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A chance to review
The Ren man? He heard me
So loud I did shout.
I love me some derby
We’ve gone. Took the girl!
For ages Ive longed
To give it a whirl.
Whip It? Loved it.
The skaters are TOUGH.
They’re fearless, inspiring
badass and BUFF.
The DVD? Dang.
A great way to PLAYout.
For a few days right after
My body did *shout.*
What specifically I liked about the DVD:
- I immediately noticed that the women were all shapes and sizes. The workout is led by the members of the Heart Attacks Roller Derby Team & I adored that they embodied the fact strength & power comes in all different (tattooed & non) packages.
- It was entirely fun and creative. The women used their derby names (I particularly coveted SHIV) & referred to stretches in “different” ways (for example: The Stripper Stretch and the Skeleton Key). All of this served to make the workout more fun and go much more quickly.
- It was a good workout off skates & there’s the option to increase the difficulty with the addition of weights or skates. (Yes. I did attempt to use my skates initially. I unlaced those things quickfastandinahurry. These women possess balance I can only dream of at this point…)
- It was really great insight into what muscles are CRUCIAL for a derby girl to possess. I’d obviously noticed that roller derby called for strong legs—but the focus on balance, plyometrics and core surprised me.
What didnt I like about the DVD:
- Parts of it seemed a little old school. Im beginning to wonder if everything old isnt new again as it seems donkey kicks & leg lifts are done in many DVDs Ive seen recently. Old school or not—-these moves are hard as a motherfucker when you attempt then with skates ON. The extra weight is noticeable.
- There isnt any real upper body workout That said, the dvd promises a true ROLLER DERBY exercise routine so that’s the reason why.
- The ending seemed a little abrupt to me/not much cool down time. The sad thing is Im known to be a woman who fast-forwards through the cool down (I know I know) so I almost laugh that I bother to point this fact out.
Would I recommend the DVD?
YES! with the above clarifications/personal Roller Derby Love issues in mind.
I had fun doing it (which isnt always the DVD case) and it’s definitely a workout I could do with the Tornado underfoot as she was pretty riveted just watching it as well.
Now, I have one copy of the Roller Derby Workout to give away and you can be entered to win for the lowlow price of a comment below.
What would YOUR roller derby name be?
I have to admit that after eons of thought Id simply stick with MizFit. It encompasses all that I am (kinda fit & definitely a misfit).
Please to hit us all up in the comments below.
Winner announced 11/16 USA only
Umm, Karma Suture? I think that’s a keeper.
Can I even have a RD name?
Id still love the DVD, Miz 🙂
Oh my gosh I love love this post and your SKATES!!!
I’m not creative enough to think of a name but I want to be entered to win anyway (pretty please? LOL) or maybe you could skate over to my ‘hood and teach me how?
You’re so fun Miz.
Love the review!
I would be HELLS BELLS and unleash some whoop-ass on the dvd.
I want skates!! and I am gonna get them! and I am gonna be …. hmmm….ok, I am gonna think about my roller derby name…I may even get my students to help me! HA! I will come back with a name!
I love how BadAss you are! 😉
<3 jen
Yeah…mine would be SPLAT.
Where can you even buy old school skates any longer?
I’d be Booby McFallsalot
I think Dragonmamma works just fine as a roller derby name.
Question: Is the workout actually done on skates?
you can do the workout ON or OFF skates —your choice.
honestly it was too hard for me to do on skates for now…need better balance.
I could do SEGMENTS but not the entire thing.
oh and my skates? USED.
Play It Again Sports.
$9.99 🙂
Aim2Kill or possibly Aim High or maybe Sock it Deuce Ya.
My Roller Derby name
And I never thought of trying Play it Again Sports for skates
that’s a great idea
Hmmm..I would be SPICE GIRL. (leaning more on the Tobasco side of the spice rack)…oooh…maybe Spice Rack would be a better name.
My roller derby name would be Jane Ire…. it is a nod to one of my favorite novels, but tough at the same time.
My roller derby name would be Geeta Eubitch. But I dont want the DVD. Too scary.
I’d be SugarRae.
Love your socks 😉
Great review! I don’t want the DVD so don’t enter me, but I couldn’t resist giving my RD name: Hula Horror!
Ok, I never fail to be amazed at people’s creativity! I’ve been sitting here forEVER (ok, probably about 5 minutes) trying to think of a name, and I haven’t got one. Maybe I need the inspiration of the DVD? *she says hopefully*
And I too love the skates! (I have to admit that I’m not even sure I could remain UPRIGHT in the d*mn things. Ha!)
I can’t think of a name either.
I really really promise to come up with one if I win.
Pinky swear.
Fun! I still have to see Whip It. But it looks awesome. Roller derby-ing would be a great time.
Crabby McSlammer, reporting for duty!
Actually, I’d cower in fear before falling right on my ass. No coordination, and those gals are tough!
Definitely Uberfrau. 🙂
I know I can’t win up here in Canada, but there ya go…
A friend of mine is in rollerderby here at home and loves it. She keeps trying to convince me to join….I just can’t see me on skates being a good thing…I can hurt myself well enough on my own 2 feet!
How cool! Roller derby workout. Well Kyra already is a nickname, so I’ll go with Scully, my *other* nickname for my roller derby name.
You guys are so creative! Hmm… I’d be Psycho Peach = )
Hmmm, I think I’d be Bone Picker as a reference to my life with the dogs.
BUMMED I can’t win the DVD.
May I be entered to win your socks?
I bet that would be a killer workout with old school skates.
I used Rum & Monkey’s roller derby name generator, and it gave me:
DeathMetal CamelToe!
*snorts* I love it!
I cheated and did a “roller derby name generator” 🙂 REally, they have them out there. Mine said “Mel Adjusted”. Love it 🙂 haha.
Thanks! I keep forgetting about rollar skating and blading as exercieses. I’m so scared I’ll fall on my arse though, but it’d be a nice, quick way to get to and fro on campus 🙂 May do it! Skinned hands and elbows and all!
FastNFurious would be my name! I can’t imagine doing roller derby for real though. Although I can roller blade slowly!
I LOVE LOVE roller derby in Seattle. I love these kick bootie girls so much 🙂 Fearless, confident and enjoying the moment…all the things I want to reinforce in myself!
My roller derby name…Vegas Vendetta
Mizfit! I love that you reviewed this DVD! I also love all the derby love in the comments! I encourage all of you to search for your local roller derby leagues and try out! Playing roller derby is the best thing I ever did for myself, mentally and physically. Mizfit, I’ll still be searching you out for TXRD! LOL <3 -Sookie Smackhouse
p.s. Since everyone is talking about derby names, I’ll give you all the link to the roller girl name registery. Yup, there’s a registery! LOL http://www.twoevils.org/rollergirls
*hugs N bruises*!
I love to roller skate. Alas my skates broke and I haven’t been able to replace them. Must put them on my wish list since it is absolutely one form of exercise I can honestly say I do so LOVE! I even looked into joining a local derby team a few years back. So, a name, hmm…. this is harder than I thought. I’ll go with: Kellacious.
Killer Sparklez
Would it work with Inline Skates? I LOVE reviewing fitness DVDs but mine normally come on the cheap from the Library.
I might do this off skates but not sure I will take on skates!!! My hubby does inline rollerblading & is on two teams & plays with guys way younger than him!
My name….Fightn Fitty at Fifty Plus!
PS: Yes, those old time moves would be HARD with skates on!!!!
I GUESS it would work with inline skates—though as I mentioned before if you can do it all on skates Im in total awe….this DVD is funHARD!!
You are too funny, Miz.
Are those socks you really wear OUT?!
I’ve been christened “Gigi BigKnife”. Good to know I’ve got protection if I need it.
Aw man I love roller derby as a kid. This sounds like fun.
Of course everything old is made new again. Kind of like the pants I wore in High School 🙂
What’s not to love about a roller derby woman!!
I was hoping to see you skating, you can skate, yes??
Not that you don’t look fabulous in skates, just wondering about the other part 🙂
PS I’m more the ice skater than, roller blade, then four wheeler myself. I have however, I’m proud to add, fallen violently on all of them!
I am a terrible skater, but i do have a roller derby name … Punkin Bruister. Long story there.
I have watched the local roller derby team. Fun. I worry too much about injury to try. Perhaps if the floor were bubble wrapped. 🙂
I applaud your courage.
The Juicer. ‘Cause you’d be pulp when I’m through with you.
i’ll be the junie~
Can actual roller derby girls enter the contest???
Roxy Horror!
Love your socks. I have a pair of green and white striped tights I am trying to find an excuse to leave the house in. Names, hmmm…
Whiskey Punch
Suki Punch
Punk Sparkly
Yuri Mama
Tits McGee
How can you pick just one?
I’d probably be TippyToe Titanium or some variation. It would explain how poorly I skate. 🙂
I need to find some 4-wheel skates. I’m not doing so great on the inline variety.
I know this girl who actually does roller derby for a real team that competes and all. Her name is Lady Parts. Hehehe.
I’d be… um… Angry Princess. Or something. LOL
I am totally intrigued by this DVD! Love the video.
I would be Cheeky Chick.
This is SUCH a fun idea. I’ve been interested in roller derby even more ever since I saw Whip It! (I even designed a workout based on the movie for a video on my blog!)
Potential roller derby name? Tara Skater 😛
Love the socks MizFit!
Anita Bombass!
Cuz I need a Bomb Ass!! I love this stuff it is so FUN!!
Several different people have independently given me the nickname “G-dawg”. So it must fit somehow, though I’ve never quite understood.
I’d love to try this!
Ohhh Roller Derby.. I’m gonna go with… Dre Havok.. or a play on my actual name (Andreana) AndWe DrownHer … or you know Rainbow SuckerPunch… Umm.. TasteDa Rainbow.. I could just keep going lol
I so want to be a roller derby girl in my next life . . .
Can I be . . .
Mama Bear?
Love all the names. I’d go to watch…typical guy I suppose.
Roller Derby is a great workout. If you want to watch a real bout you can catch it online on Saturday Nov. 14. http://derbydolls.com/la/ The stamina needed to skate is beyond your imagination.
Mizfit… Junior Derby starts at age 8. When I put skates on my daughter at 5 years old, little did I know she would become a derby doll.
Can dude’s have Roller Derby names? I’d go with The Gatekepa 😉
Why, I’m sticking with my nom du jour: Crazy Legs, for me and suits me to a “T”.
How fun!
Can’t think of a name but the DVD sounds fun. I went to a roller derby night here in Austin once and it was pretty wild! Thanks for keeping us informed on the latest and greatest.
When I was a kid, my family nicknamed me ‘Speed Demon’ for my love to drive fast (and somewhat erratically) around the go-cart track. That would probably be a fitting roller derby name too, given my inability to stop on skates…
That DVD looks fun! I’d do it without the skates … otherwide I’d totally destroy (not that you can partially destroy something) my living room.
My Roller Derby name would be Ashley Smashley.
I’m not entering the contest… but I skate with the Brawl Stars at the Northern Brisbane Rollers down under, and my derby name’s Babe Outta Hell.
If you wanna check out some other kickass names, the master list of every player in the world is here
Lucy Thrillz – The DVD looks totally cool and fun.
Great review! Roller derby is such a fun way for girls to get fit.
Over at Fitsmi.com, we were curious about this video. Your review was very helpful! We linked to your post in our blog post about roller skating. It’s called “Skate Yourself Fit,” if you want to check it out 🙂
Keep up the great work. We read MizFitOnline everyday!