Ahhh, summer. Warmer temps (or cooler if youre a transplant as am I). Longer days (love. Im a misfit who thrives in sunlight). Almost over (thirteen days till school) SAD FACE. The Tornado & I would leap (lunge? burpee?) at a last hurrah!! vaycay, but sadly our bank account begs to differ. We are not despairing. A trip to a fab fitness destination may not be in ... Continue Reading
Ren Man recently returned from a trip to Scotland (Im not one to be jealous of his travels. I WAS SO JEALOUS OF THIS ONE. He was but a stones-throw from my FAVE SHAUNA!). I cant lie. Dont tell Ren Man but we were so flipping excited about his leaving/our planned staycation. Methinks more excited than he was about his golf *vacation.* We'd planned our AGENDA---her new fave word----for ... Continue Reading