it to say I was coresore coresore the next day and obviously need this change in my routine.
- It’s fun for the whole family. And friends. The DVD was “fine” (we skimmed through it for ideas) but we had more fun taking turns and issuing challenges. This free form trampolining (jumping jacks, wide jumps, close jumps, running on the trampoline etc) was more fun for the Tornado & her friend *AND* worked the
hell out of my UNACCUSTOMED to this kind of exercisebod quite well.
What did we not love?
- Nothing. The trampoline is precisely as described: sturdy, silent, stress-reducing and a convenient core & cardio workout. The accompanying DVD is a dated looking, but the moves are easily learned so we wouldnt have used it much regardless.
- It is a little pricey–but you get what you pay for. Of course I wish I were the Oprah of JumpSport trampolines (You get a trampoline! And YOU get a trampoline!) but Im not. In many instances with regards to fitness equipment pricey is a negative. When I am jumping up and down on something repeatedly Id prefer to pay more and know I am safe.
I wanna add here I really try and never take items for review if I cant get one to giveaway.
I took this one. I loved this one. I’d spend my hard-earned money on this one and I can redefine the word stingy frugal at times.
Bottom line:
I’ll use this. The Tornado will use this. In the heat of the summer we probably watch far too many mid-day movies around here and I *love* the fact she’s now begs to JUMPY! if the TV is turned on.
And you? Have you, too, been curious about the indoor rebounders for us adult-types?
Have you tried them? Got any tips for meto avoid constantly needing to peewith regards to exercise & safety?
FTC the trampoline was free. The awkward leaping videos (here and here) & unabashed love is all my own.
I’m jealous!!!
Cool! You will be glad to have that. We’ve had a Bosu in our family room for YEARS and one of my boys is always on it. Their friends always enjoy it too, and the thing is, it’s cheap, bouncy, two-sided, and indestructible!
I’ve wanted one since Fitbloggin, too!
That is pricey, but you make a good point about not wanting a 19.99 trampoline LOL
Does the tattooed leg come with the trampoline?
I feel your pain about the summer. Houston’s summers are worse than yours!
I want one 🙂
There’s no way out of the needing to pee thing.
After watching your two video clips (cute by the way) I saw links to actual rebound classes! That looks cool, but I’d be afraid that mine would sink right to the ground, or my bouncing boobage would knock my neighbor(s) off their rebounder and maybe start a domino effect through the class! 🙂 Yeah, I think bouncing around at home would be best!
brace yourself for summer… it’s gonna be brutal. Can i come bounce?
I’ve never tried one! That said, you make me wanna bounce.
Miz, I actually have one – although it’s a cheaper model (though capable of taking 130kg, so a similar weight limit I guess). I bought mine a few years ago when I was quite unfit and getting shin splints and had great plans to job on the rebounder… I did use it for a while, but it’s now in the garage gathering dust.
I like that yours folds up easily. Mine’s harder to store, but I’ve recently been contemplating the idea of getting it out and putting it in my spare room and you may just have motivated me to do that this weekend.
I tend to just run (fast/slow) and do little skipping-type bounces in time to music. Am sure there are other things I could / should do, but that was enough for me at the time!
Trampoline was one of my favorite things to do at summer camp! I agree that a cheap model is not worth the risk. That *magazine* I got a few weeks ago had some *devices* that would help you do better kegels …. 😉
MiredInAFitnessRutofEnormousProportions.com – absolutely hilarious
This makes a lot of sense… I think I’d try this. I’ve had the cheapies before… usually picked up at a garage sale at $5, but found that even if the kids stood on them they were hitting the floor. This one looks tight and sturdy, and being able to take up to 250 lbs seems a lot more sane than the flimsy, earlier versions. Of course $360 is outside my price range in my situation, but I’m wondering if this would be a great way to get in some joint friendly cardio, something I’m increasingly worried about as both Cay and I progress in our Lupus.
You don’t suppose they’d be interested in another reviewer?
I would LOVE this, too Carla. Very fun.
You know I can’t get the Tigger song out of my head now 🙂
The most wonderful thing about Tiggers…
Cool! That’ll be great for rainy day play-outs. 🙂
I like the idea because jumping jacks or jumping rope are really hard on my back. But I’ve yet to find a bra that is restricting enough to prevent bouncing and that hurts!
I have a hard time taking something when I can’t get one for a giveaway, too, but sometimes? You just REALLY want it and I get that!
So this jumping. I’ve not jumped since ye olde ankle injury, and I’m gun-shy. Do you feel like it pounds on your joints – specifically the ankles – harder/worse than running? Curious minds…
SO SO SO SO VERY joint **gentle!!**
Good to know – thanks!
jealous & love it!
So tempted to order one right now! I used to be the queen of ordering interesting looking fitness equipment off of infomercials at 3:00 a.m. Nice to have one reviewed by someone I trust. 🙂
Tornado-proof. They could possibly make use of that.
We had a cheap mini trampoline once. It worked for a while, but didn’t hold up long term. This one looks like it will.
I so agree with your assessment of being safe, especially with a piece of equipment like that! Yes, $$ is a biggie & I am no Oprah either! 😉
Great for people with joint issues too! 🙂
How about a video of you & Tornado doing the jump! 😀
I want a trampoline so badly! Both a large one outside now that I have a yard, but more so something smaller for when I’m watching TV or just feeling the need to get off my butt between reading and writing lol. This one looks awesome even though at the moment it is much too out of my price range. Which is why I don’t have one! Saving until I can do it right.
It took everything in me not to buy a group coupon for a trampoline recently. I’m a clutter bug and feared that I have been collecting too many fitness toys but I wish that I had hit the “buy” button.
Have fun with your trampo…
Ha ha. yes I am jealous too! I’ve always been curious about those adult trampolines. Fun stuff! My boys and I want to come hang out with you and the tornado so bad! 🙂
I have one (although not that brand) and it’s great for jumping and watching TV. I don’t have a “routine” but I vary my jumps/runs/etc. Great tool!
I’ve actually been very curious about rebounders. Looks like so much fun! And it would be a GREAT way to get some energy out of the kid… 🙂
I want one!! Think I could get my dog Cooper to use it?! okay, reaching, but I sure would (and my hubby might even watch me do it) wah-wah!
We had one when the kids were little. They would bounce on it for hours! I had to get rid of it because our basement ceilings are low and I was worried about a head getting banged LOL.
Oh, that looks like so much fun! Easy on the joints and all that bouncing is great from the lymphatic system too.
I absolutely love rebounding! I have had my mini trampoline for over 5 years and it’s high time a new one makes it into our home gym. This one looks nice and sturdy, I love that. The one I have was from Sports Authority and it’s held up nicely but the one you have looks a lot more sturdy.
Rebounding is such a great workout and I would highly recommend it.
I had a mini trampoline for years. When we moved to the wee house I had to let it go but I loved it… My knees were so much stronger
Be careful not to end up like Joba Chamberlain of the Yankees! Seriously, it can be a fun way to get in an extra workout, but do it safely..
That sounds like so much fun!
I WANT!!! Supposed to be excellent for the lymphatic system, too!!!
I used to have one but I out it outside and it rusted, you make me want a new one!!!
One of my trips to the spa I took a rebounder class. It was great fun but I thought I’d pee in my pants the whole time!
I’ve wanted one for a really long time and thought I’d get one for $30 bucks or so, but, now you have me thinking differently, for sure! This one looks awesome! And yeah – I have aches and pains enough without falling on a flimsy one!
I’ve read a lot of good things about the JumpSport trampolines. I’ve actually heard a lot of good things regarding health and trampolines lately. We definitely need to get one and we need one our children can jump on and enjoy too.