I am the Eggland’s Best EGG’vangelist and the below is a sponsored post. The idea to bring ya’ll over to the Land of Twitter is all my own.
(This will BREW while we chat.)
I’m one *still* who loves to hang out on the Twitters.
People criticize the platform and how it’s changed as it’s grown (that’s a post for a different day), but I’ve fallen in love over there more times than I can count.
With brands (when they rock the interaction) and with people.
More than anything, though, I’m smitten with Twitter chats.
Unlike the constant noise and barrage of links—Twitter chats allow us to create a community in which to talk about the stuff which is important to us.
Chats, even though we’re in different places and timezones, remind me of Fitbloggin and the power of our tribe.
When a Twitter chat is run well I leave feeling energized, refreshed and as if I can conquer ANYTHING I set my mind to!
look out world–here I come!
I’m super-excited about leading a twitter chat tomorrow for Eggland’s Best and I relayed this excitement to an online friend.
Her response surprised me.
Cool! Have fun! I’d come but I don’t “get” Twitter chats.
I was sad. I was disappointed. A blog post was born.
Twitter Chat 101: All you need to know about chats you can learn from bullet points.
- Tweetchat is your friend. Twubs is your friend. Go to either, enter hashtag #ebeggs and you’re in! TIP: you can do this any time to follow the #ebeggs conversation not only during the chat.
- Follow my co-host Joyce, me and Eggland’s Best (<—–there will be prizes. when you win you’ll need to message them yer mailing info.)
- Follow along & chime in when you’d like! We will be chatting about refreshing our approach to healthy living now that spring is here. Answer all the questions. Hang back, read and just re-tweet. You choose how much or how little you participate! (and yes. you can win regardless.)
- It’s a H.I.I.T. chat. We’re going to go fast, furious & fun for 60 swift minutes. Join us during breakfast on the west coast! Pop in for a lunch-break if you’re in the central/eastern timezones. We’ve structured a fast paced, fun, *energizing* chat so we all depart afterward ready to wrangle our day.
- —> MARK YER CALENDAR FOR TOMORROW.<— 9 am pacific. Noon eastern.
- Still baffled? No worries. Here’s your Twitter cheat-sheet. You’ve still got plenty of time to get up to speed.
Now you.
Any lingering questions about Twitter, Twitter chats or how I plan to eat breakfast whilst tweeting?
Please to hit me up in the comments below….
Ok I may get an account and try this.
Maybe LOL
Me too!!!
I am overwhelmed by twitter, but this breaks it down great Carla.
Especially the re-tweet and the hashtags.
I will see you tomorrow.
I love Twitter chats. It’s how I first found my tribe. I hope I get a lunch break tomorrow!
This is the winter which will not end, Carla.
If your chat brings spring I’m there!!! 🙂
It is as easy as tweetchat and then #ebeggs right?
I’ll be the one who is lost LOL
I like twitter chats so much more that just “regular” tweeting — I feel like I’m actually contributing something and being heard rather than just shouting into a black hole.
I agree, Jennifer.
It feels like a community meeting.
I’ll be there Carla!
i usually use tweetchat – must check out twubs though! since i’m off school i’ll try and stop by for a minute!! i’m visiting a friend at 11:30, so i’ll have a few minutes right at the beginning (central time)
I might be snoozing.. 😉 Sleepy time for me! I always am amazed how much you love Twitter – you & others. As long as I have been doing it, I have never fallen in like with it & still not a fan of it or chats. They move to fast. I feel like I am just trying to keep up vs. actually paying attention to the content. Just little ole me.. 🙂 I do like eggs though. 🙂
That’s helpful info, thanks!
I’ll be working, but I might try to take a short break and say “HEY!” I LOVE Twitter chats…I have found so many interesting people to follow this way.
I love a good TwitterChat! Thanks for the tips.
I give a lot of credit to those moderators – you included – because WOW it’s a cluster**** of tweets all at once when twitter chats start rolling!! I wouldn’t even know how to moderate! LOL! Wait, YES I WOULD – because you have supplied ALL of us with a cheat sheet 🙂
I LOVE the twitter. I did not know about twubs though, so thanks for that!
I used to be involved in chats and I LOVED it, but I have since stopped. I don’t know why. I think maybe I need to start participating again. 🙂
As always, Carla…you rock like frozen crazy!
I still love twitter chats. Brings back the conversational aspect of Twitter that I miss.
My best tip ? Have multiple devices open! I follow and retweet from tweet deck and use my regular stream on the phone or iPad to respond to people who’ve responded to me! Otherwise it’s all a blur!
I’ve gotten away from Twitter because of the noise (I blog read more).
This could be a fun way to get back to it.
I keep one window up with tweetchat and one with @’s on twitter.com. That way I don’t miss when people are talking to me. Tweetchat can move fast sometimes. Though twitter isn’t near as much fun as it used to be, chats are still the most fun over there.
I have a client meeting at 11 but I am SO hoping to be back by 12:30 at which time I will be ALL up in there! I’m still BFF with the twitters.
Oh and a tip. Preschedule your questions in hootsuite. frees you up a million. 🙂
Thank you for the break down! I’m a complete twitter idiot!!
I’m going to figure out how to go to Tweetchat today so I can be at least sort of ready!
Looking forward to it!
I’ve never participated in twitter chats. I’m thinking I should! Have a great day Miz!~
Off to click through yer links!
I think a twitter chat is maybe how we first met? Maybe?! I love the twitter chats, but I have been working so much lately that it just hasn’t worked out time-wise. I gotta get back into the twitter world
You all were awesome today. So glad that I got to join for a bit but man, that chat was flying!! I couldn’t read that fast. When Twitter chats are done well, like when you and Joyce host them, they are great and such a great way to interact with people.