This has been a process, People, and because I love you Ive dragggged you through the entire thing with me.
Im nice that way.
- I waffled (Im a wordswoman. I dont wanna sell apparel.)
- I questioned (I love love love mine.ย Would others love?).
- I pondered (Is there a way to be all (color/style) things to all people? Should I just start with this skirt & go from there?).
And as I did I washed and wore and washed and wore and washed and WORE my sample skirt.
A lot.
Each time I did people would stop me & ask about it.
Women would ask where I purchased it & share they’d love to have one because they adored the words sprinkled across the skirt.
In turn I found I’d spin and rave about how much I love the way it fit (see raving video below).
And so, only about a year after the idea was born, (Im nothing if not slow and methodical) the skirts are finally here.
I love the cut.ย
I love the fit.ย
I love that —if youre a misfit as I am— it goes from gym to LIFE with ease.
The skirts retail for 48.00 and, by way of full diZclosure since we’re nothing if not always transparent around here, I make 5.00 per skirt.ย
I am donating 100% of that to the Mayan Families charity.
- Have an questions about sizing or fit?ย (There’s a chart here, too)
- Curious when the sports bras are coming?
- Wish it were a tank top instead?
Please to hit us all up in the comments below…please to CLICK HERE to purchase.
Due to the fact Im a one woman show & not a major sportswear conglomerate the skirts will ship approx. 2 weeks after order is placed.
Love the skirt. It’s freakin’ awesome!
LOVE the video.
Yay! The skirt is AWESOME! I’m definitely getting one! I love the colors and design, but most of all I love the message! ๐ Inspirational!
Can you describe a bit about sizing? ๐
How cool are you?
I wanted your skirt at Fitbloggin and I didn’t know you were going to sell!!
Love it!
Congrats!!! Its sooooo cute! Awesome that you are donating your cut. Id love to see a sportsbra and ribbed tank
I love it – it looks so awesome.
Awesometastic. Just like you.
THIS IS THE CUTEST SKIRT EVER!!! I don’t have a workout skirt and I’ve been thinking about getting one for so long… this might have to be the one!! Congrats girl!
So stinking cool- love the idea!
LOVE it!
Now to get me some $$ to get my own
Yay!!!! Awesome! ๐
I SO need this! Super cute!
YOU are the only reason I would ever buy a workout skirt. xoxo (oh, yeah, and the children)
Yea!!! Love that you are donating proceeds to charity.
LOVE IT! This is crazy, because my grandma and I (yes, we are BFFE) were just talking about making running skirts. I am so particular about length, fit, etc that I just want to make my own. So glad to see that it can be done. YOU ROCK for donating the proceeds!!!
Excellent job Carla!!
I love it! How long is the skirt? What’s the inseam length? I’m guessing it’s shorter than I can wear, so when are you coming out with the tanks? ;o)
does it come with hot tatt’ed legs? lol
Sports bras too? Oh man, i love this! i want to share it with the gym where i work. I think they’d love them!
Do these workout skirts come in male sizes..haha
Yes! What size should I get?
That cut looks like it would work for many different workouts. It looks comfortable and you look great! I’ve never worked out in a skirt. Maybe I shold jump on board!
and being who I am I wear the skirt on days I’ve no plans to workout. As a regular skirt ๐
I’m getting a sizing chart too.
Mine is a small.
Can I ask what size jeans you usually wear then–to try and compare?
Or, I own running skirts from Skirtsports . . . how do the sizes compare to theirs?
LOVE this… def ordering. Well done Carla!! Congrats!
Love, love, love this skirt! I’m sharing this for sure! So incredibly cute and functional!
You birthed a skirt! So exciting to watch the process unfold…congratulations, it’s gorgeous!!!
LOVE everything about this skirt! But what I like the most is that it’s SHORT. Most skirts are too long for this 5′ 1″ gal, but unless you’re a 6′ giant, it looks like it will be perfect for me!
WELL IM a misfit living in hotTEXAS so I literally dont wear jeans ๐
I have a small in skirtsports but it feels … almost too snug for me.
I think it’s the cut (for the reasons I share in the video above) perhaps? Im not sure a medium would be better.
So Id say small in both. I reached out to the company (she’s in CALIF. so 2 hrs earlier) for a sizing chart in inches etc
LOVE!!! Love that money goes to charity!
Yes, how do they fit sizing wise….. pls do tell..
I would have loved one of them workout tops like I wear to the gym that show the back & arms – like my green/yellow YMX – that racer back look.. but just love the design & words on the skirt!!!
How cool is that?!
Winks & Smiles,
Super cute. Congratulations!
I love it!!! Me want!
Been coveting these for some time now, so I am on it. My question was about sizing, but I saw you covered it above, so I think I’ll stick to my normal size. LOVE that you are donating the profits!
You are just terrific Miz!
Love. I’d love to get a skirt with capri’s attached ๐
Is it available in a three-piece suit?
You impress the SHIT out of me. SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yayayay! I’ve been waiting for this! I want one! Q about sizing: do they fit like the traditional Dirty Red skirts? Or is your style a little different?
Patiently waiting for sizing info. Wait. Did I say patiently? I meant impatiently. HURRY UP WOMAN, I HAVE A SHORT ATTENTION SPAN.
I KNOW! why are the manufacturer people not awake and working at 7a their time?! ๐
Charlotte it is SAME as dirty red skirts.
Mine is a small.
btw, there is a sizing chart on the dirty red skirts website, if that helps . . . I just checked. Guess I’m a little impatient, too! ๐
Congrats on making that come together! That’s awesome.
How cute & sporty! I love this skirt….great idea. And I like, no LOVE, that you are donating the money you get from these. Rock on!!
I love love love this skirt!! Would totally love a tank too ๐
THIS IS AWESOME, Carla! Love this skirt. It’s so perfect for you! Can’t wait to see the explosion of MizFit skirts everywhere!!!
love that you are donating your profits…. totally not surprised bc you are so selfless and generous. ๐
I love the design, and would be very interested to see a sports bra, or tank top. Or maybe one of those cute combos that you see everywhere.
Super cute and I love the video!
Love it! I want!
this skirt is soooo beautiful and the fact that you are donating all proceeds to the cause is, well, even more beautiful. <333 i just made a few big purchases but once enough time has passed and my budget allows it i'd love one of these apologetically beautiful skirts!
SO CUTE!! Reward to myself after my marathon?! Me thinks so!
woo HOO, I love Love LOVE it!! going to order one…
Congrats Miz! How exciting!
I can’t wait to hear your first encounter with someone you don’t know and you see them wearing one of your skirts ๐
On behalf of your Canadian followers, will you ship to your Northern friends. Are you using PayPal so we can relatively easily pay you.
I’ve forwarded this to the manufacturer. I do not believe they use PayPal no and I will let you know what I find out about shipping to Canada.
If only I had more hours in the day I would’ve taken on the shipping myself ๐
Stellar. No other words:)
What is the Mayan Families charity and why did you choose that one to receive your profits? I hope you earn tons as I know you like to help others. Here’s to success all around with the skirts.
I laugh that I go to spam in can’t get myself out when I try to add a link in comments on my iPhone. It is all detailed in a blog post from about two weeks ago titled: Five months later.
You are beautiful, you know that?
OHMYGOSH YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ladies at my gym are workout skirt obsessed! I’m facebooking the crap out of your link – I hope they all buy them =) Obvi I will need to pop my fitness skirt cherry b/c i’ve never worn one! Addorb! You’re my hero!
more sizing info ๐
SIZING 2-6 small / 6-10 med/ 12-14 large/ 16+ XL. If you are a small frame 0-4 XS
A#1 – you are awesome.
B#2 – I want one of these post-hasty, but am concerned about inseam length (although why, I don’t know – I am 62″ tall)
C#3 – When you do sports bras, are you going to make them available in all the sizes that athletic women come in? Can I special request that they go up to at least DDD?
D#4 – Yes to tank tops.
and finally –
E#5 – I love me some skull wear. I have a skull tattoo. My son has skull & crossbones outfits. As soon as I know about inseam (which really, Amy, why is THAT the worry?), I will be ordering.
inseam is THREE inches
From manufacturer:
OUR overseas shipping and payments we “welcome”. There may be a slight increase in shipping costs, we R working on that now.
Order placed!! Love the skirt and love even more that you’re donating your proceeds to charity. You are so many layers of awesome!!
They’re so nice they’re NOICE.
Time to start saving my pennies…please say they’ll be around for a while. Kudos to you for donating the profits to such a worthwhile cause. ๐
Cute! Tattoo sisters rock! ๐
this makes me wish I worked out in skirts! SOMEDAY I WILL!
OH MY GOSH. is it pay day yet? those are so dang cute!! i love love love. ๐
yay!! cannot wait to get one
Yay!!! Congrats!!!
So excited that it’s finally here!! So I have to ask because I remember the initial discussions… I’ve checked out the sizing and is there enough material for a mama with a lot of junk in her trunk so my hindparts won’t be exposed??? LOL
Great job, Carla! It looks great. Very creative of you!
I can’t believe you have your own running skirt – how awesome is that?! They are super cute and I was wondering where you got yours. ๐
Yay finally!! Congrats!!!
So I see the sizing chart and I remember the initial discussions which brings me to my question….. is there enough material for a mama with a lot of junk In her trunk? Lol cant have my hindparts exposed ๐
I think thats why I have a small? some women my size may wear an xs (?!) but I want that full booty coverage ๐
Very cute! I love workout skirts for Zumba, and for wearing around the house, so I may just have to get one. ๐
They are beautiful, Carla – well done! I’m going to sneakily get Candace’s measurements so I can get her one, then I’ll wait for V2.0 (the Plus Size option) for myself.
Oooooh how much I want one of these! (Actually, I want several — now that I’m getting back into the swing of things I WILL need smaller than what I can wear now.)
Now those look cool. I’m not one to wear skorts, probably not a surprise, but if I did I’d wear these ๐
I’m a guy and I want one. These are awesome!
wish you would have kept the proceeds in the states-there are plenty of families right in your own back yard who could use help.
love the metal gothic prints. suits me
How exciting!! They look so awesome! Congrats to you!
OMG congrats – that is so awesome and so YOU! xxoo