skirt sports skirt lover.
Once upon a time I was a misfit living in the LOVERLY HOTHOT CLIMES OF Austin.

sleeveless in february.
I adored it — but there were stuffs I coveted which were simply too hot to wear in the ATX.
As in this:

Skirt + boot cut = HEAVEN
Id hear friends rave about the Tough Girl Skirt.
I knew in order to ever wear one in TX Id have to turn the A/C down down down & romp around the house.
And then we moved. And then I RE-FOUND my LOVE of all things long pants and tights.
And then it was finally time for me to experience the wonders of the SKIRT/PANTS COMBO which is the Tough Girl.

Excited the moment I RIPPED open the package!
Being the misfit I am, I immediately donned the skirt and got to work.
(you’ll notice there’s no “ing out” in the sentence above. Im soft of core. I need my exercise-apparel to be comfy for WRITING and WORKING OUT. It’s a non-negotiable.)

my california office
They were comfyheaven.
- Fitted, flattering, AND I was able to go from word-weaving to working out without changing apparel.
- My Tough Girl skirt & I worked all morning—hit the weights—went back to work and never grew too hot/uncomfortable or sweatysticky.
I wore them again the next morning to walk the Tornado to school (washed, hung dry, perfect by morning).

Loving in the cold…
I again challenged them to handle my day (writing, grocery shopping, straight to a YOGA DVD, writing, and then back to school for pickup) and they did without bagging, sagging or getting stinky.

yes the same day 🙂
Bottom line?
- I loved the TOUGH GIRL. It is perfect for the COOL TEMPS of the mornings and yet not too hot for the slightly warmer afternoons.
- I worked out in my Tough Girl (yoga, weights, foam rolling, workout DVDs–NO CHAFING!) but did not wear them while doing cardio. I. SWEAT. Id need capris for that.
(Sixteen seconds of) My BOTTOM in the Tough Girl:
And you?
- Are you as SMITTEN with the SKIRT/PANTS combo right now as am I?
- Is this entirely a MISFIT-obsession?! (perhaps not? check out FitKnitChick‘s review of the Tough Girl…)
FTC: The Tough Girl was furnished to me for free. This is not a compensated post. The love and CAPRI COVETING is all my own.
I LOVE the ToughGirl skirts (just as much as I love my GymGirl and Mizfit Skort!). They are flattering, with fun designs and colors, and super comfortable. Great review!
Looks super cute on you!
I would love short sleeve February weather right about now!
So cute! And perfect for your new clime! I haven’t tried this combo but do love the look.
I haven’t tried this style – looks cute!
Are the capris flared or tight? Do you know?
I love it. Cute and functional. My little one has pants like that and they are a great compromise for cold days when she still wants to wear a dress. 😉
i think this is the only way i will wear a skirt! And i must!
atx misses you.
Glad you’ve found pants that work with the skirt! Super cute!f
I used to wear their Gym Girl skirts – that’s a cute combo you have, and how nice that you’re warming up (literally, haha) to the East Bay! 🙂
You look awesome in those, Miz.
Will you buy the capris and review them? I like the look and I wonder if the skirt is too long?
ahhh dont tempt me 🙂 I think they are FITTED and the skirt is the same length (video shows better!)
SO CUTE! I didn’t know how I felt about the skirt/pant combo but you’re totally rockin’ it!
I need something like that for work! I love that I can wear fitness gear to work at the gym, but sometimes I’m really in the mood to look more like a girl. This is super cute!
That’s two blog abstains today, due to my unwillingness to wear a skirt — for now…
I wish you could order stuff like this in short inseams. Yes, I know you can hem but that is a pain and things never look quite as good. Other than that, I would love them!
Cute on you although not sure how they would work for my type of workouts in the gym BUT at home for home fun & stretching & all that – yes! Cardio – I sweat way too much so I have to actually wear shorter tights – above the knee type. I guess a good way for me to wear a skirt & still wear workout shoes since my feet don’t fit in regular shoes! 😉
I KNOW. I almost just CUT MINE OFF until facebook talked me out of it. I got it hemmed.
I like the idea of them, but not so much the actuality. I feel like they look cuter when the skirt is shorter and with a bike short underneath, but then they’re not that practical. Maybe I’ll give them another whirl. Yours looks cute.
Hmm, I’m not big on the skirt/pant combo for me. Maybe skirt/capri…but maybe not.
I love! and want!!
Love it!!! I really, really want one (or maybe more!!). Of course, I also want to look as super cute in it as you – but I can’t have everything!!!
Looks so cute on you, and what a great way to bring a little Austin warmth along with you in your new ‘hood!
They look cuter with boots then I would have thought.
I need more coffee.
I love Willy!
That skirt/tight combo is just the thing! Would love to have one in several colors and prints. Love it.
Nice review.
Love those. They’re like bellydance pants bring workout pants with a skirt over. I always feel awkward about my butt in workout pants since they are my trouble area but not in dance pants/skirt combos. This is perfect for where I live where it get cold in winter.
I love when the Tornado says GO!! in the video.
So sweet.
They look great on you!
I have pinned and relished too many things from that site… (just near to earn a bit of cash to pay for them all!)
I never heard of these skirts before. really cute though!
I’ve never done the skirt/pants nor have I ever head of Tough Girl! Honestly, I’m the last to ever find out about the newest and latest!
They look great on ya!
Love that first pic too btw 🙂
I am not a skirt/dress person (too afraid of chafing and unintentional reveals), but this winter I’ve been wearing long under/tights under dresses skirts and have become obsessed with the look too. I LOVE this skirt, and would totally buy one except none of the colors come in XXL! Maybe that’s a good thing, hopefully some will come available in time for summer.
I’m glad you mentioned not wearing them for cardio because I was wondering. It seems like these would be perfect for everyday activities and yoga or weight training, but I don’t think I could run or do CrossFit in them. But I do remember how much I used to love sqorts (skirts with shorts under them) when I was little and these seem like the adult equivalent. And I love the pink color!
I wear a leotard with tights ’cause tops always flip over my head when I do floor exercises. With this skirt my top can flip and my bottoms would flip at the same time covering up an embarassing exposures. Clever , but I’m sticking to the leotards!
Interesting workout wear! I agree I don’t think they could be used for cardio, but they seem appropriate to go run errands after a quick yoga session!
Cute! I prefer a more tight fit on the leg since I am so short, boot cut makes me look even shorter 🙁 looks good on you though!
That looks super cute and comfy!! And yes, perfect for your new home. This brings back memories of wearing sweats under my uniform skirt in middle school. Didn’t look quite as cute and sleek as this!
LOVE my Tough Girl skirt! I have 2. I am short, about 5’1″ and I had to have the pants hemmed but the skirt hits just right on my thighs. Not too long, not too short. They are a really flattering cut and hide my “athletic” looking thighs. As far as cardio goes, I run in it all the time and also did a half marathon while wearing this skirt/pants combo. No chafing, no creeping, no tugging, etc. So much more flattering than wearing tights and a long shirt.
I’ve never done skirt/pants. I’ve done “skorts” (skirt/shorts) in the summer though, and they’re ridiculously comfortable. Love that you got these!!! Hang in Miz C, spring is around the corner and you’ll be warm again before you know it!!
Oooh, I was unaware and am smitten. My tattered budget is telling me NO, but my heart is pining.
Super cute! I love the combo. Definitely something I could rock right now since the skirt/crops aren’t working when it’s 20 degrees.
I love your voice. I love your little turn/dance in the video. Lots of love!! And I am definitely doing to check out tough girl!
Very cool! I haven’t tried tough girl skirts… but they LOOKS super cute and cozy! 🙂
never heard of this?? thank you for sharing
you look great…well you look great in everything!
I need to get the ToughGirl pant/skirt. It would be perfect for my frigid morning runs.
Super cute! I have not worn this look myself but was looking at something similar this weekend at REI for bike riding and thought it was really a great idea.
I don’t ever wear skirts on their own because I am so tall that they are indecent, but I love this with the bootcut pants underneath it. So cute. Want!
Skirt Sports is my absolute favorite brand of running skirts. For warmer weather try the Gym Girl Ultra or the Lotta Breeze Capris. I wear them everywhere, all the time! Love your review!!!
love my skirt sports skirt, too!
Nice!! Will definitely look into trying these out! 🙂
If you’re hypertensive, your doctor might recommend a 24 hours monitoring with the use of the machine. That’s about 40 readings, that’s why you want something that lasts longer than 24 hours. Check the machines’ battery time and save yourself a lot of time and money. Take the ones that goes off after 400 or more readings