I was totally tempted to make some sort of a lame joke this morning. A misfit'y play on words teasing IM THE GREATEST! about the fact I'm over at GREATIST sharing my story. The problem is Im really proud of my post over there. No silliness. No joking. No snark. Im so grateful they invited me to guest post because it compelled me to STOP, make the time to look back and clearly ... Continue Reading
My workouts.
Back on this post a few of you asked for specifics on my 20 minute workout. It's also a question I get pretty frequently by email. It seems you wanna know what, exactly, I do for my weights routine, how frequently I lift etc. You crazy. The thing is, ala the We dont need no STINKIN' HOOK! post, it almost doesn't matter what *I* do. It's taken close to 43 ... Continue Reading
Happy anniversary! We’re both 20(ish)!
When I reflect back on starting down my healthy living path it amazes me how much things have changed over (almost) twenty years. When I reflect back on starting down my healthy living path it's astonishing to me how little existed at that time to help us women begin & maintain healthy lifestyles. I remember *searching* for a woman's-only fitness center with weights because so few women were ... Continue Reading
MizFit training: biceps, triceps, & shoulders.
Now I'm curious: do you have a specific arms workout? would you share? I want your arms. First? Totally not my plan when I blogged about the sleep question on Monday. Next? Thank you. To my parents' chagrin Im renown for saying what amazing intellectual genetics they gave me but the structural/physical? Not so much. When I taught swimming lessons for kids I clearly recall a number ... Continue Reading
Should women lift weights? (guest post)
(Why no. I didn't train with the Angry Trainer, but I would have if he'd lived nearby!) For the last twenty years I have listened to women complain that lifting weights will give them big muscles, that it will make them look like a man, and have sat by and watched as they have neglected a very important aspect of any fitness program - strength. I've seen numerous fitness “gurus” ... Continue Reading
Women’s Day Magazine & bodybuilding.
I was recently interviewed about running by Women's Day radio & the bodybuilding post below is something Ive yammered about for a while. It's new & old Monday up in herre I guess. Radio? NEW. Too long post below? MizFit in general? NotSoMuch. Please to enjoy... Body by my design What would motivate a 32-year-old woman to diet like an ascetic for 12 weeks, pedal more ... Continue Reading
MizFit’s Muscles in Minutes (THE VIDEO!)
It's long. There's a typo in the title I couldn't fix since it's not my account. It's rawreal&unedited. It's all thanks to FITARELLA'S filming & uploading (please to thank her!). I give you what *I* do when life conspires to derail me & my weight workouts take place in street clothes. Please to enjoy. MizFi'st Muscles in Munites Uploaded by Fitarella. - More ... Continue Reading
MizFit’s Muscles in Minutes
Nope. No idea what is going on with my face Many thanks to Fitarella for filming the bumblingexcitement which were my MizFit's Muscles in Minutes at Fitbloggin. The premise of the whole shebang was to offer tips & insights into what *I* do to squeeze in some exercise when my traditional workouts are derailed. The video is raw, unedited, long as the proverbial mo'fo and features two ... Continue Reading
Earth Footwear 30 Day Challenge (video post).
Please to enjoy the video below. Id beg your forgiveness for the fact that it's thisclose to being too long, but since Im answering your questions you've no one to blame but yourselves. In the clip I address the pressing queries of: How comfy are the Earth Footwear Exer-Walk shoes? May we get a close-up of the shoes? What is the sizing like? How expensive are the shoes & are ... Continue Reading
The Kelly Ripa Arms Project (video post).
This video is too long if you listen to the experts which we all know I do not. This video stars a hilarious new blogger (new to me---not to blogging)whom I met at Blissdom. This video also features a #mamavationrockstar whom many of you may not yet know. This video was filmed in a rather LOUD hallway but we persevered. And, in a serious vein, this longasslaughingattimes video is ... Continue Reading
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