Years ago I hurt my back.
I couldn’t move around without pain let alone exercise.
At all.
For months.
It was during that stretch of time my attitude toward the cardio-exercise I loathed shifted from: “I *have* to do cardio” to “I get to do cardio.”
It happened gradually, yet after a while when I’d hear others lament they had to walk or Zumba or run or elliptical, my first thought would be: Oh. I’d love to be able to move that way right now. I wish I could do the cardio I used to whine about.
As Joni sang: You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.
To be my People friend is to be on the receiving end of vents about how I’m often alone and the husband gets to come (what feels to me like) in & out.
More frequently than I’d like I “unpack” (as the kids say) my feelings about how I’d love to pop in, have fun and leave.
I’m many things and apparently one of them is slow.
It took 6 years, but last night, as the Child & I chatted about her first days of school and the upcoming year, everything clicked.
I don’t *have* to be the one supervising homework – – I get to be the one managing her after-school efforts.
I GET to be the one into whose bed she leaps when yet another thunderstorm errupts.
I get to be the one who “makes” her read each night before she goes to bed.
I get to be the one who shares with her all about boobs, pubes and periods.
(And I *get* to be the one who surprises her with an extra episode of a trashy sitcom with a scoop of ice cream on the side.)
Indeed, when you change the way you look at things the things you look at CHANGE.
Today, however, more than Wayne Dyer I fancy myself a Seth Godin wannabe.
(S.G.’s head shot is not a road-selfie.)
This post was longer, more rambling, and contained numerated tips.
I edited. I deleted. I realized, unlike with other feelings, there are zero tricks to mindset-shifting here.
It happens all-at-once.
In a moment.
In this moment.
It happens when we make the conscious choice to change every I have to which threatens to escape our lips into an I get to.
It’s as easy and as hard as that.
Will you choose to join me?
I actually listened to an amazing podcast on this exact switching of words a year or so ago…I’ve listened to it on repeat a few times since especially on the ‘hard’ days. We are soooo blessed in many ways to ‘GET TO’ that we take it for granted!
which podcast? I’d love this!
I’ve switched the two with exercise but not in other areas. I get to help with homework – yay!!! It’s a work in progress, right?
Sometimes i imagine what it will be like when time passes and everything is different, and it makes me enjoy what i “get” to do now a bit more.
Switching “I have to” to “I get to” in certain aspects of my life will be a challenge. But I am up to that challenge. Inspirational post to start the day by, Carla. I don’t “have to” get ready for work now. I’m happy to have a job to go to.
My husband used to hate schlepping my daughter around with her friends. I LOVED being the one who GOT to [over]hear their backseat conversations.
It’s so true. There are days I’m pulling my hair out with kids but then something clicks and I remember “‘I get to.” It’s a humbling notion.
I have to remind myself about this with kid stuff all the time, these “chores” tending to their needs will be so very missed when then don’t need me any more and I have too much time on my hands to reflect about it
My husband and I had this conversation about his work. He used to say he had to go to (fill in the blank with a random city, country), but I always thought, “no, you get to go to (fill in the blank)!! I love this!
This needs to be my motto.
I’m already there. Since losing my mom so many years ago, even the most trying days with the boys I GET to be with them.
And exercise? Eternally grateful every damn day for the training I GET to do!
Love every single bit of this!!
I’m good about this in some areas of life but I’m not consistent…work in progress I suppose.
We runners talk about this a lot. We GET to run. We don’t HAVE to run.
But now work? I HAVE to work. I wish I didn’t….
This reminds me of a conversation I had with my aging Mother in the early 90s when she was complaining about HAVING to walk every day to keep her weight in check and her joints lubricated (she was obese by the way) and I told her she didn’t HAVE to but she was lucky she was ABLE to… Lose it our use it, Mama!
It has stayed with me all these years when I think about things I may not really want to do either but boy am I thankful that I CAN!
I get to read your words of wisdom…lucky me!
YASSSSS! I think about this a lot when I don’t feel like working out. There are so many people who can’t, or there are times when I physically can’t… it’s important to appreciate the CAN.
Great message Carla! I do get it with exercise for sure! I need to retrain my brain.
Yes please, I’ll take more of what Carla shares
I choose to join you. I just need to remind myself not to forget.
It’s so hard when you’re living a life of “I have to…” for so long. But you’re right. We get to do so much. Changing the thought process and the wording will make it all seem that much more important and less forced upon us. xo
I hurt my back in June and I was out of commission for a month. I’m still wary about it now when I go workouts and I remember when I was cleared to go ahead that I was so happy I GOT to even work out. There’s so many things that we take for granted until they’re taken away!
Lovely thoughts, Carla. A good friend recently set me straight with similar words. Look for the negative, you’ll find the negative. Look for the positive and you will find positive.
In life, we have to do things like taxes. But you know what? We are fortunate to live where we have enough to give back. Well, mostly. You know what I mean. Trying to make taxes appealing is hard, ok???
I love this perspective and is something to remind myself of all of the time! Great post, Carla.
I feel exactly this way too, when it comes to exercise. Mobility and health are a privilege that not everyone has, and this is what I share with my clients too. I do need to start applying it to parenting responsibilities, because, you are right, it’s a gift.
Great post and love the idea of changing our mindset. I’ve had to change my eating habits and I really need to adopt that… remind myself that it’s a new and different opportunity.
I ‘get’ to do this….
Making the negative into a positive. Love it!
This makes me sound terrible (like I don’t want to spend time with my child, which of course I do!), but whenever I’m exhausted and it’s my turn (the hubs and I alternate nights) to rock my son to sleep, I tell myself “I GET TO rock him, not I HAVE TO.” And it’s so true! These days are so fleeting and before I know it he will be too big to be rocked to sleep in my lap.
I also try to think this way for exercise because it truly is a gift to be able to run or jump or bike or chase my son/dog. Not everybody GETS to move like that!