I’ve turned 2016 into an Adult Bubble Life.
I launched 2016 in a way different from any other.
Instead of identifying goals.
Instead of jotting down dreams.
I decided to identify feelings I wanted to experience in the upcoming 365 days.
At the time my choice felt both overly ambitious and entirely like a cop out.
I wondered if I could manipulate my environment such that I authentically felt the emotions I desired.
I wondered if I’d convince myself I experienced the feelings when, in actuality, I had not.
I wasn’t certain if Id taken the concept of setting myself up for success too far.
concrete goals felt easy. vague emotional goals seemed hard.
Would I be capable of reflecting on 2016 in an unbiased fashion and determining if I’d felt proud, comfy and connected?
I hesitated, but committed as it seemed I had nothing to lose.
Even though at times the pain I knew was better than the pain I didn’t (AKA not achieving goals), I knew the worst case scenario left me back where I’d started.
It left me right where I was at that very moment.
And so I got to work.
And it was, for the most part, more challenging than I’d anticipated (which is saying something).
I revisited old passions and identified ones I wished Id not given up.
I identified my language of encouragement for accountability partners (oh yes, and I found accountability partners).
I became the Shamash in an effort to discover my own light, too.
I placed sole emphasis on enjoying the process of experiencing my feelings and paid little attention to whether I was goal-achieving or not.
I don’t need no stinkin’ perfect.
Last week I stumbled upon this statistic:
45% of us make yearly resolutions yet only 8% are successful.
Had I been so consumed by my path I’d failed to notice I’d nailed some of my goals?
Or had I focused so much on the goal tree in front of me Id failed to create a forest?
I did what I preach never to do: I used the rear view mirror and examined the past 180ish days.
And I smiled.
Whether I’d set myself up for easy success might be debatable, but the fact I’ve made significant progress toward my goal is not.
I’m doing this. I’m on my way. I’ll be the eight percent.
And you?
- Were you the 45%? Will you be the 8%?
- Halfway through 2016 are you where you’d hoped you’d be?
How are we halfway already??
Right? I don’t even know where June went let alone half of the whole year. Time flies.
always looking for improvement but I have to say YES i am where i hoped and wished i’d be…i still have work to do on a few goals but i’m getting close!!! love this…i often times forget to look at the rear view mirror and what i HAVE done and focus on what i NEED to do…and favorite part…practice makes permanent not perfect…i needed that today!
I’m not sure what % I fall into right now. I think I made goals for the year. Maybe I should check up on that. Lol!
Me too!!!
I’ve never done a mid year review before but now that I’ve read a couple of bloggers who do, I will try it. I live in a world of feelings rather than statistics. If I asked myself right now “Am I happy?” I would say “yes”. “
Last night I went out with my running group and I found myself getting really annoyed with some of the other women.
One woman ran backwards in front of me cheering me on and I hated it.
After reading your language of encouragement link I know why.
Now I need to think about what the heck mine is LOL
I also didn’t set goals, but instead set priorities. So far, I feel like I am accomplishing them, or at the very least I am working on them. I am all about setting myself up for success in life!
I used the un-goal approach to life this year. Way out of my comfortable concrete and measurable zone and, so far, success!
I like to say that I don’t make resolutions, I make goals. Goals are specific and outcome driven. Resolutions are loose and not measureable. So there’s that…
But I’m really goal driven, so if I had to answer your question, I’d be in the 8%. At the midpoint of 2016, I’m not at all where I hoped to be . I’m actually pondering this for Friday’s blog post. Injured, some personal drama…I’ve had a lot of setbacks this year. I keep reminding myself of the saying, God laughs at those who make plans. If this is true, I’m being schooled big time this year.
I don’t think I even set a goal for 2016 – other than to relax and stop trying to control everything! I think I’m making progress there + I might even have stopped worrying so much – so I’m going to count that as a win! I’m glad you made it into the 8% – you deserve to Carla 🙂
I never thought of an annual goal that way —– and appreciate the reframe. My word of the year for 2016 was silent confidence. An entirely ironic choice since it seems I have spent most of the year speaking up loudly (for me) and not all that confidently. Guess that belongs in the “progress not perfection” bucket!
I’m a goal setter and I’m pretty driven, so generally yes, I’m well on my way to hitting my goals. But I’m in a place of questioning those goals right now. I’m feeling like my goals are too short term and don’t necessarily fit into my endgame. Which leaves me questioning exactly what that endgame is…
I definitely know if I were a go-getter I would do great with the idea of resolutions. More power to you.
What an interesting twist on the resolution thing. I just don’t make them. For me they are a recipe for failure. My big goal this year is seeing my abs by the end of the year and I am on it like white on rice. But it wasn’t a resolution in the official sense. ;-))))
I have not made resolutions or even concrete goals for a long time. I am in that let life flow type thing but it might not be the best thing for me.. 🙂
You don’t have to set the BIG goals if someone else is paying the bills….
Hmmmm. All I shall say is Id love to meet this person paying all the bills and introduce him or her to *my* many bills…
The statement wasn’t directed to you specifically….just an observational one for everyone to ponder.
I quit making New Year’s resolutions because I found that they made me feel bad about myself if I didn’t achieve them.
I like your approach of feelings you want to have during a year. I think I really could handle.
Congrats! I’m with you . . . go for the feeling. I’ve also been making a concerted effort this year to follow through on my New Year’s desires. It takes continually checking in, making adjustments, being nice to myself, and staying the course. I’m happy to report, I am much further along this year as a result. Nice share.
The only goal I set for myself this January was a Goodreads goal (one I knew that I could achieve; setting myself up for success, right?). Having just checked in last night I see that I’m well over 50% of the way there. I happy with that. It’s enough for right now.
Definitely the 8%! Yay!
I love the idea of identify feelings you want to experience rather than setting goals but have to say that this year I’m in the 8%! I set a goal to become more fit when 2016 started but didn’t have a plan in place until I decided this would be the year I’d run my first half marathon as a charity fundraiser for St. Jude and then my fitness goals started to fall into place. With each long run, I feel like I’m getting a bit closer to being able to run 13.1 in December! YAY! Hooray for being in the 8%!
Another poignant post from a very wise woman. I don’t set resolutions either, rather, I make a statement for the year. This year it was I’m Ready, and my goodness has it been the RIGHT statement. The statement hasn’t been a forced proclamation – it has been organic. And because it has been natural, I’ve been able to enjoy the process.
I made the big goal to eliminate all debt and happy to report I have 0 balances everywhere as of a month and a half ago! other than that my other goal was to work on being more present – I ask my bf for phone free time during meals and such (although he is really good about it and quite literally never uses social media which is refreshing) and also for myself to step back from social media which I have done.
I think the biggest tell for a successful year so far is to truly ask if you are happy and I so am.
Say it with me….3….2…1 “I am DEBT FREE!” (isn’t it great???) Congratulations!
I’m WAY past where I thought I would be in my LIFE! I work the job I LOVE, can’t wait to get out the door every morning to swim/bike/run/yoga/lift BEFORE my work load, ADORE the people I work with, am GRATEFUL for the family I have, pinch myself daily as I enjoy our new “hood” and it’s residents SO MUCH, and am training for triathlon 129 currently….everything is awesome (cue Lego movie music).
No, i did not set any goals this year, but i’m thinking of setting one for the rest of the year. It’s never too late.
I like the idea of identifying feelings you want to experience–that’s a different perspective/approach that I think could be super refreshing! Hooray also for celebrating the small steps!
I hope to be the 8%! I don’t really make resolutions, but I tend to always have an ongoing list of goals I’d like to accomplish. I usually make way more than I can actually accomplish so that it drives me to attempt to do more! 😛
I had completely forgotten about my 2016 goals until I reflected on them last night. I really need to be better about keeping them more visible.
Did I even set goals this year? Things are pretty darn good right now, so I’m going to soak it all up.
Crisis of conscience lately.
Is This Progress?
I am unsure.
But I’m still here, in my way, seeking and making connection with trusted people. People who center me and balance me and really really fraking love me. And putting distance between my bubble and those few toxic people still in the vicinity. Inch by inch, the distance grows.
I’ve made progress this year. Not sure it falls in line with my goals though. But I am moving forward.
Oh, great reminder to check in with how things are going. I’ve been meaning to do that at the halfway mark, and I really think I’m on track too. It feels good!
I am where I intended to be right now but I am extremely goal oriented. It’s not easy sticking to what you set out to do, but it sure feels good making things happen!
Wow! This just made me realize that it’s July already. Like what? It feels like we just celebrated new year last week. Haha! But seeing my list of new year’s resolutions, I can say that I’m also part of the eight percent. 🙂
This has been a weird year for me Carla. There’s been some good – finding the part-time job and starting to settle into some financial security again (though only just). But it feels the stuff I want to achieve is just out of my grasp… in that I’m still not really committing 100%. I’m still in the 45% who are making goals and plans and not starting to chase them. I talk about it, but…