Ahhh People. Ive yammered at length about how Im just not a runner.
Ive done it. Im not good at it. I get more of a runners GOOD BYE than a runners HIGH.
Im a lover not a fighter. Im a walker not a runner.
It fits my self-definition: soft of core, (at times) owied of back & living life in the slow lane.
As a result Im all over the 60-Day SPLASH IT ON, STEP IT UP challenge thrown down by NAKANO.
- I love it focuses on walking (more info. here) which is something we can ALL DO no matter where we are in our healthy living journey.
- I love it focuses on increasing activity & eating more veggies (seriously. who CANT get behind that?!).
- I love it starts today and goes through the end of the summer. (most of us move more in the summer. we, texans, can sometimes need an extra PUSH to get outside in the heat.)
Whats that?
You’re not sure you’re interested?
You need a misfit to kick you in the arse to get you moving more motivation to jump in, git your walk on, & potentially win fantastic prizes?
Please to enjoy:
- Walking for as little as 30 minutes a day can reduce your risk of heart disease.
- Walking can improve blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
- Walking & talking is a great time killer when you have a long hot summer with an energy FILLED six year old ahead (ok this one may only be me.)
- Walking can improve your entire blood lipid profile.
- Walking can reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer.
- Walking, even briefly, can weaken chocolate cravings.**
- Walking can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
- Walking, if you’re able to amble alone, can be almost meditative.
- Walking, in its throw-door-open-and-go simplicity, has the lowest dropout rates of any physical activity.
In addition, according to Dr. Oz, if you cant walk 1/4 of a mile in 5 minutes the chance you’ll be dead in 3 years is 3 times higher than if you could.
(Ill let that sink it. It kina freaked me out, too.)
You in for the NAKANO Challenge?
Ready to climb back on the fitness wagon via stepping out your front door?
Here are a few final tips to get you started:
- Wear good walking shoes/comfy clothing: This seems like a no brainer, yet it bears repeating. Shoes which are fantastic for yoga or weight training often ARENT good choices for walking (hello, personal experience!). Wear clothes which are breathable, comfortable & protect you from the elements.
- Start slowly: Another which should be obvious—yet bears repeating. Slowly refers to both pace & length of time. We wanna do this for the long haul. Our goal is NOT to get so sore the first few days out we need a hiatus after a week. Set yourself up for success by starting slow.
- Stretch: To stretch or not to stretch? This is a hotly debated topic. I always choose a light gentle pre-walk stretching routine. Warm up FIRST so your muscles are warm & pliable. This warm up can be as easy as walking up & down stairs at home or you can amble outside for a bit and then stop & take the time to stretch. (Here are some basic walking stretches to get you started.)
- Cool down after each walking session: To reduce stress on your heart & muscles end each walking session with a cool down. Walk slowly for about five minutes at the end of your walking workout. After the cool down, if you have time, it’s fantastic to repeat your stretches.
seriously thats it.
the post is over.
Im off.
Im walking.
**MizFit note: Researchers in the UK found a short walk weakened chocolate cravings. Cravings dropped by 12 percent (over participants who remained idle) after a 15 minute walk.
This post is sponsored by the fabulous, GLUTEN FREE, NAKANO rice vinegars. The overzealous endorsement of WALKING is all my own.
Love that you’re promoting walking Miz. I get a bit frustrated when some trainers or fitness types tell you walking is a waste of time. I’ve been super-unfit at times, so that even walking has proved difficult (shin splints etc).
But – you’re moving. You’re burning calories. So that has to be a good thing!
I am a walker 🙂
I had this talk with my 16 year old over the weekend.
Just move more and walk.
Walking is so important and is often not brought up. Thank you for this! I often times don’t make time for walking, but it is quite important.
Hmmm Mizzy.
You may even have me convinced to slow for a day or 3.
Hope you had a great weekend.
Still think you have a little runner in there somewhere! 🙂 This is a great challenge!!! Comes at a good time for me since my running is starting to look more like walking!
I love a good walk! Speaking of which, I’m going to walk right now. p.s. I get more of a runners GOOD BYE than a runners HIGH. <—- I chuckled out loud while reading this 🙂
I don’t need convincing about the benefits of walking, but wow, did not know all that! This post could be just the nudge a lot of people need to get going, and hey, PRIZES sure don’t hurt.
And hey, many thanks for being the FIRST commenter at the new blog!
I love the way you write, Miz.
Could that be the hook? 🙂
You could not have paid me to walk back in my heavier days, but I wish I could have told the old me how good walking makes you feel. Well, that and wearing the right shoes and sweat-wicking clothes. Makes for a much more pleasant and enjoyable(!!!) experience.
If I strated I might get into that low dropout rate group.
Started LOL
I must say that it’s VERY comforting to know another fit enthusiast who can’t really get into running. I’m going to try, but I’ve got to change my mind about it!
Agree . The benefits of walking are undeniable. EVERYONE should aim to do more walking. I’m in!
Well, I’ll never slow down enough to walk, but I love the concept of this challenge. Such an easy way to get outside and get healthy. I hope you get a ton of participants!
and I may not speed up enough to run. Let’s WAVE as we pass each other!!
Love to see a company doing a challenge like this! I will go check it out on Facebook for sure. I may have to pop in one of my walking DVDs though….it’s already 105 degrees here.
I am jumping back on the walking bandwagon. I have been out of the workout loop for over a month and I can’t seem to make myself go to the gym to elliptical or lift weights. I don’t know what is wrong with me but I just dont want to do it. I went for a long walk this morning with my dog and we both needed it!! I can’t believe how stiff my leg (the one I had the surgery on in november) was when I woke up this morning and how unaccustomed to walking it had become. This is a good challenge – and one my body is screaming at me to join. Thanks Miz, sometimes it is hard to see how awesome walking is when all you see online is runners and crossfitters.
ok, I am interested in the challenge, but since I no longer am on facebook I will just do it on my own…no prizes needed.
And moooooving is what matters too.
We can bring it to twitter! 🙂
Three cheers for something I can actually do.
My knees are too bad for running.
I walk! I always hit 5 miles a day I aim for 10… If I’m getting only a few things at the grocery I grab my backpack and I walk (3.5 miles round trip), if I’m going to the post office I walk (5.6 miles round trip) I walk to the gym (1.35 miles) you get the point… I was a runner, then I shattered my foot and couldn’t run but after 6 weeks I got a walking boot (to wear for the next 13 weeks) and I started walking. For me the difference is running was my workout, walking is my method of transport and also a way to have time with my husband and talk about our days (we walk at night when he gets home from work) so now my workouts? Well I’m working on hitting 5 minutes of plank – currently I’m at 2 minutes 20 seconds. I do push ups. I do situps. I LOVE yoga 3 classes a week, and I take spinning and body infusion! This was my long winded way of saying I am in!!!
Not a runner. Back and knee wont’ allow it. Love to walk. Walk to the gym and back most days. Walk in the evening with Hubbing. “A walk and A Talk” amazing theraputic qualities for a relationship – truly. I may join for the fun of it all.
and a walking book group? or movie discussion group?
take my misfitword for it 🙂
I’ve especially been enjoying walks since I’m pregnant. Although I’m still running I appreciate getting out there and just moving over every workout having to be an intense sweat! Walking it def under rated! Great post and I’ll be joining you!
I’m both a runner and a walker. I run in the mornings but try to walk at least 30 minutes every day after dinner with Bella. Especially after a day at the office, being outside and walk is so relaxing
First thing I bought when I got back from vacation is a good raincoat so I won’t have no excuses not to go out when it’s raining 🙂
This is why I’m not afraid of walking a little when I’m out for a run. It’s like they say, it doesn’t matter if you’ve done a 14min mile or a 7min mile. A mile is a mile. Moving is moving. I think this is a great challenge to promote!!
PS: YIKES on the 3-year deal. There are probably more people out there that can’t walk 1/4 mile in 5 minutes than we think.
Sounds great!! I’ll be getting that walking in these next few days with my hiking in the smoky mountains :). And I’m not sure anything could conquer my chocolate cravings haha
I know. Dr Oz may be controversial these days but his information when it comes to STATS always gives me a pause…in a BETTER STAY HEALTHY way.
I am all in!! =)
I’m so in. My job involves standing/walking for five hours, plus I usually go for an hour walk in the morning before I do my strength exercises.
Walking is really cathartic for me. It’s time for me to relax, relieve myself of stress and get ready for the day ahead.
Although I am in the process of training for a 10k race, I much prefer walking as opposed to running.
And walking reduces chocolate cravings? I’m all for it.
I already “move” quite a bit, 😉 so I am all over this one and LOVE all the stats so you can hopefully get more people to realize how easy it is to get healthier! 🙂
I lost a large amount a weight using walking as my only mode of exercise. I walked long and fast, but it was still “just walking”. I have since added running and weight training to my regular workout regime. But walking will always be my first (exercise) love. 🙂
I did, too.
People underestimate walking and it’s power to help us lose and maintain.
Count me in…I’ve got a plank/pushup/squat challenge for my readers going on and am challenging myself to like running (which I’m S L O W L Y doing) but I’m all for some walking, walking walking!
if I walk while eating chocolate, does it negate it’s chocolate craving decreasing benefits?
Never underestimate the power of walking! Thanks for taking the time to remind everyone 🙂 Everyone is capable of walking so there’s no excuse not to join in!
I recently started walking (okay, that sounds wrong) after doing NO cardio since early December. I am trying to go very gradually and be patient. After a week (I think) I am up to 45 minutes. Woo hoo!!! Now I need to get back on to my bike:)
the *crickets* reference at the end of this just made me think of your cricket tweet from this wkend!!
in my recovery from an ED, i’ve had to learn that walking “counts” as exercise. and it certainly does – i went to DC on a 5-day trip last year and didn’t step foot in a gym. nope, just walked til my feet felt like they were about to fall off, and it was glorious. i felt great and really became even more determined to live in a walk-able area when i find a place i want to move to and “settle” in.
I love NAKANO on my salads, Miz!
I do my major walking on the weekends (training for the Komen 3 Day) but adding in 30 minutes a day during the week would be a great way for me to get outside to get my dr prescribed 30 minutes of sun a day too! Gonna have to get up early or go late though… Too hot!!
My little guy and I try to go on at least one walk a day. There is an awesome walking trail 1/4 mile from our house. Most days I drive there (b/c I am always worried that I’ll have to get home with him if I started having belly cramps or something) and then we enjoy a 30-45 min walk along the trail (and by walk I mean, we walk for 2 min, stop, sit, play with dirt and repeat!)
Love this whole concept. And that stat from Dr. Oz is terrifying.
I have come to adore my walks and live in such a perfect area for it! I used to think walking wasn’t “enough” but it really and truly is. That said, I am also doing kettlebells three times a week because I adore that, as well. 🙂
Walking is definitely my meditation time.
Love it! I am a runner but I also love me some walking. My pups love walking even more which helps keep me motivated! As a side note: I should have told you sooner but I totally took inspiration from you and have started strength training. Wholly cow. I had no idea what I was in for. I feel challenged, still a little scared, empowered and excited all at the same time. I’m just starting but I’m building steam! So, thank you for the inspiration.
I like walking a lot. Unfortunately, the kid is at a stage right now that makes it hard to walk with him (we do our fair share of playing & running at the playground however.) I used to love going on long walks when the kid was a baby and toddler and liked his stroller. I walked 3-4 miles pretty much every day. I went on a short (3 mile) hike with him the other day, and it was a bit exhausting as I felt I had to constantly motivate/distract him. We also stopped A LOT. And yes, I do realize that exploring nature is part of the fun of hiking… 🙂
Just this morning he actually said that he wanted to go hiking again. We are going on vacation in a few weeks, and I know our only form of exercise will be walking. We’ll see how it’ll go…
I’ve had a slew of doc’s appointments recently (hated it). Ya know how they do your vitals with the pressure cuff? I noticed that my blood pressure was always lowest on the days I worked out before hitting the doc’s office. Interesting observation.
I love walking! I walk almost every single day from where I park my car to the office (almost 2 miles). It’s a nice way to wake up in the morning and I arrive at work energized and happy.
I walk a lot because I have a high energy dog. It’s a nice “excuse” and one that cannot be ignored!
Got my walking going again. I hope walking reduces craving of more than just chocolate. A wal that specifically reduces ice cream craving would sure be a plus.
I’m walking in Memphis (mostly because of that song than this post, but I’ll give you a little credit…)
Miz, I am loving all of this information on walking. I think a lot of people have a misconception that walking is just walking, but it’s actually good for your health! I also love that you embrace the fact that you don’t like running. You just find other exercises that you enjoy more. bam.
1. that stat about 1/4 quarter walking scares me. 2. I will have to start walking more and not walking toward the M&Ms
I am also a walker at a fast pace for 3 miles at least 6 days a week and I love it. I walk outside and enjoy the sounds of nature and fresh air, getting my daily vit D and enjoy a huge boost in my mood from walking.
Thanks for giving walking it’s much deserved attention as a good work out for those of us who can’t be runners!
Hmm, I coud use some walking added to my life. I’ll have to check out the rules – since I’m going off the grid for a week…
Yes! Even though I love running–my parents set the tone with daily walks with our dogs and they are fit, looking years younger than their peers as a result! just #MOVE right!!
slightly off topic but lately I’ve been repeating to myself “soft of core” when I get stressed out. You’ve kind of become my new mantra:)
Walking is still my favorite go-to exercise, as much for the mental benefits as the physical. I can solve every single problem in the universe while I am walking. (This leads me to think we should have a bunch of treadmills installed at the U.N.)
Now I’m off to click on this naka-can’t-pronounce-it link to see what all the fuss is about!
Living in NYC, walking IS my mode of transportation. My neighbors think my husband and I are crazy sometimes because we will literally walk all over the city. We try to instill the same in our boys tho’ the much prefer to scoot 🙂
**MizFit note: Researchers in the UK found a short walk weakened chocolate cravings. Cravings dropped by 12 percent (over participants who remained idle) after a 15 minute walk.
girl…. that was all ya had to say!!! anything to weaken a chocolate craving and I.AM.IN!!!
I do walk 6 out of seven days… tee hee 😛
oh, I accidently deleted your comment this morning.. sorry
So many people nix walking as exercise because they don’t feel like it’s working out <-I used to be one of those people. but walking is REALLY good for you, and you just gave some awesome reasons why! I actually shared part of this post in a barre n9ne 60 day challenge facebook group page that I am part of as a former challenger and now instructor/mentor to the other challengers because I think you bring up such great points (and we urge 10K steps a day as a minimum as part of the challenge!). Great post! And love that you aren't a runner. Honestly, it is refreshing. As much as I love to run, I don't race and so many DO and love it…but it's just not me. Sort of similarly to you!
My husband and I will definitely be joining you. He is 6 weeks post op from a major abdominal hernia rebuild as of TODAY! And we are super excited at how great he is going to look and feel just as soon as he can start firming up again. Yay for walking!!!
I am in!!
Already mentioned it, but the Dr Oz stat? I’ve told every single one of my clients that this week and they were all “Dang I need to walk more”. Changing lives in many ways.
Thanks for the article. I’m joining.