My initial thought when I decided to join the Day in my Life link-up was:
I can’t imagine anyone cares what I do all day/what my routine looks like?
And then, like some sort of law of attraction, I began to receive a flurry of questions from friends online and off.
- How different is your routine in Austin versus Oakland?
- How many times a week do you go to the gym?
- How early do you get up?!
- When will you find your new Austin comfy-routine? (yep. that final one was posed to me by me.)
What made me smile the most was the complete lack of questions about what I eat during my day.
I don’t know if it’s because I yammer about intuitive eating or if women no longer care what others eat & know whatever choices they make are enough (yay!), but regardless it made me SMILE as that’s by far the least interesting piece of my day.
(I’m definitely no foodie.)
My mornings start at 4a.ย I am Kramer.ย I never ever set an alarm as I figure if I don’t wake I must need the sleep.
In the past 9 years (guess who’s nine?) I’ve never once overslept.
No matter when she falls asleep the Tornado is awake around 530a.ย 4a guarantees me some self-care time.ย Some quiet time.
why yes. I DO sleep in my skulls leisure onesie!
My first appointment of the morning used to be with my coffee maker.
While I was happy with that routine, I found I’d often start my day frazzled and carry said FrAzZlE with me all day long.
Now, no matter what, my first appointment of the day is with my meditation pillow.
This inner-focus lasts only a few minutes and it changes the course of my entire day.
I strive to make my mind blank like a sheet of paper.
Next it *is* coffee time.
As much as I joke about java being my liquid of life (and the fact I rival Lorelai in my love of it), the older I get the more I’ve learned it’s the routine I adore.
I pour my cup.ย I carry it to the computer.ย More often than not it grows cold as I grow HEATED, excited and sucked into writing.
(the skull contains my FAVE tea)
After that, around 445a, it’s off to work.
I blog. I write other stuffs I’m working on (foreshadowing!).ย I create.
(This is never when I work on sponsored posts or brand/client endeavors.ย Ever.)
At 530a I’m joined by the pitter-patter of two feet & four “feet” simultaneously.
I’d lament this, but the child (and the puppy) is up like a puppy.
She’s happy, excited and ready to see what the day holds!
ย (up like puppy. sleeps like old lady.)
After that mornings are a whirlwind of activity.
We often do homework (she’s a lark like her mama and thinks more clearly in the a.m.).
We frequently PLAY.
We always make time to ambulate the crazy canine.
(alas the sweater isn’t for looks. it’s been sleeting!)
(one of my fave parts of my day.)
Next, a full 75 minutes earlier than Oakland (!), it’s time to walk to school.
I’m profoundly grateful we can walk as it seems to be the best time for us to connect and talk.
About her day. About my day. About what she’s excited for and what she’s less than looking forward to.
(as a result there is no photo of the walk.ย that’s our private time.)
(at school BUNDLED, face-making & ready to learn)
After drop-off it’s back home and time to work.
Or sleep.
Depending on how many legs you have.
ย (good lord this looks comfy, huh?)
After a few hours of writing and POPCORN’ing it’s time to hit the gym.
I’m all about the #wycwyc movement (literally and metaphorically).
(moving boxes = resistance training!)
Post-muscle building it’s back to writing. Again.
I rarely find it hard to concentrate, even when this one perches and stares at me.
(whatchawriting? whatchawriting? whatchawriting??)
Apparently I blog as I live as I’ve thus far forgotten to even include any of my meals.
(Hence the not a foodie and intuitive eater remarks)
Oats, sausage, eggs, fruits, salmon, raw veggies, brown rice, cheese are pretty much the snackingmeals mainstays.
Or, if I’m feeling like it, this Jew will make EGGS in a HAMBASKET.
(I do love me some ham baskets!)
After that it’s often time to hit the grocery.
No matter how I may plan meals (in my head. where it counts) I’m there all too *frequently* for veggies & fruits.
(my life is glam–what can I say?)
(aisle walking = creative cardio)
After that I’m work work work until school lets out.
(we really need to add SKYPES to the dictionary)
I try not to rehydrate with this as I work, but I’ve decided it’s better than breaking my window.
Far less artificial.
If there’s time (and also sprinkled throughout some of my days) I hit up Twitter Facebook and Instagram.
I’ve made the choice to never sit while I peruse social media and it’s really helped my back and my step count.
(standing & tweeting FTW)
The day picks up pace around this time.
- I hurry up to school.
- I slowly walk home with the Tornado as we chat about our days and play HI/LOW.
- We empty her backpack, lunch box and
commence bickering about homeworkcheck out what her assignments are for the evening.
After some homework is finished (are you laughing alongside me how exciting my life is?) we take the Doodle somewhere so we three can frolic:
(yep. he needs an eyehole trim)
We make dinner together:
(ground turkey sloppy joes!)
And we wind down our evening with a serving of Gilmore Girls.
And that’s pretty much our day.
She goes to sleep.
The Doodle joins her.
(Charming. AKA Darkface Allhair.)
I work a bit, close down the domicile, and we all git up the next morning and try again.
Now you.
- What’s yer day like? Are you up at the crack of dawn with me?
- Have you, too, temporarily surrendered the gym for the workout that is LIFE?
I am tired just reading this LOL
Still amazed that 4 a.m. comes naturally to you! I am an early bird by nature, but not that early! Love that you get some quality time in with the tornado first thing, too. Thanks for sharing a look at your day with us–it’s fun to read these!
love your “rule” of having to walk when perusing social media! may have to try to implement that into my life!
I cannot emphasize enough how LIFE CHANGING and step increasing it has been as well.
Yes! I think I’m going to implement this myself! THANKS!
I want your leisure suit!!!
I could not love this more, Carla.
I love that you walk Tornado to and from school. That would be the best part of my day if we lived close enough to do that!
I thought 5am (when I wake!) was early. I’m with you on beating the feet to get some me time in the morning. I may try some meditation before coffee…what a concept! I love that you can walk back and forth to school together too ๐
I love this, Carla.
Are you finished unpacking now????
I can’t even imagine 4am on a regular basis. I only see that number if I have a race or I’m still awake from the day before…
Love this! As much as I have become a morning person, I still need my alarm to make it so. Otherwise I’d sleep until the sun was in my eyes and be sad because I’d missed the sunrise.
I am not a morning owl AT ALL. I’m a sleep until 7 or shoot me kind of girl. ๐ Your day sounds perfect… .all but the early morning!
I guess technically I am awake at 4am most days with a baby but definitely not up for the day. ๐ I love that you can get all your work in while she’s at school. I plan to do the same… it was important to me that my mom was home when I got home from school and I want to be there, too. Fun to get a peek at your routine!
Love this ๐
I also wake up before the kids for some “me” time, not at 4 though ๐ We can’t walk to school, but I enjoy our time at the bus stop for the same reason.
I love reading posts like this – fun to see how others spend their days.
I’m impressed with how disciplined you are about working from home. I struggle on that end with some stuff.
I got up at 4:30 for years but now I wait till 5:00 – I have to use an alarm clock though – mostly because I’m awake between midnight and about 3:30 or so more often than not!
loved this post! There’s something intriguing about “day in the life of” posts. ๐
So glad you joined this. Love getting a peak ????
Don’t know there are ??? After my sentence. I could have sworn I wrote one !
Your day sounds fantastic especially the time sleeping in the skull leisure onesie ๐ It sounds like every day is jam packed from the moment you awake until the moment you crash.
Ooooh…this was fun to read!
I LOVE day in the life posts! Everyone always thinks their days are boring (me included) but I find learning about other people’s routines fascinating! ๐
At the crack of dawn I have felines smacking me in the face with a paw. Half conscious, I reach up, scratch feline heads, then pull blankets over my head and fall back sleep. I am not a lark.
Always so much fun to see how other people spend their day!
My nightmares were waking me up at 4am for the past month or so (at which point I would fall back asleep again and wake up feeling groggy and SO TIRED around7:30am). But recently they’ve slowed down (as they do—always an ebb and flow!), and I’m waking up much more naturally around 6:30am.
Mr Science got me into the bad habit of pressing the SNOOZE button. I’m trying to get out of that habit because my day starts SO MUCH BETTER when I don’t hit snooze.
I would love tips on how to start waking earlier. I always plan to exercise after work and it isn’t happening.
I’m really glad my kids don’t get up until about 6:30 or 7 so I can get my run in beforehand without feeling like I’m torturing them and my husband! I also never set an alarm and the latest I wake up is usually 5:30. 4 is early but I understand the need for self care time ๐
my mom (and her two dachshunds) spent the day here at my house with me yesterday – she would laugh / whine “whaaaat noooow?” whenever my phone would ring / beep. she joked that I should write a timeline of my day (I think she is meaning like you have done here).
I just might have to… ๐
I love having a peek into things like this – and yours sounds anything but not “exciting”. spending the day with a loyal pup, focusing large parts of your day on Tornado – especially getting to walk to and from school, that is GOLD – is the best thing you can do.
I LOVE that picture of tornado. Seriously. That is the perfect representation of what I think of mornings. Love that you guys have time sans ANY technology like your walks. That’s what I do at night before bed. It’s the best time of the day!
I loved reading about your day! And YES 4am-ers! We are the best ๐ XOXO
I currently wake up at 4:40am and am working on slowly getting up earlier. My *hope* is to eventually get up by 4:15 to give myself about 15 minutes for meditating or a short yoga session. I love reading “day in the life” posts!
I am amazed there is room for the doodle AND the girl on that bed!
I shoot for at least 10k steps a day. On days I run AND walk, I get there with no problem, often 150% of my goal…. it is on non-running days, EVEN with a daily walk, that I struggle to get there. So, I love your idea of ONLY doing social media while standing. I swear, I might never be sitting again under that policy. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Carla I’m in awe that you can rise so early without an alarm. I do relish getting some much needed me time in the morning but my early rising takes multiple alarms! I’m glad you shared – I do enjoy reading about these posts.
I’m so loving all of these. I can’t decide if I’m nosey or if it’s camaraderie…
My days vary on whether i have to work and whether there is a crisis on that day.
This is fun. I too am amazed how my canine partners are so awake in the morning, then, as soon as the kids get off to school they’re down for the count til lunch. What a life!
Really enjoyed your day in the life. How fun! Great tip to move while doing social media. I want to try to get up earlier (currently 6 ish). I love all the doggy pics. So cute. And of course Tornado is a doll too.
HA HA! That is my reaction too! Why on earth would anyone care what I do in a day – and honestly it’s actually hard to do a day in the life of me because every day is SOOOOO different. But amazingly enough, people truly are! You make me wanna eat turkey sloppy joe’s!
Ah the doodle’s facial expressions are priceless! ๐ Like you I love my coffee, but I love the routine, the way it tastes, and the quiet and comfort I feel when I drink it early in the morning in peace and quiet.
stealing this –> I figure if I donโt wake I must need the sleep.
haha love it! I need to start telling myself this when I wake up!!
Our niece gets up a 5 am everyday!! And sometimes Madison wakes my early and Lori is like oh noโฆback to sleep little one ๐
I look forward to coffee talk with you one day wearing our pirate gear!
I used to get up at 4am for work but now I’m home and sleep in until 7 thinking what a treat! What nice pics and post. Thanks for sharing a day in your life!
LOTS going on!!!!! Love it!
I have a long day too BUT I do love the gym so not giving up that…. it does make for a long & tiring day though.
I stand for work now so that really helps!
GG Season 3 Episode 2 ๐
i love your 4am comments. Makes me want to get up and drink coffee with you before the tornado. Not in real life though… haha just via web. We stay comfy in our pj’s!
Please support this research
You guys that get up at 4am never cease to amaze me.
i’m so exhausted.. i just typed my whole comment in your email subscription box above. luckily i realized it before submitting and copied it.. pasting below..
ay ay ay.. what a day! you know how to fit a lot in! a few notes.. i love your tea canister, i love the word “frazzled”, i love your walk n tweet leggings. and, of course, your pup. and you! xo
Oh my gosh, what a wonderful day. Both your 2 legged and 4 legged offspring are adorable. I am inspired by your meditation pillow. I could use a blank sheet of paper in my mind…too often it is scribbling uncontrollably.