Remember when I slid to the woo woo side explored spiritual intuitives?
The call remains the best 30 minutes I’ve spent in a while and something which sparked me to pause/step back and scrutinize my life for signs of spiritual guides/of her words coming true.
I adored the experience.
And yet, as weeks passed and my much-discussed second child failed to materialize, I begin to develop a layer of resistance.
resistance Carla = fearbased Carla
I had an emerging sense of disbelief about her intuitive powers– the very name of which made clear from the START her information would arrive without proof or conscious reasoning.
It wasn’t so much I longed to believe (hello tooth fairy) the intuitive had “gifts”—I longed to believe in my own gifts again.
I chose to look within, harness the power of my resistance for some training (wink) and strive to hone my own skills of intuition.
I reminded myself my favorite aspect of the intuitive-call had not been the information or guidance provided. It had been the fact she repeatedly informed me I didn’t need her at all.
I possessed my own intuition.
Live in the moment.
Precisely the same as living intuitively, I knew tapping into my intuition would work best if my mind was wholly focused on the present. When we linger too long in the rearview mirror we allow pain from the pasts to cloud our minds. As a result, our futures quickly transform from exciting to terrifying. We obsess. How will the choice we are about to make impact our tomorrow? Our next year? It’s in these moments (the ones we choose not to fully embrace) our intuition sends clear and unmistakable messages. It’s in these same moments we lose our ability to receive the messages/information if we’re existing in the future (anxiety) or the past (depression).
Meditation is something I’ve done every damn morning for years and still have no idea if I’m doing it right the way everyone else does! My only goal with these meditative moments is to create for myself a sense of relaxed awareness. I make the choice to start each day entirely tapped into my mental state yet concurrently releasing all distractions. As I build my intuition muscle I hope to achieve this state during meditation and better maintain/reconnect with this same feeling throughout my day.
When the intuitive ‘spoke to my spiritual guides’ she clarified I could tap into this same dialog any time I desired. In order to overcome my resistance I need to have the ability to quiet my mind and find a place of stillness/awareness when when NOT on my meditation pillow.
Practice caution with self-talk.
I recently attended a Jen Sincero You’re a Badass presentation. Sincero’s focus centered around women and our relationship with money. Money is complicated for all humans and, Sincero asserted, even more layered with conflict for women. We want it. We feel guilty/embarrassed about desiring it. We give lip-service to seeking more of it, while subconsciously we believe we don’t deserve it.
Prior to hearing Sincero speak I’d have claimed rock star status with regards to money confidence.
I’d have shared how I loved $money$ for what could do for me (from covering necessities to sharing with others) and had zero hesitation around the fact I worked my ass off and ‘deserved’ all I possessed.
Prior to hearing Sincero speak I’d have believed myself a rock star around the idea of positive self-talk.
I never denigrated myself internally or to others. I accepted compliments with excitement and grace.
I’d have been wrong on both accounts 100% due to the language I used for my internal monologue.
My mantra may have been: I don’t need lots of money. I don’t require much to be happy.
The universe only heard: I don’t need money.
To my mind my mantra reinforced the notion I already had enough and reminded anything ‘extra’ was abundance which would neither add to nor take away from my current joy.
My mantra consistently backfired as the universe interpreted my thoughts as saying I don’t need money. A statement which, on the most basic level, was patently untrue.
My internal dialogue cried out for strengthening and overhaul.
The messages from my intuition are growing stronger.
The more I’ve consciously focused on the exercises above the louder my intuitive voice has become.
In the same fashion I studied the art of foreshadowing in college, I’ve grown better able to identify serendipitous coincidences (which aren’t really that), harness the power of my ‘funny feelings,’ and allow my ‘hunches’ to offer me guidance.
As with all things it’s a daily process, yet I’m already far more aware of/tapped into the power of what Id have previously dismissed as a fluke.
I’m choosing to hold a megaphone to my inner voice and not silence it believing it’s not rooted enough in fact.
And you?
- Do you harness the power of intuition and allow it to guide your life?
- Have you worked on strengthening your intuitive power?
Oh I love this! Especially after my own experience with a psychic last week.
I started a meditation practice that I do (almost) daily, even if it’s only for 3 minutes, it helps SO very much. I also love the idea of setting an intention for the day.
Some things I harness, some things – hard things – I try to ignore, but that usually backfires.
My intuition tells me to eat lots and lots of chocolate and tortilla chips.
I listen.
I’m all about “trusting my gut”–always have been and I’ve written about it a few times on my blog. It’s interesting because where I see it the most is in my job when I have a patient in front of me and I’m pondering my differential diagnoses. Of course, I use my knowledge and the information I’ve gathered from my assessment, but more often than not I really on that intuition to help guide me. I’ve been told by my colleagues that I have really good instincts. I don’t always trust them but when I do and it works out, it’s a beautiful thing.
This post is so interesting Carla! I sometimes get swept away and do not listen as closely as needed.
Thought-provoking post, Carla! I tend to trust my instincts/gut, and have never regretted doing so. My challenge is simply quieting down enough at times to listen. But I do believe that we have all the answers inside us that we need. Thanks for the reminder of that!
I’ve never even thought of intuition as something that can be harnessed. Plenty to consider here!
I really find this interesting but based on my past experiences, I think my inner voice is not the best for me & maybe that is because I am not the best for me.. I don’t listen to it much because I feel it has led me astray in the past – more when I come to think about it is because I am lost myself.
My inner voice is running free and wild like a crazy woman!
There are moments when i know something is wrong for someone i care about who is not near me. That’s about the only intuition i seem to have.
I’m more of a realist, but I definitely believe in the power of being positive and going with your gut. And I love the pics you put up of yourself – they always give me a smile
Sigh… My intuition, if I have any, seems to be pretty inaccessible. Any “gut feelings” I have don’t seem to be anything other than unfounded fears or impractical cravings. They never end up being superior to conscious deliberation.
So yeah, this inner wisdom people talk about? I ain’t got it. But on the plus side, my plain ol’ boring logical reasoning skills seem to serve me pretty well at getting me what I need.
I sure would love to have that extra super-power though. I don’t doubt it’s amazing, I just don’t seem to have it.
I think all people in the world use their intuition at some time in their lives.
I also do it often. But I’ve never thought that it is possible to make intuitive power stronger.
I would like to know ways of making it stronger.
I have no idea what my intuitition is telling me lately. I’m all over the place!