(Doing what I can when I can. It’s not a fad–it’s my life.)
The question I’m most frequently asked is whether I really practice what I preach on my blog.
It seems the collective you wonder if my philosophy is something to which I actually adhere.
move. daily. something. #wycwyc. day in & out. year in & out. until death.
It seems the collective you read posts where I yammer about consistency being key and not the amount of exercise and feel called to email & lovingly inquire if that’s really what I do.
I’m here today to say/share/remind you it is what’s gotten me where I am today.
I believe in fitting exercise into our lives not fitting our *lives* around exercise.
Even if that means, as it was for me, weight-loss is slow & steady never fast & furious.
I believe fits & starts with exercise & healthy living are bad for our bodies.
They harm our physical and mental states.
I believe we need to set ourselves up for success and live TODAY as we can for life.
When we reach our goals through unrealistic means we wont be able to maintain and the resulting feelings of failure are not worth it.
I believe you should join me.
I believe you should make today the day you start to view your life through the lens of:
How might I make everything I do a little more active & a little more healthy? (hello fitness-breaks not coffee breaks! greetings pacing while on the phone!)
I believe you should make today the day you commit to doing less than you’re currently doing if your routine is one you know in your heart you cannot maintain for a lifetime.
I believe you should make today the day you join me in PLAYouts & in-the-name-of-FUN movement (and maybe…just perhaps…*skip* the gym all together).
I believe you should make today the day you join me in shouting:
You are such a fun mom.
I laugh each time someone says that I think: IT MAKES EVERYTHING MORE FUN AND THE TIME FLY BY! 🙂 it’s for her, sure, but it’s fun for me, too.
I doubt I could sustain any aspect of my current lifestyle for the rest of my life. I think I’ll focus on cutting work back to a sustainable level before I cut back my exercise routine. 😉
And when you laugh it’s core work right?
win win.
Great points. I think sometimes I try to change too many things at once and it’s unrealistic to keep all the changes!
Making fitness fun is definitely KEY! LOL
I want to do the bubble wrap cardio!!
I love it!! I will be honest, I often wondered how your fitness workout routine fit in your day (and what it looked like).
Now… that high knee bubble wrap circuit… I could TOTALLY get into! 🙂
Love the video! 🙂
I think you know this, but you have been my exercise inspiration for years. I think pretty much every day: “Be consistent like Carla!” I don’t belong to a gym anymore, but I have been very consistent with fitting exercise in every day, throughout the day. I take advantage of 5 or 10 free minutes here and there, something I may have not deemed enough time a few years ago. Thanks for continuing to inspire me!
thank you so so so much for your kind words. Im humbled.
“It’s not a fad it’s my life.”
I really like that, Carla.
Omg I LOVE that bubble wrap video! Too cute!
I absolutely love this post and quoting you on this..
“I believe in fitting exercise into our lives not fitting our *lives* around exercise.”
Pure genius! I’ve gotten to the point where I need to fit it in where I can get it in and going to the gym is not always possible. And I LOVE the bubble wrap run.
Now I want to go get some bubble wrap!
I love that your husband got in on the action. And Tornado cracked me up!!!
Bwhahahaha! That is my style of cardio. Bubble wrap never gets old.
WYCWYC – Yeah, I will have to utilize this tomorrow when I am sitting on an airplane for 6 hours, lol!!! Maybe I will do push ups in the aisle of the plane?
I did pushups and sit ups on a train across the country one year…no one blinked an eye…!
My kids are in their teens and twenties, and doing a bubble wrap dance still rocks!
Being a mom IS fun- even when you get together at age 61 and 28 for yoga!
My fitness has always revolved around distance/endurance. It’s a lifetime thing. 42 years and going strong…not as fast maybe but strong yes!
Oh my gosh. Her laugh. So infectious!
I will never look at bubble wrap the same way again!
LOVE the bubble wrap sprints. That is fantastic! WE have to create ways so fitness is fun, part of our lifestyle and just being a healthy person like brushing our teeth. It’s when that is lost that people get burned out. Have you heard of Recess Fitness? It’s a fun one! Incorporating games to when I teach are always the most fun too….for adults and for kids! Keep up your movement Carla, people are listening .xoxox
Always loved that bubble wrap video!
You know me so….. I always planned to do what I do for a lifetime & still doing it.. but times change & life changes so maybe it will change a bit with my new work… BUT, I always see myself doing my gym workouts cause I love the weight lifting in the gym – having all that stuff to work with – that is just me… we all find what works for us – that is what makes life right! 🙂
I have tons of bubble wrap! Score
I love this bubble wrap cardio!!
This bubble wrap cardio shoud be added as a part of life as this is much fun loving for adults and as well as for kids.
Awesome fun loving cardio
“I believe in fitting exercise into our lives not fitting our *lives* around exercise.” Love this line Carla!
Love this workout “THE BUBBLE-WRAP!”
Exercise and the Fun seems a great Idea.