Ive unpacked ONE tee!
No school for the child.
Just did a BIGย move.
This misfits *refusing*
To lose her fit-GROOVE.
to get to and TRAIN.
Again and again.
Unpacking boxes.
Fitness is there.
but it’s awkward & rough.
PLAYouts abound!
Was Tornado’s request.

please mama??
Mags were flipped thru.
And time it was made
For a WORKOUT…or two.
MizFit note: Absolutely, positively none of this post was said in jest.ย As a result, I positively, absolutely refuse to accept any “Ive gots no time to exercise! my 2013 be so crazy already!” excuses from the rest of you. Thank you.
Love the post =) Happy to hear that you were able to step away from the unpacking and move-related things and enjoy some time with the tornado!!
Hope you guys had a great weekend!
During the stress of moving and unpacking, some kind of working out would be a nice change and help to destress. I am starting to finally learn (after 50 years) that even a short walk helps calm me down.
Baby steps. I love this community.
You are my “get it done” hero! You’ve had a wild week and still managed to take care of fitness.
We did our Burn Circuit 1. Wee bit jelly legged now….that’s good though, right? ๐
Reading & exercise…two of my favorite things!
hope things are going well for you guys!
YES! Gotta MOVE that body!! Woot woot!!
Holy crap, unpacking & moving all that stuff around is a workout in itself! Not a playout though so glad you got that in & the bookstore – fun & play time is so important! Now how could you resist that Tornado face! ๐
You make me smile.
I love workouts that aren’t workouts.oh yea!
So fun! Proud of yall for still making time!
If I ever say “I don’t have time” just say: MOVE, CHILD, MIZ!
Glad that you’re finding your special places (bookstore!) in your new place. Hope life settles a bit more for you soon!
What a great reminder that none of us are too busy for the important things – our kids for sure and exercise!!!! Happy unpacking and acclimating!!
My absolutely least favorite words to hear ‘I have no time to exercise’. Such a lie – we all have time, some just choose to use their time for sedentary activities. It’s all about choices.
You are so funny!!!
So cute! See this is exactly what being committed and determination brings. Workouts in a book store!
Why do I imagine I’d be arrested. We should do a virtual flash mob!
You are so creative, love the poem! It looks like your taking some time for your self and getting settled, it’s a journey and you’re making it fun! xo
I’m so glad you’re having fun with all the stress of moving and you’ve got time for fun. That’s the most important part after all ๐
I got out to walk through the winter enchanted forest light display on the weekend which I haven’t done since I was a kid…sometimes the fun stuff is the best stuff!
Unpacking SO counts as functional fitness! And yeah, there are ways to sneak fitness into the busiest of days if you’re creative. Sometimes the mental hurdle is bigger than the physical one. But stairs, squats, lunges, pushups, stretchybands etc can often be worked in in spare moments if time is at a premium.
Hope you are settling in and finding your way around and getting used to the new ‘hood!
we need REMINDERS that playing and our kids are important…??????
which is why our state recently had to pass a law for divorced parents to spend time with their kids…
the world is upside-down and I don’t mean a yoga inversion pose.
You’re divorced Miz?????
Here’s an interesting tidbit which you may choose to share or not with your audience (since I don’t have one anymore).
I workout to race/compete and love it. I typically get in 8-12 hours of workouts in per week. I completed 2800 mi. of cycling, 400 miles of running, 122 miles of swimming and 60 hours of weights/yoga this last year. (2012)
It added up to TWELVE percent (12%!!!!) of my waking hours in between work/family/other responsibilities. That’s piddly! So yeah… no excuses AT ALL for finding time.
Thank you for reminding me about NEAT! Now I will leave my computer and frolic around my house ๐ Or shovel show…
I DO have a goal for this week. Finding my prego workout groove. ๐
This is a needed reminder. Not the post or video ๐ the links.
The bookstore–what a perfect place for a little downtime in the midst of it all. And I have no doubt that you are making it work fitness-wise no matter what!
I can see the videos!
Okay. We must all dance together one day!
I do a mean robot. I don’t actually move like a robot but…I try.
Crazy dancing is my favourite…it’s SuperFit’s too ๐
TOTALLY LAUGHING as the child was JUST doing the robot. her face whilst ‘botting is HILARIOUS.
The NARRATION is the best.
And the head nod.
Like Columbus discovering America, lol!
Love it! I had planned to do some formal workouts this weekend (biking and swimming) but instead decided cleaning the house, organizing closets, putting away Holiday stuff, etc was more needed and plenty of exercise. My husband’s fitbit agrees! And, considering today is training day #1 of the season, I was ok slacking on the swim/bike/run front since it’s my last opportunity to do so! ๐
Loving this as I drag my tired butt out of a warm bed and into the dark, cold morning! So. Much. Energy.!
Love that you managed to find time for fitness and write poetry at the same time. ๐
ohmygoodness I love this (and hearing T’s voice). You are right, I have absolutely no excuse. PS was thinking about you all and your move/unpacking/settling in. Sending you all lots of love as you transition.
You are such a joy…I’m smiling even after finishing the post. Wishing all of you a continued easy transition to your new home. Take care.
Best vlog ever.
Hey now did you ever think of unpacking and lifting boxes as a workout? It totally is! I know when I moved into our 5 story walk-up I got the best bum and arm workout of my life aka couldn’t walk down the stairs without limping for a few days after. So happy for your new adjustment! You’ll do just fine, in fact more than fine because you do everything up GREAT!
haha love it!! What a great way to make working out fun & silly.
Moving and unpacking and all that jazz is a good workout, but Hooray for you for taking some downtime!
Workouts that aren’t workouts are my favorite! Especially dance parties, no matter where they are held.
SO so great, you guys! I love her little voice. “Oh yeah!” ๐ Way to get it done (and inspire so many who struggle with the “But I don’t have time!” excuse along the way!).
LOVE IT! Love the NO EXCUSES and the poem. ๐ thanks for sharing and motivating!
I am with YOU and your GIRL. Play is the best exercise for the body and the mind and the spirit! LOVE!
I did not see the videos this morn but SO LOVE! I hope you added them on after I read earlier otherwise I am going crazy! ๐
No videos when I came earlier either!!!!
Love em.
You are crazy in a great way.
Love it! A girl got to do what a girls got to do!:)
No excuses! Enjoy your new house as you make it a home.
Im still laughing some of you saw no videos in the post initially.
it must have made no sense ๐
Good for you, girl!
The Tornado’s voiceover was SO FUNNY.
Rock out, Sister.
FULL DISCLOSURE? Ive listened to her little voice a million times. Makes me giggle each time I do, too.
Love this. I could get lost in a bookstore for hours. Moving is stressful we still have a few boxes to unpack. I don’t care I’d rather spend time with my boo’s
Joy – Joy! Fun – Fun!
Way to keep at it! You ladies are adorable.
You are a rockstar!
Love that A’s shirt… welcome to the Bay Area!
I’ll be moving soon so the chaos will be at our house too and I’ll be looking for fun workouts like this. ๐ Good luck settling in!
Love the dance moves!
Look at you go – unpacking and still finding time to workout!!
I love when you get “freebie” workouts by just doing what needs to be done! ๐ glad I happened across this!
Thank you for reminding me that next time my kid starts doing pull-ups on the shelves at Target, it’s ok.
We all always have the time — it is just about how we choose to prioritize. If you prioritize movement/exercise, you’ll do it. No matter how busy you may be.
Love the videos! Moving is a good workout!
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My thoughts for the start of the new year have many times gone to the idea that doing something is way better than nothing, no matter how short. Your post reinforced that I do not have any valid excuses! On with the improvement, no matter how little or how long it takes- onward and upward!
Unpacking is great exercise! I love that t-shirt. ๐