Ā Lucky: selected as Fila Real Woman model.
The other night I spent time reflecting on 2017.
I’ve not been silent as planned.
With 2/3+ of the year behind us I’m nowhere near where I’d anticipated I’d be.
Still, even all that acknowledged, I arrived at the not-so-mind-blowing conclusion I am extraordinarily lucky.
While I do express gratitude daily it was last night (as I yammered at the child about good fortune in our lives) I was reminded of an additional thing:
Behind every lucky person exists an unseen crapton of work.
The more I muddled through explaining to the middle schooler how IĀ firmly believe luck is within our control the more I animated I became.
Luck, as with many seemingly random things in life, is something we can prepare for and attract.
And my musings on the creation of kismet were born.
Lucky people heed intuition.
I cant tell you the number of successful people Ive interviewed who, when asked *how* they know decisions are the ‘right’ ones, cited listening to their guts as best predictor of a good life-choice.
I’ve learned this lesson the hard way when I’ve done the exact opposite and ignored my intuition. The majority of the time my initial thought, my gut-reaction, informs me best and is the one with which I should go.
As I launch my second life and consciously choosing to attract more serendipity I’m simultaneously focusing on trusting my intuition/inner voice.
Lucky people reverse ‘bad’ situations.
For every life-success I’ve experienced there exist 239482 attempts where I crashed & burned.
Lucky people have tenacity. Lucky people posses grit. Lucky people are resilient. Lucky people stick with imperfect situations and harness the power of their talents to change them.
Ken & my friend Melvin self-identify as lucky.
Lucky people shake up routine.
I’m pretty good with risk taking, yet the idea of shaking up my routine is one where I definitely need work.
I love my routine. Kids thrive on routine. I’ve chosen to create life-habits. You do the proverbial math. It gets a little routinized around here.
Lucky people are fearless about the unknown and welcome shifts. People with an abundance of luck get creative with their thinking. They not only walk face first and full speed into the dark–they actively choose this way of life.
Lucky people expect the positive.
I have many seemingly lucky people in my life. Every single one of them shares this one trait in common: they consciously decide how a situation will to ‘turn out’ before anything actually transpires and they never waiver from this optimistic mental image.
No matter what happens along the way.
Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction/vision boards or not, when it comes to attracting luck consistently expecting positive outcomes is mindset which works.
And there you have it.
4 ways I used to convince The Child we all possess the ability to create luck in our lives.
The quote she already knew was luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
For me, however, the quote more verbose and cumbersome than that.
Luck is what happens when an individual spies opportunity and is ready, willing, and able to embrace or transform it through hard work, tenacity, optimism and a thick slathering of creative thinking.
Which circuitously leads me back to my initial question for the 11 year old and now you:
- Are you lucky?
I feel like my husband could have written this as he is always saying there is no such thing as “luck” and does ALL of these things and is successful and (mostly) deliriously happy. Me? Well…I also find things out the hard way and I struggle to let go of routine but, the older I get, the “luckier” I get, as I let go of more and listen to myself more š
I’m stupid lucky, and stupid grateful.
Lucky, blessed, grateful — but still risk-averse and a creature of habit!
Is the Fila modeling new? It’s new to me at least, so congrats! I love it and love them for choosing you!
I am very lucky…mostly because of my own effort. š
I’ve evolved my thinking over the past couple of years to feeling grateful for all that I have and even–gasp–lucky. I come from a long line of negative people and it’s been a work in progress. Even though I’ve had a blow, being diagnosed with RA, I feel so lucky that I get to keep on moving.
I look at it as being fortunate – with the blessings I have and with the ability to choose my attitude to the things that aren’t so fabulous. So yes, I’m lucky too Carla and it’s a great way to live isn’t it?
At the age of 26 I decided to be happy and value myself and my life. Since then, I notice the good things. Luck is what you decide. I win things quite often, and people call me lucky. I call it reciprocal karma.
Love this post! I am lucky and I do not take it for granted. I see all the Egors around me and their lack of preparation or being able to see opportunities can be deafening if one chose to hear.
Such a insightful post Carla. I do try to do the 4 things on your list!
I can’t tell you how many times I read something you’ve written and it is exactly what I needed.
I do think that luck has much to do with your expectations for “more” and your ability to appreciate what you have. . As much as I wish for things, I’m also peacefully prepared not to have them, and usually that is exactly when those things brighten my life.
Lucky and blessed, both. Even when supposed “bad” things happen, i choose to look at any possible good they will bring with them.
I think I will saty quiet here.. too much time to explain my thoughts on this.
I feel “lucky” that I read this blog today. It is so smart and inspirational. Thank you!
I’ve made my biggest mistakes by not listening to my gut (or intuition) so now, I pay attention to that little voice in my head!
I wish I was in your camp, but lucky? Nope. Illness after illness plague me, dragging me down time after time. This year was especially unlucky with four new diagnoses on top of my MS. How do I create a life that is lucky when I face this? I have no idea at all. Wish I had a happier comment. I really do. xo
Grateful and happy that hubby and I worked our a$$es off to get where we are today. I believe there was a small amount of luck- (i.e. things came together in a series of events that benefited us) but yes, you have to embrace the unknown and change to get where you want to be. Embrace the mystery!
Agree 200% with this. Many people call me “lucky”. I believe we make our own luck. This trip to Berlin I just returned from put me out of my comfy zone in a big way with all the obstacles in my path. But by persevering and being resilient and responding creatively to the challenges, I can say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Having my teen daughter at my side observing and partnering was priceless.
I love these 4 traits as they are do-able! Love the idea of seeing the positive in a situation first and foremost. Visiting from Saturday Sharefest.