What already feels like a lifetime ago I journeyed to NAPA for the Zooma Race series.
I came. I swam. I saw. I posed. I presented. I walked.
And while it all was amazing (I loved loved loved walking the 10k!!) my fave facet was the opportunity to get B.R.A.Z.E.N. in front of a group of runner-woman.
Back in the day.
Back in the 1980’s when they were created.
We’ve beaten them to death (myself included) in fields from fitness to career coaching.
It was time for a new acronym and I had the misplaced confidence to believe I am the one to create said acronym & bring it to Napa to share.
And, as often happens here, as I created said new acronym in preparation for my presentation, I used it.
I employed it as I set goals.
I harnessed it to evaluate goals already set.
By the time the event arrived, I *knew*, whether B.R.A.Z.E.N. resonated with the ZOOMA women or not—I’d found what worked for me.
And updated, ballsier, brasher, BETTER approach I share here for your goal setting/goal tweaking pleasure.
B is for BOLD.
Our goals should STRETCH us. They are supposed to be thisclose to scary. They should serve to answer at least some facet of the question: Where do I want to be in 10 minutes? 10 months? 10 years? They should force us to soften our attachment to our self-definition. When creating your goals think BOLD.
Our goals need to possess bounce back ability. We need to have a plan A and a plan B for achieving them. We need to know precisely what we will do if our plan (all running outside!!) gets derailed (rain for weeks!!). We must be able to envision consistency with regards to working to achieve our goal. Consistent effort makes anything possible—but we need to be able to be resilient in our efforts our our goal needs to be tweaked.
This is where we get honest with ourselves (positive self-deception has no place here). Everyone told me I was capable of running the ZOOMA half marathon. Runners, running coaches, friends—everyone. When I was brutally honest with myself, however, and examined all of my current goals I knew a half-marathon wasn’t achievable. For me. Right now. I revamped my goal. Remember, we wanna stretch as a result of our goals—not strain or tear.
Z is for ZOOMA
Of course at this event the letter Z had to be a nod to the Zooma race series. It also pointed back to how the runners arrived at race day: A PLAN. Crucial here is to avoid paralysis by analysis. There is no BEST training plan. There is no BEST workout routine. The is no BEST approach to a goal. There is only what you will do and commit to. Create a plan which fits your lifestyle, commit fully (fits & starts hurt us emotionally), and be certain it the plan gets you both where you want to go and offers mini-goal opportunities along the way.
This is YOUR goal. It should energize you. As you set the goal you should want to eat, sleep, breathe, read, talk, & think only about this focus. Because I can guarantee you this excitement will wane. At some point–no matter how fleeting–you will have a moment of: Wait. Why the heck am I doing this again?! and you need to have had earlier excitement to tap back into.
You also need to be energized and enjoy the process of achieving your goal. You should not only want the ‘end result’ but be energized by the process and experience of getting there, too. The transition is as important (and should be as energizing) as the pose.
N is for NETWORK
Or more aptly put for me: no woman is an island. I firmly believe goal achievement demands a village. Find your tribe (offline or on). Identify your cheerleaders (and your toxic life-people). Share your goals with others and clearly convey your Language of Encouragement. Look for mentors (& reverse mentors). Make time to mentor and encourage others with similar goals—you may be surprised how cheering on others re-ignites your spark for pursuing your goal as well.
And you?
- Are you ready to get B.R.A.Z.E.N. in goal setting along with me?
- Are you as befuddled & inept with cowl necks as am I?
I’m taking your lead and getting ballsier…love that name btw! And cowl necks – very confusing. So many options!
Okay, important fashion comment, cowl necks are awesome. Love them and you look great in that outfit.
I am ready to be B.R.A.Z.E.N. I really like Z and E especially. I am finding that all of this reading about different diets and such really needs to go out the window. My body is all mine and I need to focus on what works for me. And E is incredibly important as well. Right now I’m feeling super energized with my current goal and I hope that as I move forward it will only get stronger.
Thanks for the update on goal setting!
I always think I have a Z and then I start and see it won’t quite work and I quit.
I love this! I definitely need to focus on E :). I love N and think it is so important to have a mentor and help others. A rising tide lifts all boats (JFK)
we use smart goals at school but i love your idea of being brazen – i think even kids could relate!
This is awesome.
Booyah! I have been waiting for this! And, you look great in that top. 😉
I tend to pick goals which do not energize me and I think that’s my downfall.
I need to discover that sweet spot between bold and achievable.
I either do too little or I shoot too high.
Great acronym, Carla
love this idea! i need to start setting BRAZEN goals!
Love this! – especially that our goals “should force us to soften our attachment to our self-definition” Thanks for inspiring Carla!
I think B and N are very important. It’s hard to be bold and ‘ballsy’ with your goals – but what is the point of a goal if its not? Also NETWORKING is crucial. You need a support system, not only from those who encourage you but those you can enlighten you in what you want to achieve, and how to do it! Goals shouldn’t be achieved alone!
N is for network —
I think this is so impt no matter what for women, yet it seems like we often forget it.
We are not an island – correct – in anything, raising families, building businesses, exercising and staying fit, or whatever our pursuit may be
The best we can do is find a true and honest network!
I think your cowl-neck looks cute! And great goal tips!
Such a great read.. and especially – do what works & is right for you!!!! And like you & me & no challenges any more – that is OK.. does not mean we do not try or challenge ourselves.. AND as I have written, you have written & Charlotte recently – no harm in quitting if it ain’t right for you! 🙂
First, I think I have that same purple cowneck, LUCY?! Secondly, I want to go to NAPA in the worst way but I’m pretty sure my blog would be all about me drinking wine! LOL! I like BRAZEN – I’ve been putting the SMART goals on the back burner lately as they get us obsessed with the number on the scale (measurable).
YES!! LUCY! My first lucy-experience too 🙂
SQUINTS. whats that weird ICON thing?!
Ever since I knew you were writing this post I’ve been trying to guess what the acronym stood for. Love them all. Especially resiliency. (And the purple cowl neck is perfect and perfectly brazen!)
As always…I find myself inspired. 🙂
Now, that’s awesome. Then I am game! 😉
I loved meeting you at ZOOMA and really REALLY enjoyed listening to you present B.R.A.Z.E.N. goal setting! I am so thankful that you posted this as I was trying to remember what each letter stood for. 🙂 Love it.
I need far more R in my life and goals.
Great stuff, Carla!!
I hope people follow it.
My goals often aren’t any of those things, it’s more than time for a tune up. One step at a time.
For me A is the challenge. Sometimes I need to slow down from DOING ALL THE THINGS and just focus on a few things and really experience them. This will help me as I plan my way back from treatment. Thanks 🙂
I love your take on setting goals. I struggle with setting goals (for fitness, work, life…pretty much everything) but you’ve inspired me to give goal-setting another shot, and be BRAZEN about it.
Thank you!
I don’t think I have ever pulled off the cowl neck. sigh.
omg, i know i am a nerd but S.M.A.R.T. goals have been the only way i have been setting goals for a while now. i have failed miserably without them too many times to not be S.M.A.R.T. in my goal setting! i will say that goal-setting can be terrifying for me, but i like that the BRAZEN acronym kind of embraces that!
and that cowlneck looks fabulous on you 🙂
I vote for you to present at Cape Cod too 🙂
Next up…triathlon number 120 and a hummingbird garden. I just do what I love. No goals.
Yes! Although I’m not great with the whole network thing. I kind of am an island. Or maybe just a peninsula.
As for the cowl neck, you look fabulous! And for the record, I have the same difficulties. One cowl neck and I never wear it.
In my line of work, we are taught to write SMART goals but I really love this idea of BRAZEN goals. There might be a nod to this post when I talk about my Detroit Marathon goal. Ballsy for sure.
As for the cowl neck – yah, those confuzzle me too. And scarfs. I love them but my hair isn’t short enough to be above them or long enough to be below so I think it ends up looking weird.
I think you rock the cowl neck fabulously well!
i look awful in cowlneck, you look great! and i am so channeling my inner carla and brazen… BALLSIER
I need to work on that resiliency. When something goes wrong it throws me off track sometimes.
I love how you are taking this whole approach to being brazen by storm.