1. Have you seen yet? Our very own Dara Chadwick has an article in this October’s SHAPE MAGAZINE (page 104 for those of you with the mag at the ready). Dara has been a great source of encouragement to me with MizFit and Im a big fan of her blog. (translation: get you a copy of the magazine and let her (or the editors (wink) who can say) know how much you enjoy her writing.)
B. Have you seen that this THIS BLOGGER returned from blogcation™
No? Stop on in and say hello.
5i. Im pretty sure Im in for this (what’s holding me back? the race is at 5pm. my typical cardio session takes place at 5 AM) . You in the ATX & wanna join me?
*crickets chirping*
z. Ive received a bunch of emails recently from new readers seeking information I have on site.
On site virtually HIDDEN because of my FAB tagging (is that even the word?) skills.
Here are a few of the links for which you were looking:
Some chatting about/defining of weight training sets and repetitions.
Why you should always remember to stretch!
My protein shake rant chat.
The clean eating post, what I like to nosh on & a snack suggestions snippet.
Why it’s about being CONSISTENT and not spending all day exercising/not eating.
S.M.A.R.T. goals, emotional eating and silencing the negative self chatter.
Hmmm, I’m not sure I’m at the put up or shut up stage yet, but I have been reading POM’s plans for the Denver skirt chaser and thought it sounded like so much fun. Now you are talking about one in Austin?
Good news, I have a cousin in Austin I could stay with so I could run the race with you. Bad news, I haven’t been keeping up with my running and am pretty sure I can’t run three straight miles without walking.
oh that I weren’t in that same position, Robin (um, not the cousin the running. Fab thumbtyped sentence structure).
But I don’t imagine they’ll be having an accompanying ‘Sit Yer Arse On The Recumbent Bike & Pedal For A While’ 5k so I guess I’m runwalking.
We’ll see.
If I was in Austin, I WOULD SO DO THAT RACE WITH YOU! It looks like so much fun! I think you should do it!
Seriously, if you want some run/walk company, let me know. Sounds like a fun party.
Thanks for condensing all this great info into one post MizFit! Since I am still a newbie to the site, a lot of this is new for me and so helpful! Your posts always make me laugh! In a good way, of course!
Shape mag? Very cool. I shall go dig through my pile of magazines and put this one on top with a dogs ear on p.104. 🙂
Thanks for pointing us in the right direction 🙂 I didn’t ask, but some of this stuff I’d like to hear what you’ve said all the same!
If I were still in either Abilene or Dallas I would totally travel to run the skirtchasers! I’d make the hubby come chase, too!
I totally want to do that race- but may have to just settle for the LA one instead… I am going to save my Austin Trip for the Half Marathon- which I think I may just run as a full marathon, but cannot decide…
Love the tips for navigating the site.. I am all about stocking my car, office, etc. with the healthy little snacks. I am pretty sure that’s a big part of how I managed to lose and maintain 70lbs…
Still loving your push up suggestion- with the ball… off in an hour for a happy round of doing those an other fun strength building activities…
skirt it baby!
That is a great concept for a race !
Thanks for all the links! you’ve got so much great info on here!
Your post makes me feel all ADD!
I can’t follow the links! What?
Yay, new blogs!
Although I think I need to redefine the word “skinny” as something non-weight related (some kind of horrible cheesy acronym like Super Kind Intelligent Nice Normal Youngatheart Sisters! which would be SKINNYS which isn’t even a word but hey) as it still has nightmare/wantwantwant/badbadbad connotations for me. Seriously, whenever I see that word I go into PANIC.
TA x
GOOD POINT, TA. I tend toward calling the blog BISJ for that very reason 🙂
And Ms. V? your comment made me smile. the links ARE totally random but *answers* to the questions people have been emailing me.
Things like: do you ever talk about emotional eating? or WHEN ARE WE SUPPOSED TO STRETCH?!
that kind of stuff. a linkmishmash of sorts.
I love all of the information you provide us!! I will look for the shape article this weekend! I haven’t bought a magazine in forever (thanks to all these ridiculous grocery prices) so maybe I will splurge this weekend 🙂 Have a good one.
Hhhhmmm, I looked at the Skirt Chaser and now can’t remember why I couldn’t do it. I’ll have to look at that day again. I agree with you about the 5 p.m. though. I did the Nike Human Race and it was at 6:30 p.m. – felt like I should be winding down not getting ready to run! And it was soooo hot out. Good thing was I was with a friend who was injured and had to walk a lot so I got to take it nice and easy! 🙂
Ooh, thanks for letting me know about Dara’s article. I got my Oct Shape in the mail last week, but haven’t opened it yet, because I’m still working on the Sept issue (I have too many magazine subscriptions- yes, this is me admitting I have a problem- the first step, right?)
And the SkirtChaser sounds like fun. There was one scheduled here in SLC, but for some reason it was cancelled. I considered doing the one in Denver tomorrow, since my brother just moved there, but making the trip just wasn’t a possibility right now. So instead I’m doing the Wasatch Woman Love Your Body 5k/*10k*. And it’s at 9:00 a.m. so that’s good (we have a football game at 6:00, and nothing can compete with that, ha ha).
Oh, and thanks for the link mishmash. It will help keep me looking busy at work today. Yippee!
Why, thanks for the shout-out, MizFit! Very sweet of you…
skirtchaser TOMORROW!!!!
can’t go to austin, though. 🙁
Where was this race in July/August when I was looking for one? Why are all the races I want to do at the same time?
I want to do a SkirtChaser race so badly. I was actually looking at the Austin one too but I think my husband would die if I purchased plane tickets to go run a 5k.
So . . . . if you can get me some free airline tickets – I’m there with ya!
Have your people call my people! 🙂
Loved having a recap of some of your great posts in one place.
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. Gosh, well, yeah I guess I can. I love it! Always so much information, in a fun format. And your commenters are a hoot. Love them, too.
I was gonna ask you about the Crack the Fat Loss Code diet–if you’ve heard of it, what you think, does the science make sense to you–but since you mentioned it’s pretty much how you eat, then I guess it’s all good! Of course, if you care to elaborate in the future on the whole carb down/carb up way of eating, I’ll be all ears.
Hope your weekend is peachy!
SHUT UP!!! I just scanned that article to send to a few of my friends by Dara.. and she gave me plenty of blogging banter!!!! WOW!!!!
Thank you for the linkie love Mz. Fit 🙂 Good to be back on the radar! hugz
I’m loving this post! The Skirt Chaser sounds like sooo much fun!
For some reason I was totally hearing your voice today when I was doing circuit training. Thanks for kicking my azz Miz 🙂
Love the CD dumbells, now I have something to do with all of those backstreet boys and nsync CD’s