my flotation pod.
I floated, I paid, this is not a sponsored post. I blame the The Simpsons for my curiosity.
As a parent human it can seem we don’t get enough alone time.
On top of that I’ve begun sleeping with a four legged friend.
Not the best idea, but everyone else kicked him out of their room.
I cannot look at that face and not pat the mattress beside me and say: OK, come on in!
As a result, when a friend suggested we explore flotation tanks, it seemed like perfect timing.
A float pod is a dark, soundproof tank where you float in 10 inches of salt water heated to skin temperature. Lack of gravity and restricting of senses places you in a state of relaxation.
I may not have anxiety (which, almost incongruously, floating lessens), but I am always in need of mental clarity and creativity stimulation.
Plus, I figured worst case scenario I napped and that sounded heavenly.
I was in.
I did no research.
I wanted to be surprised.
The facility provided everything I needed from soap/shampoo (you shower before & after) to petroleum jelly for your “wounds” (the word choice struck me as hilarious. I imagined people floating post-zombie apocalypse.).
They also provided ear plugs (which I didn’t initially wear. more on that later.) and a neck pillow.
In the corner of the pod-photo below you can see a spray bottle (Id not planned to blog this, snapped fuzzy pics for the Child and was so smitten I couldn’t help but write about it).
The employee repeatedly reminded me “epsom salt water burns if it gets in eyes and to immediately spray area with water.” (cue a little panic of “this was supposed to be relaxing. there’s a lot to remember!”)
I’d already decided to float “lights on, tank open.”
I’m not claustrophobic, yet even though the tank was lit inside closing myself up in there seemed a terrifying proposition.
I slid in. I looked around. I went for the whole experience.
Naked (their rules), dark, closed. 60 minutes.
I never fell asleep, but I “nap jerked” a few times.
I emerged feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and convinced I’d achieved the trance-like state touted on the website.
I adored the float. Here’s why:
Private. Just me, naked. Private shower before. Private naked climb into pod. Private climb back out to snag ear plugs (see below). Private awkward gazelle sleepy exit at end of float. Private private private.
Life on pause. You may bring your own music. I chose option B (their relaxing tunes piped into pod). 5 minutes into my float the music accidentally stopped. Or so I thought until I read about flotation tanks afterward. Music is set to shut off approximately when our brain is supposed to have “turned off”/become blank.
Roomy. The pod was far larger than I’d anticipated. Even after seeing this I’d still planned to float with my pod open. It took all of about two minutes for me to take the leap, seal myself up inside and close my eyes. Speaking of which….
Meditative. This is a goal of flotation, yet I wasn’t sure I’d achieve it my first visit. I experienced monkey mind (There’s water in my ears. Is it dangerous if magnesium gets in ear canal? Will I get an infection?! Why didn’t I read about this?? I need ear plugs!) but was able to overcome/relax through it. I realized eyes open or closed my surroundings were the same: dark, calm and relaxing. It took a time, but my float became trance-like.
Would I return?
I would.
It’s not an inexpensive endeavor (first floats are markedly less expensive), but if I had a Splenda Daddy and were struggling with anxiety, stress or insomnia it would be worth any money spent.
Will I return?
Probably not.
I loved it. It was soothing. It was also a drive and required planning ahead.
I think I’ll keep my meditation semi-spontaneous, dry, and filled with gravitational pull.
For now anyway…
And you?
- Have you tried flotation tanks/pods? What did you think of it?
- Wanna join me in my next curiosity: CryoTherapy?
At first that sounded really creepy as I had visions of floating in a coffin. I could see how it would be meditative. It almost reminds me of a getting an MRI in a weird way. Although the MRI is super loud and you aren’t floating. You do wear ear plugs and I did the sleep jerk thing numerous times. And I was alone! Ok, it’s really not the same thing…but close!
MRIs sound way more relaxing to me than chilling in one of these. i can’t get over the anxiety of water getting in my hears (it’s one of my pet peeves lol)
We have one near where I live in Delaware.
I’ve heard they are relaxinv but I think Id freak out from being enclosed.
I have never even heard of this!? My initial reaction is hell no!! I feel claustrophobic just looking at that thing. BUT…I have anxiety. I do love alone/quiet/naked time. Hmmmmm. I just may google pods in my area…
I have heard of this but don’t know ANYONE who has tried it so I really appreciate you sharing. LIke you if I ever wanted to do this it would be quite a drive to get to a facility…so likely not a budget friendly item for now ….but hey I do have anxiety issues so I might have to look into it! Way to be adventurous!
That looks a bit too creepy for me. Also, I’m not a big bath person, so I don’t think this would float my boat, as it were. I will lie in a meditation room, however. For at least a little while, lol
I would love to try one of these!
I can’t sleep without my maltipoos but now you have me wondering if that’s why I’m not sleeping!
I’ve read about them; had decided they weren’t for me and your post only reinforced that. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I never even heard of this. OMG! I was afraid to ask what it was. Continue on your journey, Carla! xo
I enjoyed the experience very much when I went. Although, i did get the salt water in my eyes and mouth and that sucked. What I loved was my complete unawareness of how much time had passed.
Ohh you know me, i so want to try!!! and when are you doing Cyrotherapy? I’ll come!
I would love one of these in my house. With the pod closed, no one could bother me. Is it soundproof?
This sounds like a wonderful, wonderful experience!
The floating in the warm water part sounds nice, looks spa-like and relaxing….Closing myself in a pod and floating in the dark….I picture myself panicking, not relaxing.
Somehow I doubt there is any such thing near me anyway. 🙂
I read about another bloggers float tank experience and it sounds so relaxing. It might be something to think about for a birthday present – once my daith piercing heals properly (apparently you’re not supposed to swim etc for a few months)
Very futuristic and thanks for sharing your experience. I had no idea about these floating pods. I think I’ll pass, but the monkey mind sounds intriguing.
I’m so intrigued by this and just discovered (thanks, Google!) that there is a location to do this very near me. I’m seriously considering it.
It sounds like it could become an expensive habit!
It has been on my gift suggestion list for DH for quite a while, and, though claustrophobic myself, I would consider doing it as well. It just sounds so relaxing and peaceful…yummmm…
Glad to read your review of this. My husband did a session (cause I gifted it to him). He loved it. If the place were closer I might be more inclined to go myself. Sounds like something I’d enjoy.
Hmm — interesting — I don’t think we do those in Iowa…LOL
I have never even heard such a thing! I AM claustrophobic and I started to panic just looking at the photos! Nope nope nope. I do love a good epsom salt bath though!
Thinking about it, I guess it’s cheaper than therapy 🙂
I tried it a few months ago:
And I had some running chafing wounds near my nether regions, and OW.
Never heard of this!!!! I don’t think do! 🙂 CryoTherapy though sounds interesting. 🙂
I slept with our dogs when I was little. 🙂
I have been wanting to try this! Thanks for the reminder to look into it!
Fascinating, Carla. I’m not sure I could do it, too claustrophobic, but very intriguing. Maybe if I work up my courage. Thanks for investigating something we’re all interested in.
It might be relaxing, but i might have a panic attack about the water. It’s a problem at times. Showers are okay, baths are nice, pools can be scary. Pods? Not so sure.
Thanks for sharing your experience! I’ve been so curious about this, but have yet to try it! I think I might give it a go and see how it is. I’m always up for trying something new 🙂
This sounds magical. I want to float all day.
You’ve piqued my interest. That level of relaxation is tough to come by in our busy lives. I’ve done the salt caves for the same purpose and enjoy that. I’ll have to seek out one in Denver!
I am definitely float-curious. 🙂 I could use a scenario where I have to sit quietly for a long time and let my brain burn through the things rattling around in there and then HOPEFULLY relax.
I’ve heard of this before! The idea of alone time/napping sounds wonderful, but probably not with a high price tag! I haven’t heard of any of these pop up around Canada yet!