When I first began meditating I mocked the notion of a mantra.
I now *cringe* at how I made fun of what I perceived to be jibberish syllables—the thing is back then I simply didn’t understand.
And then I meditated.
I attempted to quiet my monkey mind and quickly realized I needed more tools than just brute force (<—you’d think I’d have already learned that never works).
And I surrendered to the notion of a meditation mantra.
And it worked.
And then other challenges entered my life.
From moving to mascot being (claustrophobia! claustrophobia!).
Life-challenges where I wasn’t meditating–yet now knew a mantra could help carry me through.
And my personal mantra was born.
I’m hanging at Venus’ place today sharing my tips & trips for creating personal mantras and would love for you to join in the conversation there.
You *know* I’m hoping she pops in and shares her fitness/tennis-mantra tips as well.
Meditating is one the things I hope to incorporate into my life more regularly.
I love how real you are and that you’ll admit you made fun of the personal mantra!
Great article over on Venus’ blog, too.
I love you guys are partnered.
She’s BRAZEN 🙂 like you.
I love your tip about how we have to use it and our mantras grow more powerful from use!!
Every year I say I am going to work meditation into my weekly schedule but haven’t yet. Must. Start.
I love your new mantra – It’s just a hard pose.
I also like what you said about making it something you would say anyway.
I tend to say “suck it up” a lot but I’m not sure how positive that really is. Might have to think about a nice positive mantra!!
The mantra changes as my needs change.
Darn you’re right. There be a lot of hard poses right now.
If only there were more breathers between them!
I also tend to think that mantras are a bit wanky… but, at the same time I can appreciate the need for something to calm, clear and (more importantly) direct my mind.