MizFit note: this is *not* a sponsored post. it’s merely an ode of I FREAKIN LOVE YOU to a concept our family adores.
Ive know Ive beaten this poor dead horse yammered about this seed for close to four years now—but that’s how much I love.
Example #1: The Tornado’s gift to her teacher at the end of the year? A bag of chia. I joke not.
Example #2: I had three hours of tattooing done last week & spent a third of the time prattling on to my artist how she and her family *need* the tiny superseed.
I love. I love.
Sure, I cook with it –but that’s 100% so Ren Man will eat it other people in the house are able to enjoy its chia-goodness.
I, however, consume it straight from the container and more often than not sans-utensil. To my chagrin’y delight the Tornado has followed suit.
I adore the taste. I love me the texture. Im drawn to its health-benefits. My dental practitioner is thrilled I now (need to) floss 39843948 times a day.
As a result, it’s no surprise I lost my misfit-mind when Jody pointed out CHIA SHOTS to me.
It was as though The Chia Company slipped inside my brain & formulated a product just for me.
The woman who drives around with this on her passenger seat:
I. Love. The. Concept. Of. Grab-n-GO! Packs.
I adore the idea of anything healthy waiting on the counter to be snagged with EASE & tossed into the husbands briefcase my chia-hole.
No the shots are not necessary.
Yes they kindasorta resemble the notion of 100 calorie packs in that I technically *could* create the shots less expensively myself using a baggie & a measuring spoon.
I freakin’ adore the shots.
Not only are they perfect for plopping into my pointy packpack, but because they’re sitting out in such a tempting container the Tornado asks for them all.the.time.
The chia shots allow me to do what I do best—–practice what I preach & say nary a word.
The only sad thing about the shots and great reminder to this misfit about chia-portion control is they’re gone so quickly.
Rip. Toss back. Done:
And that’s where our Misfit Family is right now.
Tossing back shots & smiling at the mere *thought* of The Chia Company stumbling upon our quirky-love.
Now you:
- Have you/your family climbed aboard the Chia (band) Wagon? Whats your fave way to consume?
- Would you join us in doing Chia-Shots or do you believe
as Ren Man doesthe Tornado & I have lost our minds?
Please to hit us all up in the comments below.
I wanna do shots too 🙂
Oh Miz.
EWWW to the plain chia!!
Did you really give the Tornado’s teacher chia??
OMG Miz.
I did.
she loved.
or she lied.
tomato tomaaaaaaaaaaaaaahto 🙂
Yes. We. Did!
i want to do chia shots, esp with you!
Chia Shots! Woot! I’d be doing shots all day long if I had those. And really, that’s a serving. Apparently I’m far off with my servings. 🙂
After reading about your love of chia I finally bought a bag a few months ago and dutifully sprinkled it on my yogurt every morning. Now the bag is empty and I’m not sure I’d buy another just because I don’t know exactly what I really got out of it (other than flossing, lol!). Guess there’s different strokes for everyone?
You could buy worse “pack” of stuff although you are stil creating lots of trash.
I sprinkle chia on and in everything now thanks to you.
Still have not tried the chia …. Interested though!
dont make me come there….
youd love.
youd love.
I’ve never heard of these shots, but I’m another huge fan of chia. So much goodness is such a small package. Love it!
I’d love the shots for when I travel for work.
I make my own 100 calorie packs of things like chips and nuts, but I’d make a mess with the chia!
I love the Tornado’s “it is empty” fact, too.
I’ve never had chia seeds without putting them in or on something especially oatmeal. I will have to give them a try out of the bag.
I’m just getting into Chia…using them in oatmeal, but plan to make bolder choices soon! Thanks for sharing!
Love Chia! I’d take a shot of Chia any time! When we meet one day, I wanna shoot one back with you! K? K.
Omg I love this idea! I’m drinking chia seeds in my smoothie right now, I’m hopelessly addicted! I’m glad you’re getting to enjoy them in a fun, easy way!
I could totally use those. Not sure how often I’d do a straight shot, but it would be awesome to just open one and dumpt it in whatever I need it in. I always seem to have random chia seeds escaping around my kitchen…
I tried chia on your recommendation and really enjoy it in my smoothies.
And I have to floss all the time, too.
You two have lost your minds with the shots LOL
How much Chia do you need to consume to get the added health benefits? I am working the Weight Watchers points plus plan (have lost 42 lbs so far) to get to my healthy weight and the seeds are not ‘free’ so they would take place of food. Or do they seeds offer enough nutrition on on their own?
Miz, I LOVE reading your blog every day. You are truly inspiring! Thanks for what you do!
here’s some “amount” info (spoiler alert 🙂 there is no set amount):
In the short time since my comment, I’ve already been to the grocery store, licked my finger and dunked it in the chia (Tornado-style). 🙂
i keep seeing these at whole foods. I want t buy the whole case! very cool. and uh, how do i get to be tornado’s teacher? I’d love chia for a gift. haha
LOL, when I saw the title I had no idea what to expect. 🙂
You are the queen of chia, the chia queen?
I…still haven’t tried them *gasp*
REALLY??? I’m so surprised. OH WAIT. Is chia paleo?!
It’s a seed, yes? Then I would say yes.
Blogging seems to have shifted to all product promotion for pay.
I’m more likely to purchase these since it isn’t a ‘review.’
Cool product.
I saw these on TV!
I use chia now and then, mostly when I travel for the extra fiber. My husband is a big fan. His latest kick comes from reading about Chi Indians, or something like that, who are know for their running, and who eat and drink chi. So now DH has been trying recipes from that.
Ooooh. Send the husband my way pleaseandthankyou.
Does that mean you can never have passengers or do they hold the pistachios??
lol so not surprised! you crack me up
LOVE! I have not broke down & bought yes just due to lack of $ but I so want to!!!! Have you tried the chia coffee pudding thing I mentioned – putting them in your cofee & letting them sit till they make pudding? I haven’t yet but it is coming!!! OK – we will get that chia company to notice us yet not that you have turned me on to CHIA!!!!
When I read “chia coffee pudding” my heart went pitta-pat. I’m sure it was the idea of coffee pudding…
Im not sure what Jody is referring to recipe-wise but this is what I made and loved!
i love the chia – although i do not take it in shots…yet.
Hahaha yess love chia. I usually sprinkle into yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies, but shots sound interesting! Maybe I’ll try making my own shot bag
(Also I adore that you GIFT chia seeds. You’re awesome.)
I think those chia shots look amazing. I use chia seeds in my smoothies,make chia jam with fruit and sometimes toss them into a one minute muffin.
Have to laugh about the flossing – oh my goodness those little things get stuck everywhere!
Like anything that may be too “healthy lookin’/tastin'”, chia gets hidden in various things.
Kinda like that time I served up chicken fingers that weren’t chicken…mwahahahaha….
Ahhh, there’s the pic! I Tweeted before I hopped over here to look!
I am having chia on my morning oats; just spent some time trying to figure out whether cooking/heating had any effect on nutritional value.
Fine as long as cooking temp stays below 350!
Okay, I have to ask – I have tried chia a bunch of times, and it always seems to give me a stomachache. Even when I soak it overnight! So how in the heck do you eat the stuff dry? (Maybe I am the only weird one this happens to. My mom is a big chia fan and she thought I was crazy.)
I’m still so glad you converted me to the yummy chia. Those small packs look like perfection because I spill chia from a bigger bag every which way. Just imagine the Swedish chef flinging food while cooking….that’s me. 🙂
ok this is for SARAH 🙂 Ive gotten your comment by email but it isnt showing up here…yet.
Ive NEVER gotten a stomach ache from chia.
how much are you eating at a time?
I’m glad you keep discussing chia because I have yet to get over the chia pet of my childhood enough to eat the stuff. Maybe I’ll try me a shot?
Im always tempted to introduce the Tornado to omy CHIA PET love—but fear turning her off the chia 🙂
I love Chia! I have it in my oatmeal EVERY day! I think my dental hygenist likes that I like it too 🙂
LOVE CHIA! I have yet to just chomp on them, but I love to drop them in water and flavored water. I love how they expand and get gushy like miniature bobas! Tasty tasty.
I can’t get in to chia seeds on their own, but love them in overnight oats!
Let’s get an ad for these going with Pitbull playing. GENIUS MARKETING.
luv me some shots! plz and thank u
Your daughter gave chia to her teach?! Wow, she rules.
I use chia IN things mostly protein shakes.
Have not decided on it’s value yet. I see no miracle improvement in my life.
They make my sinks an awful mess when I rinse my blender bottles.
And no way in hell I’m chewing them straight!
Okay – you’ve convinced me. Chia is on the grocery list.
I need to get onboard this Chia train. You make it sound like ice cream =) =)
I have not tried Chia, but apparently need to! Is it costly?
I love chia, but you’ve lost your damn mind. Check behind the fridge, that’s where I found mine last time.
I’m with Cat. You’re chia crazy. 🙂
OMG!!!!!!!!! That is brilliant!!! Chia shots? I need to get some of those NOW! And you know we’re all on the chia train over here. Which reminds me, we still need to do our rap/dance. Should that be a summer project? Hugs my inspirational friend!
I wanna get on a plane and do chia shots with you!!!! And btw, the expression “chia-hole”made me laugh out loud!!!!
As I am relatively new to this blog, I have not been beaten to death by your adoration for chia. Perhaps I will have to try them… and I am in love with your packpack.
The shot packets are cool. Do you chew them or just wash them down with a drink?
Other than that one time I vloged it, I haven’t done my chia straight. It goes into smoothies or oatbran 🙂
I haven’t seen these shots, but then again, I wasn’t looking for them. Will commence shopping with eyes open, or make my own little shot packs at home.
FInally–a shot I would do! I love this concept.
Don’t kick me… never had. Not as a shot, not with my food, not with my breakfast. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam I am.
Don’t know why… just haven’t had the chance I guess.
What a great concept. I do love chia, but I don’t know if I could do it on its own. I usually bake it or mix it into something. Works great for overnight oats.
Miz, I have to admit I’d only heard of chia in blogs like yours. I don’t know if it / they are as big here in Oz, but I recently tried a new cereal (gluten-free) and it included chia or chia seeds. It also included a lot of other stuff, but it was delicious. I don’t quite know what to expect from chia by itself… guess I should try some!
We love chia!! Never knew about these shots
Haha, well I certainly couldn’t eat it straight, but I’m with you..chia is awesomeness!!
I have never tried chia but I’m beginning to think I should.
What does mean??
I thought I asked “What does mean?”
not sure what you mean but I must have knocked a key?
So are the shots just chia seeds or do they have other stuff in them? I’m intrigued! Also, I think anything involving chia needs to come with mandatory floss!
Your bespeckled-toothed friend
YEP just chia!!