Subtitle: Because really, People, who doesn't need some extra tips for their arsenal this time of year. Find a partner(s). If you missed the boat on this round of MizFit Motivational Match-Ups just take a few minutes, identify the supporters in your life, & ask them if they'd mind helping you stay on track during the holiday season. Have extra cash? Hire a personal trainer accountability ... Continue Reading
To stretch or not to stretch: there is no question (video post).
httpv:// Now you. Do you make time for stretching? Or are you like I am was & tend to make that the first thing you trim from your exercise routine when pressed for time? Are you a ballistic stretcher even though many sources say not to stretch this way (I have friends who *swear* by this approach)? Have you ever experienced PNF stretching with ... Continue Reading
MizFit & Valerie Bertinelli (giveaway post).
We have previously established that Im a fan of Gaiam products. I loved me the FIRM WAVE. I allowed their Nordic walking poles to convince me Im a walker at heart. As a result when am email from the popped into my in-box I opened it with much excitement. Could they be offering me the chair I covet?? Say it isnt so! I wasnt disappointed but not just because I was getting free stuff for the ... Continue Reading
Juggle your way to fitness.
Subtitle: After my NIA experience I decided to give another entirely random workout approach a shot. I’d love to say this topic choice stemmed wholly from a quirky desire to seek alternative fitness--- but that would be a lie. Inspiration came from a much more mundane place. As I lamented to these women my inability to juggle work-commitments/MizFit/mamahood at all with ease a topic ... Continue Reading
Viewer Mail: Training Partners & Choosing a Trainer.
MizFit, do you have a workout partner? if not why not? I dont (none of my friends work out when I do) & dont really want a partner---but I need motivation. I dont have a partner. And I have to admit that I have more than a fleeting jealousy of this blogger and her workout friends. Much more than fleeting. Back in the day (if by the day you mean pre-Tornado—-which I do) Ren Man and I ... Continue Reading
Viewer mail: Spotting 101 & Losing the Guilt.
Hey Miz. I know you are a big weight lifter and I had a story I wanted to share and also ask you about. I was at the gym the other morning and a guy asked me if I could spot him (Im a woman. I also was pretty flattered because I must look stronger than I think!). I said no because I wasnt entirely sure what to do. How do I know how to spot someone. First, thanks for calling me a big weight ... Continue Reading
Overtraining: LESS can be MORE.
I’m a newbie at the mizfit blog, but I must say i’m definitely a fan. I’m a 21 yr old female (5'4 and around 140lbs). I’m not fat specially since I have a larger bone structure/muscle. I’ve always exercised & currently 3-5 times a wk 2 hrs a time (1 hr cardio/1 hr lifting). I only do dumbells but I’m not afraid of the weights. I’m trying to reduce fat and I can’t seem to do that ... Continue Reading
BOSU (video post).
We've talked about the BOSU before. We defined what it is & how it came to be. Heck, we've even seen me fall off a BOSU in an unplanned display of my lack of balance & core strength. (*cue confetti shaped like tiny, weeping MizFit caricatures*) Im nothing if not tenacious. It's back, People. It's another BOSU post and this time Ive discovered something new. I suffer no ... Continue Reading
The not so scary side of BOOT CAMPS (guest post).
*The “Not So Scary” Side of Boot Camps* When you think of Boot Camp, I am guessing you are picturing some drill sergeant standing over you, sticking your face in the mud as she tells you to “Do 10 more!” That is what I picture when I hear those words, so I totally understand. When you look up the word Boot Camp on the internet, you get things such as: *-Camp for training military ... Continue Reading
Living not blogging: STRENGTH TRAINING (giveaway post).
Subtitle: Thanks to the Ren Man for a week of gives & facilitating my living not blogging about life. Subsubtitle: Yeah. Im pretty freakin' excited by this. Im so pretending we're ranked in order (wink). Weight training. Resistance training: We know I love it. But why? When I lift weights I know that I'm not, in that moment, thinking about how I'll look in my ... Continue Reading